By bratzcartel

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By bratzcartel


I tapped my pencil on my desk listening to this boring lecture , I wanted so badly to go to sleep but I needed these notes for the upcoming exam on next week

"Pssst" I said trying to get Milian's attention, she was on her phone as usual

I wasn't getting her attention so I threw my pencil at her

She turned around and mugged me "What you want girl?"

"Do you have gum I think it'll make me focus more" I asked because I couldn't pay attention

"Yeah" she dug in her huge purse and handed me a piece

"Thank you" I said

She nodded getting back to her phone

When we were out of the class I didn't have anymore for the day since it was Friday and I only have one class on Fridays

"Girl that class was so fuckin' boring I ain't kno what to do" Milian said smoothing down her hair

While we walked we ran into Milian's friends which I disliked but I kept my opinions on them to myself they were loud and messy two things I can't stand especially in the morning

"Hey twin" Camilla said to Milian

Milian looked at me and rolled her eyes she hated when Camilla called her twin because she's ugly and the two looked nothing alike

"Girl how many times I gotta tell you I'm not yo fuckin' twin" Milian said

"Don't do her like that" Angel said laughing

As they walked alongside us I kept my distance I didn't feel like hearing them talk about the people who walked past us

"Milian you know yo cousin havin' a party this weekend right?" Khayla asked

"Girl , yea he not lettin' me go though he say I'm too young" Milian said lying through her teeth she just asked me if I wanted to go with her

"Girl, you in college and you grown he can't stop you" Camilla said patting her head making her leave out look worse

"Yea, y'all don't know Nasir he will kill me if I even suggested goin' to his lil stanky party" Milian said

Nasir was her cousin he acted like her dad even though he's 21 ,three years older than us he treats her like a baby

"Dion, why you walkin' all up there" Camilla said

I shrugged my shoulders and kept it moving I didn't have time for Camilla's messy antics she knew why I was walking away from there she just wanted to say something to me

As soon as me and Milian got to our apartment building which was not far from campus I ran up the steps because I knew Milian and her friends were going to stand outside and talk for a minute

I slipped out my ugg boots and put them next to the wall and slipped my jacket off and went into my room laying on the bed I slowly drifted off to sleep


"Dat ain't makin' no sense Ty" I said to the dumb ass nigga in front of me

"W-w-whatchu mean Nasir" He said lookin' like he was gone shit himself

"We missin' supply and you the only one dat be sniffin' cocaine"

"Whatchu talm bout" He said wipin' his red ass nose

I shook my head and left the room "Yeah it's him" I said to Milo

"Ight I'a handle it" he said walkin Into the room

Ian wanna see what he was bout to do to Ty cuz I know his ass ruthless and I don't got the stomach to watch him torture him

"You leavin" Vincent said

I nodded and walked out

Before I got to ma car I got a call from Milian annoyin' ass

"Whatchu need luh girl" I answered cuz I know she want sum

"Dang I cant get no hello" she said

"No Whatchu want" I said laughin a luh bit

"I wanna go to yo party with my friends" she said innocently

"Camilla and them? Hell no" I said cuz I ain't like Camilla and them they hella annoyin' and thirsty act like they ain't never been aroun' a fine ass nigga befo

"Boy, shut up and I'm not just bringin' them I Dion comin' too" she said

"Dion don't even like parties an I don't want yo friends talkin' to me like I'm cool wit dem" I said ,I might as well jus let her beggin ass come.

"Alright don't none of my friends wanna talk to yo ugly ass and Imma make Dion come" she said

"Yea right shut up bye" I said hanging up because I wasn't finna argue wit ha ass ova Dion

I'd known Dion since Milian met her when they was 12 years old and I knew a luh bit about ha not that much cuz she ugly and I ain't have no interest in ha young ass anyways

I ain't seen her since she I was bout 18 because I wasn't living with Auntie Victoria no mo


"It's Saturday bestie what you wanna do" Milian said walking in my room

"Sleep and Study especially since it's freezing outside" I said to her

"You borin it ain't even all that cold outside" Milian said trying to convince me

"Well hoes don't get cold soo" I said laughing so hard I snorted

"Hahaha" she sarcastically laughed "but for real you have to come to this party with me please" she begged

