Clichés 101

By SavingInsanity

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This is a book full of cliche things, or at least things I think are cliche. It will soon be full of some of... More

Vampire Clichés- Part 1
Vampire Clichés- Part 2
I Met Him in a Coffee Shop

Romance Clichés- Part 1

811 26 8
By SavingInsanity

Oh no, not the dreaded romance! We aren't ready!

Well hurry up because we're about to begin. Welcome one, welcome two, to my book of cliches. As you can tell, the dreaded romance topic is being touched on today, and as sad as it makes me, this may be split up into THREE parts. 

Oh my!

Yes, yes. Don't worry, though. I will make them as fun as possible without getting off track. We'll first start off with the jock stories. :O Yeah, the most OVERUSED plot in the world, but first, let's take a look at the basic jock types, shall we?


The Jack Off (Metaphorically)- He's the guy that gets on your last nerve even when you aren't talking to him. 

The Jack Off (Literally)- The guy who always has his hands down his pants and doing some pretty odd motions. I have witnessed this jock in action, and I'll tell you, it's not pretty.

The Ashhole (Metaphorically)- The guy who either dates girls to break their hearts or the guy who just likes pissing people off. I strongly dislike this type of jock.

The Ashhole (Literally)- The guy who just looks ugly or farts a ton. Either way, not a very attractive possible mate, now is he?

The Gay Guy- The one who is either out of the closet or has extremely gay tendencies. These are the hardest to read, and (obviously) the hardest to get.

The Perfect One- The guy who's perfect but is always taken. Usually this type's only flaw is that they tend to be players.

So now that we know the basic jock types (which go into smaller subcatagories which I won't get into), we are now ready to confront all of the stories! 

1. Jock and the Nerd     Okay, first off, none of these jocks besides the Metephorical Ashhole (M. Ashhole) would date them, and being a nerd (and knowing a nerd is bound to read this book) it is NOT likely to happen unless M. Ashhole is willing to change, which I doubt.

2. Jock and the Emo      Again, being a former member of the emo/scene scene (no pun in intended), it probably won't happen. I wasn't interested in ANY of these jockies, nor am I now, so as I speak on the behalf on the emo group, interest is only on their face or on former friendships that were lost for whatever reason.

3. Jock and the Loner    First, yes emo and loner are different, and this is a too-often used one. The girl who doesn't talk at all, passes through life on a thin wire, maybe abused, maybe not, but still. You get the gist. 

As you can see, there are tons of jock and the _____ stories, mainly because the jocks are the pretty ones, but honestly, think of something original (which will be discussed in Part II or III depending on how long this ends up). Now for the __x__ (boyxboy, girlxgirl, teacherxstudent, and the list goes on....) because they are the second most used stories since they've become rather popular in the romance department. Now, let's think about this for a second. I have NOTHING against gay people (I actually want a gay son so we can go man hunting together :3), but the stories have been used so many times, that when you look up bxb or boyxboy, you get 248 pages, each containing about fifteen stories on each page. Now THAT is a ton of boyxboy stories, so for this segment, I'll just list how may pages are for each one.

BoyxBoy- 248(15)=3720 (or more)

GirlxGirl- 48(15)= 720 (not nearly as bad as bxb, but still)

TeacherxStudent-  3(15)=45 (not bad at all, so I will give you a LITTLE slack on these)

BrotherxSister- 2(15)= 30 (again, I'll let you write these, but only if they're good. XD)

Now, somehow I got most popular to least popular. I guess it was luck of the draw, but still. The original BrotherxSister story was a little tale called "Flowers in the Attic" by Virginia C. Andrews which is a series of books that I keep meaning to read. If you want to write a BroxSis story, read hers first to get a grasp of what I kind of expect from you. 

Just because I can't think of any more ideas, I shall end this. I thin it will be divided up into three parts, but only if you give me some ideas. I've posponed this update long enough, and I do sincerely apologize to you who enjoy it. On that note, I shall end the day with a smile :D and a cat :3. 

Lots of lint love,


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