A Desire to Win Her | Ongoing

By missoctowriter

399K 23K 6.6K

Not an Arranged Marriage Tale! ❝Har Pal tumhare hi sath guzaru kuch aisi chahat hone lagi hai, Mujhe dheere d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 20

9.2K 597 318
By missoctowriter

Freshers day ─ the D-day for all the juvenile, effervescent teens who are warmly, assiduously, and groundbreakingly welcomed by the seniors to the brand-new life as a University or college student inaugurated with lots and lots of amusements, entertainment and recreation ─ in a nutshell, a fully fun-filled festival for freshers.

IIET Delhi was remarkably a big-name for hosting the most high-grade of the commemorations of such type along with its academic and other participations. This time the twist in the tale was ─ all the seniors including the immediate seniors of the freshers were joining for the program inside the colossal banquet hall inside the premises of their large college only and it was a night program.

The luxurious banquet hall was enchantingly embellished with crystal chandeliers and ornate gleams which were irradiating an extremely vintage yet a conciliatory atmosphere in the hall, the satin-clad round tables were exquisitely disseminated around the gallery with decorative porcelain and cutlery on each with four cushioned chairs circumventing every table and then there was a high stage in the centre of the estate where all the respective performances would function tonight.

Dev was employed in communicating with the administrator of the exalted banquet hall which was whirring with umpteen overexcited youngsters and responsible seniors. The decorations, food, drink, music, games ─ everything was to be looked after by the supervisor and his team of professionals as this was the matter of IIET Delhi's reputation which was in the serving platter right now just left to be electrocuted in front of at least five-thousand personages.

Generating the last testimonial of professional talks, Dev turned towards his best friend Rohan who was matching the kid who for the first time was taken to a fair.

"Aren't you too excited, bro?" Dev quizzed in a tantalising tone smiling firmly at the dreamy-sigh-leaving girls who were rubbernecking him since the time he had made his presence known to all even without doing anything. It'd be too uncivilised of him if he couldn't even acknowledge the girls' looks that they were proffering to him.

"Oh man, I am super psyched to meet, Bhabhi, yaar, (Sister-in-law, dude) where is she? She hasn't arrived yet, and look at those girls, man. These young Signorinas are far better than the old janes of our college, don't you think?" Rohan was twofold-exhilarated for this event as after five long years he'd be getting to meet his brother's would-be and also for the game of destiny that could play its tournament today for his chance in the love interests. Before his puerile eyes could scan more of the female cosmos, he received a smack on his head.

Forming a ferocious demeanour, Dev rustled against Rohan's ears, "Stop propelling your eyes like a Lattu (Spinning top), man. No girl wants a pervert to have adhered to her unless she too is a madwoman. And stop judging them like these, Rohan. They've come to our university confirming their abilities & intelligence and not some beauty pageants, so respect them for that."

Rohan was completely flummoxed at his friend's reply and pouted his lips, "But I was just glancing at all of them, I am viewing girls after countless days. By the way, I find the hottest one in that green dress, what about you?". He received another smack on his head and this time he scowled at his compatriot who likewise was returning the favour with more ferocity.

"You'll never change. Mech guys." Dev muttered and swivelled his eyes. He knew he was the nexus of attraction and that's why he wanted his best friend to mend his ways. "You didn't answer the second question? Which of these girls is the sexiest according to you?" Rohan piqued again and glanced at the green-girl with his heart already sailing in utter delight and joy.

Dev coagulated his fist and gnashed his teeth, "You already know my answers ─ I don't see any girl in that mien regardless of how gorgeous they are as only one girl is assiduously embedded inside my heart, soul and subconscious, whose place not even the cherubims of the heavens can take. Stop asking me such questions, Rohan," snapping harshly at Rohan, Dev progressed towards the backstage where his other comrades were circumvented and discussing the day's performances and games they were going to present tonight.

Rohan sighed in guiltiness and slapped his forehead with his palm. He knew how domineeringly vigilant his best friend was for that particular girl and how impulsive and incensed he used to become at the allusion of other girls. Giving one last glance to the green-grassy-girl, he backtracked the trail of Dev and halted near him, keeping mum as he discerned his one word could aggravate the agitated lion more.

