Dinosaur King: Out of time an...

By Mauselet

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Two years after their biggest adventure ended they have to face even worse enemies, fight their fears and fri... More

Chapter 1 I won't cry anymore
Chapter 2 I don't have a choice
Chapter 3 Reunion
Chapter 4 The true enemy
Chapter 5 Soul summoning
Chapter 6 Gotta go fast
Chapter 7 Rex's choice
Chapter 8 Crystal move
Chapter 9 The place where they belong
Chapter 10 I... Remember
Chapter 11 Screw the rules
Chapter 12 Separated
Chapter 13 I just need some time
Chapter 14 Who is in control?
Chapter 15 First date
Chapter 16 The heart in flames
Chapter 17 Dying for you
Chapter 18 Dream on
Chapter 19 Dying flower
Chapter 20 Bel Moon
Chapter 22 Unforgettable past
Chapter 23 An old friend
Chapter 24 Alpha comes back
Chapter 25 Journey to end
Chapter 26 Save them
Chapter 27 Hand in hand forever
Chapter 28 Epilogue

Chapter 21 Way to find the lost one

152 5 0
By Mauselet

Wadas' house

"Come on, come on. Wada, Ogata..." she kept on saying as she was pressing the doorbell.

Ema opened the door. "Is Sue home?" Alice standing outside with Bel and Tashi asked. "Um... Hi? Another hopeless try?" Ema wondered. "It isn't hopeless," Bel objected. "You don't even know her," Ema snapped, "I just don't want my cousin to find a dead body of her best friend."

"It's your choice to believe that or not. Just tell us where Sue is," Alice said. "I don't want you to waste your time, but I owe it to you for leaving you in the art club all alone. She's at the lake," Ema replied. "Thank you, Ema."

"No problem. Just keep my cousin out of trouble."


At the lake

A brunette with glasses was sitting near to lake with her Daspletosaurus. Candles and flower were at the coast, they were from Ema and the others that lost the hope.

"Is this really hopeless?"

Her Daspletosaurus Annie turned around and ran into Bel's arms, she, Alice, and Tashi arrived. "Sue!"

Sue looked at them. "Anything new?" she wondered. "W-well, Alice has something," Bel answered. "Really?" Alice nodded. "I'm sure it can be dangerous, but we have to do that. We need others." "Oh hell no. I doubt cousin will help us," Sue growled.

"Don't worry, I know what to do."


September 15th, North School, Art club

Everyone from the North School met up in the art club, others from the South School were contacted by Justin. Everyone, but Max, Rex, and Reese.

"So, what do you want, guys?" Niki asked and turned to Sue. "Don't look at me," she snapped, "this was Alice's idea." "Y-yeah... She hasn't really said anything to us," Bel said. Everyone looked at Alice. "Welp, sis? Tell us."

"Wh-what?! I-I... I can't talk... No... No, no, no!" Alice was so pale, sweating and almost fainted. "No need to worry, sister," Justin said, "let me handle this. It is about Zoe."

"What did I expect?" Ema sighed and left. "Screw you too, cousin..." "No wonder she is tired of this, it was 4 months," Kenji said, "sorry, guys, but it seems useless." He was gone as well. "I agree," Kyra spoke up, "but Ree and Ally believe and that gives me hope."

"And what is it all about?" Sabi wondered. "Sister had her crystal stored in her mind and she can see future, present, and past in her dreams. She has seen her," Justin explained.

"That's nonsense," Sabi admitted, "you didn't give me a good reason for this. Sorry." "Looks like Ema was right," Andy said. They both left.

"Welp, the hell you guys think?" Sue asked with fire in her eyes. Others looked at each other. "Before you say anything, you need to know it isn't useless," Alice said, "Zoe is still alive." "Yeah," Kyra added, "I'm not sure how it works, but when Ree looked at Zo's crystal she was sure she is alive. If it'll make Ree happy I'll do it."

There was a silence for a few minutes.

"We'll do it," Cole replied. "I don't want to agree with him," Cruz said, "but si." "Alice, where have you seen her?" Dengyo wondered. "At the lake, she didn't have her scarf, so it has to be after the incident. Then I saw some kind of wormhole, I don't know what that was..."

"What the hell did you see, sis?" Nicolas wondered with his mouth wide opened.

Justin took his laptop and showed them something. It was that colorful tunnel. "This is a simulation of what sister described to me," Justin explained. "So, what is that supposed to be?" Niki asked.

