a million years and a thousan...

By iminxyou

3.4K 178 124

Geno is supposed to steal something from the vampire kingdom for ink.. bad idea.. More

And you would of thought i was crazy part: 1
And you would of thought i was crazy part: 2
And you would of thought i was crazy part:4
And you would of thought i was crazy part: 5
tagged+updates on whats going on
discontinued/new story

And you would of thought i was crazy part: 3

562 31 28
By iminxyou

O boiii am I late with this part

Hahaha AAA a



Enjoy I guess

Also don't play the music until stated to
Of course unless your a rebel or something idc it won't really change much on how you veiw things most likely


Inks POV

It had been only four days since Geno seemingly left and things went downhill after wards FAST

It seemed things weren't going to get better anytime soon either

"cross DID WHAT!?!!?" Ink allowed his bone fingers to dig deeply into the table that he was standing in front of as he glared ... Not particularly at outer who just happened to be sitting in front of him but it must of seemed that way to him because the skeleton flinched at inks sudden outburst, even letting out a soft quiet almost fearful whine.the action making ink automatically regret the way he had lashed out suddenly..

But he couldn't help it, he was so stressed Lately and the littlest things were now triggering him.. Though this was nothing little

His last hope


Had betrayed him

There I go again scaring everyone off like I did to Geno...

Ink dug his fingers into the wood of the table deeper giving it absolutely no mercy at all, it was a bad habit he honestly had formed up ever since Geno's disappearance and.. Now crosses

the only difference was they knew exactly where cross had went

With the werewolf's

Those awful.. Disgusting creatures

Had been part of the reason I even considered having Geno to go back to vampire territory...

i should had explained how messed up everything had gotten..

Maybe then he would of understood..

And not run off.

Then cross wouldn't had reason to betray us either...

Everything would had been fine if I hadn't said those horrible words ..


The words echoed in his head screaming.. taunting

BURNING the image of geno coming to tears and storming off haunting him

It was awful

And to think he even Tried to insist geno would be fine and told those who wanted to search for him not to bother

I'm awful..I m almost tempted to humor my own words and walk to the vampire king himself and ask if he would take ME in as a damn blood bank as punishment for even remotely thinking that somehow those words were OK

Despite what he thought ink already knew he couldn't do that.. He had the fate of all monster kind in his hands and though he wasn't the ruler for human kind too he knew if he left it would badly effect them as well since they connected their kingdoms into one great one with four rulers.

Having four rulers also made it harder for those who wished to claim the land to do so. After all even if just one survived the land will belong to those respected rulers and their blood line. However just up and leaving didnt make things any easier

And on top of that so far there was only one official monster ruler...


Dream was going to become the second official ruler finally after years of debate and trials but he had suddenly just.. Vanished
he believed it was nightmares doing but without much evidence or proof he could only hope to try and pin point dreams sudden disappearance to his brother who had sadly also gone bad like cross did


Ink looked up to outer who was looking extremely worried for his well being. He was about to ask about it until he realized..

Apparently Ink hadn't even notice he literally dug a rather large hole into the poor table that honestly didn't do anything wrong to deserve the abuse it was getting until he felt a strong burning sensation ...

....It kinda stung. And when he tried to continue anyways his phalanges seemed to scream out in pain and agony begging him to stop.

He ignored it however for a bit before he couldn't bare the pain anymore so instead he allowed them to rest against the cloth of his scarf around his neck as he held onto it gently trying to get some form of comfort out of it

"Sorry.. Just.. Thinking .. A-anyways.."

Ink couldn't bring himself to finish his words, even if he could because he didn't even know what to say.. WHAT WAS THERE TO SAY? Cross had betrayed him and nobody was willing to risk their life's especially when so many already fell victim to...


Inks pinpricks dilated as he felt tears weld up.

Each and everytime someone ended up hurt.. Injured.. Dying.. Or even just straight up leaving it was because of him..
Now he had nobody who was willing or brave enough to help..

He was stuck..

Don't worry ink just..

Its fine.. You could just ask for help from a human.. Besides.. Humans are physically more stronger than monsters.. Mentally too.. Perhaps

The more logical part of him seemed to argue with him the voice screaming in his head

And kill them off too?


