The Phantom

By OneAnxiousWreck

66.1K 1.7K 409

[DISCLAIMER: i do NOT own KnB or any photos used in this book] Kuroko is a very special boy, hes a legend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

2.3K 72 18
By OneAnxiousWreck

I wake up the next morning and get changed Akashi was already up and he was out of the room, I wear a long sleeved shirt and my hoodie, I can never be too careful,

 "Tetsuya" Akashi says walking in and smiling 

"Don't call me that" I snap, then remembering the events of last night

"why?" He asks, His voice softer than normal,

"Just don't" I turn and look at him, I sigh "Please" He smiles

"So you do have manners" He mocks 

"And you actually are a dick"  I snap He smiles

"C'mon" He says, we walk out

"Tetsu" My brother calls, We both turn "How did you-" I cut him off

"Bad dream, Well, Not exactly, I'll explain later" I say, He nods and we all walk in silence 

"So... are you two getting along" I shrug 

"Suppose, No ones died yet" I say, Akashi chuckles 

"You make it seem like you're going to kill me" He says, I smile slightly

"You don't know what I'm plotting" We get into a big area where everyone is my brother walks away, Kagami walks over

"Yo" He says "How's life with the devil"

"I've seen worse" I say, Akashi starts talking to Midorima, I sigh "Honestly what the actual hell is the teacher thinking, we could kill each other." Kagami smiles

"You'll live" He says

"Always do" I say quietly, The teacher comes in and we all sit down, In our pairs.

"Right class, I hope we all slept well last night because today we are going to be fighting more demons, These ones are higher level about" He stops and thinks  "10" People whisper around me, with all the level 10 demons I know about I don't feel very nervous, I never do. 

"Looks like we'll get to fight together" Akashi says. 

"I don't know if I should be worried or confident" I say back

"You're always Confident" He says, He really did change last night? Did seeing me like that help him? I sigh

"I lost someone too" I whisper, He looks at me shocked, I even shocked myself 

"Tetsuya?" He whispers back

"Never mind" I say quietly "Forget it" He smiles slightly.

"DO NOT let your guard down" The words echo in my head. Should I be worried about Akashi? No, Mirai says he's being Honest. I shake my head as we make our way. What we see makes my stomach drop. An entire abandoned village It seems Familiar to me, I know where I've seen it before, 

"You'll take it in turns in your pairs, You need to Navigate your way around and find these," He hold up a golden orb thing, "There are 5 in all the major and common points in the village, You will be fighting demons as you go. The ones with the fastest time, Win" Everyone nods. Kagami and his partner go up first. They get lost in the village and by the end of it they took, 

"10 Minutes and 52 seconds" The teacher says, Kagami groans. After everyone else goes, Its mine an Akashi's go. 

"C'mon. Don't get lost" He says

"Never" I reply. We walk in and go behind a building.

"Major and common points? I don't even know where we are"  He says with a sigh

"We're near the old Mill" I say

"How do you know" He asks

"I'll explain later, right now duck" He looks at me confused "DUCK" I say and pull him down, A cold icy beam flies over our heads, We look over at the direction of the beam and see 2 demons, 

"So soon?" He says with a smile, I was about to answer when another beam hits me in the chest,

"Fuck!" I fall back, Akashi helps me up "And I thought I was cold" I chuckle, He does too. 

"C'mon" He says, I stand up. He grabs his scissors, "You give support?" He asks, I nod and cough a little, He runs forward and disappears behind a building, I place a sphere around the 2 demons. They give me a confused look before one of them snarls, I can feel their gazes start to shift as I can hear Akashi's footsteps, I can see one of the demons start to craft another beam, I smile and throw a rock at the sphere, They look back at me

"Nothings getting in or out of there bitch" I say, I see Akashi behind them, "You both weak anyway, Like seriously why the hell would you just STAND there," I start dropping the sphere slowly, Keeping their focus on me, Once its down completely Akashi throws a pair of scissors and one of them falls, As the second one turns I blast it with electricity, It lets our an ear piercing screech of pain then falls again, I walk over to Akashi, His eye goes from yellow to the same red. "Nice" He says

"You too" I answer. 

