Saved By The Jock

By Ohhlala_77

4.5M 114K 38.8K

A victim of child abuse ever since the death of her mother, Cassidy Taylor has become a shy, quiet girl who's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Opinion From You (Please Read)
Chapter 27
Special Chapter
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Valentine Special
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Story Idea (Not an update but please read)
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Goodbye

Chapter 44

50.2K 1.4K 609
By Ohhlala_77


"Yes," I whispered to his ear.


( Hey guys, so before you read this I just want to inform you that please read the author's note below, I really need your questions. Thank you! Happy reading! )

Chapter 44

He crushed me in a bear hug, squeezing me closer to him. I smiled against his chest, it had been the first time I smiled these past few weeks.

Who knew that love could cure all the pain away?

"Cass?" He suddenly broke the lapped silence.

"Mhhm?" I mumbled against his chest, fluttering my eyes close.

"Are you coming home with me?" His voice sounded hopeful.

I was shocked by his question it took me a moment to register it in my brain, he kind of noticed it because he pulled away from me. His hands are craddling my face with his blue green eyes piercing at my own.

"Will you?" He smiled at me.

Would I? Definitely, no overthinking.

"Of course. I missed your mom, your dad, Brandon and oh. Mady!" I giggled.

He smiled widely at first but then after I finished my sentence he had a frown on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows to ask him why.

"You don't miss me," he crossed his arms over his sculpted chest.


"I do miss you," I kissed his nose, his cheeks, his forehead then gave him a peck on the lips, "See?" I grinned.

"Guys please, keep those things to yourselves." Ally groaned behind us.

I buried my red face on Carson's chest as his chest rumble in laughter, I blushed harder than I thought any other human could. He wrapped his arms around my waist still chuckling until he decided to break the news to Ally.


Carson was cut off by Ally speaking.

"I know what you're going to say and trust me the moment you stepped into my house I know that she's going home with you." She smirked knowingly at us.

My head immediately snapped up to meet her gaze.

"How did you know that?" Both of us asked in unison.

"Well duh? I'm used to the both of you ditching me." She rolled her eyes.

I looked up at Carson and both of us grinned at her sheepishly.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna start packing now," I jumped away from Carson's embrace laughing, with Ally screaming and chasing me.

I ran towards my temporary room and threw my suitcase over the bed. I unzipped the suitcase and threw my clean and old clothes all together.

I was just excited okay?

I was about to go to the bathroom to retrieve my toothbrush and other hygiene stuffs when I was tackled to the ground.

I looked up and found Ally on top of me. She tickled me everywhere making me burst into fits of giggles.

"Stop!" I breathed out, not being able to stop the giggles that were coming out of my mouth.

"No can do, you leaver!" She tackled me making me unable to breathe.

"Carson! Help me!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

Within a second, she was pulled away from me. I panted like a mad dog, both of us were while Carson held me in his arms. He ran his fingers through my hair, he planted a lingering kiss on my hair and I felt him smile.

"Aww look at you two, one minute you're crying then the next minute you're all lovey dovey. I feel like a third wheel here." Ally faked wiping a tear under her eyes.

I got the nearest pillow to me and trew it to her face, earning a laugh from Carson.

"Shut up, it's not like you don't have a boyfriend." I rolled my eyes at her stupidness.

She mocked me making Carson throw another pillow at her. It was my turn to laugh now.

"Both of you are evil, you'll regret this." She stood up and glared at us, motioning her fingers that she's watching us.

God. Remind me why am I friends with her again?

I stuck my tongue out playfully at her making her flick me the finger. She glared at us one more time before she left.

"So.. You want me to help you pack your things?" Carson whispered, his finger raking my brown locks.

I closed my eyes and let his fingers relax me. I nodded softly and breathed out a sigh. I couldn't think of a more perfect moment than this and I sure wouldn't trade this for anything.

"Do you want me to pack your things right now?" He kissed my forehead.

"Later. Can we stay like this for a moment?" My eyes still closed while I wrap my arms around his neck backwards to hug him.

"Of course." He tightened his grip on me.



I opened my eyes and looked up at him, his eyes were closed, lips slightly parted.

"I'm sorry," I said in a voice that was barely above whisper.

His eyes snapped open and he loosened his grip on me, unclasping my arms around his neck. I thought that he would flip out but he did the opposite thing, he lifted me and placed me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me again and I mimicked his actions, resting his forehead on mine.

