By TinaJones279

75.6K 4K 970

Skye finds herself in rural Colorado after fleeing her abusive boyfriend. While shifters have been "out" for... More

Chapter 5
Chapter 14


3.2K 177 62
By TinaJones279

A/N: This is a bit steamy. 

We sit like that for a little while longer before I pull back. I lift my eyes to his.

"I really don't know what to do about everything you told me." I admit to him. "Truthfully, it scares me a little bit, but I want to give it a try. You said the multiple mate thing was normal for your pack?"

"Completely normal. It's normal for a couple of other shifter species, too." He says, running his hands up and down my back.

"Okay." I say, coming to a quick decision. What the hell?

"Okay? You mean you'll give it a shot?" He asks, getting excited.

"Yes, I'll give it a shot. I mean, what do I have to lose?" I respond with a shrug.

"You have nothing to lose, Skye. You only have everything to gain. You have three hearts that want nothing more than to be with you, protect you, and make a life with you. I know this seems so sudden, and it is, but to be honest, that's how things work in the shifter world. We just know. When the mate bond is felt, we just act on it because we know that's who we are supposed to be with." He takes a deep breath. "Because we know that you are new to all of this, we are more than willing to take our time getting to know you, and for you to get to know us."

"I appreciate that more than you know. I've only ever been in one serious relationship, and it wasn't a healthy one." I tell him, my mind wandering back to my time with Jared. How it all started out great. Then I moved in with him and everything just went downhill from there. I think about the night I left him, and the fear that he will find me, despite me being in such a remote place.

"What are you scared of right now?" JJ asks, a serious look on his face. His eyes are starting to glow. I sigh.

"I was in a relationship with a guy. It started out great, but after I moved in with him, he started getting abusive. It started off small, mostly mental stuff. Telling me I'm not good enough, or a lazy lay. It escalated to physical, sometimes so bad I couldn't leave the house, in case someone saw." I can see his anger swell, the more I talked. I reached up and stroked the side of his face. the anger eased. Somewhat.

"The last straw was the night he broke my arm in a drunken fit. I waited until he passed out, stole all the money he had hidden away, and drove myself to the emergency room. I told them I fell. They set the bone, put a cast on my arm, and I was out of there. I drove until my money ran out. The reason I'm so scared, is because I'm worried he will somehow manage to hunt me down." Embarrassment floods through me, as I stare at his chest. He slowly lifts my chin with a single finger.

"Skye, look at me." My eyes lift to his face. There is still anger there, but something else is mixed in. It takes a couple of seconds to realize what it is. Pride. "I am so pissed off right now for what he put you through, but damn proud of you for leaving. If you hadn't we would never have met you. You're exactly where you're supposed to be. And don't worry, if he does show up here, he will never get to you. I assure you, if he ever shows his face here, he will have three very pissed off wolf shifters he will have to deal with."

I shiver at his heartfelt words, as I stare into his eyes, the wolf having disappeared back inside. I lean forward and press a soft kiss against his lips, then lean my forehead against his.

"Thank you. The last thing I wanted was pity, and you didn't have any. I really appreciate it." I lean forward and kiss him again, intending to keep it light. He apparently had no such intentions,as he tightened his grip around my back, pulling me closer to him. His tongue strokes against my lips demanding entrance. I am all too happy to comply.

When his tongue hits mine, I can feel him inside my heart, the intense desire threatening to overwhelm me. I let it, relishing in the feelings flowing through me. I kiss him back with everything I have, our tongues dueling with each other. I adjust myself, and the hard length of him hits just the right spot. I grind against him, which sends delicious heat throughout my body. I wrap my hands around his neck and dig my fingers in his hair.

He groans. We're sucking, nipping, biting; the duel for dominance not won by either of us, yet we're both still winning. It's unexplainable, this thirst I have for someone who, before today, was essentially a stranger, but I'm not questioning these feelings. I revel in them. Accepting them for what they are. A sign that I belong with him. With them.

His mouth leaves mine, trailing kisses across my jaw as he makes his way to my neck. I tilt my head back to give him better access. I rock my hips, creating friction against my sensitive core, causing me to moan out and arch my back.

His hands trace up my sides, coming to a rest just to the sides of my breasts, which feel heavy with need. I arch my back a bit more, giving him the access I so desperately want. He takes my invitation. Dropping his hands to the hem of my shirt, he slowly raises it, lifting it over my head. He reaches behind me and unclasps my bra, drawing the straps down my arm and letting it fall with my shirt.

