Breathe me In

By musicbeatloves

31K 871 130

Knock has always been in love with Korn. But Korn was straight as a ruler, clueless of his best friend's feel... More



5.1K 162 35
By musicbeatloves

"Who is he?" Mew interrupted, smiling at the two.

Knock looked at Mew and awkwardly replied. "Korn. A friend of mine."

"A special friend, I pressume." There was something not so innocent in the way Mew said those words. Knock immediately understood what he meant.

He shook his head quickly and tried to correct him. "Not that special-" Knock groaned realizing how bad it sounded to Korn. He looked awkwardly at his best friend and then rolled his eyes back at Mew. "You know what I mean. He's my best friend."

The smile on Mew's lips curved deeper. He observed Knock for a long minute and then to the male standing by the door.

"I'll leave you two alone." Mew concluded that he better leave for the mean time. He kissed Knock's cheek before leaving and smirked at Korn, wanting to rattle the man in some way.

He was successful. Korn looked at him interloper. It was obvious that he did not like his presence.

Mew responded with a wink and left, leaving the two in an awkward moment.

"So?" Korn was waiting for his answer.

"Come in first."

Korn walked inside his room and sat on his bed, waiting for an explanation.

Knock scratched his head, trying to think of a way to explain Mew's presence. He could lie but Korn would easily figure it out he was lying so he just outright admitted the truth.

"I'm gay."

Knock expected to see some sort of surprised reaction or even a negative one from his best friend. Instead, he was the one who got caught surprised.

" I figured out the gay part long ago. What about that guy? Where did he come from? Or rather, why did you disappear last night?"

The only thing that stuck in Knock's brain was Korn already knew he was gay?!Since when? It was only during the summer before he entered university did he accept that he was attracted to guys.

Since they met again in college after so many years apart, he had been torn about this issue.

"You knew?"

"Well... duh~" Korn rolled his eyes. "No straight guy check guys asses."

"How long have you known?" Knock had to sit down, feeling his knees got weaker upon discovering Korn knew he was gay. He had thought he hid so well, but then Yihwa also knew.

"I had a hunch a week after we met again. You got drunk and kissed me, saying I look hot and stuff."

"I-I kissed you?!" His face went flushed in embarrassment.  He covered his face with his hands. "Please bury me."

Korn laughed. "It's fine. You were blabbering about how much you loved me. And you weren't a bad kisser. It's just drunk talk." The male really looked like he didn't mind it.

Korn's careless words felt like a sharp arrow pierced through Knock's heart. It wasn't just any drunk talk. Those were his real feelings. Knock awkwardly laughed in response, so as to not appear suspicious.

"So who was the guy who left?" Korn repeated his forgotten question.

"Oh... Mew. I got drunk and kissed him. I think he wants to date me."

Korn shook his head and slapped his friend's head. "Stop drinking so much. Good thing he was a nice guy or else something bad might have happened to you. Guys also can get taken advantage of."

Knock glared at him for insinuating that he was weak. "I'm no woman. I'm still a guy Korn. My arm muscles aren't for show."

"Stupid! When you're drunk a lot of things can happen. I'm just looking out for you. So..... do you like this Mew guy?"

"I guess." Knock shrugged. What more can he say? He was sad and drunk so he could possibly have kissed a random stranger just so he could let out his feelings of frustration.

He earned another hit from his best friend. "What do you mean, you guessed? Make up your mind or else someone else might steal him from you. He did look interested, so you do have a chance on him."

Knocks hates every words that came out of Korn's mouth. He hate is so much that he wanted to risk his relationship with his best friend and just kiss him. But he was such a coward that he would rather take it all in and keep it shut, pretending that Korn's words weren't cutting him deep.

"I'll call him later so shut it. I don't need love advice from you. I'd rather take it from Farm."

Korn snorted. "Him? Why? Because he's gay?"

"Yeah." Knock stated the obvious.

"But that guy changes guys as quickly as he change clothes."

"At least he has more experience in the love department." Knock teased.

Korn punched him on the arm. "HA.HA.HA. What's wrong with taking it easy. It's not my fault that I can't find a girl that interests me."

"Korn it's been a year since you were in a relationship."

"So? It's been more than a year since you were in a relationship?"

"And now I'm getting one." It was hard to swallow the words but he felt it must be done. It was on a whim to accept this possible relationship with Mew so that he can move on from this one-sided love affair. "It's fair for you to find one so that you won't be a third wheel or maybe people will think we're in a threesome relationship."

Korn laughed and locked Knock in a headlock for making a threesome comment. "It's too early to be proud. You're still single like me."

"And whose fault was that?"

"What? You want me to go? Then I'll go."Korn playfully pretended to leave.

Knock immediately pulled his arm, making Korn fall back. They ended up with Korn on top of his best friend. Knock was clearly affected while Korn was his usual clueless self.

"You're already here so you better take care of me. My hangover is still not cured." Oh how Knock wished that Korn will always be beside him.

Korn grinned at his friend and got off the bed. "Because I ruined your morning with your Mew, I'll be your servant for today. I think your breakfast had gotten cold. I'll heat it up for you."

Knock sat up and smiled back to his friend. He was still wasn't ready to let his feelings go so just for a little bit, he would enjoy his time with his best friend.


I apologize for my horrible horrible story flow. Share your thoughts :)

I also have an FB page so do visit or like if you want at musicbeatloves

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