Falling For My Brother's Best...

By amourecrivain

17.4M 423K 200K

Nobody can forget their first kiss. Even if you were only 6 years old. Especially when the person who kissed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Extra Chapter

Chapter 16

563K 14.1K 6.4K
By amourecrivain

Falling For My Brother's Bestfriend

2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 16

all natural me at the beach today ------------> ;p

enjoy babes <3


A girlfriend? What girlfriend?

Everyone just stared at Aiden with eyes wide and mouths open. We were waiting for further explanation but Aiden just acted like it was normal attitude to just spit out that he has a significant other.

"A girlfriend? What girlfriend?" The funny thing about being so close to a best friend was that you were practically twin sisters. Which meant you thought the exact same things.

Aiden looked at her and looked at around as if to see for the first time that everyone was staring at him.

"Oh. Well since everyone's here and all..." he turned to me and flashed me his million dollar smile that made all the girls swoon. Taking my hands in his, he kissed them gently before holding them on my lap.

"I don't really have a speech prepared or anything but I just want you to know that I've liked you for as long as I remember. Blair Brookelle Bradley, will you please be my girlfriend?"

One of those moments where you just wanted to say "L.O.L" out loud followed by a "is this real life?" statement.

The table was quiet except for my heart beating loudly like it was pressed up against my ear. It was so loud that I wondered if anyone else could hear it. 

Aiden cleared his throat. "You're making me nervous, Blairbear. I think my nose is bleeding again." 

Before he could move away, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and said "Of course I'll be your girlfriend!"

I felt the tears sting my eyes. Is this really happening? The joy bubbled inside me and my lips tried to form more words but it came out in gibberish.

Aiden Carter Chambers is my boyfriend.

It took 16 years, after our first kiss, for us to be officially together. I couldn't even put my happiness into words.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I heard Blake say behind me.

"Finally, Jesus!" Carly praised.

The mother's were ecstatic, muttering words like "Oh my God, I've been waiting for this!" and: "Ever since they were kids..." Everyone else's cheery comments were lost from how high above a cloud I was. I felt like nothing could bring me down.

Of course you know what they say when you begin to find happiness...

Life brings you down.


After the new announcement has died down and the rest of us finished saying our thanks, everyone had taken the food like there was no tomorrow.

You'd think you've seen how hungry they were from yesterday's breakfast, with the bacon and all, but boys will be boys. And boys will eat like starving pigs.

Aiden's nose was healed and the bloody tissues were thrown away. He would sneak glances at me and whenever he could, he would put his hand on my knee or around my shoulder. I was so happy that my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

It still didn't hit me that this was for real happening, that the boy I've been in love with for 16 years finally returned the feelings. Well, I didn't know if he loved me back but for now, him liking me and being my boyfriend would be enough.

After dinner, we pitched in with the clean up so it didn't take long for everything to be spotless and all of the leftovers were safely stored. The Chambers' left the household and my mother's tired self went to bed.

The four of us now sat around the fire pit in the back yard with a beer in our hands. We were talking about the good old times and missing our childhood.

I did miss being young but nothing would take the place of how happy I was in life at this moment.

"Is that your 5th beer, or what?" Blake said to Carly.

"Lay off, Bradley." she said, her words slurred.

"I'm putting you to bed before this ends badly again." my brother stood up and took the beer can from her hands.

"Hey!" she protested but Blake took both her hands and heaved it, pulling her over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. "Put me down, you damn ogre."

"Yeah, k." he said as he walked towards the back doors.

"You did not just 'k' me, you little---" her words were cut off by the shutting of the doors. 

And just like that, I was left alone with my new boyfriend.

We were seated on comfy deck chairs across from each other. I don't know if it was the fire between us or the intensity of his stare that made warmth flood through my body.

"Come sit with me, Blairbear." he said silently.

Slightly nodding, I stood up and wrapped the small blanket around my body tighter. Walking over to him, I sat on his lap.

