Eden's Alpha

By Allinall126

838K 26.2K 3K

#11 in werewolves "You know I'll never stop running, right?" "I've always loved a good chase" ••••••••••••... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note

Chapter 15

24.7K 774 28
By Allinall126

After putting on clothes and warming up by the fire, I finally start feeling more like myself again. I sit next to Finley by the fire who has bandages wrapped around his abdomen and cuts along his jaw and face. His upper arm is wrapped tightly, but he seems to be okay.

I was so worried about the guys being okay that I totally didn't notice the cuts I had gotten from branches in the woods. Some of them were bleeding so much that James had to wrap them twice with gauze.

The guys made sure I was good and warm while I slowly recounted what happened to me.

"...then we went outside and he showed me to his pack, and um..." I hesitate, thinking about my wolf transformation. I can never tell them my secret. They must never know.

"I um... I ran away and hid along the river so they couldn't find me. And from there I just ran, I guess" I look up at the guys to see a mix of disbelief and skepticism.

"You managed to outrun and hide from werewolves?" Zeke asks incredulously.

"Yeah, I guess I was just running on pure adrenaline"

Finley looks up at me, "I can't believe that you were chosen by the Alpha to be his mate. They're going to chase after you, we have to figure something out!"

"It'll be okay," Zeke states, passing me some food.

We eat in silence for a bit, tension in the air. It's clear that I'm a threat to them and they're still skeptical about my story.

"I know that I'm a burden to you guys, I'll just stay around for tonight..."

Immediately all the guys are protesting and convincing me of my stupidity to think such a thing.

"Eden you know we would do anything for you. Never call yourself a burden" Isaiah says, scolding me.

We drop the topic after that and decide to talk about something else. Wanting to know exactly what happened to everyone else, the guys all fill me in on what happened after we had gotten split up.

Isaiah, James, and Zeke realized too late that Finley and I weren't with them anymore. They tried to go back for us when the wolves came out of nowhere and chased them apart.

While I already knew that Isaiah had gotten caught, I got to hear from Zeke that he had hopped into a dumpster to hide his scent from the wolves. James outran them in the alleys and circled back around to find his twin brother hiding in the dumpster. Both of them searched for Isaiah and when they couldn't find him, decided to go back to our last safe house.

After I was pulled away from Finley, he was attacked again by the wolf and ended up with some pretty serious injuries. Not sure what to do and bleeding out fast, he made his way back to the old building him and I had stayed at the night of the attack.

Luckily I had left the gauze behind in my bag and he managed to patch himself up enough to stop the bleeding. Finley searched the city a while for everyone else before realizing to check our last safe house. Once he got there both Zeke and James helped stitch up and tend to his injuries.

After Isaiah was released into the woods by the werewolves, he made his way back to the city, hoping to find anyone. Like me, he came across our last safe house and reconnected with the rest of the guys.

"And now here we are," Isaiah says, "safe and sound"

"We'll protect you Eden, not even the Alpha will get you," Finley says, smiling at me.

I hope



"Where is she!? Why haven't we found her yet?"

"Baylor, calm down. We have wolves searching the woods at this very minute. You yourself sent out the entire group of warriors. There's nothing more we can do."

"There has to be! I will not leave my mate out there alone! We need to find her!"

"I just don't know what you can do"

I stop pacing and turn towards Andrew. This is all new for me being the newest Alpha. All the protocols and regulations I'm supposed to follow keep me within thick boundaries.

"Screw it, I'm going after her."

"Baylor," Andrew follows me out the door, "wait!"

I make my way across the floor and down the flight of stairs. Andrew follows anxiously behind me, waiting for my command.

"JARED, KAI, GET UP!" I bellow, throwing open their doors. The two immediately rush out, disheveled and sleepy from nearly having been woken up.

"What time is it?" Kai asks sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Both of you have been removed from your duties after you had failed to capture an outside female. But since I am in a very tricky situation I am giving you two one more shot at redemption. As of this moment, you will join the warrior teams and search for my missing mate."

Both of them gleam with excitement.

"Of course, Alpha, we won't let you down!" Jared states enthusiastically.

"Don't fail me again." I set off once more down the flight of stairs, Andrew hurrying at my heels.

"Now what, Baylor?"

"Well," I say heading out the door, "now I go after my mate."


Yay for Chapter 15! Thank you all again for reading my story.

Please feel free to comment away on the chapters. I do read and love all the comments, just be sure to be respectful of others on this site.

Thank you guys!


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