He stares at me a moment before he leans forward and sucks a hardened peak into his mouth, while rolling its twin between his thumb and forefinger. He lightly bites me, sending straight heat to my throbbing clit. I do the only thing I can to ease the ache he is creating and rock against his hard, jean clad cock. The sensation is divine, between his ministrations to my breasts, and the feeling from rubbing my clit against him, I moan out his name.

"Yes, Skye. I love the sound of my name on your lips." He says, before switching to my other breast. After only a moment he releases my nipple and gathers both breasts in his hands, pushing them together. He leans back down and quickly sucks each one back and forth.

He releases me, and moves his hands to my hips, encouraging me to grind on him. I continue to do so and I lean down and capture his lips with my own. As soon as his tongue touches mine, it triggers my orgasm. I throw my head back, as my mouth opens in a silent scream, any and all thought flees my head as I experience nothing but pure, unadulterated pleasure. Stars explode behind my tightly squeezes eyes. Everything is silent as I convulse over JJ. I vaguely feel his arms wrap around me to pull me close, as I slowly come down. I feel his lips on mine, but not in a kiss. He is talking, but the words aren't registering.

The world finally starts to come back into focus, and I can hear the words JJ is saying.

"Yes, Baby. You are so beautiful when you fall apart." He stroking his hands up and down my back in a soothing motion. "That's it. Come back to me." He encourages. My breath is also finally calming down.

"Wow," I breath out. "I wasn't expecting that. At all."

"Did I go too far?" He asks me, a worried expression on his face. I lean forward and give him chaste kiss.

"Nothing happened here that I didn't want to happen." I reassure him. I lay my head on his chest, his heartbeat pounding away, matching my own erratic rhythm. "That was so intense."

"I love feeling your orgasm." He tells me. "It was the single most beautiful thing I've ever experienced." I pull back to look at him, and all I see is sincerity. I run my hands across his chest then up and over his shoulders and let them just hang there. I should feel embarrassed, but I don't.

I move to get up and put my bra and shirt back on, but he holds me in place. I look at him in confusion.

"I need to calm down a little." He says with a grin.

"Wait? You didn't...? I'm confused, because I'm pretty sure everything I was feeling wasn't all me."

"You're right, it wasn't all you, I orgasmed with you, I just didn't... you know..." I'm mortified. I was so caught up with my own pleasure, I didn't even think about his. I move back, my hands reaching for his belt, but he grabs them and places them on his chest.

"That isn't necessary, Skye." He says. "I promise you, I am not suffering any ill effects from not cumming. I just need to wait a minute before, ahem, my little soldier backs down."

"Okay, fine. I still don't like that you didn't get to finish, but wouldn't it be easier to calm down, if I were fully clothed?" I tease him, and he laughs.

"You're probably right." He says, handing me my shirt and bra. I don both items of clothing, and move off to the side to sit next to him.

After a few minutes of companionable silence, he starts moving to get up, and i follow his lead. I help put the picnic away, the chocolate-covered strawberries all but forgotten in our haste. When everything is packed up, he puts the basket back in the saddle bag. I walk over to Lady and pet her nose.

"You ready for your bridle and to go back?" I ask her. Her answer is a soft snort, as she pushes her nose into my hand, seeking a more petting. I oblige as I run my hand over her soft coat.

After bridling Midnight, he retrieves Lady's and brings it over. After fitting the bar into her mouth, he adjusts a few of the straps, making sure everything is tight. When he's finished, Lady works her jaw, adjusting to the intrusion in her mouth.

"Is there not a less intrusive way to attach reins to a horse?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Unfortunately, none that we've found." He replies, regret clear in his voice. He pats Lady's head.

I lift my foot to the stirrup, but i can't quite reach. I put my hands on the pommel to assist in my endeavor,, but that doesn't work either.

"Hey, JJ?"


"I, um, need a little help." He turns around and sees my predicament. He laughs as he makes his way back over. He lifts me by the waist, and I get my foot in the stirrup. I pull myself up and throw my other leg over. When i'm finally settled, JJ walks over to Midnight and gets himself up.

We start to move, but it is really uncomfortable. My still sensitive clit is rubbing against the saddle, and not in a good way.

"Um... I think I have another problem." He turns in his saddle to look at me. His eyes rake over everything, obviously not seeing an actual problem, he looks at me quizzically. "The saddle is rubbing me. It's pretty uncomfortable." Realization dawns on his face. He stops his horse and waits for Lady to catch up.

"Throw your leg around the pummel, and sit sideways in the saddle. It's kind of like riding side saddle, without the actual side saddle. It should relieve some of the uncomfortableness," He says. I do as he says. When I'm done, Lady shifts a little underneath me, but the saddle doesn't rub.

"Well, that worked. Thank you."

We spend the rest of the ride back making idle chit chat, as if we didn't just have an extremely wonderful experience

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