Destiny: Book 1 of the Draki...

By erinsnihur94

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Destiny is so fickle. From the day the old crone prophesied Princess Evangeline's fate it was destined to ha... More

Chapter 1: Purple Eyes
Chapter 2: 8 Years Later
Chapter 3: Mara
Chapter 4: The Wedding
Chapter 5: Everything is going according to plan
Chapter 6: Draki Isles
Chapter 7: King Daeron
Chapter 8: No Way Jose
Chapter 9: Draki Queen Part 1
Chapter 10: Draki Queen Part 2
Chapter 11: The Feast
Chapter 12: Poisoned Heart
Chapter 13: Deception Most Foul
Chapter 15: Peace
Epilogue: 1 Month Later

Chapter 14: The Battle

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By erinsnihur94

The faint dripping was the first thing Eva heard in the dank, cold dungeons of Esos. Groaning and shaking her head, Eva rose slowly. Her limbs and head were aching but she was able to pull herself to stand in the dungeon cell with the help of the cell bars.

"You should rest and regain your strength." a male voice spoke and the figure walked into the light. Henry Greer looks as handsome and just as serious as the day of Eva's wedding. Something in his eyes reminded Eva of the way Thomas had looked. Dazed, confused and empty.

In his hands were a plate of cheese and bread. He knelt down and slid the plate underneath the bars, "Eat. You need to regain your strength."

Eva looked around her cell before looking to the cell next to hers. She could see a distinct lump breathing slowly, "Eloise?" When the lump didn't answer Eva glared back at Henry, "Are you going to give her food too?"

Henry put his hands at his sides and gave her a hard look, "We do not give food to traitors or spies, Eva. What were you thinking joining them? Have you gone mad? They must have put you under some spell for you to betray your family."

"I am no traitor to Esos. Karon is a traitor and a liar. Why are you helping him! Have you seen what he has done to Thomas?" Eva moved closer and shook the bars, "Where is Mara?"

"The Draki wench is none of your concern. Once the war is over and the Draki King is dead, Karon will have his Seer remove the spell the Draki have placed on you." Henry stood tall, "You should eat. The execution is in a few hours." He gave her a nod before walking down the hall and out of sight.

Looking down at the food, Eva's stomach turned and she knew she couldn't eat without knowing where Mara was or if Eloise was alright. Taking a small stone Eva wove her hand through the bars and threw it at the sleeping lump. The lumb groaned and shifted, but continued to breath deeply in sleep.

Eva rolled her eyes remembering Eloise was a very heavy sleeper and did not like to be interrupted from her sleep. Finding a larger stone Eva threw it and hit the lump in the shoulder causing it to cry out in pain, "What the hell are you doing!!"

Eloise sat up on the pallet and Eva snorted at her friend, who in the past always made sure her hair nicely done. However, now it looked like a rats nest and her face was smudged with dirt. Eloise rubbed her eyes and stared at Eva who was clutching the bars staring back at her most trusted friend.

The silence was uncomfortable and Eva whispered softly, "Hello."

Eloise stood wrapping the blanket she had tighter around herself. It was then that Eva realized Eloise was naked.

"Oh Eloise. What did they do to you?" Eva pushed on the bars but they wouldn't budge. All she wanted to do was hug her friend.

Looking down Eloise shrugged, "Nothing you are thinking. Half-breeds don't deserve clothing."

Eva felt tears running down her cheeks, "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." Eloise smiled and came closer, "When did you get here? Why are you in a cell?"

"Henry sent me a letter with Sir Plum. He said you were to be executed and that Karon has cast some spell on Thomas. We came to rescue you." Eva snorted and looked around, "Some rescue, right?"

Eloise shook her head, "I fear no one can rescue us now. Henry lied. He is Karon's brother. Thomas has been poisoned by Karon and his Seer. Since you're supposed death your mother has not left her bed. I don't believe Karon perceives her to be a threat. Did they kill Daeron?"

Blushing and looking quite sheepish Eva kicked a stone, "Daeron doesn't exactly know I am here. Mara, his sister helped me to escape the island. I fear she has been captured by Karon as well."

Eloise nodded, "They forced me to drink a sleeping potion so that I wouldn't be able to escape. I think they believe I will turn into a dragon and fly away." She held the blanket tighter around herself, "They know nothing of dragons."

