Define Your Meaning of War

By WhiskeyandSpeed

2.6K 50 9

Begins after the events of Thor: the dark world and continues on from there. Warning, tons of dark!loki ...Bu... More

A Challenge?
Keeping His Promise
Held Captive
A Lot of Bad Decisions
Eggshell Painted Walls


302 8 1
By WhiskeyandSpeed


It was not a surprise to anyone that Sif was caught by Loki, it didn't even look like he tried.

It tore at Sif's pride and ego but she had to let it go, there was many important things she had to think about now since she had been caught trying to escape when he made it very clear of the consequences for such an action.

He currently dragged her through the halls, a red bandana tied around her mouth so only muffled noises could be heard, but every time she did make one, she was punished with a harsh slap to her cheek. She wore a brown cloak as well so no one would recognize her while he led her the Gods know where.

He was mumbling indistinct words that she couldn't quite make out, she tried her hardest but her efforts were to no avail, she had hoped his muttering would give her clues as to what was going to happen now.

After several more minutes of painstaking silence, Sif was thrown roughly back into Loki's room. No dungeon, no chains, just his room which confused her that much more. But all of that confusion vanished the moment she laid her eyes on him. He was towering over her as he closed the door and locked it, a large smirk playing on his lips as he observed her fearful expression.

"What is it that frightens the 'warrior maiden' so?" His tone was filled with amusement as he took a step towards her, searching for a reaction of some sort. It mattered not what kind, just a reaction.

Sif jumped to her feet and pulled at the bandana and disguise to try and pry them off, deeming successful shortly after, the moment her eyes landed on his, she wished they hadn't. There was a visible change in them, the light blue changed to a multitude of different hues, almost indescribable and the amusement left to leave behind pure lust. Nothing but lust.

"When I ask you a question, dear Sif, I expect an answer.." He drew ever so close to her and she soon found herself taking cowardly steps backward instead of facing the monster of a man.

"Loki.. I am not a play thing and I do not wish to become one. Stay back before you do something you will undoubtably regret." She warned him with a hiss of a tone, like a cat warding off a hungry dog. But just like that analogy, it was not going to work.

"Is that so?" He paused a moment as if considering her statement. His true intentions had been revealed the moment he went after her and pushed her up against the wall forcefully, his face inches from hers. She struggled underneath him, searching for an escape but was held down with a considerable amount of strength. "Tell me, darling.. How could I regret this?" Loki leaned forward a bit more only to crane his neck to the side and press a hot, open mouthed kiss to the side of her neck, hitting the sensitive spot and eliciting a moan from her. A moan that immediately caused Sif to curse under her breath for giving him the pleasure for doing something as improper to her as that. She ripped her hands free and shoved him as hard as she could. Loki did not budge an inch, the only thing she had truly down was make his head bob for a second as he grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head.

"Loki! By the Gods! Get. Off. Of. Me!" She squirmed and did anything she could have possibly done to twist out of his grip but nothing seemed to work as he planted another opened mouth kiss to the same spot, biting down on the tender flesh. He then began to flick his tongue across it, soothing it in a way until he bit harder the next time in the exact same place.

Sif shut her eyes tightly and tried to drown out what was occurring by thinking of other things, things that had absolutely nothing to do with the man who stood with his body pressed against hers, nipping at her tender skin. As much as she hated to admit it, his actions pleased her so, she had to fight back a moan every time his tongue swirled across her skin.

He soon pulled away from her, still pressing himself up against her, his eyes that same lust filled color. After seeing she had closed her eyes, he peeled them open and stared into them for what seemed like eternity as he read practically every emotion she felt for him, he read her like a book.

He saw her lips part as they began to form words and took it as his opportunity to try something else on her to see just how she felt. He let go of her wrists and cupped the back of her head with his right hand, smirking at her all the while as he spotted a sliver of confusion in her eyes. He placed his other hand on the front of her hip, pressing her even harder into the wall.

Loki took in all of her feelings and emotions one last time before he pushed further. He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her passionately, letting all of his want spill out for her to taste as he slid his snake like tongue in her mouth.

Sif resisted at first but gave into his force. To her complete and utter horror, she enjoyed it as she kissed him back and let her tongue dance with his, her arms locking around his neck. They remained in the same position for several minutes and he slowly pulled away from her to catch his breath.

There was something different between the two of them after their confrontation. Loki's eyes returned almost to normal but had changed to a mixture between light blue and forest green, causing the warrioress to wander how the being's eye color could change so rapidly.

