Living among the Dead

By DemonicPiano

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Chapter 1: Party Time!
Chapter 2: Where's Diane?
Chapter 3: The Beginning
Chapter 4: There she goes...
Chapter 5: My friend is a zombie!
Chapter 6: Testing...
Chapter 7: Strange Girls
Chapter 8: More tests to Run...
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: Clash
Chapter 12: Surprise!
Chapter 13: Our Unfortunate Fate
Chapter 14: Voyage
Chapter 15: All Aboard the ladder of Surprise!
Chapter 16: Newcomers
Chapter 17: Greed
Chapter 18: Traitor
Chapter 19: Questionable Plans
Chapter 20: An Interuptted Journey

Chapter 9: Meaghan

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By DemonicPiano

“Where’s Jenny?” I spoke aloud, my foot tapping against the round table I was seated at. Food court. Food court. Food court. I read the black and white sign for the fifty-seventh time.

Bored, I stood up, and headed near the Laboratory. She should be in there….Two girls walked by me when I passed the Professor’s room. They both looked remarkable familiar….

“Trinity!” I exploded and squeezed her; a friendly hug.

“Ouch!” she hissed and rubbed her arm, which was covered with shirt.

“Oh, my apologizes, but I’m Meaghan, remember?” I smiled broadly.

“Hi Meg, this is my sister.” She spoke dully.                                                       

“Yeah! I recall. Hi Hope.”

“Hello,” she murmured back, but grinned. At least she is in a good mood. That’s when I noticed something from Trin.

“Did you catch any sleep lately?” I stared at the bags under her eyes.

“Uh…not really,” she replied quickly, her voice cracking. She turned around, “We have to talk to your leader man.”

“The professor, you’re speaking of,” I nodded, “Yep. See ya.” I waved.

“There isn’t time to waste,” she whispered, and her sister followed, obviously confused.

“Wow. They are sure strange,” I mumbled to myself, and caught myself flicking my hair behind me. I started to roam around, searching for Jenny. Was she around this corner? No, what about this one? Huh. I even checked the lab and the bathroom where I relieved myself.

Just when I was going to give up a half hour later, something in the main hallway caught my eye. I turned the corner, and almost squashed Jennifer.

“Well, well, well.” I rolled my eyes. She was out cold. I tried pulling her up, but something wet was next to her. “Ugh, really?” I accidently dipped my fingers in it too. EW. At least it wasn’t acid or anything. It’s probably those medicine mixers thingies, something way out of my field of scavenging. I grabbed her left arm to attempt to host her up again.

I can’t drag her like this across the base! I went to scratch my eye when my hand appeared to be painted in blood. “What the-” I stepped back. There was hardly any blood on the carpet, but….I lifted up her arm. “Oh,” I bit my lip when I spotted a messy crescent-like mark on her wrist; a bite. Once bitten, always infected.

Oh how fantastic. I have to kill my zombie friend. My eyes tingled and my throat thickened. No time to cry, I thought to myself, there’s a zombie in our presence. I stood up, stretched, and headed to the hallway of my prof’s room.

“Stop it! Stay away Trinity!” a small voice sounded around the bend. I turned, and, oh go. I should’ve known.

“Arg!” I face palmed myself, “Now why do I have to be so stupid?” Trinity was crouched down, approaching her cornered sister.

“Forgive me,” I muttered to Hope, and she shakily tilted her head in question. I reached into the pocket of my beige bag I always carry. “Trinity!” I tightened my jaw.

She flicked her head at me. Yep. She’s already tasted blood. “Come at me,” I waved my arms to attract her more. She spun her body around, and like all zombies, came dragging towards me.

I whipped out my pistol from my pocket and boom! She fell to her knees. I shot her again, Hope jumping each time. I looked up from the undead (or should I say now dead!) person’s sister. I took a step to her.

“Look, I’m sorry. She was my friend, but I did what I had to do,” I slipped my gun back into its place.

“I know,” her voice quivered, “I thank you for saving my life,” she started to sob. The sadness reached me too. “It’s j-just that she was al-all I had left!” Tears ran down her cheeks as she ran off.

“I guess we’re alike in that way, then,” I nodded and slid out my machete and headed to the main hallway. 

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