Twice Upon a Time

Autorstwa JennyWrein

21.2K 366 65

McKinnley Jacobs has been through the ringer and back in life, the love of her life is gone and she is to rai... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Six

2.2K 56 7
Autorstwa JennyWrein

Mckinnley sat straight up in the bed like a jack in the box, sweat pouring off her body as she tried to regain regular breathing pattern and slow down her heart rate. Turning the lamp on the night stand on in hopes to keep away the nightmare at bay. Her chest rose and fell rapidly while clutching at her t-shirt. Once she was able to get her heart to calm and breathing to a normal level, she just sat in bed with her legs curled up and her arms wrapped around them.

Hour later Mckinnley couldn't stand to be in the bed any longer, sleep wasn't going to come anytime soon. It was dark outside still but the sun would be up at any moment. Mckinnley decided to take another early morning ride on Jasper, that always seemed to help when she was stressed.

After putting on blue jeans, red tank top, and her boots she headed quietly down the stairs. Coming upon the large red barn doors it looked as if someone already opened them. Confusion shown on Mckinnley's face, she distinctively remembered Chase locking the barn door last night. Hesitantly she walked into the barn and wished she had a weapon of some sort to use in case it was a burglar.

Quietly walking towards the back of the barn where Jasper was held in his stall. Mckinnley would constantly look over her shoulder and peered in each stall as she passed by. When she came upon Jasper's stall he was already fitted for a ride. Now, Mckinnley thought she could possibly have dreamed of the kiss and even the ride on Jasper. Her brows knitted together trying to replay her day out in her head.

A large hand touched her shoulder making Mckinnley jump and swing her arm out wide. Her hand came in contact with someones face, with a deep and gruffly "Owe"

When she turned around to see her apparent attacker, Chase was holding the side of his face. He was wearing a dark blue lightweight zip up jacket, grey undershirt with jeans and cowboy boots. Mckinnley immediately felt horrible about hitting him, but then started to snicker at his expression.

"Damn remind me never to sneek up on you anymore, that's one hell of a punch you got there." Chase stated as he rubbed his jaw a red mark already coming visible.

"I'm so sorry but you should have coughed or whistled or something"

"Well I'll definitely remember that for next time" they stood there for a few brief moments just looking at each other. Mckinnley broke the intense stare by looking towards Jasper.

"I thought you might be out here early again so I went a head and saddled Jasper for you." Chase stated as he leaned his body against the stall. Mckinnley pondered why he was up this early anyways but just thought it was a nice gesture and just go with the flow.

"Thank you, I had planned on going for another ride. I can't sleep so I thought I'd go for a relaxing ride." Mckinnley replied as she watched Jasper chewing on feed. Chase turned to walk away knowing that she probably wanted her space like she did before. Mckinnley turned before Chase left the barn.

"Hey would you like to go on a ride with me, it would be nice to have some company. That is if your not busy or something?" Mckinnley questioned. Internally Chase was smiling he had hoped she would've asked.

"No...I mean yeah" Chase replied and Mckinnley looked at him with one brow raise in wonderment. Chase cleared his throat "I mean no I'm not doing anything and yes I would like to go on a ride with you." Mckinnley smile was breathtaking, she had the most gorgeous smile Chase had ever seen. Chase quickly saddled up Martin the black stallion, and both were headed out into the field.

As they rode along the open field the nightly animals were starting to quite down for their own bed time as the morning birds began to chirp. Silence fell upon Chase and Mckinnley as they enjoyed the surrounding beauty. Mckinnley broke the silence.

"So how long have you been working for my grandma?"

"For about six years. I've loved every moment, your grandma is the best boss." As soon as those words slipped from his lips he realized how corny it sounded.

"Good way to suck up to the boss's granddaughter" Mckinnley laughed making Chase's face turn blood red from embarrassment.

"Yeah, that really did sound cheesy. But I do enjoy working here, plus your grandma is a pistol. She reminds me of my grandma when she was living."

