
By perksofbeingsidnee

103K 3K 426

He was an extrovert. She was an introvert. They were complete opposites. More

the end


4.2K 134 22
By perksofbeingsidnee

For the rest of the week, Austin found himself in the library during lunch. He would sit across from Dylan and the two would work on their respective work. While Austin tended to ramble on about random things, Dylan would usually sit in silence. Although she was quiet and rarely spoke, the boy really enjoyed the company.

The girl always had an ear bud in, but she would leave one out of her ear so she could hear him. He understood that she wasn't one to talk and Dylan appreciated that he didn't push her to. Occasionally, Austin would say something stupid and she would say something sarcastic back or he would ask her a genuine question and she would answer. Other than that she would work on whatever sketch she had started during her free period.

The drawing she had started of Austin was reserved for the weekend, when she knew he wouldn't be able to catch her. On Saturday, she put her Lord Huron Strange Trails album on her record player before working on her drawing once again. As she worked, she could hear the boys arrive per usual. She wondered why they were always around, but then again, Brandon was the one who constantly invited them.

The last song on the album, 'The Night We Met', began to play. She hummed along as she shaded in Austin's hair. Her brown eyes focused onto the dimension of his soft waves. Just as she switched her 4H pencil for a 2H, the door swung open and Brandon stood in her door frame.

In a matter of seconds, the sketchbook was closed and her eyes met Brandon's. "What do you want?"

Normally, her brother would roll her eyes at her. Instead, he wore a cheesy smile. Dylan's stomach dropped. Did he see who I was drawing? She crossed her fingers, hoping he hadn't.

"Are you hungry? I'm ordering pizza for us and I'll get you something if you want." His face hadn't changed which she found odd, but if he wasn't going to bring up the drawing neither was she. A strand of hair fell from behind her ear as the little sister nodded. The older brother didn't have to ask what type of pizza because he already knew.

Leaving her alone, Brandon walked back to downstairs where the four boys sat playing a game of Mario Cart. Before returning to his spot on the couch, he went to the kitchen to place the delivery order. With Austin having spent the past week in the library with his little sister instead of the cafeteria with the rest of them, Brandon was really hoping that they were becoming friends. He knew Dylan had her one friend, Everett, but he was barely around. Although he tried to understand her, Brandon just didn't get why she wanted to be alone all of the time. It seemed so lonely to him and he thought that maybe if he got her to hang out with them, she would become friends with the boys. Befriending his friends would have a domino effect and eventually she would be hanging out with other people at the school too.

He thought that maybe with her knowing Austin, there being pizza, and Mario Kart he could convince her to stay and hang out downstairs.

When the doorbell rang, Dylan could hear it from her room. She could also hear the commotion of the boys downstairs which led to her assumption that the pizza had arrived. Ten minutes passed and Brandon still hadn't dropped off her pizza. Normally, he would bring it upstairs to her. Grabbing her phone which sat on her bed, she texted her brother.

Dyl: Can you bring me my pizza?

B: No

Dyl: Wtf why not?

B: because

Dyl: dude I don't want to go downstairs

Dyl: pls

B: just come downstairs and get it yourself

Dyl: I'll literally pay you to bring it upstairs

B: No

Throwing her phone back down on her bed, she couldn't believe he was being so annoying about pizza. Whenever he had ordered food in the past, he would bring it upstairs for her. Then the realization kicked in. The weird smile wasn't because he saw her drawing. It was because he thought he was cleverly going to get her downstairs to hang out with his friends. Her shoulders slumped a little as she stared at her bedroom door. A low growl came from her stomach. The girl's stubbornness wanted her to stay put in her room, but her hunger was betraying her. "Fine," she mumbled to herself.

She stood at the top of the stairs. The boys were loud, talking and laughing. Dylan was hesitant, but then she wasn't. She stormed downstairs until she stood at the entrance of the family room. Glaring at her brother, her arms crossed over her chest. "Where's my pizza?"

A victorious smile was planted on his face. The other four boys stared at the girl in shock. Zion, Edwin, and Nick had never seen Brandon's little sister other than the family photos that hung around the house and the one time they had met her. She never seemed to leave her room and there she was. Austin wore a wide smile as he sent her a small wave. He was excited to see her. Dylan sent him a soft smile back before returning her glare back at Brandon.

"Right there." Brandon pointed to the coffee table. Her small pizza box sat amongst the other two large pizza boxes.

Sighing, Dylan all of a sudden became aware of herself. She stood there in just an oversized Nirvana shirt that covered her gym shorts. It looked like she wasn't wearing pants and she was going to have to walk in front of a bunch of teenage boys. He's an asshat, Dylan thought as she made her way to the boxes of pizza.

As her hands reached for her box, Brandon spoke again. "You should stay and hang out, Dyl."

Her eyes shot up from the table to look at her brother. "No thanks," she snapped. That would be the last thing she would want to do.

Before she could blink, Brandon snatched her pizza box from her hand and held it above his head. "If you can get the box of pizza, then you can leave. If you can't, you have to play a round of Mario Kart."

Dylan rolled her eyes. She was not going to do this stupid game of back and forth. "You're a dick, B."

Brandon's plan didn't work.

The girl turned on her heel and went to the kitchen. If she wasn't going to get her pizza, she was still hungry. Opening her fridge, she stared at the inside trying to figure out what she could eat.

"Hey." The voice she had started to become familiar with spoke behind her. Turning away from the fridge, her eyes met Austin. He held the box of pizza that was once with Brandon. Handing it to her, she smiled at him.


"You're welcome." He smiled back at her then continued, "I think it would be fun if you hung out and played a round." He shoved his hands in his pockets. He wanted her to hang around, but he knew better.

The two stared at each other for a moment. Without a word, Dylan shook her head. Walking away, she felt a tad bit bad for ditching Austin, but all she wanted to do was hang out by herself in her room. She knew he would understand that.

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