"Anyway, we're at the old mill? How do you know" He asks, I point over to the building

"Because it looks like one"  I say, He smiles

"Now where?" He asks, "Common and Major, I don't understand"  He adds

"The common places people will or, would visit and the most important parts of the village?" I suggests, He nods 

"Where first?" He asks, I think, The mental map I created of this place many years ago pops into my head, The most common. 

"The market?" I say "People would visit that every day" I say, He nods

"But how do we get there" He asks

"Follow me, Keep an eye out, we'll use the Buildings for cover" I say, He scowls but nods, "Sorry, You like being in control don't you?" 

"Don't worry about it, It just feels unnatural that's all" He says, I nod and start walking, Being quiet trying not attract attention. "How do you know where we're going?" He asks

"I just do," I say, I hear him sigh  "I'll explain later".

We get to the market and it's quiet, TOO quiet. 

"Now what?" He asks

"I don't know, we look around?" I ask,

"I'll look for the orb, You keep an eyes out" He says, I nod

'Be On guard'

'Of course' Mirai says,

"Tetsuya!" Akashi says, I turn and frown a little, The name bringing back more memories, More than this place already has. He holds up an orb, "Got it, where to next?" 

"A common place?" I stop and think, "or an important place, The police? Or sheriff as its most likely called?" He nods, I start walking again. This continues for a while, Killing demons and finding the orbs. We leave the village and walk up to the teacher, Blood trailing down my face, 

"How in the hell are you unharmed?" Kagami asks Akashi, I can hear the anger in his voice  

"One of those fuckers came up behind me, I hit my head on a rock, I'm okay" I say, My brother walks up to me and heals me, Akashi gives me a look, That's not what went down.


"We should go back now, We have all 5 orb things" I say, 

"Wait, How do you know the way around"

"lets just go"

"No explain" He demands

"I've been here before" I say, He looks at me with wide eyes "With a friend of mine, We used to Hang out It was trespassing and against the rules, But we never followed them. We never Cared if we were going to get in trouble, I remember the lay out and stuff" He stays silent, I hear the sound of those demons, "We have to go, Now"

"I'm confused" He says looking at me "I don't understand"

"I'll explain late- MOVE" I scream Pushing him out the way, A cold beam blasts me back, Making me hit the wall and my head. He runs over and picks me up. We run behind the building and look at each other, "run?" He suggests, There's loads of them,

"I've never ran from a demon," I say

"I don't like it either but You're hurt because you" He pauses "Protected me?" 

"I don't want to see anyone get hurt, Not today" I say, He smiles slightly, And I don't like it but we started running.


After everything's done, we pass the orbs to the teacher 

"5 minutes 34 seconds" He says, People whisper around us

"How did you not get lost" Kagami asks

"I remember things easy, Places we've been,  land marks ect I can make a map in my head, It's not hard" I say,

"He's not bad" Akashi says, We walk away and the teacher starts talking when we're in the hall, 

"How did everyone find that?" He asks, Everyone groans complaining about how they got lost, 

"Kuroko and Akashi didn't" He says "You need to know how to navigate in the field, You won't know some places which is why you need to develop skill. Kuroko here obviously has something special"

"Its not special" I say

"You said your brain's like a computer didn't you." Kagami asks

"That's just how the doctors described it" I say looking down "I don't see your point" 

After many arguments in the room, we finished for the day and I head back to my room, Well the room I share with Akashi. I pick up a book and start reading, After about half an hour Akashi walks in

"We need to talk" He says

"Here to kill me?" I say, He frowns 

"What were you talking about in that Village?" He asks, I sigh and place the book down

"You're not going to let this slide are you?" I ask, He shakes head head and sits on his bed, Looking at me "I guess I'm in too deep" I say, Am I really going to open up to the person who tried to kill me? He wont let it slide. "Okay then" I take a deep breath

"The friend I mentioned, Was my best friend, Key word being WAS"

"Did you have an argument?" He asks, I shake my head and look down

"Like I said before, I lost someone too" I look back up and meet his wide eyes, "We were Bad kids, always going in places we weren't supposed to, No matter if we got in trouble, We never cared about that, we were just having fun in a world full of Monsters." I chuckle "One day, we went to this warehouse, It was abandoned, I was against it because it seemed off, He didn't care and that, That's what killed him." I say and look down, "I got pretty badly injured but I survived." I sigh, "There" I look up

"There's so much I don't know, I want to know more" he says

"That's all I'm telling you" I snap and stand up. I walk out, He follows

"Tetsuya!" He shouts making everyone's attention fall to us.

