Culinaria L'amore

By Infatuated

10.1M 216K 27K

About a boy and a girl whose love for each other far exceeds their love for food. More

Culinaria L'amore Prologue*
Culinaria L'amore Chapter One*
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Two*
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Three*
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Four*
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Five*
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Six*
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Seven
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Eight
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Nine
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Ten
Interview With Kirsten Gabrielle Bellini/ Garrett Robert Bianchi
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Eleven
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twelve
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirteen
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Fourteen
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Fifteen
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Sixteen
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Seventeen
Culiniaria L'amore Chapter Eighteen
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Nineteen
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-One
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Two
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Three
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Four
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Five
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Six
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Seven
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Nine
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-One
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Two
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Three
Kirsten's Birthday Party Writing Contest!
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Four
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Five
Interview With Harrison Opel/ Alonzo & Angela
Culinaria L'amre Chapter Thirty-Six
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Seven
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Eight
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Thirty-Nine
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty-Four
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty-One
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty-Two
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty-Three
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty-Five
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty-Six
Culinaria L'amore Chapter Forty-Seven
Culinaria L'amore Epilogue
Culinaria L'amore Extra

Culinaria L'amore Chapter Twenty-Eight

157K 3.3K 358
By Infatuated

Please Read!

So the first half of this chapter will be the coffee date between Harrison and Kirsten which occured a few weeks before the present. Originally, I hadn't thought of putting this into the story but then I realized that it would be vital to the plot. This is supposed to occur after Garrett and Kirsten first kiss in the soup kitchen, a couple days to be exact.

Do Not Skip This Chapter All Together! The last half will be the present time so if you don't want to be confused, just keep on reading until about page 2ish.

VOTE VOTE VOTE! I appreciate alllll of your support!

<3 Infatuated


(Harrison/Kirsten Date)

I hesitated outside of the cozy looking coffee shop, checking the address to make sure that I was in the right place. Sucking in a deep breath, and coughing a little as the cold, night wind stun my throat, I straightened myself up and opened the door, enjoying the numerous smells floating towards me and the sound of bells ringing.

Looking around, I didn't spot Harrison at any tables so I went up to the order counter and asked for a large vanilla latte and a lemon scone, trying to call my nerves down in the process. I had actually talked to Garrett about my and Harrison's casual date during the ride from the Mariam Soup Kitchen and although he seemed fine with my friendly meeting with an old high school friend, I didn't want Harrison to interpret my intentions in the wrong way.

Also, as silly as it sounded, I had hoped for at least a bit of jealousy to come into Garrett's voice at the mention of a rendezvous with another guy. It made me wonder if he really cared enough.

Snagging a table next to the window revealing a darkening sky and several stars, I relaxed into the comfy seats, taking off my hat and scarf, and folding it onto the corner of the table. Grabbing my latte and scone from the barista's hand, I settled down and waited for Harrison to appear.

After a couple of minutes, I took out my phone and checked my unread text messages. Noticing one from an unfamiliar number, I opened it and smiled when I read what was written.

'Hey Kirsten. Have fun! I miss you :) ~Garrett'

I smiled at the message, feeling warm from his words. Hitting the reply button, I was so into writing something nice back that when someone tapped on the glass of the window, I jerked up in surprise, looking to my right to see a smiling red-nosed Harrison outside, waving.

Waving back, I tucked my phone back into my back pocket, taking a small sip of my scalding hot vanilla latte.

"Hey Kirsten. Funny seeing you here." Harrison said with a big grin on his face, discarding his black leather jacket onto the back of the chair across from me.

"I know, right? What a coincidence." I replied, letting some sarcasm come into my voice.

"Don't be cheeky, it's an unattractive quality." He teased, shooting me another smile before placing his order at the counter. After he got his hot chocolate, he slumped into the seat, looking blissfully happy with his drink.

"So, what's up?" I asked, swirling my latte around and looking down at my lemon scone awkwardly.

"Nothing much really. Thought it would be fun to meet up with an old acquaintance." Harrison muttered with a casual shrug.

"So where do you go to school now?" I asked curiously, looking at him, trying not to notice his slightly appealing, good looks.

"I attend Denver University. Working on a major in business with an emphasis on sports."

I raised an eyebrow, impressed that he sounded so determined. "Well, why aren't you at school right now?"

Harrison grimaced, "my classes usually start at five in the. Morning and the last one ends around four so I have time to work." He looked at my worried and guilty face before chuckling a bit, "don't worry, it's my day off."

"Do you still play tennis? You were really good. Last time I checked, your speed for the first serve is still the state record.

His face immediately clouded over as he ran a hand through his hair. "Actually, I haven't been playing since may."

Calculating the months that had passed, I realized that he hadn't played in nearly half a year. "What happened?" I asked, giving him a concerned look, "you were so passionate about your matches."