"No I don't like parties and you know that , go with your party friends" I said closing my book and putting my glasses on the dresser

"I wanna go with my best friend though" she whined which I hated and she knew this

"Why, what could I possibly do there for you?" I asked walking to my closet

"I just want you to come out with me so I can show you off" She said

I laughed at her "Yea shut up I guess I could go but as soon as I feel uncomfortablel I'm going home" I said grabbing a pair of jeans my light blue vans and a white T-shirt laying it on my bed

"Yes I love you bestie" she said jumping up and down

"I love me too" I said laughing

"You so corny" she said giving me a mug

"Yea I know, Are your friends going to the party" I asked I really didn't feel like being bothered by them so I was hoping they weren't but if they were I'd already said yes so it was too late

"Only Angel and Khayla because Camilla startin' to make me wanna beat her ass" she said rolling her eyes

"Ok I'm good with that Camilla Is kinda annoying anyways" I said

Camilla talked way too much mess to be ugly and couldn't fight either she had Angel handle everything because they were cousins

"How are you gonna get Angel to come without Camilla" I asked

"Girl I got this just worry about being pretty because we leavin at 6:30 and it's 2 and we know you be takin forever" she said walking out

I rolled my eyes I don't take 4 hours to get ready and plus I wasn't trying to look that cute for this party since it was cold and I wasn't trying to impress anyone and I was simply going because Milian asked me to go


When it was six thirty I still wasn't ready I was putting on my make up (eyebrows mascara and lipgloss) and I still had to fix my hair

Milian huffed "This why you should've been got ready" she said about to fix my hair

"Girl shut up and do my hair" I said

She put my curly hair in a bun and I was done with my make up I threw on a jean jacket and we left the house

Once we got to Nasir's house we had to park all the way down the street because the house had cars parking around the corners I never understood how all these people fit in this small house

"Girl my legs cold as fuck" Angel complained

She had on booty shorts and it was 50 degrees outside

"Mine too" Khayla said speed walking

"Nobody told y'all to wear them lil ass shorts" Milian said

"Girl shut up you just mad you can't wear this around yo cousin cuz he'd beat yo ass" Angel said

"That's why you cold now hoe" Milian said rolling her eyes

"Yea shut up" Angel said laughing

The group of girls actually seemed more pleasant without Camilla being there

We walked into the crowded party I immediately wanted to leave because it smelled like must and weed

What was I doing here? I asked myself

I followed Camilla to a room where Nasir and only a couple of other people were I looked around checking out the nice room

It had dark blue paint on the walls ,grey couches ,and brown bamboo floors with a grey rug over it.


I watched Milian, Khayla ,Angel and some other girl walk in Khayla and Angel walked over to talk to one of my niggas so I went up to Milian

"Cuzzooooo, wassup I told you Dion was gone come" she said laughin

"Whea she at" I asked

Milian has pointed to some fine ass skinny girl lookin around the room

"Damn" I said under my breath

"I know right she glo'd all the way the fuck up" Milian said

Dion had walked over to us and waved at me

"Wassup Dion you changed ....... a lot" I said laughin

She slightly laughed showin her white straight teeth "Yea I know"

Shawty used to look fucked up, last time I seen her she was skinnier than what she is now she had bumps all over her face, braces, and some big ass glasses that made ha eyes look big as hell

"I mean you look like a whole notha person" I said. I was glad I ain't used to make fun a ha or nun

"I know , thank god I honestly just didn't care about myself" she said laughing

Now she was just fine as hell without a whole bunch of make up or bein half naked

"Hmmm" Milian said lookin between both of us drinkin ha water

I already knew what her messy ass was doin I wasn't even lookin for no girlfriend Dion was just fine as fuck

"So whatchu been up to" I asked Dion

"I really don't do anything but study and watch your cousin do things she not supposed to be doing" Dion said shrugging ha shoulders

"What she be doin'" I asked so I could beat ha ass on the spot

Dion laughed "I was just kidding" she playfully rolled her eyes "This your house?" she asked looking around

"Yea why you like it" I asked her she had been looking around since she got here

"Aren't you scared someone's gonna steal all this stuff I mean you live in the hood" She said so proper I wanted to laugh at ha

"Nah they know not to steal from me I'll have they whole family killed" I said nonchalantly I was bein honest and didn't give a fuck bout nun

"Woahh" She said laughing but little did she know I wasn't jokin

We started talkin bout whea' we been what we been doin' and she was pretty coo wasn't all shy like she was when we was younger.