While Rohan became pretty concentrated on the ongoing colloquies of the schedule of the programs Dev was lost somewhere else. The mention of Arvika ─ his lady love, had taken him back to the ancientness of the three-days old rendezvous.


"Kavya, this dress is extremely attractive but it's a tube dress. I don't have a strapless bra for it," Arvika murmured so unobtrusively that if Dev hadn't his ears of that of a wolf he wouldn't have overheard her.

When Dev conceded the meaning and practise behind the use of a bra, an unexpected blush arose from the neurotic system command of his psyche making his insides churn in utter euphoria and excitement. The dress she had tried a few hours ago was caressing her body infinitely flawlessly, intensifying all the gorgeous curves of her body which was bequeathed to her in absolute time and love. That time, his unwavering eyes had rested just for a few seconds on her bosom too, unknowingly and he had psychologically appreciated the gods of love ─ Kama and Eros.

Unfortunately, his Shekhawat Aunt and her family had left the mall too. Now, who would help these maidens for their private shopping? Dev groaned and looked anywhere but at Arvika and Kavya who were glancing at each other in bewilderment and unknowingness. He behaved as if he didn't hear a word from Arvika's mouth, so innocent he was, wasn't he? To conceal his crimsoned state he used the modern-day, all-in-one concealer and started scrolling through his phone while still overhearing the undertones of his juniors.

"Arvika, you should ask him where the shop is, how can I? I am his sister now, it'd be so embarrassing," Kavya had whisper-yelled at her buddy who counterattacked, "Yeah, yeah, as if I am his spouse? I am not asking him either. Let's cancel my trip to freshers then," Arvika had denounced frustratingly and a sigh left Dev's lips again after hearing her whining tone. He had to help them anyhow but even he didn't know how to. Then a sudden idea popped up in his brilliant mind and immediately he went near Arvika, briefing her about the particular shop with his own silent messages.

Dev took a deep breath and asserted swiftly as if he'd miss his PUBG session with his bestie, "Guys, I have an important call to attend. If you have to purchase some girly stuff, please go to the second floor - there you would find everything from makeup to sandals and all the necessities; I will meet you both in the parking lot". Matching the speed of Usain Bolt, he hastened and both the girls were too confounded to say a word. Was he having supernatural powers or some werewolf living among them in his human form?

Arvika scrunched her nose, "This man must have taken numerous girls to such shops, I am telling you," while Kavya just rolled her eyes with a smile dancing on her lips, "But why are you so worried about that? You're not his wife, right? Let's go".

And all Kavya's hindquarters got was Arvika's scraggy glare which Dev too noticed as he still hadn't left that place wholly. He didn't know why she thought of him in that way as if he was some playboy which he surely wasn't. He had never brought any girl before for shopping with him and here, Arvika already had the prejudices that he was bringing girls to some lingerie shopping?

For him, Arvika was the only girl he fantasised, envisaged and worshipped every day like an ardent devotee because the trails of the paths of the love which he was paralleling from so long were very divine and sacramental where even thinking about some other girl was just a sinful slander of his pure and supreme love.

Why was his love always questioned by the world and the 'love' itself?

Just because he was a man who was termed to be a pervert with quotes like 'men will be men'?

Were all the boys the same?


Nodding aimlessly at his allies, Dev excused himself and got outside the banquet hall as he needed some fresh dusk air immediately to calm down his temperament. Rohan too followed him on cue, "I am sorry, yaar. From now on, I won't ask such questions from you". Dev again just nodded nonchalantly not paying any heed to whatever Rohan said as his contemplative mind was somewhere else.

Having a troublesome physiognomy, Dev vocalised and sighed for the umpteenth time, "Rohan, go away, I don't want to have another conversation with you today, so stay away from me."

"I am sorry, Dev. I didn't mean like that. I know how significant position Arvika holds in your life that you don't even glance at other girls with even an iota of the interest with which you stare at my Bhabhi. Sorry, sorry, sorry Devi Pra.....fuck. God. Is she my Bhabhi? Dev, look! Man fuck your anger and just look," Rohan cursed and yanked Dev out of his reverie by tugging his arms and zoomed-in their binocular-like eyes at two ladies who were just getting down from a cab, draped in the most delicate and sumptuous apparels.