Loki watched her intently, observing every one of her emotions, her expression may have said nothing but her eyes certainly told the whole story. It took him nearly a second to see hatred, sorrow and regret flash in her brown eyes, something that only made him smirk knowing that he was the cause of her conflicted emotions.

He let go of her and made his way towards his door, opened it but didn't close it before he looked back at her, "I do hope you enjoyed your 'punishment', /my/ lady. Your new clothes are lying on the mattress." He pivoted once more and closed the door behind himself, leaving a confused and bewildered Sif in his wake.

When he was certain he was out of hearing range he began to mumble things so that only he could hear. He had broken one of his own rules and he knew it. He had a carefully made plan and he failed to follow it. He wasn't supposed to do any of that, at least not this early. Her smell, the fear in her eyes, her lips, it had been too much for him to handle and he had let his heart take over when what he was supposed to be using was his mind.


Sif was not only angered by Loki's actions but by her own as well, she swore at herself for giving him the satisfaction of what he did. It was most definitely not okay.

She reluctantly did as she was told though. She wanted nothing to do with the clothes he had picked out for her but yet she had to wear them, if he considered what he did a punishment, she did not want to experience another. She was sure it would be worse the second time around.

All she could smell was him, his musky scent filled her senses and sent them on overdrive. He smelled like a mixture between mint and a forest of pines, a very pleasant scent indeed. But not only could she still smell him, she could still taste him, it lingered in her mouth and did not seem to go away, no matter how hard she wished it did.

What he had picked out for her was flattering, almost too flattering and she did not like it one bit. Her new piece of attire was a black dress with a laced corset around the torso, it was neat and cleanly cut until it reached past her waist. Around that area the fabric was cut up and draping in several places, giving the appearance of being ripped up although she was certain it was /brand new/ and specifically made for her. It was a bit on the short side to her distaste, the exception being the clawed pieces of fabric that hung from it.


Several hours passed before that monster returned, the usual smirk upon his lips as he skimmed her up and down, taking in every defined detail of her body.

Sif shot him a warning glare as his eyes met hers again, her body language screaming bloody murder as if she planned on attacking him on the spot.

"I've decided that I will let you roam the corridors freely every day, from dawn till dusk but I will warn you, pet.. If you do as much as step one foot outside this palace, there will be dire consequences for not only you but for the people around you.. It matters not if they helped you or not, they shall receive the same punishment as you and I can promise you that the next one will not be as pleasurable as the last." He walked about the room, his gaze occasionally locking with hers in attempts to keep her on edge.

"How can you be so sure you will notice my absence the moment it begins?" She raised an eyebrow at him, glaring with as much confidence as she could possibly muster.

"Because, my dear Sif, the guards have been personally instructed by the 'AllFather' himself to make sure that the warrioress does not exceed the palace walls." He grinned at her, showing just how much this conversation pleased him. It seemed to entertain him dangerously so. "Oh! And do not try to receive help from anyone, including your warrior friends.. that will result in a tragedy I'm sure you have no wish to experience."

Her eyes widened as she inferred what he could of possibly meant, the very thought scared her into silence.

Loki strode over to the door and walked out, leaving it open for once as he walked on, not looking back. He could feel her eyes burning into his neck and did not dare say another word as he widened the distance between them.


Sif was hesitant at first as she took one step and then another out of his old room, her eyes darting wildly around the hall, searching for a sign of the trickster god but thankfully finding none.

She walked slowly, her heels clicking as she traveled down the dimly lit passage of complete hell. If she didn't know any better she'd say it looked like it hadn't been used in years.

The Asgardian sun was already close to setting and she knew she didn't have much time until she would be forced to return to Loki's chambers so she planned on using her time wisely.

She kept her eyes on the ground the entire time, head held low as she felt no reason to show pride or honor. Anyone in her current dilemma would relate, the exception being that no one had ever gone through something as strange and twisted as this, of that she was sure.

As she sped down the small and abandoned staircase she saw through one of the windows a large flash of light in the distance, causing her to turn her head completely to get a better view. She stopped altogether and walked over to the window, a hand resting on the sill.

Nothing could have prepared her for what she saw next. Out of the Bifrost came a blonde and muscly Thor, smile and all, obviously not aware of the state of the realm.

Sif had to make a split second decision. There would be no going back once she picked one of the two choices. She could one, continue walking through these halls and avoid as many people and servants as possible or two, run after him to try and get help before Loki got his hands on her and did what he had evidently promised he would for such an action.

After a quick glance behind her, she slipped off her heels, left them in the middle of the staircase and took off running, not daring to stop as the smell of mint and pine trees drowned all other scents in the corridor around her.

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