"Then you really are a half-breed? How could I not have known? Why didn't you tell me? Did our friendship mean nothing to you that you would lie to me and my family? All the while you were spying on me." Eva stared at the girl she recognized as her best friend but very well knew nothing about this stranger in the next cell.

"It wasn't like that. Even though he was human, my father was an elder among Daeron's people. He developed a sickness after I was born. The dragon's blood he was given after a while only lessened the pain he felt. Daeron did not wish for me to grow as an orphan with the Draki so he sent both myself and my father away to Esos in hopes that there would be a better life for me here. He was right." 

Eloise shuffled a bit looking around before continuing to whisper, "Half-breeds are uncommon among dragons. Usually when a dragon mates with a human their offspring are full blooded dragons. The dragon side is more dominant. To be only half and have no ability to shift is a laughing matter amongst the Draki. Daeron felt great care for my family and wanted me to be safe."

Eloise sighed and sat against the bars that separated their cells, "Daeron knew your family would keep me safe and he loves you, Eva. He couldn't very well approach your father for a suit while Reginald was still living. Your father hated dragons, Eva. It was rumored the Draki killed your grandfather and attempted to assassinate your grandmother along with the Seer, Lucinda. Daeron had hoped your brother, as a new King, would put those prejudices aside, especially after..." Eloise's' voice trailed off and blushed thinking back on her time with Thomas.

Eva collapsed next to Eloise a puff of dust exploding around them causing both girls to cough and giggle at the mess, "I knew you and Thomas were meeting in secret."

Gasping Eloise stared up at her friend, "How did you know?"

Laughing Eva clutched her friend's hand tightly through the bars, "Months ago, Thomas asked Mama for the ring father had given her when they became betrothed. I was listening in on them and heard him tell Mama that he was forgoing the obligation for him to marry a princess or lady from court. Mama was a baron's daughter of lower standing and she understood the need for secrecy. I didn't tell you because I wanted you to tell me yourself. I knew you would in your own time."

Eloise groaned, "I had no idea. You must think me an idiot. Though now it won't matter. I am to be beheaded for treason in a few hours."

Eva looked around her cell, "Not if I have anything to say about it. Do you have any hair pins?" Feeling her hair Eva groaned, damn you, Henry Greer, for removing them.

"No, they removed them. I imagine they believe us great escape artists now." Eloise chuckled and shuddered as a cold gust of wind blew in through the windows.

"Karon's Seer... is she powerful?" Eva bit her lip thinking back to when she first met Lucinda.

Eloise shuddered remembering Notia, "I believe so. It is said she drinks dragon's blood to remain immortal. I do not believe her to be a true Seer. I have heard of Seers who do evil and the gods turn their backs on them, shrouding their visions in darkness. It is a curse to any Seer who cannot see their or anyone's future, thus their powers dwindle and they die. If she does truly drink the blood of dragons, I pray for their souls. To have your blood drunk by one who is cursed by the gods is to lead a life of agony and quick death."

"How do you know all this?" Eva whispered back to her friend.

"When my family lived on the Draki island, Lucinda taught me many things to keep me occupied. I was constantly being picked on by the other Draki children. Lucinda took me under her wing and would say I had great promise in the magical arts. I sent fire to her cottage five times before I realized she was lying." Eloise chuckled, "She is an amazing woman. I learned much during my time with her."

Eva smiled and scoffed at her memories, "I met her. Daeron took me to her and she thrust my hand into a pot of boiling water. I thought she had gone insane. Luckily the water was enchanted it didn't burn my hand at all."

Eloise paused and turned to stare at her friend, "You didn't burn or anything?"

Eva gave Eloise a curious look, "No. Lucinda just laughed and said she had a hunch I wouldn't burn. Why?"

Eloise bit her lip, "It's just odd. Only those of Draki descent are capable of withstanding such temperatures. Do you recall I never burn in the summer under the sun or when I've touched the bedpan in the winter it never hurts me."

Eva laughed, "But I am human. Lucinda never mentioned I was a Draki and I am sure Daeron would have mentioned it."

Eloise knelt clutching the bars tightly in her hands, "What if Daeron did not know? Lucinda only had a hunch, she rarely shares her thoughts unless it is urgent or is asked directly."

"No one in my family are Draki. My father's family only became royalty after the Great War with the barbarians to the north.There was never a dragon bride taken during our ruling." Eva shook her head, "The water must have been enchanted."

Eloise shook her head, "Perhaps." Groaning she rattled the bars, "We need to get out of here. Have you and Daeron mated? You could tell him what has happened."