Sighing, he took a long swig of his hot chocolate before answering. "Um, car accident. It tore some tendons in my right elbow so I was out for a couple months. Now I'm just trying to survive and pay off the medical bills so I don't have time to really hit around."

Harrison didn't seem like the type to want sympathy so I just said, "bummer. I was hoping to learn how to play from you."

His grin returned immediately as he stared down at me. "It's a date. Just name the time and place."

I gulped at the use of his word 'date'. "Um, yeah, totally. And then I can teach you how to not burn water."

Groaning, he gave me a pathetic look. "I cannot believe you still remember that incident from sophomore year. I swear, it was an accident. Seriously, I didn't mean to turn the wrong stovetop on. I actually am a pretty decent cook. My Ramen tastes delicious."

I winced at his comment, gently punching him in the shoulder. "You are such a bachelor. Are your socks everywhere in your apartment and dirty dishes are in your sink permanently?"

"Well, I don't have dishes to clean since I eat straight from the ramen bowl but no there are no dirty socks. Just an malnourished, pretty attractive guy that could be looking for company." He muttered, giving me a wink. Immediately, I thought of Garrett's flirting, which seemed so similar to Harrison's, and I gulped nervously again.

"Well someone's not conceited." I muttered wryly, trying to hide my nerves.

Harrison laughed, then sobered up quickly. "So um Kirsten. Do you want to do this again some time?"

"Listen Harrison..." I began, looking guiltily at my crumbling scone.

His sigh interrupted me. "Boyfriend?"

"Actually, sort of."

"Sort of? What guy would just 'sort of' be your boyfriend?"

Seeing the look on my face, he muttered, "sorry. He must be a really great guy for you to like in that way. Lucky bastard. Friends?"

I smiled weakly, taking his hand and shaking it. "Friends."

"So now it's time for me to cross examine you since you did the same with me. Where are you going to school?"

"The Bianchi Culinary Institute."

Harrison whistled, looking very impressed. "You weren't kidding when you said that you could cook. Damn, you must be really good in order to get into that school. Read once that it was the top institute in the nation. Crazy. Can I have your autograph?"

I laughed as he extended a napkin towards me. "It's not that big of a deal. Really."

"Sure, whatever. If you say so. Next question. How's your family doing? Your mom was always so nice."

"My mom's fine. Um, my dad passed away two months ago."

His face immediately fell, giving me a comforting pat to the hand. "I'm sorry for your loss. It must be really hard for you."

Shrugging, I gave Harrison a weak smile. "It's alright, I'm getting better."

"That's good. My tennis coach died of a heart attack right after I got into my car accident so I guess I can sort of understand."

We were silent for a couple minutes, each of us thinking about our own losses until I muttered, "I'll go on another friendly gathering with you just as friends."

It had either been pity or sincerity that made me give my offer but immediately, Harrison brightened up, shooting me a gorgeous smile. "It's a deal."

"So do you plan on staying in Colorado?" Harrison asked, continuing our conversation as if nothing had happened.

I sighed, twisting my purity ring around my finger. "I want to, to support my mom and the restaurant, but at the same time it would be fun to explore the world. Who knows though? I'll just have to see."

"Do you remember Mira Winters? She was in my grade."

"Yep I remember her." The iciness in my voice caused Harrison to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Well she's apparently getting famous in New York though I don't know how. I still remember when she was flat chested and had a mouthful of braces. If only I had taken a picture. It would of been good blackmail material."

"She could work at Hooters now." I muttered, chewing slowly. "Her boobs definitely touch the wall before her nose."

Harrison laughed. "Did you know that boob implants explode in planes?"

"No way."

"Hell yeah. It's really cool actually."

I gave him a withering looking and he cracked up again.

"I can't believe we're talking about this." I mumbled.

Looking at me intently, Harrison muttered, "well let's talk about something else? Can I have your number?"

"For friendly purposes?" I asked warily, the memory of Jackson stalking me over the phone making me want to squirm.

He looked at me seriously. "Of course. Why would I use it for any purpose other than to talk to you?"

When I gave him another look, Harrison shook his head, chuckling loudly. "You're so fun to tease Kirsten. It's cute. But seriously, if you ever want to talk or need someone to talk to, I'll always be free to chat with you. Always."

After we exchanged number, Harrison got up and slipped on his jacket, giving me an apologetic grin. "I have to go now. I'm going to go reopen my tennis memebership."

I gave him a wide smile. "What convinced you?"

"A very attractive woman who dodges my flirting with finesse."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I teased, also standing up and putting on my scarf and hat. "This was fun. Let's do it again soon."

When Harrison opened up his arms to give me a hug, I hesitated and he notice. "What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "even a hug is off limits?"

Succumbing to his charms, I fell into his arms and hugged him for a brief second before pulling away. Harrison seemed captivated by my eyes, his never leaving my face, before he muttered softly, "once you and your sort of boyfriend are sort of not dating anymore, give me a call, will you?"


