Fae Wars: Pyre Boundaries

By Kalalea15

9.8K 777 140

Nina Marie was never meant to have a soul mate. She was a unique creature unlike any other on earth. She had... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 10

265 43 14
By Kalalea15

Well its not on my biggest chapters that at least the chapter. I find I'm still tired quite often and writing long chapters takes much longer than it used to. For Mother's Day my grandson but me and laptop, this one use this voice recognition software. What makes writing much easier, it also makes a lot more mistakes. I think I got most of them but please let me know if there are others I missed.

Enjoy and don't forget to vote

Thank you



Nina Marie's POV

I had hoped that Cian would have returned before night fall. Unfortunately, that's unlikely to happen since time was running out. I could see the sun slipping lower on the horizon. I was starting to think the best I could hope for was that Cian would return before the Fae did. Either way I needed to be prepared. The children of this pack deserved nothing less than my full attention. Their lives were the reason I was in this place and this time.

I took a deep breath and looked around the makeshift Lycan camp. Adults and children seemed to be everywhere. Oddly none of them seemed overly concerned that the Fae would return tonight. I spotted the alpha about five hundred feet to my left. Deciding that I didn't want to have another one on one conversation with him I made a quick right and headed in the opposite direction. Before I managed to take two steps the Alpha managed to catch up to me.

I knew instinctively that he intended to reach out and grab my arm. Not wanting any physical contact I quickly spun around and held my hand up to him in a stop motion. I watched as he blinked several times. A look of anger crossed his face before he managed to school it into a look of serenity. I force myself to smile despite my teeth being gritted together . Then I calmly said in my best, albeit fake, cheerful voice

"Good evening alpha. I hope all is well with you. Are you prepared for the Fae attack tonight? As I promised early this morning I intend to do my best to stop them but your warriors should be prepared to fight as well."

This time the alpha not only allowed a look of hatred and anger to cross his face, he actually growled low and deep in his throat. Just as I prepare for a possible attack the alpha's head dropped and I heard him say in a calm voice

"Forgive me Nina Marie. This situation is very difficult for me and my wolf. We are having a hard time coming to terms with your cat and your wolf."

I thought about saying and doing so much more but instead I raised my eyebrows in a display of curiosity then smiled. I knew despite the alpha's anger and fear of me I needed his and his warriors cooperation. The battle and war was with the Fae. My entire purpose in this world and in this time is to save the children of the beast nations. Lycan, Bastet, Naga and Dragon.

"No need to apologize Alpha I have already forgiven you. I know I am like nothing you have ever seen or dealt with. That is because I am like no other in this time. I completely understand why you are struggling. In fact it is for this reason, I think it would be best if we kept our distance."

The moment I finished speaking I took a step back and looked the alpha dead in his eyes. I could tell my words had the calming effect I hoped for. It was clear his ego was soothed and we could finally move beyond fighting for dominance. I watched as the alpha nodded his head approvingly at me before he too took a huge step back and turned back towards his pack.

I found a rock to sit on at the back end of the camp. I decided my best course of action would be to meditate. During a recent meditation I realized I was able to tap into the energy of a Fae if they were located nearby. Unfortunately I wasn't able to tell how close they were or what their intentions were but when you are at war an advantage, no matter how small, is still an advantage.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I took another and again let it out slowly. In and out, in and out, second by second, minute by minute I slipped into a deep calm meditation. I allowed my psyche to wander aimlessly across the packs territory. I'm not sure how long I had been meditating but I was suddenly overcome with the feeling that a few Fae were nearby. I tried to probe further to determine what the Fae's intention were. That's when I realized my mistake. There were not just a few Fae nearby there were dozens of them in astral form, ready to attack the Lycan pack.

I trembled with a thought of fighting so many Fae. I knew the Lycan pack intended to help but honestly how could they? They would not even be able to see the Fae. How can they fight an invisible enemy? My magic would not work for the Lycan warriors. I would need to find a way to help the Lycan pack, and I would need to find it quickly.

Cian's POV

Returning to COR took far longer than I had ever expected. Carrying a full grown she wolf and three cubs made it impossible to fly as quickly as I'd hoped. I was nearly four hours behind schedule. I would never make it back to Nina before sunset. I lowered the five of us to the ground just outside of the veil.

Then I told the mother and the pups that all we needed to do was walk forward and then we would be transported into a new dimension. The children walked unhindered across the veil. I watched more than a little surprised when their mother, instead of crossing, got electrocuted. She was blocked. I turned to face her so that I could look her directly in eyes when I said in my full dragon voice

"Tell me! What harm do you intend to the people of COR? I know you were up to no good. The veil is magic and allows any and all to cross with just one stipulation. As an adult you must have a pure desire for peace. But you were stopped. That proves you have an ulterior motive."

I watched as the shewolf's body trembled in fear before I continued

"When COR was first created we had many restrictions to cross the veil. Then we became enlightened and opened our border to all peace seeking species. So I say to you again and I caution you to answer with the truth, woman! What harm do you plan to do to the people of COR?"

I watched as she trembled yet again in what was not only fear from my voice but also from the warning my words held, or so I thought. I stood stock still and gave her time to process my words. Then I watched the female blink several times as multiple puzzling emotions crossed her face. Fear, anger, hatred, disgust then all-out rage. Then to my surprise the shewolf threw her head back and actually cackled. I knew something was not as it seemed. I started to step forward with the intention of grabbing the woman when she abruptly stepped forward and captured my eyes in hers. Then I heard her shriek in a voice full of malevolence

"You stupid animals! You ignorant fools! How is it after all this time, you still think you can win this war? You cannot win. We Fae are the superior race. Your pathetic attempt at magic in alternate dimensions means nothing, it will not help win the war."

Then I watched as blood began to seep from the she wolf's eyes, ears and mouth. Then before my very eyes the unimaginable happened, the she wolf's body just self-imploded. It was the most bizarre and disgusting thing I'd ever witnessed. I stood stock still almost in shock as I considered my options of what to do next before finally crossing the veil. I had no idea what to do about the woman that just exploded and I knew I needed to find a safe place for the children. I needed an ally on the inside, I needed Demetri and his wise counsel. Demetri would know how to help me and the children. That was going to take several more hours. I wasn't going to make it back tonight. In fact, the chances of me making it back to Nina before sunrise were slim.

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