Eva shook her head, "No not fully. He wanted to give me time."

Eloise nodded, "I understand wanting time Eva, but time is dwindling for me."

Eva whispered holding out her hand through the bars which her friend took, "I am so sorry Eloise. I will do anything to stop this from happening to you."


Mara's head was groggy and she could feel pressure building all around her as she attempted to move in the chains locking her in place at her hands and feet. Looking around with blurry eyes Mara groaned in defeat at the sight of a tent full of potions and concoctions, the Seer.

Eva. Eloise. Daeron.

Moving a bit and testing the strength of her chains, Mara groaned when she realized they were enchanted. Reaching out with her mind to link with her brother, Mara cried out in pain as she hit a mental wall.

"Tut, tut. Naughty dragon whore. Those chains don't like it when you do naughty things like that." the seer, the old ugly woman strode through the tent's entrance giving her a terrifying smirk.

Groaning again at the weight of the chains, Mara stared the Seer down, "I have been tortured by Karon himself for many years, Witch. Anything you do to me will be nothing compared to what I have already experienced."

The Seer cackled, "I don't wish to torture you. No. All I need is a little taste."

Realizing what the Seer meant Mara struggled more before letting out a scream as the seer swung a dagger out at her, silencing the Draki girl.


Chains rattled and doors opened causing bright light to enter the room as Henry strode in with Estorian guards flanking his sides. Eva stood and raised her head high, "Henry. Remove me from this place at once. I wish to speak to my husband the King."

Henry froze and assessed Eva before sneaking a glance at the half-breed, Eloise, who was huddled in a corner of the cell, covered by a blanket.

Eva sighed dramatically, "Well? What are you waiting for? I am in dire need of a bath and to get out of these wretched clothes. Karon will not wish to see his wife looking like a disgusting Draki whore, now will he?"

"Eva...I mean my lady, is it really you?" Henry took a step forward with a torch in his hand shining the fire's light closer to her causing Eva to wince at the heats closeness. Though Eva could feel the heat she did not feel the prickle from being too close.

"Of course it's me, you fool. The distance from those infernal lizards has restored my mind and I wish to speak to my beloved husband immediately about the Draki King's plans of attack." Eva stomped her foot for affect.

The two guards flanking Henry jumped to attention and one grabbed the keys at his side and proceeded to unlock Eva's cell door as Henry stood immobile keeping his eyes on the shivering Eloise in the corner.

"I trust that I will have enough time to change before the execution? I don't wish for Karon to see me looking like some Draki whore." Eva waited for Henry to respond but he only nodded and looked to the guards.

"Take Princess Eva to her chambers and have some maids prepare her." Henry turned away as one of the guards bowed and held open the prison doors so that Eva could walk ahead of them.

Walking a few steps Eva turned and gave Henry a sour look, "Henry... please try to remember, it is Queen Evangeline now. You'd do well to remember that."

Henry watched warily as the seemingly confident woman walked up the steps to her freedom. Turning back to Eloise's' cell Henry shuddered and whispered to the scared girl, "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

Groaning as pain shot through his head, Henry turned and marched up the steps shutting the prison door with a loud slam.


Eva couldn't believe that had worked. Pretending to be "cured" was the smartest thing she had come up with after she and Eloise wracked their brains trying to decide how to escape. Now she just needed to figure out how to get Eloise and Mara out safely.

After bathing, a maid came and dressed Eva in a beautiful green gown and proceeded to braid her long hair down her back before Eva stopped her.

"Pin it up please. I don't want it flying all over my face during the execution." Eva smiled to herself in the mirror as a small crown silver crown was placed on Eva's head. Her mother's crown.

"Is my mother able to take visitors? I would love to visit her. I have missed her so much." Eva stood straightening out the flowy gown grateful it was not so cumbersome that she might fall if she attempted to flee.

"She is preoccupied, Wife." Karon's smooth voice spoke from the doorway. The maid squeaked in surprise and hurried out of the room leaving Eva alone with her "husband".

"Well of course. After the execution then?" Eva smiled innocently and clasped her hands in front of her to keep from fisting them so that she might beat his face until it was black and blue.

"Perhaps. Henry mentioned you had information about the Draki King and his supposed attack?" Karon stood to full height and began pacing around her room.