(Present time)

I smiled softly at my caller id, picking up my phone and muttering, "Hey Elle, what's up?"

Her shrill voice rang poorly through my speaker as I awkwardly opened up the mansion door and stepped inside. "Damn it, Kirsten, what the hell happened to you? Your mom called a couple minutes ago and wouldn't give me the damn details!"

Holding my phone away from my ears, I smiled wryly at my best friend's obvious concern. "I'm fine Elle. Can I call you back?"

She huffed. "Fine but you better call fast!"

Hanging up, I headed up the familiar stairs but only managed to slowly get up a couple before a voice below me cause me to look down and pause.

"Oh Honey, are you alright?" Yivanni asked, hurriedly walking up the stairs and engulfing me into a hug. "Garrett told me everything. Oh you are so brave my dear."

"Um, thank you." I managed to reply, giving her a watery smile. "I'm okay now though. Just a little sore and tired." And heartbroken, I added mentally.

"Oh my. Well I'll let you rest up. It should be very quiet today. Both Garrett and Robert are teaching and it's only me and the maids. Take a nap and feel better honey."

Wanting to cry because of the woman's concern and gentleness, I nodded and proceeded up the rest of the stairs, shakily.

Reaching my room, I twisted the doorknob open slowly, dumping my bag onto the floor and racing to my closet, discarding my uncomfortable clothes and pulling on my familiar fleece sheep pjamas. Tucking myself into bed, I redialed Elle's number, only having to wait one ring before she picked up.

"Spill Kirsten. I've been so worried."

"First off, why aren't you in class?" I asked sleepily.

"It's Saturday. I don't have any classes on Saturday."

Sighing, I 'spilled all'. "Well last night, my friend got raped by Adam Ramsey."

"No, not the Adam Ramsey."

"Yes, that Adam Ramsey." I muttered bitterly.

"Oh damn, Kirsten. I'm so sorry. That must sting."

"Just a little." I muttered dryly, picking off the lint on my pj's.

"I'm so sorry honey. Are you physically alright?"

"Just a fractured rib and a bruise on my shoulder. I'll live."

"Thank god. You do not know how stressed out I've been. I haven't talked to you in ages. And then your mom calls and... and..." Elle's voice cracked over the phone and I could tell that it wasn't the bad reception causing the pauses.

"I'm alright. Seriously. Though I do have a question."

"Ask away." Elle muttered with a couple of sniffs.

"How do you get over heartbreak?"

There was a long, pregnant pause before Elle said anything.

"Wait, did this friend of yours die or something?"

"No Elle, not that kind of heart break. You know, that heartbreak... with a guy... love... hello? What have you done to my romance expert best friend?"

"Are you telling me that you have a boyfriend?" Elle shrieked.

"Elle, listen to the word heartbreak." I said softly, tears whelming up into my eyes.

"Oh shit. You mean ex-boyfriend?"


"Damn it what's his name? I'm searching for airplane tickets and I'm going to come and beat the crap out of this buster."


"To be truthful Kirsten... I'm not too good with the whole 'serious relationship slash heartbreak' thing. You know me, I have a fling then I move on. I've never really gotten romantically attached to anybody as sad as it sounds."

Was that what I was? Attached to Garrett?

"Alright Elle."

"Wait, before you hang up, can I ask who this guy is?"

I swallowed hard, mentally debating whether or not I should tell her. With a sigh, I muttered quietly, "you have to promise not to tell a single soul Elle. It's Garrett Bianchi."

There was an even longer pause as Elle digested this information. "Damn girl, you got it hard. My advice honey? Go sleep with the first guy you find; one that is more attractive and nicer to you."

Immediately my mind shifted to an image of Harrison standing next to me at the Halloween party; then I blushed, banishing that thought from the recesses of my mind.

"Yeah. That would work." I said dryly.

"I don't know Kirsten! I don't know. I'm sorry." Elle sounded like she was on the verge of tears and I quickly tried to comfort her.

"It's alright Elle. Thank you for just talking to me. It means so much that you care. I got to go now, i m getting kind of tired. I'll call you later okay? Get the scoop on your love life?"

"Sure." Elle muttered sadly.

"Love you bestie." I said.

"Love you too."

Once we hung up I stared at the phone in my hand; then hesitantly, I flipped through my contacts and landed on one, thinking for a moment before pressing the call button.

I waited nervously until it went to voice mail.

"Hey thanks for calling and making me feel popular! Leave a message and I'll try to respond if you're important enough!"

Hearing Harrison's funny voice mail, I cracked a small smile then clear my voice when I heard the standard beep.

"Hey Harrison. It's Kirsten. Call me maybe? It's kind of important."

After hanging up, I pondered my decision to call Harrison. Before I could think too much about it, I flipped over and fell asleep.



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