XO TOUR LIF3 ; Normani + You.

By kingnochains

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By kingnochains

Daddy's back.

(Y/N's POV)
"Boo hurry up! We're gonna start the movie."

"Aight, thickums. I'm coming. I just need to grab my phone charger real quick." I reply as I jog toward the bus I was staying on. Needless to say, Dinah and I have been getting rather close. She kinda reminds me of my sister, so I think that's why I've latched onto her. Now Ryan on the other hand? Completely in love. Honestly I'm starting to think that's the only reason she came out here.

After finally reaching my bus, I pull the door open and bounce up the stairs and over to my bunk. "Where is it..?" I mumble to myself as I sift through my duffle bag only to stop at the sound of muffled cries. "Uh.." I continue as I slowly turn and make my way toward the rest of the bunks. Once in the middle of the aisle, I pause and look around to find the source of the cries. That's when it hit me. It was Normani.

(Mani's POV)
From as far back as 2012, I was always ridiculed for being the only African American girl in the group. I've literally been called everything from a field nigger to a porch monkey; literally if it's racist toward black people, I've been called it. Since the beginning it's crushed me, I had done nothing but sang for these so called "fans'. Everyday I log onto my social media, it's something new which is why I don't appear on the platforms but every so often.

"Bobblehead.." I hear y/n call out from behind me.

"Go away, Y/n I'm not in the mood to be tore down anymore so if you don't mind, just leave." I stated coldly as I pulled my Hello Kitty blanket up over my head and closed my eyes. I didn't wanna hear another name, another insult, or anything. I wanted nothing more than to be at home in my panties with a plate of chicken wings beside me. Was that too much to ask? Apparently so. "I can feel you staring at me, close the curtain and go on about your business. I'm sure your "thickums" is waiting for you."

I don't know why I even said that knowing Y/n doesn't listen to save her life. Before I could roll my eyes again, I felt her body climbing into the bunk behind my own. "Y/n..." I mumbled as she wrapped her arm around my waist protectively. "Sh, don't even. Lets call of the fight for tonight, I wanna be here for you." She stated softly which caused me to fall into her embrace. As much as it pained me to say it, something about Y/n made me feel safe. Honestly? Seeing this caring and protective side of her did some good.

(Y/n's POV)
After a peaceful night's sleep, I was awoken to an over energized Ryan banging on the bus door. "AYYYY Y/N AND MANI SITTING IN A TREE. GETCHO ASS UP AND LETS GO EAT." She chanted as she continued to bang on the massive door.

"Shut upppp!" I whined as I slowly began to stir behind Normani. "Y/n, your arm is pressing on my ass. Moooove." My whines grew by the second until realization crashed into me. "That's not my arm, Normani.." I stated as I glanced down and watch her slowly turn toward me with an unreadable stare. Part of me couldn't tell if she wanted me or wanted to slap me; I'd take both, I like a woman that can get rough. Just when I thought I might be getting some, she does the unthinkable and kicks me out.

"I think you should go." She states while trying her hardest not to look down at my third leg pressing up against her. "O-okay.." was all I could mutter as I slid out of her bunk and grabbed my duffle bag, throwing the strap onto my shoulder while taking the walk of shame off the bus and into the hotel parking lot.

"Daaaaaamn sonny, she kicked you out halfway through huh?" Ryan asked with a dumb smirk on her face.

"Whatchu mean?"

My brows furrowed as I followed Ryan's gaze downward. "Oh shit." I mumbled as I shifted my duffle around to place it in front of my apparent member. "Look here, go take care of that and meet me down in the lobby. "Yes mother." I roll my eyes and pad my way into the luxurious hotel and up to the so we could go.

"HOLD ON BEFORE WE GO BACK STOP AT CHICK FIL A, I GOTTA FEED MANI." I hollered while leaning out of the window as Ryan swerved back and forth across the median strip. Fun fact; Ryan doesn't have a license. Why Dinah I decided to let her drive? Hell if we know.

