Unexpecting Love A Kion/Fuli...

De FulitheFastest124

80.3K 787 1.2K

Fuli continuously has dreams about Kion. She soon realizes her dreams mean something, but she doesn't underst... Mais

Chapter 1: The Dreams
Chapter 2: I'm Going Crazy
Part 3: Sudden Feelings
Chapter 4: The Argument
Chapter 5: I Love You
Chapter 7: Stay With Me
Chapter 8: Darkness Within
Chapter 9: Jealousy
Chapter 10: The Kiss
Chapter 11: Nightmares and Forgiveness
Chapter 12: Bunga's Downfall
Chapter 13: Evil Awaits (last chapter)

Chapter 6: Love and Broken Hearts

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De FulitheFastest124

"Dad! I need to talk to you for a minute!" Exclaimed Kion as he was running towards his dad.

"Okay, son what is it?" Asked Simba curiously, furrowing an eyebrow.

"Well... look it's a long story, but you see I-"

"I've got time." Said Simba interrupting his son's sentence.

"Oh well okay, you see dad me and Fuli have been really close and we love each other dad I've known her even before the lion guard, and we're just meant to be I just know it she's the most sweetest, charming, cheetah in the whole pridelands I love her." Said Kion smiling as he was thinking about Fuli.

"Kion, you're saying to me you are in love with Fuli?" Asked Simba a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Well, yeah..... in fact I've always have, I just never showed it... but she kinda helped me figure that out." Replied Kion, giving his father a cute, yet innocent smile.

"Kion...." Said Simba indecisively looking at the ground then back at his son.

"Please dad! I promise I'll protect her, I'll keep her safe I'll love her please dad we love each other!" Pleaded Kion. He then gave his father a persuasive look.
(Btw this pic is so adorable I love this pic of him!)

"Well, I suppose if that's what your heart desires... go after her Kion." Said Simba giving his son a faint smile, but deep down inside he was worried about him.

"Oh thank you so much dad!" Said Kion happily as he ran in to hug his father.

Simba then watched his son run off towards the guard. He sighed. "Oh, young love, it's taken over him, my son's growing up." Said Simba       
slightly sad, but for the most part, pleased. 

Kion then ran back to Fuli giving back the exciting news.

"Fuli! Fuli! guess what!" Yipped Kion jumping with joy.

"What? did everything go okay Kion?" Asked Fuli confused of what her lion friend had to say.

"More than okay! Fuli, he said we can be together!" Squealed Kion smiling widely at her.

"Wait, really!?" Questioned Fuli surprised.

"Yes!" Replied Kion  still full with excitement.

"Oh... that's great! I'm so happy Kion!" Exclaimed Fuli.

Kion ran in to nuzzle her and gave her a lick on the muzzle. Fuli nuzzled him back. The two smiled at each other. Kion was blushing as red as his mane.

"Hahahaha..... you're blushing Fuli." Kion laughed nervously.

"What are you talking about Kion? I don't blush." Lied Fuli.

"You're just denying it." Kion laughed shaking his head.

"Fine..... maybe I was okay? But you were too... I mean you were blushing as bright as that mane up there!" Fuli giggled, patting her paw on top of the tuft of red on top of his head.

"Okay well we both were then." He smirked.

Now Kion and Fuli knew they had to break the news somehow to the rest of the guard, but what would they do?

"But Kion, what about Beshte, and Bunga, and Ono? how will we tell them?" Asked Fuli her eyes growing with worry.

"Don't worry, leave that to me we can tell them there's nothing to be scared about." Replied Kion brushing Fuli's side with his paw affectionately.

"But, can't we just keep at a secret? I mean I don't think I'm ready to tell them yet...." Said Fuli with doubt.

"Fuli, it'll be fine I promise we don't need to hide it from them, that'll only make things worse besides, they're our best friends." Reassured Kion their paws were now touching.