"ink please"
Ink let out a yelp of surprise and jumped a bit as he felt outer place a hand on his shoulder now right beside him and giving him a soft gentle look of understanding it managing to calm him down a bit.

Was he so absorbed in his own thoughts that he didn't notice him move?

"Dont give up hope just because of a few set backs, I know you can do it, we will get dream back don't you worry"

That is if he is still even alive...

Ink looked up at outer's expression of determination, he actually believed in him.. After all that happened it was strange to see such little few words push motivation and drive onto him.

Ink was speechless not even having the slightest idea what to say anymore
All he could do was try and ignore the throbbing pain that screamed out at him thanks to him thinking it would been a good idea to become a carver.

"we need you ink... There's nobody else who can pull this off"

"It has to be you"

Ink looked down at the table which had papers and other stuff of the sort scattered about on its surface. without saying a word he sits down in the chair in front of him, letting out a sigh of relief as he relaxed in the chair.

It felt like ages since he had actually sat down, and even when he would attempt to he always ended up standing up again and pacing around the room.

But now was not time to relax even though he honestly really needed it.
No, he was now starting to form a plan in his head, thanks to outer he was able to pull himself together- why hasn't he talk to him sooner?

He pulls a empty page from one of the large stacks of paper nearby and pulls out his pen which was finely tucked within the folds of his scarf which wrapped around his neck securely.

Thankfully nobody had bothered trying to take the scarf from him otherwise they would see the tons of notes littered on the inside of the scarf along with a few pens.. And by a few he meant a lot..

Ink pushes the pen against the paper but doesn't start to write, his finger was still hurting so writing would be a hard task.that didnt matter to the skeleton however,he needed to get this done.

"Outer im going to need you to help me with something"

The other smiled instantly sitting in the chair next to him.

"Just tell me what you need me to do and I'll do it for you!"

Ink couldn't help but smile back, his friend's smile being quite contagious.
It felt so good.. Its like a little bit of the weight placed on his shoulders had been lifted just like that.

"Alright, pack your things we are going to go on a few trips since nobody will do it for us we shall do it ourselfs" as he spoke ink began to write on the paper clenching his teeth in an attempt to numb the pain in his fingers.

Outer gave ink a puzzled look but nodded standing from the chair he had just sat down in.

"wait before you go!" Ink called out effectively stopping outer from walking off.

"Here, please deliver this to sci for me its important you get it to him and don't show anyone else" Ink held out a fancy envelope, folding up the paper he had written on and placing it in it carefully before sealing it and holding it out for outer to take.

Outer gladly took said envelope and gave a final nod before walking out the door presumably on his way to deliver the envelope and get his things together.

As the door shut waves of sadness crashed down onto ink suddenly though he struggled to continue smiling.

The grin on his face grew wider as tears built up in his eye sockets

I'm sorry Geno.. I was an awful friend to you... I just hope your OK wherever you might be.. And if you turn out to be somehow dead... I sware I'll avenge you if I get the privilege find out who did it

Ink turns to look at a photo that was kept neatly in a golden frame specks of ink stained on it.
The photo had everyone there in it
That he considered close to him

And even Geno...

All of them together there smiling happily

(play music here

"outer stop pffh- get over here and take the picture with us!" Outer was doing an imitation of naptablook posing and completely blocking the camera
As he does this nightmare groans in annoyance as dream giggles at outer's silly behavior

Of course the monster who was holding the camera was obviously tired of carrying the camera and waiting for the skeletons to stop with their shananagins as they tapped their furry paw against the ground impatiently

"Alright alright!" Outer winked at ink star candy appearing and falling to the ground before rushing over and hugging ink, face squished against his and arms around his waist

"hey ink?"

Ink looked down at the skeleton who was attached at his hip. "Yea?"

"I think you spilled something"

Ink frowned looking at his friend with a puzzled look "wha-"

"Because now I'm all-"

Before the skeleton could finish his sentence geno quickly pulled him off of ink and covered up his mouth.