"Fuck Rohan," Dev cursed when his orbs seized in the very well-known sight of the lady love of his life who was resembling in the same manner of a royalty of a fairy tale he had always wanted his sister to refrain from. In the dim dusky setting, her white frame was radiating no less than an archangel fallen in the dark world from the heavens with her soft tendrils flowing serenely amid the melodious wind that suddenly started flapping at her arrival, as if they too were welcoming her.

The pearl dress never seemed so gorgeous but presently it was looking to him right now. Making his pearl look like the most beautiful and the most precious pearl in the world.

"Fuck you, Dev. Your lady love is here and instead of being a good host to her, you're occupied in cursing me? And, who's that beautiful girl accompanying her, Woah," Rohan gasped when his eyes landed on the mustard-coloured dress wrapped girl.

Eyes popped up like a toy, Dev whispered, "I cannot see anyone other than her," and before Rohan could stop his friend for grilling him about his eyes' cryosurgery for some myopia disorder or some optical malady, Dev sprinted towards Arvika much to her confusion but Kavya's cheerfulness.

"Love truly makes people blind," Rohan rustled under his breath and glimpsed at the very new girl who had captivated his curiosity with a single hypothesis only.

"Hey," grinning like an idiot, Dev sighed and greeted Arvika who immediately stiffened when she heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned towards him with bewilderment perfectly cinched on her countenance. She lagged for a few seconds to discern his features and his fitted-tuxedo-clad figure of his and all she could conclude in the end was ─ he looked divinely dapper, unlike the older times when she had even dared to pronounce him as some nasty pig.

Tuxedo ─ the magical apparel concerning a man which glamorises his figure and features as if it's the brainchild of some mystical witches and fairies. It had already entranced Arvika, what more benefactions would anyone want, especially the one who was bedecked into a similar blacky one?

If he was a pig then for sure girls would die to have piglets with him.

Arvika chuckled at her lame banter and whispered, "Hello, sir," to her senior who was busy giving her those dreamy eyes which every lover gives to their beloved but for the first time, she reverted a smile to him too. Was it his D-day? Really?

Dev's state was no different than a gobsmacked man in hysteria when he glanced at her from so close. She was literally illumining the aura around her and he suddenly had the urge to take her in his arms and hug her close to him- so close that even she would listen to the reverberations of his heart that her propinquity was inducing to him. He peered at her face and remarked how sweetly she had dabbed her face with baby powder whose scent he had been used to already and then the fragrance of the cherry lip-balm on her already succulent lips which he so desirously wanted to take in his. No other makeup element he could supplicate on her face, not even kohl yet she managed to look the most alluring woman of the ball party. Without any eye makeup, she was looking innocent than ever yet so wild.

His trance broke when he heard an enthusiastic voice.

"Hello, Dev Bhaiya!" Before he could've sung praises of beauty and love for his precious, Kavya cheered uproariously, coming towards them after an altercation with the cab driver who was asking for more money just because he had to drive his car to some five metres more than the decided one! As their college was excessively extensive, they had to get a cab to come to this side of the college.

Dev greeted his sister with a nod and side-hugged her lovingly but as potholes were never filled in India likewise their periodic sessions of interruptions never ceased. "You look so handsome, today, Bhaiya," Kavya whispered against his ears and gave a vivacious smile at which he just glowed profusely.

"Hey, Arvika. Remember me? I am Rohan? I think we have never met. I am Dev's best friend, it is so nice to meet a Xavierian after so long. How are you? Enjoying college life?" Rohan coaxed softly after shaking hands with his would-be sister-in-law, beaming at her like an orangutan for which he received an elbow-blow too from his very dynamic best friend.

Arvika was in a merry mood today, and she certainly couldn't destroy her special day because of some past remembrances. She beamed and greeted back, "I am good, sir. Nice to meet you," leaving all the three spirits gobsmacked at her instantaneous reply.

All the three musketeers had expected some snide remark from her but all she proffering was some pleasantries to them which sounded too foreign from her orifice. They exchanged a look with each other and smiled at her in the end.

Rohan and Kavya too were acquainted by the introductions given by Dev and after a few minutes, they both got engaged in talking as if they knew each other from so long leaving behind the two muted, awkward partners who were too mystified to share anything. Arvika wanted to say indefinitely many things to him and Dev too had the desire to compliment her for the dress in which she was looking no less than a prepossessing enchantress but no one shared a word and continued their trudging towards the banquet with their baby steps as if they just had learnt walking.

