hate me ; twiceteen

By roseuquarts

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♡ it hurts to know that you have to kill the person you love most... ♡ More

c a n d i d a t e s


888 54 4
By roseuquarts

Chaeyoung shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

"Geez, Chaeyoung, stop it!" Eun Ji yelled at her.

Chaeyoung lowered her head and nodded.

It was her first time attending a class meeting, where all the leaders in the class will come together to discuss stuff and listen to the problems of their classmates.

"Ok Chaeyoung, you will be talking to Dokyeom and I will be talking to Hye Ra. Okay?" Eun Ji asked.

Though Chaeyoung was uncertain, she nodded.

A few moments later, Eun Ji left the room and Dokyeom entered.

"So, uh... What do I... Um..." Chaeyoung bit her lip. She was messing up and making herself look like a idiot.

"I have no friends." Dokyeom said, pouting.

What do I say? Chaeyoung started panicking.

Not wanting to make things awkward, Chaeyoung blurted out, " I can be your friend..."

Hearing this, Dokyeom stood up and his face lit up. "Really? Oh my gosh this is amazing!"

As soon as he finished his sentence, he ran out of the room, cheering like a little kid. Oh man, I screwed up. Oh well, Dokyeom can't be that bad, right?


"It's late Momo, you should go back soon." Hoshi said as he started packing his things into his bag.

"Yup, sure. I'll just get a quick shower first." As Momo was about to enter the shower room, Hoshi called out to her.

"Um, want to have dinner together?" Hoshi asked, looking down shyly.

Momo hesitated for a moment. Should she accept the offer? "Um, I'm sorry. I have to go back home to join my um, family...For dinner." as soon as she finished, she picked up her bag and quickly left the dance studio.


Tzuyu held all the grocery bags in one hand and tried to keep all the receipts and money into her wallet single-handedly. However, failing very terribly when she started to lose grip of the bags in her hands. Sighing, she bent down to pick up the bags when a group of teenage boys ran past her and one of them stepped on her hand, which was on the floor, by accident.

"Sorry." the boy mumbled and ran off immediately, leaving Tzuyu speechless.

"That idiot. Argh, my hand hurts." Tzuyu winced and touched her hand lightly.

"You need a doctor." a deep voice said from behind her and a long shadow loomed over her.

Turning around, the pain on her face turned to a scowl as Tzuyu realised it was Mingyu.

"Go away."

"You need a doctor."

"I'm fine."

"You need a doctor."

"I said I'm fine, so go away."

"You need a doctor."

"Yah!"Tzuyu yelled and winced. Her hand.

"I told you."

"Get lost---" within seconds, she swept up into Mingyu's arms and they were on their way to the nearest clinic.


"I'm fine." Tzuyu said as they left the clinic.

"Yeah right. Anyways, you owe me $150."

"Since when?"

"Since when? My dear Tzuyu, getting a broken hand checked and bandaged ain't free in this world."

"I should have guessed it earlier." Tzuyu rolled her eyes and was about to return to the place where she injured her hand when she stopped. Her groceries were all gone. Embarrassed and feeling awkward, Tzuyu slowly turned around to face Mingyu, who was already walking away.

"Yah! Kim Mingyu!" She yelled out.

"What? I thought you couldn't wait to see me leave."

"I... Uh... Need your help with the groceries."

"Tch, you're hopeless." Mingyu smirked and started making his way to the supermarket, Tzuyu following closely behind.

This is crazy. He is probably part of the killer group, but I'm still asking for his help. Damn you, Tzuyu. Tzuyu scolded herself mentally.

After buying the groceries, Tzuyu was about to leave when Mingyu offered her a ride.

Knowing that it would be stupid of her to walk home, Tzuyu reluctantly agreed.

As they loaded the grocery bags into the car, Tzuyu said, "Just so you know, I'll hate you forever if you don't bring me home. Also, it would be dumb of you to kill me now, because it would mean that you will never get back your money."

"Yeah yeah, I know. Where to?" he asked.

Tzuyu was about to tell him the address of their apartment, when she stopped. If she told him, they'll be able to stalk them whenever they wanted.

"Horizen Gardens Apartments. Apartment number five." Tzuyu quickly gave Mingyu her friend's address.

"Okay." Mingyu said and started the engine.

"Hey," Tzuyu started, and Mingyu glanced at her slightly.

"If you're going to kill me, then why did you help me?"

"Where's the fun in killing when your enemy can't fight back?" He chuckled. If what he said was a joke, Tzuyu would have found his laugh cute. However, she knew that he meant it, so it wasn't so cute anymore.

"You're crazy." she muttered under her breath and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, what's your number?" Mingyu asked.

"What, are you trying to hit on your "enemy"?" Tzuyu teased.

"No, because I'm smart, I'm getting your number, so that I can get my money back from you. It's a $150! Did you think that I won't care about getting it back?" Mingyu asked, passing Tzuyu his phone so that she could save her contact into his phone.

After Tzuyu saved her contact, she decided to use this opportunity to look through his chats and hopefully, find the mastermind of the whole "killing game".

However, as soon as she entered his chat rooms, he yelled out," Yah! What are you doing? Do you not understand me? I told you to save your number! Not look through my chats!" finishing his sentence, he slammed on the brakes and took his phone out of her hands forcefully.

Tzuyu sat in the car, dazed. If he wasn't so kind-hearted, would he have killed her? As Tzuyu started thinking deeper, Mingyu suddenly spoke.

"Yah, are you done dreaming? We're here. Dumbass." he scowled.

"Dumb-Dumbass? You little piece of--"

"Get out." he said bluntly and opened the door, before he shoved her out of the car.

As soon as Tzuyu and her groceries were out of the car, he drove off, not bothering to check of she was okay.


After Tzuyu's friend sent her back to the apartment, she lugged the heavy grocery bags out of the car and was about to open the door when she stopped. Pinned to the door with a knife, was a note written in red ink. On it wrote :

dear dumbass,
i'm not usually the sort who likes to write letters
but this time i'm really enjoying it
and i hope you enjoy the content of the letter

Well, Ms Zhou Tzuyu,
I'm just gonna say that you can't outsmart me
But you can try,
and i'll like to see you try
because it amuses me

anyways, that's all that i have to say today
oh wait
do you like the colour red?
because i do
if you dont, then i hope that you'll learn to love it
because you're gonna see a lot of it soon ;)

yours truly,
that piece of shit

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