"Time warp..." Dark whispered. "How do you know?" Justin wondered. "I..." "She and Drack went through to bring Rex here," Dengyo explained. "Si, Zepar is able to open it," Cruz added. "That would make sense," Sue said, "I guess..." "Well, what are you talking about?" Niki wondered. "Zepar can open... the way to travel in time and... Asu saw that 'portal'... It... obviously means... Zoe's been sent through," Dark told them. Niki nodded to let her know she understood. "I still don't get it," Kyra said. "Kyra, the only thing you will get is the grass stone plate from Reese," Justin said.


"I have been looking at the lab's researches and-" "And by looking he means he stole them," Nicolas interrupted his younger brother. "Thank you, Nicolas... There was something about the original time machine," Justin said, "it used the stone plates. Seven original stone plates. I am sure if we will use them at the lake something may happen." "Why the hell lake?" Sue wondered.

"It was the last place where we saw Zoe," Cole replied. "And the place where Rex appeared that night," Cruz added.

"W-wait... T-time machine...? A-are you joking...?" came out of Bel's mouth. "Well, after getting through a lot of weird stuff, I am still surprised too," Niki admitted.

"We'll meet up at the lake after an hour," Alice said, "Sue, will you bring Ema's plate with you?" "I'll try." "I'll do the same thing with Kid's and dude's," Cole said.


The lake, an hour later

They all were there with the original stone plates.

"So, are you sure it'll work?" Niki nervously asked. "It has to," Sue growled. "The problem is that it won't probably work without the whole time machine," Justin said. "And you're telling us now?" Nicolas wondered. "Chicos... I... I'm sure it will work... I feel here... some energy... Like the stones..." "Dark? You're kinder creeping me out," Bel admitted.

"Just put the plates around Alice's," Cruz said. Alice with her dinosaur in her jacket took her stone. "Wait!" Kyra yelled, "what if something happens... Ally, you shouldn't hold it." "Kyra, what can happen?" Cole laughed.

"Hey!" Everyone turned around. A brunette with his yellow Triceratops and blonde with his blue Carnotaurus ran to them, Max, Chomp, Rex, Ace. "What are they doing here?" Dengyo wondered. "Rex?"

"Cole, why did you stole our stone plates?" Max asked his brother. "You know, Kid..." No one of them was sure about telling them about their plans. Only one person spoke up, Sue: "We're savin' Zoe! Somethin' you two already gave up!"

"That's a lie!" Rex snapped, "we were looking for her all the time! Days, nights, every time we could." Sue shut up, she was shocked. They both spent all their time searching for her. And what did she do for her best friend?

"Sue? You alright?" Bel whispered. Sue looked at her. "Don't worry... We'll... We'll find her..." Dark joined. "Y-yeah..."

"I promise, I'll help you anytime you'll need it," Sue remembered Zoe's words.

"Hey, are we going to just stand here or really help her?" Sue asked. "And what are you going to do?" Max wondered.

"It won't work," Rex said when they explained their plan, "you can't do that without a time machine." "Anything is possible when you believe," Dark and Cruz said unison. "Let us at least try," Justin said. "Those stone plates are powerful enough for this," Dengyo assured them.

"So, will you just try it?" Niki asked. Max and Rex nodded. "Wait! I still think it can be dangerous," Kyra said, her voice was shaking a little bit.

"I'll take it," Bel said. "Are you sure?" Rex asked. Bel smiled. "If she wants to she'll have it. I don't have the patience for this, I have to agree with Ice Queen," Nicolas snapped, "are we going to do something?"

Alice slowly gave the middle plate to Bel. She felt bad about that. Others gave the six original stones, water, fire, wind, grass, earth, lightning, around.

Nothing happened.

"Oh, C'mon!" Sue shouted.

Then a portal opened behind Alice and Tashi. It was absorbing the wind. "It worked!" Niki cheered.

"Yeah, but how it works...?" Alice murmured, she came closer. She and Tashi fell in. "Ally!" Kyra screamed. Max and Rex took Alice's hands. Tashi was tightly holding Alice's jacket. The boys tried to pull her back, but they couldn't. Even Ace helped, he grabbed the edge of Rex's pants and pulled them. The portal took two boys and the Carnotaurus too. Others tried to reach for them, but when Bel dropped the stone plates when she tried to help them, the stones separated from each other when they hit the ground and the portal shut.


"So, they're..."

"Ally! No!" Kyra sobbed, she covered her mouth. She was crying. She fell into Cruz's arms.

Bel and Sue picked up the stone plates and put them back together.

Nothing happened... They waited 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour. Nothing happened.

Everyone was still watching the place in surprise.