The taciturnity between them felt more pacific than the need to accolade each other. The way they had gazed at each other was enough for the course of testimony to prove the fact of the things they had wanted to convey to each other through their words.

After the shopping concourse with Dev and also a long chit-chatting session with Mrs Shekhawat, all Arvika had augmented was some friendly experiences with him and she didn't want to hamper her little happiness because of the past incidents. This was a new life, a new phase - maybe she could leave all those ancient autobiographies to the shore and start her sashay again somewhere off-shore. She could be a good acquaintance to him? Couldn't she?

Past incidents could be now kept at bay and she could maintain a salubrious relationship of a junior-senior with him just like how other fellow students too wanted to get in touch with him; yes, the other cadets of IIET who were adjudicating everything in their limits to impress this one senior of theirs who had the kind of personality no one could keep their eyes off, the kind of attitude, power, and vigour that could be discerned even from a far-away distance and the kind of smile which could make anyone's day.

If all the people were going berserk behind Dev, surely he possessed some mysterious quality and prominence in him which she might have abstained because she was enraged at him? Wouldn't it be?

From the day she had known that their president was none other than Dev, her underwater rancour against him had again debuted as some nepotism product and that's why she had always treated him with aversion & hostility and a sortie of her humorous sarcasm as if he was some China-born epidemic.

But now, after living with her peer groups and also in the continuous 'Praising session of Dev Kapoor' exclusively by Kavya - her best friend, Arvika had realised one thing. She couldn't continue this enmity anymore with a person she would've to meet and greet almost every day and who knows this animosity towards the most-liked celebrity of their college could create some more adversaries for her?

She was here for a well-disposed education of engineering and not to play real-life clash of clans with Dev and his allies. Her succinct amiable attitude towards him would surely give her some tranquillity and a hundred times more to her best friend, wouldn't it?

And maybe, just maybe she could learn something from him and his experiences? He was a scholar of this college as per her hostel-seniors, he would be a great source of knowledge whenever she'd be stuck somewhere, would he help? Of course, but only if I'd be at least a little friendly with him, she had pondered for three days and three nights and came to the conclusion that she would be from now on a conventional junior to him and no-nonsense manner towards her respected senior, right?

Arvika mused and abruptly halted when she discerned that her sling bag was no longer with her, where it was, she exasperated frantically and Dev too panicked at the sudden change of expression on his nutter-butter's physiognomy.

"My sling," she gasped and Dev got the reason for her sudden change in demeanour.

Dashing back to the place where they had last seen the cab, Dev lamented heavily when he saw no cab there anymore and Arvika too grimaced. "I had all my cards, phone, money in it. What would I do now?'' She was almost on the verge of crying which was disturbing Dev grievously but before her pearl-like tears could plummet down her eyes, the cab was there in front of her with the cab driver flashing an apologetic smile to them. Giving back the sling to the rightful owner the cab driver galloped off and, finally, the two racing-hearts tranquilised down and retraced their excursion to the banquet hall.

"Thank god, I got it back," she murmured and closed her eyes for sending a silent prayer to God which didn't go unnoticed by Dev who still hadn't said a single word to her except for the single 'hey' in the beginning and then those exchanging of glances and expressions with her.

She looked exceedingly breathtaking and bewitching today, that might have made him voiceless. Otherwise, Dev and an orator - these were two sides of the same coin. But today the case was completely different and ever-lasting. He still didn't say anything and continued their memorable walk to remember.

And there, on the other hand, Kavya and Rohan got along so well as if they were best friends since their Pamper days; they were lost so much so with each other that they didn't even heed about their best friends of which one was a potential fighter and another, an archetypal lover.

Noting the silent treatment by her senior, Arvika glanced at her superior who was watching ahead while coordinating her velocity. Why wasn't he articulating anything today? That day he was blabbering and bantering like a kid with Kavya and even with her but currently, why was he acting like he was playing dumb charades of the movie titled 'Chalte Chalte'. (A movie which means 'While walking')

"Thanks for escorting me," she whispered again but other than his slight smile towards her, she didn't get anything in return.

Unable to put her inquisitiveness in check, she sequentially queried, "Is today your Maun-vrat day (Vow of silence day)?", making him abruptly halt right beside her with his breath hitched, pulsating his Adam's apple.

