Running Blind

By Fave101

56.8K 1.6K 410

Jack Frost ran away from Asgard 220 years ago and ended up on earth. He has been blind from birth, but never... More

Running Blind
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Aren't You Cold?
Warm or Cold?

Chapter 16

1.6K 56 13
By Fave101


AN: Still looking for suggestions for one-shots! Thank you for reading, reviewing, favoriteing and following!

Jack didn't hear the growling wolf in time to get out of the way. It jumped knocking his staff out of his hand and pinning him to the ground. The wolf snarled and tried to bite Jack, but he had a firm hold on the wolf's muzzle. Jack tried to push the wolf away, but it was too heavy for him to push in his own. He could easily push him off if he unbalanced the wolf.

Jack brought his feet up pushing on the wolf's belly. It growled and snapped at his face. Jack pushed the wolf's head to one side along with his back end. The Wolf rolled off him and Jack stood up. "Wind, staff please!" Jack said nervously. The Wind grew strong and Jack's staff landed in his outstretched hand. The wolf's paw steps thundered towards him. Jack made shards of sharps ice and sent them flying at the wolf with the wind. The nightmare wolf whimpered and was gone with the wind.

Jack turned his attention to any new threats coming his way. A hissing sound caught his attention. Jack shivered. He hates snakes. Jack froze the ground where he heard the hissing. Ice spikes shot out of the ground skewering the horrid thing.

"Watch where you're freezing!" Captain America shouted.

"Sorry!" Jack yelled back. He tapped his staff on the ground sending echowaves out around him.

The Avengers were fighting in a circular formation, while The Guardians and Loki where spread out each fighting a different nightmare animal. Jack spotted Pitch standing at the edge of the small clearing they were in, watching the fight.

Jack jumped into the wind. It carried him at breakneck speed towards Pitch as his vision began to fade.

"Well looks li-." Pitch didn't finish his sentence. Jacks feet connected with his jaw.

"What's up Doc?" Jack laughed as Pitch picked himself off the ground. "I should start talking in quotes! That would be funny!"

"That would be horrible." Pitch grumbled.

"Would you say it's you worst nightmare?" Jack asked innocently. Nightmares charged at him. Their angry whinnies alerted him to their advance. Jack leaped into the herd landing on an angry mare's back. "Yeehaw!"

The horse tried to throw the winter spirit off. Her other herd members tried to help. They sprang at Jack trying to knock him off, but Jack would duck and dodge their attacks. The other mares would fly over Jacks head and crash into one another once they landed, turning back to nightmare sand. Jack laughed. He put his hand on the mare's neck freezing it solid. He leaped off and a mare smashed into where he had been sitting.

The remaining nightmares gathered in one spot. Jack rolled his eyes and smirked hearing there hooves stomping. He shot ice at them, but mid strike pain exploded just above his hip. Jack hissed. His hand move to find the hilt of a throwing knife. He froze the area around the knife enough that he wouldn't feel it when he removed the knife. Jack's fingers wrapped gently around the hilt trying not to move the knife any direction, but out. Jack slowly pulled the knife out, threw it on the ground and froze the hole over so no more blood could escape. He would have to get it treated properly later. Footsteps came towards him, Jack tensed for another fight. The slightest movement hurt, but Jack ignored the pain.

"Jack!" Loki shouted. Something in his brother's voice made him move. He jumped to the left, just avoiding a sharp object that whistled by his face. Jack winced and grabbed his side. His wound ached. "Are you okay?" Loki asked.

"Yes, just a scratch. Thanks for the warning." Jack said removing his hand.

"Your definition of 'just a scratch' and mine are very different." Loki said. "Let me see."

"No its okay, I took care of it for now." Jack said grabbing his side.

"Okay Jack. I trust you." Loki said.

"Where is everyone?" Jack asked. He couldn't hear anyone fighting close by. The forest was silent.

"We are spread out. Pitch broke the Avengers away from each other, the Guardians where already separated." Loki explained.

"What about Pitch?" Jack asked.

"I haven't seen him."

"Jack! Loki!" Thor shouted. He didn't sound very far away. Thor must have landed close by and overheard them talking.