"Well fine.... but uh Kion what are you doing?" Asked Fuli, glancing down to see his paw grasping hers.

Kion looked up at her with a smirk and Fuli immediately knew what he was thinking. He then replied meeting her gaze.

"What do you think? I thought you didn't mind." Replied Kion still smirking at her, glancing at their paws and then back at her.

"W- well I don't I t- think it's cute." Stuttered Fuli. She didn't really know how to act around him, she was just overwhelmed by the love that was in the air. She could imagine sparks flying between them.

It's not like she didn't like when he was was touching her paw, it felt like electricity that had shot up in her veins.

"Haha, Fuli you're so cute." Said Kion walking up closer to her.

"K- Kion stop it please." Declared Fuli she backed up suprised by his intentions.

She was caught off guard, Kion was being well, way too affectionate..

Maybe a lot more than she could handle.

"Or what? are you a scaredy cat Fuli?" Joked Kion he stepped closer to her leaving Fuli enclosed. He had her cornered.

Fuli couldn't help but blush she was getting butterflies, it had only been a day since her and Kion got together and yet he was already being too close to her. But she couldn't help that every move he made, was romantically attractive to her. She loved how he could get her fluttery in just a minute.
But wait.... why was she feeling like this? Since when did she ever feel that way? Especially about her best friend? This friendship had took a turn, after 3 whole years the lion before her had finally come to realize his feelings, aswell as Fuli. But she didn't care, all she wanted was Kion to herself, and she had him. Nothing could ruin this moment... not now.

All of the sudden, Beshte, Bunga, and Ono appeared out of nowhere and shocked them.

"Hey guys!" Exclaimed Bunga hopping over to them.

"Ugh, what now?" Complained Kion he then backed away from her to face his friends. Fuli then sat next to Kion leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Okay, guys well me and Fuli have to tell you something." Said Kion waiting for his friends to sit down.

"What is it Kion?" Asked Beshte.

"Well... it took me awhile to figure it out but, I love Fuli and we love each other....." Said Kion.

"Wait a second you like Fuli? Asked Bunga hopping up running side to side beside Kion.

"Haha, yes Bunga I do." Replied Kion glancing at Fuli licking her head then turning back to them.

"Wow, poa that's awesome you guys congratulations!" Exclaimed Beshte.

"Well it's about time." Said Ono rolling his eyes playfully at them.

"What do you mean Ono?" Asked Kion raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I mean we all knew ya'll would be together eventually." Said Ono telling them about how they've acted towards each other.

"YES I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" Exclaimed Bunga hopping up and down excitedly.

"Well, it's not my fault, he is attractive..." Said Fuli giving Kion a wink.

"And she is amazing." Said Kion looking at her smiling while intertwining his tail with hers.

"Aw you guys are so adorable!" Exclaimed Beshte hugging the both of them.

They then all heard a loud noise out in the distance Kion got alerted, and his ears perked up.

"Ono, go take a look!" Commanded Kion.

"Afformitave." Ono said. Ono was searching around until he came upon a bunch of hyenas, that were fighting in the outlands.

"Hapana, Kion there's a whole bunch of hyenas in the outlands, and seems like they're fighting!" Exclaimed Ono while flying back to him.

"Oh no, Jasiri! she's in trouble we have to help her Lion Guard let's go! Fuli, as for you I want you to stay here you need to be safe okay?" Said Kion looking her seriously in her eyes.

"But Kion, you need me! we need to work together, I can't just stay here!" Exclaimed Fuli wearily.

"I know, it's just you know I love you, and I need to protect you it's my duty we can take it from here, please stay." Said Kion running in to nuzzle her under her chin.

"Ugh, fine but next time you're letting me go with you!" Said Fuli irritably.

"Of course my queen!" Said Kion sarcastically.

"Yeah yeah, just go save Jasiri she really needs your help!" Said Fuli, rolling her eyes at his sarcasm.