"Oh sorry to hear about your grandma"

"It's ok she lived a long life" Mckinnley nodded as they strolled over the rolling hills. Moments later they spotted a eagle flying overhead. Both came to a stop as they watched the bird fly, soring in the air and swooping low. Mckinnley pulled Jasper over to a clearing next to the riverbed, the same place where she had her breakdown the morning before.

Mckinnley got off her horse and walked up to the river's edge, watching the crisp water flow over the rocks swirling around fallen logs.

They stood there for a while just listening to nature and the rush of the water. Mckinnley favorite past time was to look for unique shaped river rocks, every once in a while she would find a arrow shaped or a silloete of a face.

She bent down picking up random stones and looking them over, one happened to catch her eye. As she pulled it out of the water she smiled, it was in the shape of a heart. Mckinnley stood up and turned to Chase to show him what she found. Chase came up beside her their hands only mere inches apart, a slight breeze blew by. Even though it was still quite warm for being early in the morning and felt comfortable in her tank top, a strange cold chill came over Mckinnley's body.

She instinctively began to rub her arms for warmth, wondering where this cold chill came from. Chase noticed she was chilled and began to take his jacket off and handed it to Mckinnley. She wrapped herself in the warm jacket and loved the soft lining. The scent of Chase was woven throughout the fabric, when Chase turned to look at the horses Mckinnley bent her head down to take a secret deep inhale of his scent to memory. It was laced with a musky cologne and earth Mckinnley closed her eyes and she tried to decipher all the scents.

When she opened her eyes she seen Chase staring at her and a soft smile on his face. He took Mckinnley's hand in his, his thumb stroking the top of her hand. She walked over to him slowly closing the distance as she rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. Mckinnley felt as if she was almost at complete peace, Chase had a calming way about him that made all of her fears and anxiety wipe away.

"I wanted to thank you again for saddling Jasper for me, how did you know that I might ride him again this morning?"

"Well I couldn't sleep myself so I walked around for awhile and noticed a light on that the big house. I assumed it was yours since you were up before the rooster crows. So I just went ahead and saddled Jasper up." Chase explained not wanting to tell her that the reason he couldn't sleep was that she was on his mind. He couldn't wait to see her again, he heart ached to be without her.

Mckinnley lent up on her toes and kissed Chase softly on the lips. His arm swooped behind her and brought her crashing in to his body as he kissed her again with more feeling. Her hands went up to weave her fingers in this blond hair the stone still firmly in her hand. He walked her back till her back rested against the tree. Chase broke the kiss and his warm lips kissed down her neck, leaving trail of heated skin. She had to remind herself to breathe a small hiss of breath left her lips as Chase smiled into her skin.

A pool of desire began to gather as Mckinnley ran her hands on Chases chest. Chase looked into Mckinnley's emerald eyes which shown pure need but also a hint of reserve, he knew deep down she wasn't ready to take it to the next level and he wasn't going to push her. Before it went any further Chase reluctantly pulled away not before placing a sweet kiss on the tip of Mckinnley's nose.

"June said that you were going into town, if it's alright with you I have to get some things for the ranch I can take you if you like?" Chase promted in hopes that he could spend time with her and Ashlyn. June already explained that she would not be able to make it that she wasn't feeling up to going into town but that he should.

"Yeah that's fine as long as you don't mind a five year old and their millions of questions" Mckinnley laughed.

"I actually love kids and Ashlyn is a sweet girl."

The sun was cresting over the mountain tops as rays of sun began to light up the field. Both mounted their horse and began to head back to the barn. Mckinnley got a mischievous look in her eye.

"Race ya back to the barn, ready one.. two,,," before Mckinnley counted to three she took off like a shot, Jasper in a full out run.

"Hey wait, you don't play fair" Chase yelled as he flicked the reins and raced towards Mckinnley, who was way ahead.

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