My legs went over one of the armrests while my back leaned on the other. I snuggled up to him as he wrapped his strong arms around me. I felt him kiss the top of my head, then my temple, then my cheek, then he used his finger to turn my head and kiss me fully on the mouth.

"So, you're my girl now." he whispered against my lips.

"Always have been."

"That's really nice to hear, Blairbear." he hugged me tighter and I laid my head on his chest. "I hope you know my comment about your virginity earlier just came out as a surprise. I didn't mean it to sound offensive and just know that I would never pressure you into anything you don't want to do."

"I trust you, Aiden." the truthfulness of those words scared me. I need to remind myself that by saying that, I was giving someone an opportunity to hurt me.

"And I won't do anything to break that trust, I promise." he cupped my face in his hands and looked me straight in the eye. "You have no idea how much you mean to me, Blair. I don't think you could even understand how much I care about you."

"I get it." I said. "I care about you just as much, Aiden."

"For years it pained me to be in the backround and watch you be with other guys who would never ever be good enough for you. Hell, I'm not good enough for you and I'm being selfish by taking you all to myself. But I can't help it, Blair. Everything you do just takes me in. You're like a drug. You're addicting and I can't get enough."

"I didn't even think you felt the same way. You never acted like it. I didn't even know you even noticed me till you started kissing me."

"I'm so sorry I waited so long, baby. I'm sorry. But I'm done wasting time. From now on, I want to spend every moment with you and make up for being an ass this past 16 years."

"I just don't understand this sudden change of heart."

"All you need to know is that I've always cared about you. Everyone knew you were mine. You've always been my girl."

"That's how I feel about you, Aiden. I don't even recall a day where I didn't want to be your girl. But you think it didn't hurt me when you dated other girls? At least I've never gone farther than kiss a guy, Aiden. You've been with so many girls---"

"None of them will ever compare to you. Don't talk down on yourself."

"It's just not fair, you were my first in everything and you didn't save any for me."

"I saved my heart and love for you."

When he said that, it was like time had stopped. Now, I really believed that I was just dreaming. None of this was real. I was going to wake up any second and just realize this was all just a dream. Then I'm going to cry my eyes out for having such hopeless fantasies.

"I wasn't going to just blurt it out like this but I need to say it." he took a deep breath and spoke again: 

"I love you, Blair. I always have. Way before our first kiss. And yes, you were my first kiss. I knew I loved you when I felt like killing anyone who made you cry and wanted to just wrap you in my arms and protect you from everything. I love you more and more each day. And I'm finally admitting to it now. Blair, I fell head over heels in love with you ever since the day your pretty little self appeared in front of me, glowing, like you were some kind of angel."

I stared at him. It was all I could do. I lost my voice, I definitely feel like I'm losing my mind. This was so unreal.

When has there ever been such a perfect moment in someone's life? When the person you love with your whole entire heart, confesses to feeling the exact same thing.

"If I had to dream up the perfect woman, she wouldn't even come close to you, Blair Brookelle Bradley."

I still didn't trust myself to speak. I was still waiting for my alarm to go off so I can hit the snooze button.

"Baby? Will you please say something?" Aiden worriedly searched my starstrucked face. "I just poured my heart out to you and sounded like a complete pansy. Please talk."

"Is this real?" I finally blurted out.

Aiden looked at me for a moment before a smile appeared on his beautiful face. "Of course this is real, Blairbear. Didn't you hear a word I said?"

"I heard everything. I just don't know if it's real or not." I looked at him as I felt the tears began to cloud my eyes. Realization finally hit me. "You love me. Real or not real?"



There were 2 lines from this Chapter that was taken from somewhere. Can anyone guess which lines and what tvshow/movie? (;


"If I had to dream up the perfect woman, she wouldn't even come close to you, Blair Brookelle Bradley." = was from BoyMeetsWorld ; Cory said it to Topanga.

"You love me. Real or not real? Real." = HungerGames ( yes to the cmnt below , it is the best (; )

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