"Over here!" Jack yelled. Thor's heavy crunching steps stomped towards them. Jack could swear that his older brother was stepping on every twig in the forest.

AN: Thor's POV

Thor spotted Jack and Loki through the forest. They were staring at him, or at least Loki was. Jack looked straight past him into the dark forest.

"They're getting weaker." Thor stated stepping out of the trees.

"We need to change our strategy. Fighting alone doesn't work; we need to fight together." Jack said his face thoughtful.

"Most definitely." Loki said scratching his chin. "But first we need to find everyone."

"I can find the flyers, you find the groudies." Thor said. Jack and Loki nodded and Thor took to the air. He zoomed around looking for any sign of the Sandman, Tooth Fairy and Ironman.

Thor spotted golden sand out of the corner of his eye. He flew over to the golden man. Sandy's whips flew into a shiver of sharks. (Yes that's what a group of sharks is called)

"Man of sand! We need your help!" Thor shouted. Sandy paused, a question mark forming over his head. "Jack says we need to stick together."

The sandman nodded. He formed a missile out of golden sand and sent it at the sharks. Sandy floated towards him slowly as the missile exploded in the background. 'Wouldn't want to get on his bad side.' Thor thought.

AN: Loki's POV

Loki and Jack leaped through the trees. They had already found Captain America and Bunny. Jacks head snapped to the side and Bunny's big ears flicked in the same direction.

"Hawkeye and Black Widow are that way." Jack said pointing to the left.

"How can you tell?" Steve asked.

"I can hear them." Jack said. The group followed Jack through the woods. The closer they got the easy it was for them to hear the hisses of pain and annoyance that were not human.

Loki spotted Hawkeye in a tree pulling the string back on his bow and aiming for the dark shape of a panther. Black widow was fighting hand to claw with the panthers on the ground. One jumped at her claws extended, but was hit with a deadly arrow. She didn't even notice. Natasha kicked another cat in the jaw. It stumbled backwards into two others with such force it disintegrated.

Captain America threw his shield across the clearing hitting off trees, and panthers and flew safely back into his hand. Bunny's boomerangs flew around the edge of the small clearing killing unsuspecting nightmare panthers. Meanwhile Jack was hopping around the trees freezing the ones he heard. Loki would never understand his blind brother's deadly aim.

Something big and green fell from the sky and smashed into the center of the clearing, landing on an unsuspecting panther. The hulk sat down waiting for the panthers to get close enough to hit and smashed them with his big green fist. The cats weren't smart enough to come at him from different angles.

"Bad kitty." Hawkeye muttered as he shot the last panther.

"Now we need to just find North." Bunny said. Everyone walked over to where the rabbit stood.

"Any ideas where he could be?" Clint asked.

"He doesn't have his sleigh, so he can't fly." Bunny said scratching an ear. Loki noticed Jack staring blackly into the forest. Seconds later North smashed through a shrub, swords raise in anticipation for a fight.

"I'm here!" He yelled. Then he looked around realizing there was no threat. "I missed them didn't I?"

"Yep." Jack said floating upside down for no reason.

"You know you upside down right?" Bunny asked. Jack nodded.

"Okay then, where is – never mind, there they are." Loki said looking to the sky. Thor, Tooth, Sandy and Tony had just spotted them and landed.

Tony leaned over to Clint. "Jack knows he's upside down, right?"

Clint nodded looking to Jack who was still upside down. Suddenly he turned right side up. "Are we just going to wait for him to attack again?" Jack asked.

AN: Jacks POV. Whoops almost started writing in first person!

"I hate waiting." Tony muttered.

Thunder rumbled over head. "That's not you doing that, is it?" Loki asked looking up at the darkening clouds. Thor shook his head.

"It's not me and it's not natural either." The thunder god said.

"The last time we fought Pitch, there was a storm." Tooth said fluttering nervously around.

"Brilliant observation, little fairy." Pitch hissed. Jack heard Tooth's tiny hand slam into The Nightmare King's nose. He winced at the crack.

"That's Miss. Little Fairy, to you!" Tooth snapped, shaking her hand. Pitch's nightmares stomped at the ground angrily, awaiting their master's command.

"Down to just nightmares now? You should turn yourself in and spare the fighting." Loki suggested.