"Milian looks like she's drunk so I'm gonna go help her" Dion said walkin away

She was a good friend she kept a eye on Milian while the otha ones was partyin' an not carin' bout anything

"You don't have any business getting drunk anyways" Dion lectured ha she acted like ha momma which was good cuz I know she ain't at the college doin nun

"Well we finna leave so I guess I'll see you when I see you" she said

"Khayla, we got to go" Dion said tapping her shoulder

"Girl we been here for an hour I'm not ready" she said going back to dancing

"Well then find yourself a ride then" Dion said to her walking away Dion wasn't a pushover and didn't let people walk all over her like she used to.

"Y'all okay we c-ca just ask my cousin for a ride" Malian slurred holding Dion's arm.

"Yeah why y'all just don't do that" Angel said rolling her eyes.

Dion handed Khayla the keys rolling her eyes and walked back over to Nasir.

"Naz can you give us a ride home" Milian said calling Nasir his nickname.

"Why y'all can't drive" He asked .

"Because Khayla and Angel wanna stay longer" Dion answered.

"Yeah gimmie a minute, MILO!" He yelled.

Milo lifted his head to acknowledge him .

"I'a be back watch my place" he said.

Milo nodded and got back to dancing with all the hoes.

"Ight lets go" he said taking his keys out his pockets .

Dion and Milian followed him out the house and into his all black Dodge Challenger.

"This is a nice car" Dion said examining the inside which was red leather.

Milian got in the back seat and laid down.

Dion sat in the front and buckled her seatbelt When Nasir got in he started the car turning on the heat

"You aren't gonna wear your seatbelt?" Dion questioned.

Nasir laughed but Dion was dead serious, her uncle died in a car crash all because of his seatbelt not being on he was ejected out the front window.

"Oh you for real" he said noticing her face.

"Yes they have them for a reason" Dion said.

"Ight I'll put it on just for you" he put it on laughing she was the perfect friend for Milian in Nasir's mind.

"Thank you" she nodded smiling.

He turned up the heat "it's cold as fuck outside man I can't handle this shit".

"I love the cold" Dion said.

"Why" he questioned as he glanced at her looking crazy.

"Because it's the Cold, there's Christmas ,Snow ,Eggnog and then if your house is warm laying down in bed under a cover watching movies oh my goodness" Dion said overexcited.

The littlest things made her happy and it was funny to Nasir

"What do you like? The Hot " she said with a disgusted face.

"No, I like it warm not too hot not too cold" he said.

"That's boring what can you do in the warm".

"You don't gotta worry about being hot and you don't got to worry about being cold and I can dress how I want to" he said touching his chin.

Dion rolled her eyes laughing "With the cold you can dress in layers and add more accessories and then you can wear boots" she said excitedly.

"Where you go in the cold" he asked

"Nowhere watch movies in the house with Milian" she shrugged

"Y'all lame"

"How are we lame" Dion said looking at him.

"You love the cold but you dondo nothin".

"Did you not just hear me? I'm watching movies all day".


"Well what do you suggest I do, I don't have friends and I'm not into parties"

"Come hang with me tomorrow"

"Just me and you" Dion said with a raised eyebrow.

"I guess"

"Where?" She questioned

"You'll see when we get there"

"I don't like surprises"

"Who does" he said pulling up to their apartment complex

He gave her his phone to put her number in

"Text me after noon because I'm going to be asleep until then" she said getting her phone back she opened the back door "Milian get up" she said grabbing her out the seat

Nasir watched the two until the made it in, Dion made sure to wave at him before entering

After getting Milian settled in Dion took a shower and put on pajamas then checked her phone

Good Night D

A text message from an unknown number which she knew was Nasir she texted him back

Good Night Nasir

She watched an episode of Nikita until she dozed off.

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