"Yes well they are all rather primitive beasts. From what I can tell they will attack Estoria first and then cut Esos off by the sea. Once they have done so, I believe they plan to attack by sea." Eva tried to appear nonchalant as she turned to gaze once more in the mirror to fix a tendril of hair.

Karon walked up behind her staring at her in the mirror as she fixed little things about her dress or hair.

"You are right my love. They are primitive. Now tell me, they did not assault your person in anyway that left you... damaged?" Karon looked into her eyes through the mirror as Eva gave him a confused look.

"Your virtue, Eva?" Karon finally spoke again as the silence went on.

Gasping Eva gave a little laugh, "No. Apparently I was not good enough for their Draki King. They did addle my mind a bit, but I am much better now. Though you must be careful. They are very talented when it comes to trickery of the mind."

"They are, are they? Interesting." Before Karon could say more, trumpets sounded and drums began. "The execution is starting. Let us be off."

"You know Karon, dear," Eva mentally winced at the term of endearment, "Are we sure Eloise is a traitor? I grew up with the girl, perhaps she has been tricked in the mind by the Draki like I was."

Karon took Eva's hand tightly and pulled her towards the stairs and finally the courtyard where a waiting horse was stomping it hoofs in anticipation, "Don't think on this anymore. Once the traitor is dead, the rest will fall."

Climbing up on the horse, Karon pulled Eva up to sit in front of him by her shoulders causing her to squeak in surprise. The horse sped off after Karon gave it a swift kick and they raced towards the cliffs. Eva could see the humor in it as she remembered the wedding before chaos rained down from the heavens, literally.

There was a wooden stage set up with a single butcher's block. Soldiers marched around and formed lines as if they were readying for battle. In the nearby village, villagers stood behind a barricade of soldiers.

"Why are the villagers blocked off? Do you not wish for them to see your prowess over the Draki?" Eva raised her eyebrow at the evil King as he gave her a sneer in return stopping the horse a few feet away from the stage and slid off pulling Eva down with him.

"Well we can't have the peasants getting in the way during the fighting, now can we?" Karon pushed his face closer to hers, "Enjoy the show, my lady." Confused Eva gasped as something cold and hard was was locked in place around her ankle.

Looking down Eva screeched and threw out her fists trying to hit Karon, "You stupid, evil man. Unlock me at once. Are you so scared of a tiny woman that you would chain her to the ground?"

Karon laughed along with a few of his soldiers, "You are the bait my lady. Worry not, I am sure your mate will come for you soon."

Turning away Karon strode up to the stage, nodding at a few of Esos' lords that were under his control. Turning he surveyed the large fields and paced around to survey the open sea.

Sensing nothing lurking in the mist or woods Karon cried out, "Bring forth the accused."

Henry came forward through the jeering crowd of soldiers who were all yelling insults or throwing foods at Eloise who walked as if she wasn't going to her death. Her head was held high and she looked forward towards the risen sun. Chains sounded as Henry led her up to the podium and forced her to kneel in front of the chopping block.

Eva could see the tears streaming down Eloise's' face and Eva gave a sob as she fell to the ground reaching out for a stick or rock; anything to help her break free from the chains.

"Karon! Please don't do this!" Eva cried out pulling further on the chain to remove it from the dirt.

Karon laughed and others joined in, "My dear, I won't be doing anything." He clutched the hilt of his sword that was strapped to his hip and motioned with his other hand, "Bring forth the accuser."

Men parted as the reddish curls stuck out among them and Eva let out a cry to match Eloise's sobs as Thomas walked calmly onto the stage.

"Brother! Please don't do this! You are under a spell! Listen to me!" Eva cried out.

Karon roared silencing those present, "Gag her." A soldier came forward and gagged Eva tightly with a piece of cloth as Eva continued to screech and squirm.

Karon turned back to the dazed and confused Thomas, who was staring at Eloise with red rimmed eyes, "Eva is alive. What is happening?"

"Tis the spell this Draki bitch has placed on you, my friend." Karon grabbed a large axe from a nearby soldier and held it out to him, "Once you have cut off her head, you find peace."

Thomas hesitated and stared into Karon's eyes as the new King of Esos let out a harsh breath and pushed the axes' handle into Thomas' hands, "Take it boy, we don't have all day."


Get up, ya Amar, get up!


Mara gasped awake sitting up on the dirt floor. Touching her hand to her forehead caused her to wince as she looked down at her right arm to see the swirling black scar.

A seers' mark.