"I don't think so!" Pitch growled. The nightmares whinnied in agreement. Pitch sounded like he was about to say something witty, but Tony didn't give him the chance. Iron man fired all his blasters at the nightmare king. Pitch ducked and weaved. His nightmares stomped to their master's aid. Jack jumped in between the herd and Pitch. He swiped his staff, sending spikes of ice rising through the ground. Not giving the mares a chance to regroup before striking again, this time from above with snowballs. Each snow ball, enlaced with shards of ice, hit its target dead on.

The remaining mares where in a panic and tried to run, but where struck by Bunny's boomerangs, Steve's shield, Clint's arrows and Jack's ice snowballs. The spirit of winter turned and faced Pitch.

"You will never get rid of me!" Pitch hissed. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Unfortunately." Jack sighed and shook his head. Pitch backed away. Jack froze the ground around the nightmare kings feet and before Pitch could move the ice slithered up to his knees. Pitch tried to smash the ice. "What did you do to Jamie?!" Jack growled, stepping forward threateningly.

"A spell." Pitch said, still pulling on the ice. "It should wear off in a few hours."

"What do you mean 'should?'" Bunny growled.

"It will." Pitch corrected himself. Jack could feel the heat of the sun on his skin. The sunlight would weaken Pitch even further.

"It better." Jack hissed.

"If it doesn't, I could easily break it." Loki said. The shadows grew long and covered Pitch. Before any of the Avengers or Guardians could move The Nightmare King was gone.

"Where did he go?!" Tony shouted.

"He's gone." Bunny said, putting his boomerangs away. The Guardians relaxed while the Avengers where still tense. "He won't be back for a while."

"At least a year or two, hopefully." North said. "Time to go."

"Wait you just leaving? Like that?" Banner asked, back to normal. Jack nodded.

"Will you visit?" Natasha asked.

"Awww. You've grown attached." Tony cooed. "Ow!" He yelped. Natasha could punch hard.

"Yeah, we will visit." Bunny said. A portal opened close by and North's reindeer stomped through.

"Come on, Jaime will be waiting and we need to get that stab wound cleaned up." North said. Jack nodded and followed North and Bunny to the sleigh. Sandy and Tooth flew off to do their jobs.

"You better visit or I will have to track you down for that race." Tony joked. Jack smirked. "Oh and don't forget Banner wants to test how much cold you can withstand."

"Don't make your mother track you down either." Clint laughed. The winter spirit nodded. North cracked the reins and the sleigh rocked forward. Jack waved as they took off into the sky.

~~~~~ Time Skip! ~~~~~

Once they were back at the pole North pulled Jack straight to the infirmary to properly care for his wound. As soon as the yetis were sure that the knife hadn't hit anything vital and finished stitching him up Jack flew out of the room. He found Bunny explaining how the globe of belief worked to Jamie. The boy caught sight of Jack and ran over.

"Jack! Are you okay? North said you were hurt!" Jamie said worriedly.

"I'm okay, Jamie. I heal fast." Jack said. "Can you see again?"

"Yes!" Jamie said jumping up and down. "Can you?"

Jack shook his head.

"But Bunny said the spell was broken." Jamie whispered.

"I never had a spell cast on me." Jack said. "I've always been blind, but it doesn't bother me."

"Then why do you hide it?" Jamie asked.

"I don't." Jack laughed. "To be honest I forget."

"How could you forget?" Jack shrugged.

"I just do. Come on. We better get you home before your mom notice you are gone." Jack said. He bent down so Jamie could climb on his back. North had already taken the other Burgess kids home, but knew Jack would want to talk to Jamie first. North had also given Jamie a heavy winter coat.

"Ready?" Jack asked as soon as Jamie wrapped his arms around his neck.


AN: Just realized I forgot that the Avengers don't know Jack's blind, so there will be one more chapter. Also going to do some one shots including Tony and Jack's race, Banner testing jack, colors also a few childhood memories. This has to be one of the longest chapters yet!

Edit:  errors corrections

Hey guys, I have a Ko-Fi! If you like my writing and would like to support me, I'd love a coffee! Link in my profile or just find Fave101 on Ko-Fi explore tab.

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