"Don't call me that" I say and walk towards my brother

"THEN TELL ME" He screams, 

"Kids, get along" The teacher says

"TetSuYA" A voice calls, I shake it off.

"Akashi, Calm down" My brother says

"Tell me" He pushes,That's when I snap


"Tetsu" My brother says placing a hand on my shoulder "Calm down"

"I watched as a FUCKING demon Killed the ONE person in my life that made me feel Happy" I say looking straight at Akashi, who stares back with wide eyes "There, Now you and EVERYONE knows. Fuck off" I say and walk away, I walk out and decide to explore the village again. It was getting dark but I knew my way around. I find an old house where me and him used to relax, I place my head in my hands as I sit in the corner on the cold stone floor.

'T?' He starts

'I'm okay, What have I done? I just shared everything, with people I don't like' I respond, 'I hate everything'

'It's all going to be okay' He says, 'I got you'

'Thank you' I say back. I can hear people walking around, Shouting my name, It's my brother, Kagami and the other who call themselves my friend, I was about to go out when I heard 

"KUROKO-CCHI" The generation of Miracles are looking too? Great. I stay hidden and look down. After a couple of minutes they leave and I get up to leave and Find my brother, I hear a 

"Tetsuya?" A small voice from the doorway. I groan and go back to the corner.

"Don't call me that" I snap, Akashi walks and sits in front of me.

"I'm sorry," He says, I look at him

"You're sorry? Sorry that I just told people I don't even know about my past, I just told the person who tried to KILL ME? And you're sorry?" I shoot him an angry glare.


"Stop calling me that!" I snap, 

"Why?" He asks, A calm voice, 

"He used to call me that," I say. "And so did the demon" I shake my head "Why the fuck am I telling YOU this"

"Tetsuya!" He shouts, "I've lost people too, I've done things and god damn it, I never saw my mother die, I can't Imagine what that would have been like, But I know how it feels when you feel powerless and helpless." I can make out his sad face,

"ShaRiNg iS CaRinG tETsuYa" A voice booms in my head, I grab it and lean down,

"Tetsu?" He asks, He's never called me that, 

"I-I need my brother" I say through the pain "Please", He nods and walks away, After a couple of minutes of intense pain my brother, Kagami and co. And the Generation all come in. My brother running to my side as I cling to my head in pain, Keeping silent.

"FUCK" I scream, Laying on my knees. My brother turns to the group "Everyone stay there" They nod . Akashi steps forward 

"Whats happening?" He asks

"I'll explain later, EVERYONE SHUT UP" My brother says, I can't handle it anymore, I bang my head on the wall with force. "Tetsu!" My brother yells, 

"You're not in control" I say over and over in my head, Laughing follows

"yEt" he says, The pain subsides and after a couple  minutes its gone, I look up, Everyone stares

"You tell ANYONE about that and I'll kill you" I say, 

"Won't tell a soul" Akashi says "RIGHT?" He asks, everyone, they nod frantically.

"Whats Happening Kuroko?" Kagami asks, 

"Long story short. I watched my friend die and the same demon is Haunting me" I say, They nod "Thank you" I say, 

"For?" He asks

"Being so damn persistent?" I say looking at Kagami, "Glad to call you my friend, that is if that's still going?" I ask

"Obviously, We wouldn't leave you" He says. My brother smiles 

"We should head back to the teacher" Sumairu says, I nod "He'll be mad" I shrug. We walk in silence. 

"Where the fuck do we go?" Kagami asks

"Left" I say. Akashi walks next to me

"You okay?"

"My god you care" I say "Yeah"

"What was all that?" He asks

"Told you"

'You okay?' Mirai asks

'Just Peachy' I say back. We walk back and my brother explains to a VERY angry and concerned teacher. He sighs

"You two WILL be punished, Later" He says "You are in BIG trouble, The both of you" I smile to myself, I remember when I never cared about trouble, I still don't I don't care about anything, Everything empty to me, I'm empty.


Bad chapter I know, Still feel like I'm rushing this XD. 

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