Forgetting About the Future (...

By nikkibrooks

621K 17.1K 15.3K

The wishing well is a very dark piece of magic that has been hidden for centuries. It has been rumored from t... More

The Wishing Well
Good Morning Death Threats
Progress...Sort Of
The Chamber
A Pang of Jealousy
Tensions Rising
Into the Forest
A Spark of the Fire
Twisted Thoughts
Falling Apart Under a Moonlit Sky
The Betrayal Begins
Making Bad Decisions
An Infatuation Of The Heart
Dirty Little Deeds
The Best of Intentions
Lets Watch the World Burn
Hymn Of The Broken Hearted
Fates Unknown
The Battle Begins
Lost In Time
Powers Within
The Future Holds No Happy Ending
Sequel Update

When All is Lost

14.3K 419 346
By nikkibrooks

Victories' POV

Victorie stood holding her stomach, extremely worried by what she had just witnessed. She had not taken in much consideration for what that woman in the forest had told her about her child until now. Victorie didn't believe that any child, regardless of it's father, could be that powerful. Tom wasn't born with any special powers, he gained all of it on his own. Why would their child be gifted with all of this unknown magic?

The healer, Jolena, packed up her things and gave Victorie a forced smile before leaving. Victorie sat back down on the bed and tried not to think about everything that was going wrong. Between being stuck in the Malfoys' dungeon, not being able to return to Tom, and worrying about her unborn child, Victorie felt as if she could breakdown at any moment. None of this was supposed to happen. Victorie did not regret her baby nor would she change what happened if she could, but having a child when she was barely even seventeen years old was not something Victorie had ever wanted. With the chaos of everything that had happened Victorie never really had time to just think about how any of this would work.

Tom had told Victorie he loved her moments before she had returned to her own time, but they never got the chance to actually talk about the fact Victorie was with child. She worried that Tom would change his mind about them. After all, how could the man who was to become the most powerful dark wizard of all time, want a child? Where would they even live to raise a baby?

Victorie was distracted from her thoughts when she heard screaming coming from upstairs. She got up and quickly hid behind one of the stone pillars. The chaos above continued and Victorie stayed hidden, unsure of what could be going on. The door leading into the dungeon came crashing to the floor. Victorie looked around trying to find anything that she could defend herself with but there was nothing. She remained behind the pillar, doing her best to keep quiet. "Victorie?" Her heart felt as if it had skipped a beat. She could recognise that voice from anywhere. But it had to be a trick, there was no other explanation. The voice called out after her again and Victorie finally stepped out from behind the pillar. "Tom?" She asked, desperate for this to be real. Tom ran to her and pulled her into his arms. "I've been trying to get you back for weeks." He said holding on to her tight.

They stood there in the dungeon clinging to one another for several minutes until Victorie broke away. "How are you here?" She asked. "It was not easy. When you never returned I knew something must have happened. I went to Slughorn for help. He told me of a way and I finally found a spell I believed would work. However, it sent me here instead of brining you back to me." Tom explained. "I lost the vial you had given me when I was being held captive for the first time. Harry Potter most likely has it now." Tom looked furious. "Everyone who hurt you will burn."

"I'm not hurt. We need to return back to the past as soon as possible. It's not safe for either of us here. Not to mention, I fear what the 'future you' would do if he saw you." Victorie said, trying to reason with Tom. She knew this was no time for revenge. "I am not afraid of myself, Victorie. And unless we get that potion, we currently have no way back. It would take me at least a week to make another one." Tom said. "Would the one vial you gave me be enough for the both of us?" She asked. "Yes, it should be." Victorie was pleased to finally hear some good news. "Okay, then all we have to do is get it back. I can take us to the Burrow, that's where Harry is." Victorie told him, heading out of the dungeons. When she got to the top of the stairs she stopped and stared at the Malfoys all laying on the ground. "Are they dead?" She asked him. "No, just knocked out. Except that one, she vexed me." Tom answered pointing down at a dark haired woman. Victorie recognised her to be Bellatrix Lestrange. She stepped over the body and picked up her wand, having no idea what they had done with hers Victorie figured this one would do just as well.