"I fear if I open my mouth, I would end up kissing you right here, right now the way you are looking today. But I don't want to freak you out, that's why I am silent," Dev clarified and ventured inside the lobby and immediately succumbed amid the crowd, leaving Arvika with Kavya.

After giving an unconventionally paralysing reason for his silence to satisfy her child-like desire for knowledge, he left her thoroughly gobsmacked and disconcerted by his bizarre statement that had managed to bring a crimson-red blush on her cheeks, belatedly completing her makeup with an impeccable blush and an unknown butterfly effects inside the pit of her stomach, something she hadn't ever experienced before.


Fashion shows; Junior-senior ramp walks; Crush walks; dance performances; singing sensations; games such as musical chairs, Mafia, Mimicry were all performed skillfully but the conclusive and clandestine punch for the party was still left which wasn't yet revealed to any other senior member and hitherto to be announced by the anchors. Only anchors and Rohan were cognizant of it as if it was some undercover mission.

"I know you all must have enjoyed this gala evening. But the show isn't over yet, my friend." The anchor paused and the whole crowd was already giving her euphoric glances and razzing.

"Yes, there's more to come before the DJ dance and dinner. Give a cheer if you're excited," the other anchorman roared tempestuously and the adults hooted joyously at him. Who wouldn't love a surprise after such dazzling performances and games?

"So, the idea is. Here, we have shortlisted some of the names from the list of juniors and seniors from our database, randomly and we'd be picking three people each from the respective lists, meaning six people in total, and then they have to do the task which we've already decided for them. Please bring the crystal glasses," the anchorwoman announced and promptly, two round crystal glasses were brought out on a trolley and placed in front of her.

Putting her hand inside the senior-one glass container, "So, umm, let me pick," the anchor picked one chit out and then another from the juniors' one was picked out by the other anchor who pronounced the names together with his co-anchor.

"Our topper, none other than Rashmi Verma, CSE 4th year and the Junior is Sahil Verma, CIVIL 1st year. Please give a huge round of applause for them and also for motivating them for the task they're going to perform."

"Second couple, umm. Woah, one of my best pals, Rohan Taneja, Mech 4th year and the junior who'd accompany him is.....Kavya Dhawan, ECE 1st year. Woah, lucky Rohan. Give a big hand for the second couple." The anchors cheered and winked at Rohan who was already giving whimsical glances to Kavya - his newfound lady love. They both stood up from their respective seats and went on the stage with reddened gills and pumping middles.

"And, the last chit reads...."

"The last couple who'd be performing the task is...."

"Woa..h. Am I reading rightly?" the anchor delayed and read the chit again to reassure her sightedness. The co-anchor affirmed, "It's unbelievable".

"It's none other than our very favourite, our very talented, our president, Dev Kapoor and wait, wait, wait, who's the lucky girl? Well, it's none other than the same girl who had sung the Shinchan song for our president, yes, the astounding and aesthetic, Arvika Arya of ECE, 1st year, please give a huge round of applause for them," the co-anchor ended his speech and Arvika for the second time this day was completely perplexed, not knowing what to do. Her lips quivered and her hands froze at the mention of her name.

Was this really happening with her?

What task would she have to do with her president, her startled mind questioned and she got no answer in return.

On the other hand, Dev had a disquieting time to accept all this. Arvika was paired up with him, for real? From the instant his eyes had landed on her today, all he wanted to do was to keep her away from the world. She was looking so unearthly beautiful today that he feared she'd get bad eyes from the number of kernels that were trained on her automatically because of the scenic view people were obtaining from her exquisitely pulchritudinous personage. He glanced towards her table and saw how disturbed she seemed as if she was asked to perform some circus show with a lion and not a human which he was sure.

Getting up from his seat, Dev got near her and bent down on the ground to match her eyes which were implanted on the ground. All the crowd's vulture-like eyes were trained on the unbelievable thing that was for the first time happening today in the history of IIET, Delhi.

Dev had never even bowed down when he was in his first year and now when he was the freaking president body of the whole university, he was bowing down in front of a mere first-yearite?