Cole felt a pain in his leg, he looked down, Chomp was biting him. He stayed there with them. "We've gotta get them back..."

"We let them..."

"We... have to do something..." Dark said. "You are right," Justin agreed, "but we need help." "Who the hell can help us with this?" Sue asked.

Justin grabbed his chin, he was shaking, closing his eyes.

"Justin! This isn't time for this," Bel snapped. "So... Wait, he is thinking," Niki said. "Let him think," Nicolas joined, "he's maybe annoying with this, but his idea can help."

Justin opened his eyes with a determined look Alice usually has, taking the lead role: "Let others know what happened. We can not do it without them. We must go to D-lab."


D-lab, sometime later

"You did what?!" others asked after they explained them. "That's impossible," Sabi said. "Who's stupidest idea was that?" Ema murmured and glared at her cousin.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it failed. So what?!" Nicolas snapped.

Reese and Paris entered the room. "How is possible that portal opened?" she asked and sat down on her chair. "That's kinda why we came to you, Ree," Kyra replied.

"Zepar..." Dark whispered, "I'm... I'm sure Zepar opened it... But she needed the stone plates..." "If I didn't drop the stones we could have saved them," Bel said looking to the ground. "Don't worry about it," Cruz said putting his hand on her shoulder. "We need to figure out how to open it again," Justin said. "And where the hell did they end up," Sue added.

"We can't track them," Reese said, "since none of them has their communicator or anything we'll be able to contact them." "But we have to!" Kyra yelled.

"If you listened to us you would not be in this trouble," Kenji snapped. "It was the only way," Dengyo replied. "But you sent them into the totally different era, Shiraki!" Andy growled.

"And now you care about that?" Sue shouted, "you Andy, cousin, Sabi, and Kenji totally didn't care when Akuno did this to Zoe! Now you care?! Now, when we caused it?! Aren't friends supposed to help each other anytime?!"


"Isn't this what D-team is about?!" she wondered, "helping those we love? Even it means destroying everything... Max, Rex, and Zoe are able to do anything for us and their families and now it's our turn."

"Si... They need us, we can't just stand here..." Dark added.

Then the stone plates in Bel's hands started to shine. "What the...?"

"Save them..." came from the stones, Bel screamed a little bit, "she can't win when you'll be together..." "What are you?" Dengyo asked. "It doesn't matter... I will guide you to your destiny..." "I know this voice," Reese said, she heard it two years ago just for a few minutes, but she recognized it.

"Do you know where my brother and his friends are?" Cole with Chomp on his head and Mitch on his shoulder asked. "Yes, I do..." she answered. "Can you take us there?" Justin wondered.

"Go to the lake with the stone plates... I'll take care of the rest..."

Her voice became silence and the light from the plates disappeared. "What do you think?" Cruz asked the others.

Ema, looking away from everyone, was closing her eyes tightly.

"Fine!" she shouted, "I'll go." "Me too," Kenji joined. Andy and Sabi nodded.

"Can we believe her?" Nicolas wondered. "Well, Nick has a point," Niki admitted. But their partners had a different opinion, both Ria and Stegi seemed to believe her. Even other dinosaurs and Karo agreed.

"Whoever it was, she seems to know more than us," Sabi said. "Agree. I just have a weird feeling." "Everything will be alright, Hermano," Dark assured Cruz, "she isn't bad."

"Welp, let's go," Sue said, heading out, but then...

"Wait," Reese stopped her, "you can't go as a big group."

"Why not?"

"Someone shouldn't go there," she said turning her head to Kyra.

"And you need some backup if anything happened," she finished explaining.

"But who should stay here?" Kyra wondered. Everyone turned to her. "Fine, fine..."

"Bel, Damita, Kenji, you three will stay too," Cruz said. "Hey! I wanna go!" Kenji snapped at him. "Forget it, brother," Dengyo said, "Sue, you too." "Why?" Sue wondered.

"I am staying as well," Justin added. "Nicole, it can be dangerous," Nicolas murmured, "don't go with us." "Nick...?" Niki kinda blushed seeing he cares about her. "I'll be here with you," Cruz said.

"Shall we go?" Cole asked. "Will you make sure Ally will be okay?" "Kyra, if I'm good at something it's getting my twin from troubles," Nicolas assured his oldest sister.

"I don't think it's the best idea letting them go," Sue said. "Cousin, we can do it," Ema told, "I'll bring your best friend back." "Now you believe?" Ema just smiled.

Nicolas, Ema, Sabi, Andy, Dengyo, and Cole left the lab.

"Good luck," Reese whispered.

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