Beauty from Pain

By Strangely_Amazing

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Alexandra is deep under depression and wanting let out. Her mother died during her birth and her dad abuses h... More

Beauty from Pain
Chapter 2: projects
Chapter 3: hungry
Chapter 4: suddenly
Chapter 6: fear
Chapter 7: waking up
Chapter 8: regret
Chapter 9: depression
Chapter 10: Pain
Important Update

Chapter 5: dont find out

7K 223 9
By Strangely_Amazing

Chapter 5: don't find out
Ryan's pov: (at school after he talked to Alexandra)
Just as I walked away from Alexandra and started walking to the field, I heard snickers and laughs coming from close to the school.

I look and see two of my friends, Caleb and Ben, throwing a bucket of water on a girl. I squint to see because I am several feet away and gasp once I find out who it is. Suddenly I see them throw another bucket of what seems like glue before throwing what seems to be feathers.

Trying to catch up with Alexandra, I run until I meet up with the entrance but by then she was gone.

"What the heck is wrong with you guys?" I question the girls and Caleb and Ben, just the people that were involved.

"There is no problem with us! It is obviously that mute freak!" Sneers Haley as she blows a bubble of gum.

"You are cruel and idiotic Haley!" I retort trying my hardest not to rip the blonde extensions from her "perfect" little head.

"Ha like that hurts me!" Exclaims Haley as she annoyingly smacks her gum and blows another bubble.

"Just don't waste your life being so stupid and evil. Hurting others is apparently your favorite thing and bribing kids to be your friends so you can be popular is also something you enjoy," I spit and walk to the front door. "And her name is Alexandra!" I spit as I waltz right into the school without another word.

Alexandra's pov:
The next morning comes fast and getting out of bed is harder. Dragging myself to the bathroom down the hall, I examine myself in the mirror.

My skin has much improved on my face, chest, and neck but my arms are still irritated and red.

My wrist is pretty painful and I can't write with it being my right wrist that is broken.

Sighing, I strip, take the bandages off of my stomach and below my chest, and take a cold shower before rewrapping my ribs and putting on a robe. Then I go to my room to get dressed.

Once at my room, I wear a plain black jumper and dark black denim jeans. Then I added a cute black hat that says "I woke up like this." For the shoes I'm wearing black toms and then some light makeup I've saved up to buy from previous jobs.

The reason I have accessories, makeup, and my life savings I keep hidden is because I help teachers clean their rooms and janitors as well.

Sighing, I walk to the kitchen to make dad breakfast when I see him already there with Mic Donald's breakfast. I could feel my heart quicken as he nears me.

"You are a disgrace! I should've never had attempted at having children because you are a monster! You killed her!" He screeches and slaps me.

"Be up earlier to make breakfast so I don't have to waste my time and money going all the way to the middle of town and back! Now get to school and no food for you until you learn your lesson." He states angrily as I nod and get up.

I start to feel light headed and my stomach feels so empty. It takes all my energy just to walk to school.

As I near the entrance, fear grips my heart as I nervously walk into the school. I shudder as I hear the silent snickers and laughs from my surrounding peer.

Fortunately no direct bullying happens as I walk to first period, science. I get to my usual window seat and sigh contently as I flip through my notebook to write. It is early so I have some time to write.

I struggle to write with the cast and finally give up as the bell rings, signaling the start of class as Ryan walks in. His face looks distressed which confuses me.

I tilt my head in confusion as he sits next to me. I hurriedly grab my notebook to write to him.

"What's wrong?" I write down on my notebook paper. He looks at me.

"What happened to your wrist?" He questions softly and caresses my right wrist softly. I quickly take my hand away from him and look back out the window.

The lesson ends as I hurriedly grab my stuff, but I bend over so fast that pain shoots through my ribs. I groan in pain and Ryan who is putting his things away looks at me with worry.

I shake my head and focus on trying to get my bag onto my back without showing how much pain I was in. Once getting my bag, I clench my teeth and bite my tongue to not cry out in pain as I walk out of the classroom.

Stella walks out to greet me at my locker but looks at me with worry.

Today Stella is wearing a very gorgeous lace cream dress with a white lace cardigan. For her shoes she is wearing cute ankle boots that are a light shade of brown with lace designs and a bow. I look to see a silver cross ring and a silver infinity ring. A silver heart locket complements her outfit with a sparkly silver ear cuff that covers her left ear. Her makeup is a light sparkly white and a lace trim bag that has a main color of blue. Her brown hair is curly and cascades down her back.

Stella is so beautiful. I feel envious of her beauty.

"Hey what happened to your wrist? Is that a bruise on your face?" She questions in a hushed whisper and she tries to uncover my hair from my face.

My eyes widen as I slap her hand away. Her gaze saddens. "I'm sorry Alexandra. I'm just worried for you," she apologizes and I nod thoughtfully towards her.

She avoids talking about it which I'm very thankful about.

"Hey did you hear? After you got ambushed by Haley's group and those jocks, Ryan went nuts. He totally freaked out on them and then after school yesterday beat those jocks up by HIMSELF!" She says as my jaw feels as if it is dropped to the ground. "Also today is Friday so I want to have a sleep over! Can I go to your place?" She questions, changing the subject immediately.

Her expression falls as I shake my head. "Why not? Come on! I know we haven't been friends long but I wanted to get to know you!" She says sadly and my heart drops. I can't let her find out.

No one can ever find out. My EVER. I can't let my father get punished. I love my dad. He is still my dad and I do deserve what I get.

We walk into out next class together which is art. I smile inwardly since this class is easy to me.

"Class today will be a free day to do whatever you like!" Cheered Mrs. Stacey happily. "Alexandra can I see you at my office?" Questions Mrs. Stacey softly. Mrs. S has an office that is attached to the art room because she is also one of the choir teachers and music teachers for little kids in the afternoon so she needs an office to organize all that she does. I nod and walk over, trailing behind her.

Mrs. Stacey's emerald eyes show worry as she sits down at her desk and swivels her chair before gesturing me to sit in the other swivel chair a couple feet away. I sit down and wait for what she has to say.

"Alexandra I know you might get defensive, but I have to ask you something. What has happened to you wrist and face? Please tell me. You can trust me," she whispers and softly grabs my hands with one still having the hard shell of a cast on.

I shake my head and look at the ceiling to try to stop the approaching tears. It was to late though, and I notice it as soon as fresh tears start to cascade down my bruised cheek.

I quietly grab the small notepad I keep in my pocket and scribble a note down quickly, proving difficult with the broken wrist.

"It's nothing. I just fell. When I did fall I hit my face and landed on my wrist." I write down the lie carefully and hand her the note. She frowns upon it in thought.

"I know you are lying but I can't force the truth out of you. I just want you to be safe, happy, and healthy. Please don't be angered that I am pestering you about it. I just...," I stop her calmly by setting my good hand on her shoulder and giving her a faint hearted smile.

Fake. Fake. Fake.

Lie. Lie. Lie.

Tell the truth.

My mind fills with this as I keep my calm and walk out if her office once she tells me to. I can't tell anyone.

I can't betray my father who has kept a roof over my head for my entire life. I don't want to be pitied on. I don't but at the same time do. I want help but at the same time want to handle it myself.

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