Chapter 13: Our Unfortunate Fate

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“What?!” we three shouted at the same time.

“She cold hearted and unforgiving!” Meaghan pleaded.

“Ridiculous,” I sputtered.

“Working with those two freaks,” Lucinda scoffed and folded her arms together.

“You three are my best surviving pupils! You will deploy this medicine and get through this TOGETHER. If I find out if any of you go off on your own or kill another, I will hunt you down and feed you to the dogs! In addition, that’s that! Am I making myself clear?” The Professor looked at us in a dominant way in the eye. 

“Yes sir,” we said unwillingly together. I obeyed due to the fact is it weren’t for him, I’d be dead a few years back.

“Pack your things,” he wiped his baldhead, “it’s going to be a hard trip going to Montreal, and you’ll need a lot of rations. That’s where the CDC is placed.”

“Wait, did you say Montreal?” Lucy squinted.

“Ew, isn’t Canada, like, cold?” Meaghan shuddered.

“It’s June, Meg,” I whispered.


“Yes, the people up there have technology that can clone the medicine. You should get packed now,” he rumbled.  I rose to my feet, as did the two other girls. We all went to our rooms quietly.

As I entered mine, two small over-the-shoulder bags were on my bed. I started to rummage through it. Bullets, dry food, water, a toothbrush, toilet paper, a flashlight, earplugs, clothes, a compass, watch, batteries, and a few other trinkets were inside. I zipped the bags up, and pulled them over my head. I gathered my miniature crowbar, a trench spike I’ve been waiting to use and my AK 47 with rounds and put those on.

It was mandatory to practice carrying your life on your back for cases like this. When I reached the main doors, Meaghan was there already, with her face looking cold as stone. I stood there, not sure what to do.

“We’re going to die,” Meg whispered.

“No we are not,” I shook my head. “We made it this far…”

“So did Trinity and she died just a few hours earlier.”

I glanced at my healing bite wound. “That’s because we are careful.”

“That doesn’t matter. First Diane went, then she ripped apart Kate, then bite Sabrina and Vicky outside. Then god knows how Trinity was bit. Next it’s either me or you.”

“That doesn’t mean anything, Meg. It may be just coincidence.”

She just shook her head. I was supposed to be the paranoid one. That’s when Lucinda walked up and stopped a few feet from us both.

“What are we doing?” she looked up.

“We don’t know, but apparently going on a death trip.” Meaghan said. Lucy just rolled her hazel eyes. The Professor came strolling out into the hallway. It was uncommon to see him out and about.

“I don’t know why you girls are carrying so many weapons. You’re trying to save the world, not kill it.”

“There’s billions of dead or infected people in the world. We only gave medicine for twenty.” Lucinda’s brows fused together.

“If you have to, then do it. They are innocent people,” he bit his lip, “It’s a long journey to Quebec. Only one of you might come back.” That statement made Meaghan’s eyes widen. “Make me proud girls,” his voice broke up as he waddled back to his office. It was quiet for a few moments.

“Let’s get this over with,” Lucy tightened her strap of her bag, and pushed open the doors. Meg and I followed, not knowing what was planned for us.

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