Crying out in pain Mara clutched the burning, throbbing mark tightly to her chest. To have your Draki blood drunk by a cursed Seer is to court death itself. Sniffling Mara felt dizzy as she pulled on the chain latching her to the ground.

Moaning Mara cried out, hoping someone could help her, "Help! Someone help! Please!"

"Quiet, ya Amar, or else the entire Estoria army will come down upon us." the familiar, deep accented voice spoke up in the shadows of the Seers' tent. The Seer, Notia, was nowhere to be seen.

Mara's heart froze for a moment before thudding faster. She looked all around whispering, "Mahmud? Where are you?"

Shadows in the corner of the tent moved and grew until dissipating to reveal a large man covered from head to toe in black cloth. The only thing that was visible were his beautiful dark eyes surrounded by tan skin.

Mara gave a sigh of relief, "What are you doing here? Are you mad? Is Daeron here?"

"I sensed your pain. I fear I was not quick enough." Mahmud knelt by Mara and pulled a black bladed knife from his boot. Striking swiftly with the knife at the metal chains causing it to crack and break from her leg. "I know not of your brother's plans. The execution is about to begin. You need to stop it."

Pulling the metal away from her leg Mara felt the spell keeping her kneeling give way and she was able to take normal breaths again.

"Thank you." Mara said breathlessly staring into his eyes. Although she couldn't see his face Mara could tell he was grinning at her.

"Don't thank me yet. Thank me properly after the battle, when we can be alone." He placed the black blade into her hands. The cloaked King stood to full height and backed into the dark corner of the tent, "Don't be so hard on Raiden. He is the only brother I have." At these words the darkness enveloped Mahmud until he had disappeared entirely.

Groaning Mara stood on shaky legs, "I hate shades." In the distance Mahmud's deep chuckle was heard and Mara knew he was watching her. Though from where she knew not.

Hearing the drums start up Mara ran out of the tent towards the cliffs, hoping she wasn't too late.


Her brother held the axe now and gave it a swing through the air as a test of its weight. Biting through the gag Eva cried out trying to get his attention, but all that came out was a muffled cry.

Eloise had not moved and simply stared straight ahead, her mouth moving but no words came out.

Karon moved forward and bellowed for all to be silent, "We stand here today to witness the execution of a traitor and spy to the kingdom of Esos. How do you plead, half-breed?"

Eloise looked to Thomas first and then Karon, her eyes full of hate, "I pray Daeron swallows you whole."

Karon burst out laughing and many around him joined him in nervous laughter. He nodded to Thomas who pushed Eloise's head down on the block and pushed her long hair out of the way.

Standing at her side Thomas lifted the axe high in the air. The field silent except for Eva's cries and muffled sobs.

As Thomas brought the axe down a dark blade flew through the hair stabbing Thomas in the shoulder with so much force it pushed him to the ground the axe cutting into the wooden stage. Eloise gave a gasp for breath before sitting up and crying out at seeing Thomas with a bloodied shoulder, "Thomas!"

Karon let out a growl and everyone turned to stare at a bruised and bloodied Mara wearing nothing but a peasant dress torn at her knees. "Hello Karon. Did you miss me?"

Roaring Karon pulled the dagger from Thomas' shoulder causing him to cry out in pain and threw the dagger at Mara, only to have her catch it in her hand at the last minute.

"Thank you for the return of my blade, Karon. I can't wait to plunge it into your dark heart." Mara grinned at him completely relaxed. Though Eva could tell her dragon was close to shifting as her eyes changed to a dark black then back to violet.

Karon laughed and motioned for his soldiers to unsheathe their weapons, "You plan to take on my armies alone?"

Eva continued struggling in her bonds, when she froze at the sound of a groan and roar called out in the sky and from the mountains above. Daeron.

Mara grinned, "I am never alone."

Mara ran forward towards Eva as the air erupted into fire and chaos. Draki emerged from the skies and sea, shifting into human form as the Estoria soldiers met them trying to hold their front lines. Many Dragons remained in their dragon form, blocking any chance of escape.

An earth shattering roar rang out above the cloud line as Karon unsheathed his sword and aimed it at the sky, "Coward! Come down here and fight like a man!"

Mara appeared besides Eva smiling, "I believe your mate is here." Using the black blade Mara cut the chains from Eva's ankle and pulled the gag out of her mouth.

