Riches to Royalty

By ashleyy15

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Prince Heath's parents were worried about their son. He never socializes, never smiles unless he's with his p... More

Riches to Royalty
Chapter 2: His Highness' Birthday
Chapter 3: Don't look back
Chapter 4: Riverton
Chapter 5: Daisy and Donald
Chapter 6: I need a Volunteer
Chapter 7: Roommates
Chapter 8: Clara's Tale
Chapter 9: Birthday Wish
Chapter 10: Heath's New Reality
Chapter 11: The Red Spy
Chapter 12: Rescue me, Romeo
Chapter 14: Masked (Part I)
Chapter 15: Masked (Part II)
Chapter 16: Apologize
Chapter 17: Unexpected Recruiting
Chapter 18: Goodbye For Now
-Part2- Chapter 1: Meet Autumn Sparks
Chapter 2: Meet Agent Cross
Chapter 3: Meet Tasha Mae
Chapter 4: Shoot and Run
Chapter 5: May I please...?
Chapter 6: Tasha's Story
Chapter 7: Back To School
Chapter 8: Detention for the prince
Chapter 9: Roses to Rosie
Chapter 10: Get away
Chapter 11: Wake-up call
Chapter 12: Halloween Horror
Chapter 13: Say You're Sorry
Chapter 14: Enemies and Engagement Rings
What Comes After Riches to Royalty?
A boring author's note

Chapter 13: Jump Juliet, Jump

16K 339 10
By ashleyy15

Hey guys, I'm terribly sorry for the late and short chapters. I'm gonna make it up to you in this chapter! :)


Chapter 13: Jump Juliet, Jump


"If there's anything, just shout and we'll come running up with help. Alright?" Clara asked me for the fourth time. I nodded and promised her again that I would shout if I needed help. She didn't look satisfied, but said nothing else as I went up the stairs. It was a long way up, but I would do anything to get to Rosie. 

Blue Tower wasn't an actual blue tower, in fact it's white. 

My wounds just slowed me down every time I get to another floor. It was simply frustrating that I wasn't in my normal healthy condition. But I wasn't going to give up. I imagined the innocent face of Rosie's when she was back at the meadow with me yesterday. It was hard to believe that it happened yesterday. Like in one moment, Rosie was with me, then she was gone. 

Once I reached the top of the stairs, I was expecting them to instantly ambush me in my horrible condition, but surprisingly I found a blonde girl in a red dress. Red. She must've been the kidnapper that took Rosie away. 

"Ah, I see you went along with the note, prince Heath." She smiled sweetly and sat down on a chair. Next to her was a table with tea and snacks. "Sit down." She pointed at a chair opposite of hers. 

I frowned at the whole scene and scanned the room for Rosie while sitting down. No, she wasn't anywhere in sight. 

"So you're getting married, Prince Heath." She started the conversation as she poured tea into my cup. Instead of drinking it, I continued to glare at her. 

"I'm not." 

"Has someone fell for their best friend?" She asked and laughed. 

"Where's Rosie?" 

"Rosie? Oh, I'm sorry. I've forgotten all about her!" She paused to laugh. "Ethan! Bring her out!" She shouted. There was the sound of a door slamming before the sound of Rosie's familiar scream. I wanted to stand up but blondie in front of me ordered me to sit as she took out a knife from the small pocket of her dress. 

"Got her, Bridget!" 

"You're not supposed to mention my real name! Oh God." She rolled her eyes. Ethan, probably younger than me, came out from the shadows with an arm around Rosie's neck. His green eyes were filled with fear. This boy didn't want to be involved at all, I realized. 

Rosie's side cheek were red, probably from being slapped or something. Her hair was messy and tears stained both sides of her cheek. Her lower part of the dress was torned and dirty. "Rosie..." My eyes widened when I realized her arm was bleeding. 

"What have you done?" 

"Marry my sister and I'll let the both of you go." Bridget said nothing else. 

"You're insane." I commented. Her smile was gone, replaced with a scowl. Her grip on the knife tightened as she slowly walked towards a beaten-up Rosie. Rosie, even at her condition, managed to realize what was going on and tried to wiggle out of Ethan's grasp. "Let me go!" She screamed and bit his arm. 

With a shout, Ethan let her go and focused on himself. Rosie looked around, and quickly ran to my back. "Oh, things wouldn't need to end this way." Bridget made a pitying noise. The only option was to jump down the window and into the waters, but both Rosie and I knew that no one would be able to save us. And thanks to our injured arms, there was no way we could swim to shore without drowning first. 

Let's hope we're lucky. 

Maybe it's these times when I appreciate those times when we're younger when Rosie decided to make a secret language. 

"Jump Juliet, Jump." I whispered to Rosie. Her eyes went wide and instantly leaving me and darted towards the window. Bridget was too shock to realize what was going on and just stood there, her jaw dropped. 

Running to the window, I grabbed Rosie by the waist and the both of us dropped to the cold unforgiving waters. The waters instantly soaked our clothing. 

I quickly re-surfaced and looked around for Rosie. When I couldn't find her, I quickly dived back and went searching.


My arms were too weak, once the waters made impact with my body, all the breath in me were completely knocked out. I could feel myself slowly sinking lower and lower into the water. It was then, I saw an angel's familiar face. He looked worriedly at me as his hand slipped under my waist. Slowly the both of us went up and up and up, until air filled my lungs again. 

"Rosie, can you hear me?" I recognized Heath's face. Blood was on his forehead and his arm. 

"What happened to you?" I asked, while coughing out water from my lungs. My arms were no longer working. I quickly looked away from Heath when I remembered my face wasn't at it's best. Ethan slapped me so much that some of his nails managed to scratch my cheeks. 

"I'm perfectly fine. Eric's gonna pull you up." He told me at the same time I felt two arms pulling me up onto land. 

I swear, I would never go swimming unless necessary. 

"We saw the fall." Clara said to me as she wrapped Eric's magician cape around me, using it as a towel. I nodded without saying a single thing. 


Clara spent the whole entire afternoon treating my wounds in our bedroom. Every time the cotton touches my wound, I'll hiss and Clara would apologize, making me feel guilty. It wasn't Clara's fault anyway. 

After putting away all the things, Clara smiled and started to walk towards the cupboard. She slowly took out a red dress and showed me. "What do you think?" She asked. 

"It's pretty. What are you gonna do about it?" Was it for another magician act of Eric's? Were they going to have a show? 

"Tonight is the town ball. Eric and I are going. You want to come with us? Heath is probably going." She paused and reached for something in the cupboard. After a satisfied smile, she took out a purple dress and threw it at me. "It's a masked ball. So here." She handed me a purple mask that matched the color of the dress. 

"But isn't Heath injured? Why is he going?" 

"Well, Eric is stubborn sometimes so he's probably gonna force Heath into it so it wouldn't be awkward if Eric had no one to talk with." Clara rolled her eyes. "But Rosie, you look fine so could you please go with us?" 

I glanced at the purple mask one more time and then at Clara's pleading look. 


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