"Arvika? Do you want to do it with me?" he asked her so softly that for once Arvika felt that it was someone else and not the president of their college whom almost everyone respected for his meticulous attitude and ethereal personality. She met his gaze and saw an unknown vulnerability in his orbs as if something was eating him off. She meekly nodded her head in hypnosis and the next moment, she was standing on the scaffold with Dev just beside her and also her best friend who was showing a 'thumbs-up' and a generous smile to her.

All the girls except a few were stinging in sheer jealousy and despair; why weren't they selected instead of that white-fairy? And the other guys had a good show to view the most enchanting couple on the stage who would be doing something magical on the stage, wouldn't they?

"So, put your hands together as we are finally going to disclose what these three couples are to do," the anchor paused and continued, "So, the task is: All the three of you have to do the paper-fold dance. And there's only one rule and that is: no one would be allowed if their feet come out of the paper. They'd be immediately disqualified. Also, after every song change, you need to fold the paper into half. Now, the one couple who would be able to survive till the last would be announced as the winner and would be given certificates and a free date night from our side to the very pre-eminent QLA. Let's begin."

The auditorium uproared, whistled and applauded for the show to commence.

Arvika didn't know what paper fold dance was, she hadn't seen one before. Meekly she glimpsed at Dev who was having a restless shadow etched on his face as well. He too didn't know, Arvika contemplated dismally. On the other hand, Kavya and Rohan and the other couple were already removing their shoes and sandals for the hop to initiate.

"Do you know how to do it?" she quizzed in a soft tone and he reverted his head to her with his eyes enlarged. Nodding his head, he whispered in her ears, "If you don't know, no problem. Just harmonise with me, okay?". She blinked her eyes and bobbed her up and down like a kid.

She nudged him imperceptibly and apprehensively asked, "But you won't kiss me, okay?".

And he just nodded his head after giving her an assuring smile. He knew he could do that and the whole party would hoot boisterously but he also knew he won't be able to gaze into her eyes again. His carnal desires would be harvested some other day when she'd be ready but not today.

"Open your sandal, you'd be better," Dev started giving her the needed instructions and opened his formal shoes too while the girls could only glimpse these occurrences with their sporting and burning hearts; they wished they were there on the stage with him but it was only a dream which could never be accomplished. His eyes were only for one girl and nature's conspiracies too were on his side. And the other lads were too excited for the sensuous dance to begin, they could care less about who danced with whom. All they desired were some primrose shows.

The three couples positioned themselves on the paper accurately.

Dev took Arvika's hands in his and wound them around his neck which caused an unexpected shivering sensation inside his guts while Arvika likewise felt a tingling sentiment when she touched the soft nape of Dev. He held her midriff and pulled her closer to him, unknowingly expediting her already thumping heart. Their eyes never left each other as if they had vowed not to fluctuate even for a moment. She felt at rest yet restlessness at the same time. What was he doing to her?

"Don't be nervous, feel as if no one is watching you. Just relax," Dev husked assuringly and blinked his eyes for encouragement and that immediately soothed her down but still, the butterflies in her stomach didn't stop fluttering their wings which were forcing her heart to skip a beat. She felt so light-weighted yet so heavy within her.

And the first song consequently inaugurated the performance.

Tum hi ho, ab tum hi ho

Uproars of hooting prompted the three couples to sway aesthetically on the beautifully tuned romantic song.

The more and more phrases went on, the more Dev tugged Arvika towards him and she couldn't do anything to move away but only gulp and swallow every drop of the esoteric desires that were unconsciously soaring in her roaring heart. For the first time, she felt that her knees were no longer supporting her physique. They would give out anytime if not for the strong hold Dev had on her. Her hips along with Dev's were swaggering flawlessly along with their pumping hearts. Only one thing was at rest - their eye contact with each other which didn't even fluctuate for a second.

"Fold," the song changed and Dev buckled down to fold the paper into half.

High rated gabru

It was one of the favourite party songs of Arvika; she started swinging her hips and hands in graceful moves with a charismatic grin embellished on her lips and Dev could care less and he too started savouring the hip-hop kind of steps with his love. She was indeed crooning the song in her joyous voice and fully grooving on the beats of the song. Dev never knew that she loved this song otherwise he'd have long ago danced with her on this party song. This bubbly side of her was extremely invigorating and formulated millions and millions of bubbles and micelles of unfathomable love inside him at a high rate.