"Why are you sorry? If there's anyone who should be sorry that should be me." He kissed the tip of my nose.

I let out a sigh and shook my head slightly, disagreeing with him. I made a lot of mistakes in this relationship and I need to patch things up.

"No, I should be the one who's supposed to be sorry. I didn't appreciate everything that you have done for me, you've been working your ass off and here I am making you suffer. I'm sorry that I wasn't fair in this relationship, there are some things that you could've left me to do it by myself but you didn't. You stood up for me, you've been there for me all through out, but I always push you away when I know that you're only trying to help. I'm sorry for being such a burden-"


I silenced his with my index finger.

"Let me finish," he nodded.

"I'm sorry for being such a burden but then you made me realize that I wasn't and I didn't thank you for that yet. Thank you, for everything. And I mean it." I hugged him tightly afraid of him leaving me again.

He returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You don't have to thank me Cass, I would do anything for you. And even though you don't need to say sorry I would forgive you in one condition," he smiled at me.


I looked up at him and asked him what.

"You have to promise that you won't leave my side ever again."

My eyes brimmed with tears, he doesn't know how much those words meant to me. Now that I know he won't be leaving any time soon, I would be at ease.

"I promise," I let out an involuntary sob.

"Hey, why are you crying?" He wiped the tears that slipped out of my eyes.

I shook my head and laughed.

"It's stupid," I sniffled.

"Tell me," he urged on.

"Your words moved me," I whispered softly.

He chuckled and put my head on his chest, threading his fingers through my hair.

"And I mean it, if you ever leave me again, I swear I would kill myself."

I froze in his choice of words, I snapped my head up to meet his gaze and pulled away from his embrace.

"Don't say that Carson," I said with a serious tone.

"I'm serious, if you ever leave me again I would kill myself- maybe not literally kill myself but it would kill me in the inside." He frowned.

"Don't say those kind of words Carson, and I'm serious too. I won't leave you, never again." I sighed.

The thought of Carson killing himself makes me want to cry and kill myself too.

'Okay Cass, this isn't Romeo and Juliet.'

I would have laughed if he didn't say those words. He stood up from the carpeted floor and walked towards me.

"Hey," he lifted my chin up to meet his blue green eyes. "I won't do that okay? I'm just kidding, I'm sorry if I made you worry." He kissed my cheek.

"It's okay just don't joke around like that again," I cupped his face in my hands.

He nodded and grinned at me. He flicked my nose which made me wrinkled them.

"We should start packing if you want to come home," he smiled at me.

"Okay!" I chirped.

I ran to the bathroom after I instructed him to get my clothes from the cabinet and put them in my suitcase. I grabbed my hygiene kit and every thing that was owned by me in the bathroom.

I walked out only to find myself screaming and blush beet red. You ask me why?

Carson Matthews is wearing my fucking bra.

"Hey!" I tackled him to the ground and reached for my bra.

I yanked them away from him as I glared at him.

"Sorry," he smiled sheepishly.

"I just found it interesting," he smirked at me.

I blushed harder as my cheeks felt hotter than the usual. He pinched my cheeks and cooed.

"You're so cute," I slapped his hands away and continued to glare at him.

I stood up and put the rest of my stuffs in the suitcase. I was about to zip it when two arms made its way to my waist from behind.

"I'm sorry," he put his chin on my shoulder.

"Sure you are," I snorted.

He lifted my hair and put them to the other side, he kissed my neck slowly yet teasingly. He bit my soft spot making me yelp in surprise, after that he licked it with his talented tongue.

"I'm sorry, will you please forgive me?" He whispered huskily in my ear.

It's so unfair that he's using my weakness to earn my forgiveness.

"I-I forgive you," I stuttered.

It's like my brain suddenly malfunctioned. My voice was stuck like it couldn't get out.

I felt him smirk against my skin, that only made me blush harder.

"Hey guys-" I heard Ally's voice but then she immediately stopped.

Both of our heads snapped at her direction, my face burned in embarrassment again and I looked sideways to take a glance at Carson I would laugh if I could, his cheeks were tinted with a slight pink shade.

"Oh god!" She covered her eyes with her palm, "why do I keep on catching you guys in times like this?" She groaned.

"Because you have the worst timing ever?" Carson said in a 'duh' voice, stating the obvious.