Gasping for breath Eva looked all around at the chaotic battle going on around them, "My brother! Eloise. I must get to them." Standing she grabbed a fallen soldiers sword groaning at the weight before righting herself again.

Mara nodded and threw herself into the battle. A soldier yelled at Eva and approached wielding a spear. Grabbing her mother's crown off her head Eva flung it at the man hitting him square in the nose and gave him a sharp kick in his groin area. He fell to the ground as Eva took off towards her brother and friend.

Racing along the cliffs, Eva reached the wooden stage that was partially on fire. Close to them Eva gasped as Daeron, in his dragon form emerged from the clouds blowing fire over Karon's impending Cleavers that were readying their arrows.

Crashing to the ground Daeron emerged from a plume of smoke in front of Karon, his sword Argal, at the ready.

Karon whispered, "The sword." Roaring Karon ran at Daeron and the two met with swords clashing.

Eva rushed up onto the stage and hugged Eloise who was clutching an unconscious Thomas to her chest, "Get Thomas to the castle."

A deep, accented voice sounded behind her, "I might be able to help."

Eva thrust her sword out as shadows appeared in the form of a man. His dark eyes were all that Eva could make out in his dark clothing, "Do not be frightened, my Queen. I am a friend of the Draki."

Eva stared at him only for a second before taking Eloise's hand and giving it a squeeze, "Go with him. I will find you when this is over."

Eloise nodded through the tears, "May the gods keep you safe." Pulling Thomas up the man took Eloise's hand in his and the three disappeared in a cloud of darkness.

Eva spun around to see many of the Draki engaged in the heat of battle and Daeron and Karon were engaged in a duel closer to the cliffs.

Karon swung his sword about hitting Argal with such force that it flew out of Daeron's hand. Sensing a way for her to help Daeron, Eva lept up throwing the sword away to grab a large rock.

Heaving them over her head Eva gave a cry of happiness when one hit Karon's back and he growled turning to her. Daeron was on top of Karon in an instant. The two went down and began rolling around on the dirt, their swords forgotten on the ground.

Daeron growled and with renewed strength pummeled Karon in the face knocking him unconscious. Rising Daeron strode towards her looking very angry and a bit relieved.

"My love. I thought you dead," Daeron's words cracked with emotion.

After letting out a small squeak, Eva's arms wrapped around Daeron's neck as he pulled her into his arms and held her close. Eva felt her heart burst as Daeron refused to let her go. He held her tight completely ignoring the battle around them.

Daeron pulled away from her long enough to stare into her face and slowly lean down to kiss her.

As Eva lifted her face to meet his, the slice of a blade and the guttural cry passed through Daeron's lips. Gasping Eva stepped back to see the hint of a blade poking through Daeron's chest where his heart was. Blood began forming through the wound dripping through his beige shirt as Daeron fell to the ground. Behind them Karon stood, smirking evilly. Daeron's blood soaked his hands.

Eva screamed and fell to Daeron. Many around them stopped fighting as Karon roared in delight shouting to all who heard that the Draki King was dead. Eva patted Daeron's cheek but his eyes remained shut and she could tell he had stopped breathing.

"Don't bother. The dagger was soaked with a poison so strong, not even Lucinda, herself could cure him." Karon laughed and turned his back on her, marching towards Daeron's sword, Argal. The sword gleamed in the sun blinding her for a second before all became clear.

Eva couldn't stop her body from shaking as she felt the anger within her rise up and take hold of her body. In her mind a soft lyrical voice whispered, Take hold of your destiny, Evangeline.

Pulling the dagger from Daeron's body Eva spun around and threw it with renewed strength at Karon. The blade made a loud crunch, hitting him between the shoulderblades as he cried out in alarm and knelt before Argal. Running forward Eva only hesitated for a moment before grabbing Argal by the hilt and swiping it up slicing Karon's head from his body.

The earth began to shake and dark clouds formed in the skies. Bright light burst forth from the sword in Eva's hand. When she tried to drop the sword, her hand would not remove itself from the sword. Crying out Eva felt a burning proceed up her hand.

Men and Draki around her cried out and faintly in the distance Eva could hear Henry yelling her name.

The world around Eva froze instantly as bright light exploded all around her. Gasping Eva looked all around to see Esos soldiers, Estoria soldiers and Draki warriors frozen in place. Looking down Eva cried out in fright to see Karon's decapitated head frozen in mid air before it could hit the ground. His expression was that of shock and pain. His eyes still held that cold, evil look.