No one could indeed predict that Dev and Arvika were not even on talking terms the way they were taking a thrill to the tempestuous song.

"Fold," again the song was changed and papers were folded.

Pyaar ki ye ek kahani suno

Another romantic number started and couples came closer to each other. Dev was smiling like a Cheshire cat and started chorusing the song. But as the paper wasn't that large, the first couple was disqualified and now only two couples were left and Dev was determined to win. He immediately put his hands on her hips and pulled her in his arms while she was wholly hypnotised to react to anything that was happening to her. All she could see was the most mesmerising eyes that she had never noticed from this close.

The paper was again folded and a new sensational song started.

Tujhme rab dikhta hai

Their eyes were locked on each other while Arvika's bare soles were placed on Dev. If Dev hadn't held her close to him, she'd have surely fallen out of the paper and he'd have lost a chance to have a dinner date with her. No, he would win that at any cost, even if he would have to dance on his toes, he'd win this battle. Her whole body parts were almost fastened with him, but her bosom was the most concerned which was under the contiguous proximity of his broad chest. Their hearts had harmoniously started tapping with each other in sync. Sensations of formidable desires and passion started flowing inside their veins which were plummeting with the high-flow of the oxytocin hormone.

And the paper was folded to the smallest this time and the song too was changed into a dripping, salacious one.

Aaj phir tumpe pyaar aaya hai

The whole of the crowd ululated and whistled in utter enthusiasm and ecstasy when they perceived how smoothly their president pulled off Arvika from the ground to his arms. Arvika's heart was throbbing harshly at the sudden movement and she just shut her eyes in sheer embarrassment and anxiety. All this was so new to her and Dev being so near to her and this erotic position was giving her a hard time to control her enervated breaths. Dev had felt as if he was carrying his bride for the first time.

The black tuxedo of Dev fused so well with the whites of Arvika's dress that people feared whether the couple were just a random senior-junior or a black & white TV showing some sensuous and lip-smacking salsa of an extraordinarily very close couple in love - the way they were swaying their hips on the blisteringly luscious beats of the song. The environment too was suddenly unusually romantic with such divine angel in the arms of a man who possessed immense divinity in him.

They looked so right as if two missing jigsaws of a puzzle were fused after eras, ultimately and so enchantingly.

But Dev couldn't hold Arvika for long as Rohan and Kavya imbalanced and went out of the paper, ultimately making Dev and Arvika as the winners. He smiled at the crowd who cheered at his winsome victory with Arvika still in his arms with her closed eyes. He gently put her down and whispered, "Open your eyes, we have won".

And my love too, he susurrate inside his mind and breathed serendipitously.

Arvika was too demure presently to face the crowd after everything that had happened; this intimate dance with her senior, their close inclinations and everything they did.

With her cheeks coated in its highest natural rosiness, she received the artistically-designed certificate from the sponsors and went down the stage in a drizzling manner not even paying attention to her dance partner who was feeling as if he conquered the whole of the world today. She didn't even pay deference to all the number of eyes that followed her enchantingly. She was suddenly feeling an upsurge increase in her self-consciousness.

Dev too got down the scaffold and immediately all the masses encompassed him to sing eulogies for him for his outstanding performance at the stage but his eyes only longed for one single girl who was too shy to even glance at anyone.

This made him fall more for the girl who was too shy to even meet his gaze or in fact, anyone.

The twilight was too long-drawn for the couple who for the first time was so imminent to each other that they faltered; something had kindled between them so powerful and solicitous that they couldn't forget it for their whole existence. But Arvika was the most stirred by all this event. An unexplainable feeling lingered inside her and she couldn't pinpoint what it was!

"So, Arvika, fallen for my brother already?" The question suddenly made goosebumps rise on her intact frame.

The enigma of a latent love story had just put its first piece of discord between the two youthful fortitudes today - the discord and friction of two headstrong hearts which could lead to either undying love or living death.

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6200 words!

Important Note:

I don't know how to put this but the thing is; this story is too close to me and I really fear sharing it, who knows who is in the disguise of a voter, commenter or even a silent reader but in reality some bitchy copying-machine?

Half of the story is my experiences only and another half is the fabrication of my imagination. And it feels horrible when you see even a scene being copied by some malicious, vile woman.

Please inform me immediately if you find someone doing that, now or in the future.

Thank you!

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