"Okay, we'll be back soon don't worry, I love you." Said Kion as he licked her muzzle.

Fuli purred.

"Alright Lion Guard, let's go save Jasiri!" Exclaimed Kion as he and the guard ran towards the outlands.


"Janja just leave! you know better than to cross my turf!" Exclaimed Jasiri angrily, snarling at Janja.

"Well, I don't think so you're not getting away this time Jasiri, The Lion Guard ruined my plan and now I'm mad! I'm gonna make you suffer!" Said Janja evily.

"Why are you always blaming me for your problems!?" Hissed Jasiri, she was getting angry.

"Because, you're the only one that I can get as for right now, however... I could use you for my plan...." Said Janja as he smirked widely thinking of his plan.

"No, I would never!" Yelled Jasiri.

"Well if you won't help me, then I'm just gonna have to make you." Said Janja his smirk growing wider scaring Jasiri in every way. He cornered her.

"NOT SO FAST JANJA!" Shouted Kion as he and the Lion Guard arrived stopping Janja in his tracks.

"OH great, now the lion guard here to stop me again?" Said Janja angrily.

"YOUR'E RIGHT JANJA, NOW STEP AWAY FROM HER!" Exclaimed Kion jumping in front of his friends, his paw out ready to strike.

"Or what? you gonna use the roar again?" Said Janja sarcastically smiling.

"Janja, we both know I don't need the roar to stop you." Said Kion glaring at him.

"Well looks to me, what are ya gonna do? I see the fastest in the pridelands isn't here with you today.. I wonder where she went?" Said Janja laughing hysterically making Kion even angrier.

"Fuli, is in the pridelands where it's safe I'm protecting her!" Said Kion as he thought about Fuli his eyes fluttery.

"Oh wait AHAHA you telling me you have a girlfriend now? wow what a surprise!" Said Janja laughing.

"As a matter of fact, I do and I know where you're going!" Said Kion viciously.

He then roared at Janja and he flew away. He ran up to Jasiri worried.

"Jasiri are you okay?" Asked Kion worryingly.

"Yes I am, thanks to you and the Lion Guard." Replied Jasiri smiling showing her gratitude towards him.

"Well anytime, it's what we do." Said Kion smiling back.


Fuli lay there flat on her back in the grass, her eyes with boredom.

Kion isn't even back yet. Fuli thought in her head, I sure hope he's okay.

Fuli then decided to head to the outlands even though she wasn't supposed to, she couldn't help but have a bad feeling in her gut that something was wrong. She cared about Kion more than anything,and would do just about anything for him. After that last incident, she was always on her paws. She ran off towards the outlands and saw Jasiri and Kion  smiling into each other's eyes.

Fuli's heart shattered, all that love, and care she felt for Kion had suddenly vanished. She was heartbroken and was torn to pieces. She realized she was too late, she ran away from the outlands her eyes tearing up she couldn't believe that he had already moved on from her, to Jasiri.

"Well, me and the guard should probably head back to the pridelands now, nice saving you Jasiri haha, see you around!" Said Kion happily as he returned to his friends and ran towards the pridelands.

Fuli thought to herself again. Why Kion? Does he love her??  Would Kion really cheat on me? NO Fuli what are you thinking!? He loves YOU. But wait... I love him, and he loves me right? questioned Fuli over and over in her head. She ran up towards pride rock and hid herself in the cave. She fell asleep on the hard floor, crying.

What will Fuli do?

Is Kion cheating on her?

Will she forgive him?

Find out in chapter 7 coming soon....

Hey guys! hope you enjoyed this chapter of my fanfic! Yes I know I said this would be out by at least Thursday, but school has really been a pain and left me behind a lot. So I decided to finish this part today I hope you all love and yep Fuli and Kion are together now yay!! You really think I'd let Simba say no? uh of course not! Anyways, gave y'all a cliff hanger😊😉 Stay tuned for the next chapter! Love you all💜💜💜😁

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