Chapter 9: Jealousy

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It was storming in the pride lands. Rain began pouring down onto the ground that Kion ran on. He ran away from his friends, he ran towards the migration fields sitting down solemnly gazing at  the gray sky. Rain droplets dapped his fur.

The rest of the Lion Guard ran after him their bodies rather soaked from the rain.

"Uh Kion, are you okay?" Asked Bunga taking a small step towards him.

But Kion wasn't facing them, his back was towards them.

Kion replied temptingly, "No, guys I- I used the roar in anger.. and I lost control... I didn't mean to..." Said Kion still not facing them the rain poured down harder.

"It's not your fault Kion, you were just angry, everybody gets angry sometimes, it's normal." Said Beshte, trying to get him to lighten up.

"I know Beshte, but this time I was really angry... I could've put your lives in danger.." Said Kion, Beshte's comment didn't seem to help him.

"Guys, let me talk to him I can handle this." Fuli requested eyeing her friends seriously.

The guard then left, leaving Fuli and Kion alone.

"Kion, look please don't be mad at yourself, we all make mistakes it's not your fault okay?" Said Fuli softly.

But Kion didn't answer her, his back was still towards her.

"Kion, look at me please." Said Fuli soothingly.

Kion heard her soothing voice and turned to face her.

"Look, Kion I don't care what you did or anything, I'm just glad that you're safe that's all that matters to me." Said Fuli calmly, smiling lightly, making him smile back.

The rain stopped, and the sun began to appear from behind the clouds

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The rain stopped, and the sun began to appear from behind the clouds.

"Thanks Fuli, really for always being there for me, I love you." Said Kion licking her muzzle.

"Ha, yeah.. you're it!" Said Fuli hitting his shoulder with her paw.

"Oh, IT'S ON!" Said Kion running after her trying to keep up with her pace.

"You can't catch me!" Exclaimed Fuli running at full speed leaving Kion panting while chasing after her.

A cloud of dust then was left behind and Kion came to a halt when he could barely see.

"ARGH, FULI!" Said Kion complaining.

The dust then cleared and he could finally see. But, Fuli already disappeared and he knew he had to find her now.

"Fuli... I know you're here just come out!" He yelled into a bush, but she wasn't there.

"Hmm, not there..... okay Fuli you won now can you please come out?" Asked Kion politely searching in every bush, for her.

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