"Wait I wanted to know was he going to say geno" ink frowned crossing his arms, he found it pretty rude for him to have interrupted​ outer when he was possibly trying to tell him of something important

Geno flinched slightly almost as if the thought of it disturbed him.. Probably did.
"yeaaa trust me you probably don-"

Nightmare seemed to have been tired of waiting too because he finally spoke up sounding quite annoyed
"He was going to say he got wet now come on hurry up and- "

Ink looked to outer again now worried "oh jeeZ did one of my ink pens burst or something?"

everyone suddenly grew quiet as all eyes were on ink

The skeleton dared himself to as his words came out coated in pure confusion"...what..?"

Laughter rang out though the group of friends EVEN nightmare who never seemed to smile much was chuckling a bit

"Whats so funny??!?" Ink was beyond confused looking to all of his friends for an explanation but not getting one since they were all too busy trying to fill their nonexistent lungs with air. At first he felt a bit upset he was the only one that didn't fully have a grasp of the situation and what happened but soon he found himself laughing as well despite the fact he didn't entirely understand what was going on

" I-i can't breath" outer who was laughing the hardest besides geno letting go of ink and allowing himself to lean on his friend's shoulder instead unable to support himself on his own anymore from how hard he was laughing

"Your a skeleton I'm pretty sure you'll be fine" nightmare said gruffly as he was now done laughing and back to being his same old grumpy self.

"Its not my fault ink somehow managed to take away my breath"
Ink rolled his eyes shaking his head as he smiled trying his best to hide it from outer, geno however seemed to have noticed and calmed down enough to finally add in his own comment

"oh just kiss already you two haha" Geno stuck his tounge out teasingly at the two of them as sans and science nudged the others closer to each other so everyone could be in the shot

"oh shush geno-"
Ink turns to face the camera in hopes the others will copy and do the same
"Now let's get this over with"

"PHOTO BOMB!!" love sans ran out from out of nowhere and jumped into the shot just as the impatient dog took the photo

Love then turned to look at dream his pinpricks forming the shape of stars
And face blown up with excitement
..oh boy


Everyone chuckled their attention now on the the smaller skeleton who didn't even bother to wait for dreams response before continuing


everyone now had a shocked look on their faces

"R-reAlly?" Dream cupped his hands over his mouth Tears gathering in his eyes

"Nightmare did you hear that?!?! I might become one of the rulers- if that happens w-we.. we can finally put our plans into action!"

Dream held nightmare's hands in his smiling brightly, his brother however in contrast didn't look as happy but tried to hide it by giving a small smile
"I'm.. So glad for you... Congratulations brother"

Dream seemed to buy his fake happiness as his smile grew brighter, pulling his sibling into a hug

"This is the best day ever!"

Everyone had began congratulating dream...Even dogrissa who up until now been in quite a bad mood
Had began smiling and clapping a bit
Showing their respect and praise to dream.

"Thank you guys I really appreciate this-- but its not over yet so let's hold off all celebration for when I actually get the part"

A few nods of agreement were given as everyone spaced out again

"Welp I better head back before I get fired" sans gave his classic little chuckle before giving a wave and walking off.

Geno soon went off to his own set of work too even though he obviously didn't want to go as his job was hard and didn't even give much breaks science following after the considered half dead friend.

Evening quickly became night as the remainder of the friends hung out until it became too dark.

Farewells were said and given

Hugs and promises to see each other another time thrown out

ink was now alone in the darkness staring up at the sky

Tommorow he would officially become head for all monster kind

Everything was working out for all of them, once ink got his new position how could give them better jobs and have it so they weren't working as much..

They could spend much more time together

Having fun and relaxing times like this..

If only he hasn't been so brutally wrong when he thought everything would of been ok from then on

They talked less and less

They became more and more progressively busy with their own set of work

Nobody's schedules ever fitted

They stopped hanging out as often..




Ink grew lonely.... But covered it all up
Taking a sort of "medicine" that would help him with his.. Emotions

Every month of taking said proscribed medication turned to weeks

And Weeks turned to days


He could say he dug himself quite a deep hole for himself as he required the medication every hour to keep him


But he was far from it

Its sad really

The mixed colors forming a rainbow within his medicine bottle

It did nothing for him


He still was lonely and wanted to escape

But that was futile

"There is black...

There Is white ....

But no in between

This worlds cruel god thought setting that would bring MERCY onto us

But all it ever did was bring suffering and misery

If only there was a world were gray existed"

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