I elbowed him earning a 'what' from him, instead of answering I just glared.

"Are you guys done?" Poor Ally.

"No, but it's okay we'll continue it later." Smirk is evident in his voice.

Oh god.

I burried my face in my hands because of embarrassment. Sometimes I wonder why I had him as my boyfriend.

I guess love is weird.

"My innocent mind!" She grunted like she's in pain.

"Please, I'm pretty sure you and Ian have done things that we haven't done yet." Carson snorted at her.

I heard her gasp as her cheeks became slightly red. Oh my god.

They did it.

"He popped your cherry? When did this happen?" I asked her.

Her face flushed, and I'm sure as hell Carson's having his signature smirk.

"A-are you done packing?" She immediately dismissed the subject.

I smirked at her and refused to agree of the sudden change of topic, she always stops us from doing our thing and this is the least thing that I can do to get back at her.

"Don't change the subject Ally," I said in a sing song voice.

"I-I, okay! We did okay! Stop teasing me about it." She exclaimed.

I smirked deeper, she frowned at us with a slight shaking of head.

"After all these weeks, I've been taking care of you then now you're treating me like this? And you're leaving me with him? How could you?" She feigned hurt but then came over to give me a hug.

"Aww Ally, you know that I love you." I hugged her back.

"Hey! I thought you only love me?" Carson whined.

"I'll deal with you later." I mouthed to him, a small smile made its way to his lips making me smile back.

"You promise that you will visit me?" Ally whispered.

"It's not like we don't see each other at school," I rolled my eyes at that.

"But that's different!" She pouted.

"Shut up. Stop being clingy," I stuck my tongue out at her.

She huffed but then she bid me goodbye. Carson got my suitcase and told me that he would be waiting for me downstairs.

"So.. You reunited?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

I playfully slapped her arms and laughed along with her.

"Yeah, I poured my heart out at him." I whispered, because who knows?

Carson's a big eavesdropper.

"Yeah? So are you taking your relationship to the next level?" She purred.

I hauled in laughter, I laughed so hard that tears were starting to form in the corner of my eyes.


"Good luck with that. With a hunky, hot ass of a boyfriend it won't stay for long." She winked at me.

I slightly shoved her only to make her laugh, and me of course couldn't do anything but blush.

"Are you coming?" I heard Carson shout.

"That's what he said," she whispered in my ear.

I blushed furiously and I really don't know where to hide my face right now. I hit and shoved her only to make her laugh louder.

"Stop it!" I hissed, cheeks still warm. "5 minutes!" I yelled back at him.

"I have to leave," I hugged her again, after a few seconds she let me go.

"Go get your lover boy," she made kissy faces.

"I hate you, but then I love you." I hugged her one last time before going down.

"Don't forget to use protection!" She yelled through the hallways when I reached the front door.

Gawd. How many times could I blush?

"Ready?" Carson held the door open for me.

I nodded with a smile on my face. I went in and buckled the seatbelt as I watch Carson jog to the driver's side. The moment he entered I felt the familiar vibe that I felt a few months back. I realized one thing when I entered his car.

I'm going home, the place where I belong and with the person I love.



Hey guys,

Thank you so much for helping me reach 200+ k which is still very surreal for me. I mean only a few months back I hoped for 100 hundred reads and now? I can't even tell you how I feel but one thing's for sure, I feel very blessed to have readers like you guys. If I could only hug each and everyone of you I would. I mean this whole thing is like my other half, another part of me and I just want to let you guys know that "All of you are blessings from God."

Anyways, I just want to inform you about the question and answer part of this books. So it goes like this :

You guys will send me questions, about this book, about how I felt when I was writing this book blah blah blah all your questions. So it's kind of like you are interviewing me or something. I need your questions guys, so this chapter (you could call it as that) would really need your questions, and you could keep them coming by messaging me the questions. And ANYONE can ask, it's MY honor to answer them for you.

Again guys if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. I would write a chapter that would answer all of your questions so it's like you guys are interviewing me:)




Well I hope I would recieve questions *fingers crossed*.

If you guys have time could you please check out my new story? It's called "Stay" thanks! X

Can we make it up to 90 votes and 40 comments? 20 comments from 20 different people? If we reach this then I would update :)

Anyways I love you to the moon and back.

-ohhlala_77 X

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