"Say less Amigo." Ryan replied while swerving across 3 lanes Dukes of Hazard style into the Chick Fil A drive thru causing me to let out a mix of laughter and a screech and Dinah to cry. Once the car came to a halt, I turned and leaned out of the window toward the speaker. After the overly hyper server greeted us, I cleared my throat and began to speak. "Hellurr uh, can I get a chicken sammich, nuggets with the chick fil a sauce, waffle fries, an oreo shake and a vanilla shake for the crybaby in the backseat." I speak before reaching back and patting Dinah's leg. The server repeated our order and we pulled around to the window where I made sure to keep my head down while sliding the money over to Ryan. Won't tryna end up taking pictures with everyone. After receiving the food and giving Dinah her milkshake, we hightail it back to the hotel until it's time for us to head to the venue.

(Mani's POV)
"Ayyyyyyy, bring it back, bring it back." I sing along with the track playing as I bend forward with my hands on my knees; bouncing my ass cheeks along with the bassline. If you know me, you know I shake my ass constantly. It's a gift.

"Do you ever sit down?" Lauren gruffed while looking over at me.

"With an ass like this? Hell nah." I break out laughing while lifting my leg up onto the sink with my camera pointed at the mirror, laughing at my own tomfoolery. "Alright alright, I'm done." I state while turning both the camera and the music off. One thing about twerking, that shit will tire you out. With a loud huff, I flop across the bed with my arms stretched out. "Bitch."

"You sound like a dying seal." Lauren deadpanned while turning on the tv.

"You would know dead things wouldn't you, Dracula?" I smirk to myself before turning once a faint knock was heard on the door. "I'm coming!" I holler out while standing up and making my way over to open it. "What the-" my eyebrows immediately furrow at the realization that nobody but a Chick Fil A meal was there. Clearly this had to be Dinah Jane and one of her pranks, but this one was permitted since she fed a bitch. "THANK YOU." I yell in no particular direction as I pick everything up and close the door before heading over to sit on my bed. Remind me to thank Dinah later.


"Dinaaaaah, thanks for coming through with the food earlier. I really appreciate it." I state while sitting down on the edge of the backstage area.

"Uh, what?" Dinah asked while sweeping her hair over her shoulder.

"The Chick Fil A you bought me, derh."

Dinah blinked and looked around before widening her eyes. "Ohhhhhh that wasn't from me." She began before that usual dumb grin graced her face. "It was from your girlfriend." She wiggled her brows while nodding toward Y/n.

I honestly was dumbfounded. I get cuddled and Chick Fil A within a 24 hour period? A bitch is shook. I wonder what this is about. "Hm." A slight smile creeped across my lips as I got up from the chair and followed the rest of the girls over to the top of the stairs for our entrance.

Once the show was over, I picked up a few of the gifts fans left on stage before heading off with the rest of the girls. "Biiiiitch we did it. AHHHH." I poked my tongue out while jumping up and down with the rest of the girls.

"Nice job ladies." Y/n came up and smiled with her arms behind her back.

"Thaaaaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuu." We all chimed as we watched her smile grow a little wider.

"I-I- I got you something, mami." She stated while looking directly at me, pulling an overly adorable stuffed beagle from behind her back. Anyone who knows me knows I love puppies; alive or stuffed. Plus one for Y/n. "Oh my goooooosh, thank you!" I reach out and take the puppy from her arms and hug it against my chest before leaning forward to kiss her cheek. "and thank you for the Chick Fil A. That was really sweet of you." I couldn't help but smile and cuddle into her chest once Y/n's hand rested against my lower back. I don't know what this was but, it felt right.

"Uhhhhhhh not to break up this cute moment for whatever, but where's my puppy at?"

"Oh shit, my bad. I got you." Y/n pulled away and turned to grab the back of Ryan's shirt, dragging her toward Dinah. "Here you go." She stated before we all broke out into laughter.

A bitch could get used to this, Y/n may just just be my boo.

"Really Y/N?! You're getting kisses from other bitches now?!"

...or not.

A/N ; Daddy's sorry she stayed away so long 😏 but I'ma try to roll these out more often since I'm about to go on break. Thank yall so much for the 11oo views, y'all the realest! Stay pretty, ladies.

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