Not understanding Eva raced to Daeron who lay immobile on the ground tears falling down her cheeks and onto his face, "Daeron! Please wake up. Please. I need you Daeron. Don't leave me! You promised everyone would be safe. Please..."

Bright light shone over Eva as she held Daeron close to her chest whispering, "Please." Over and over again.

A lyrical voice spoke above her, "Our history has a way of repeating itself I see."

Wincing at the light Eva gazed up into a bright woman's form. Blinking her eyes Eva stared at the beautiful woman before her. She was dressed in a golden white gown with a tiny, jeweled crown atop her head. When the woman smiled down at her, Eva felt warmth envelope her.

The woman's skin was clear and her smile beautiful. It was her eyes however that made Eva pause. They were void with nothing but bright light shining through.

The woman's voice was light and airy with a hint of a musical lilt when she spoke, "Do not be afraid, Evangeline."

Swallowing Eva sat up straighter, "Who are you? Are you a seer?"

The woman laughed softly, "No. I am not a seer. You may call me Lara."

Eva took in the woman's face again and thought back to the many paintings and statues that were on display in the castle. Gulping Eva fell to the ground, bowing with her forehead pressed against the ground, "Your majesty...."

Lara smiled and touched Eva's shoulder. When she touched Eva, the warmth intensified, "Rise, brave warrior."

Eva stayed kneeling before Daeron, "I cannot leave him."

"Nor should you have to." Lara took Eva's hand and knelt in the grass with her, "This will only take a moment."

Eva looked back down at Daeron and cried once more, "Is there nothing that can be done? Have the gods take me instead! Daeron does not deserve death."

"I agree. My Davros, did not deserve death either and I paid the ultimate price by trying to bring him back." Eva wasn't sure if Lara was looking into her eyes or if she could see into her very soul as she shuddered at the dead Queen's words.

"I will do anything for him." Eva clutched Daeron's hand, which was now going cold.

Lara smiled, "The gods were right in choosing you." She sighed and turned to look around the chaos that was frozen in place around them. "I was on those cliffs the night I attempted to bring Davros back to the land of the living. I was a stupid girl whose only thought was to the love she had lost. I should have heeded Lucinda's warning."

"Daeron tells me you jumped from the cliffs due to the loss of your mate." Eva whispered watching the young woman warily.

Lara sighed, "I was pushed. A very powerful Seer thought to gain the power the gods had bequeathed me to bring peace to the four kingdoms. She had no way of knowing that I had hidden those powers away in the form of my sword, Argal. Lucinda warned me. So I hid my powers away. I begged Lucinda to take the sword and my son, Argal, away into hiding. I knew my death was nearing, but I had to try to bring Davros back, even if it meant my death."

"Your son... Argal and the sword?" Eva was so confused her head swam.

"Lucinda hid my babe away but, he was so like his father, willing to go to war and fight for those who could not. I believe a portrait of him hangs in this very castle. Your ancestor on your father's side." Lara smiled and patted Eva's hand, "You share his eyes."

Eva nodded, "I knew the name sounded familiar. King Argal thrust the barbarians from our lands and reclaimed the throne of Esos." Eva paused and stared back into Lara's void eyes, "Then I do have dragon blood in me? Which is why I wasn't burned by the boiling water when Lucinda thrust my hand in."

Lara laughed the laugh sounding like tinkling bells, "Yes, she is quite mischievous with her methods."

Eva looked down at the sword still stuck in her hand, "Why me?"

Lara became solem, "You will bring peace to the four kingdoms and unite them into one as they should be. The gods have foreseen great pain in your future, but it will bring peace and love to those around you. Eventually you yourself will be at peace. It is your destiny to lead the four kingdoms."

"How can I have or bring peace knowing Daeron is dead and we will never be able to spend our lives together?" Eva brushed a lock of Daeron's hair away from his face.

"There is still great evil in this world, Evangeline. I am of the belief you cannot defeat this evil without your mate." Lara reached out and brushed her glowing white hand across the wound in Daeron's chest. It sealed instantly and the blood disappeared from his clothing. Gasping Eva reached out and touched the area feeling warmth instead of cold.

"With the sword and your mate by your side, nothing will be able to stop you." Lara's voice grew faint, "I sense evil approaching. Trust your heart, Evangeline."



HELLOOOOO!!!  Is anybody out there?  Chapter 14 is live! Enjoy! ♥ Erin

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