Victorie held on to Tom and apparated them just outside of the burrow. "They have protective enchantments surrounding the place. And after the attack when the Malfoys came for me, I suspect they will be stronger than ever." Victorie told Tom, trying to think of a plan. "This is nothing. It would take us less than a minute to break through." Tom said, pulling out his wand. "I don't want them to know we're coming. The less people who see you here the better. I don't want the Order here." Tom gave her a confused look. "What is the Order?" He asked. "It's kind of a group that was formed against you when you first rose to great power. Dumbledore started it." She explained. "Well, then I most certainly want them all here. Kill them all, and get the potion."

"We can't kill anyone, Tom. We've altered time too much already. You've killed one person, who knows the consequences that will bring. We need to just get the potion and leave." Victorie tells him. "Since when did you start caring about consequences, Torie?" Tom asked her, a smile playing at his lips. "Since I have an unborn baby to think about as well." Tom looked as if she had said something shocking. "The child survived the time travel?" Victorie couldn't tell if Tom seemed to be disappointed or grateful. "Yes, I was seen by a healer at the Malfoys. Our child is fine." She said placing a hand on her stomach. "Okay, we'll do this your way. But if it comes to it, they all die." Tom said, almost commanding. "Agreed."

Toms' POV

In the past two months Tom had very little time to think about anything other than getting Victorie back. Hearing her speak of the child made it seem much more real than before. He remembered what the woman at the Wishing Well had told him, that their child would have extraordinary powers all because of some connection he had with Victorie. Apart of him couldn't help but to think how useful that much power under his control would be.

Tom tried to focus his attention back on Victorie. "What if we didn't completely undo the enchantment? Just try and weaken it, enough to where we can get in and they might not notice right away." Tom suggested. "That's perfect." Victorie said, readying her wand. It took them no time to weaken the protective enchantments around the burrow. Tom headed to the burrow first, followed by Victorie. Despite his agreement to not harm anyone, Tom had no intentions of leaving without blood on his hands.

The moment they reached the burrow they were instantly surrounded by dozens of witches and wizards. "Victorie, I had really hoped it wouldn't come down to this." A dark haired boy with glasses said, looking heartbroken. Tom had guessed this to be Harry Potter. "You have something of mine, Potter. I would like it back now." Victorie demanded. Tom rather enjoyed seeing her this way. "You mean this?" The boy asked, holding up the vial. "Yes. No give it to me and no one has to get hurt." She told him. Harry laughed and pocketed the vial. "You're outnumbered, you have no chance." Now it was Victorie's turn to laugh. "We'll see about that."

Victorie was the first to make a move, disarming one of the older wizards. After that, chaos ensued. "Avada kadebra!" Tom shouted, aiming to kill. Even outnumbered, Tom and Victorie could take all of them out easily. He makes sure to keep an eye on Victorie during the battle though, just to ensure her safety. "Stop!" Harry yells, getting all of their attention. He was holding the vial in his hand again. "Drop your wands, or I smash this. I gather it's important to you, you wouldn't have came back for it otherwise." He demands. Victorie looks over to Tom, as if asking what they should do. He shakes his head slightly so only Victorie can see. Victorie makes a move to retrieve the potion from Harry. But it's too late, the moment he saw that they weren't going to give up he dropped the vial to the ground and stepped on it for good measure. "No!" Victorie screamed. Tom rushed over to Victorie and grabbed her arm, taking her from the burrow with him. The old Riddle house was the first place that popped into Toms' head when he apparated, leaving the two of them standing at its door.

"We should be safe here for a while. At least until I can get the ingredients to make another potion." Tom told her, walking in. "We messed up big time." Victorie looked extremely worried. "Everything will be fine." He assured. "You killed two people today. Over a dozen people saw you. I fear that even if you do get another potion made it will do no good. We've altered time too much. Before I went back to find the wishing well, I did a lot of reading on time travel. If the veil of time is tampered with too much, it will break."

"Then let it break."

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