Bewitching -Little witch acad...

By Evo_is_Birdy

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So i was looking for a funny, Akko x Andrew fanfic and i couldnt find one that met my needs... (there wasn't... More

Truly Bewitching
When You Reach Your Dream
Crazy Things
Letting Go of What Used to Be (Part 2)

Letting go of what used to be.

505 12 18
By Evo_is_Birdy

         "Ugggggggggghhhhnnnnn, Anderu!" Franku groaned, "I don't get it!!! Why the heck duz the science teacher go into the portal even though she ish late for her own wedding!!"

              "I dunno, and I don't care," Andrew paused, "I don't read trash liek that.. I read reel literature...,"
              "Hey!" Frank sed in defense, "it-it's nawtthat..... Bad.....,"
Looking back at the book he sighed shooks his head. He was in denial.
                "How many more volumes duz you hav," Andrew looked up from his phone.

                 "365...," he fell to the depths of despare

            "You shoold probably give up..,". Anderu smirked, "if you could read 1 a day it would still take a yeer..,"

                   "I know Anderu! I can atleast math even if reading pains me!"  Frank sighed again," if only it was 365 episodes of a anime or somthin... Dats more manageable,"

                 "Uh huh," Andrew had stoppeded listening and turned his eyes too his phone.

                  "Arrggg! I gotta finish dis before da night falls!" He turned to Andrew, "ha! I yust made a pun!"

              "Uh huh..,"
                   "Can I ask you something?"

                 "Uh huh..,"

                  "If Akko, the one you love, was into something, very passionately.." Frank paused, "would you look into it more?"
               "Uh-uh," He grunted in denial closing the shiny chariot wiki page he had pulled up.


"Headmistress Holbrooke!!!!,"  Akko yelled as she dramitcalllyt oppend the front doors of  the Headmistress Miranda's office. 

               "Yes?" She smiled, "What is it miss Kagari,"

              "So I was thinking....."


                 "we have ......,"


                  "A School Festival!!!" Kagari~san grinned

                "ooh that sounds fun!" Holbrook sed in an old lady sort of way

                  Akko heard a sigh frum somewhere behind her. The magic linguistics teacher, Finnelan, shook her hed dissaprovingly  

                  "We already had the samhain festival, waht  woold be the point," Anne Finelan frowned

                  "Fun!" Akko sed 

                   "Fun," Holbrook smiled

                   "Yeah!" Kagari exclamed, "You get me!"

                  "NO, Miss Kagari," The proffessor told Akko off, "just because exams were canceled due to the renovation and all the cancled lectures doesnt mean we should throw a stupid festival,"

                  "I dont get why not.."  Headmistress Holbrook sighed

                  "Yeah Yeah!" Akko sed, "And with our new earned publicty we'd get all sorts of people to come!!!! and we could get what all you adults are looking for..... Moneh!!"

                "mm" hoolbrooke smiled.

                "Then! we dont have to survive off of potatoes anymore!" Akko exclaimed, "We could have all sorts uf grate fuud and stuffs at a festibal! Yakisoba! Takoyaki! Okonomiyaki! omusoba TAiyaki!"

               Proffesore Finnelan sighed, "Is dat all you think about... food?

              "No," Akko grinned, "I also think about shiny chariot!!!"

              "If we did have a festibal it would definatelee not have such festivities as that," Finnnelan spoke, "we would practice the rituals of the nine old witches!"

              "booring!" both headmaster holbrook and Akko exclaimed!

              "I dont see why we cant have a normal festival!"  Akko went on, " I mean nobody wood come if we were just doing  boring rituals!"

              "Us witches at  Luna Nova should not call our rituals boring," Finnelan scowled, "That means you too Miranda!"

              Miranda Holbrooke chuckled, "We cant hold on to what the meaning of being a witch used to be forever,"

               Anne Finnelan looked like she was about to say something, be she stopped before a word came oute. she looked to da side and then hustled out of das room in a fuss.



           Andrew stared at the ceiling. It was brown... He used to hate the color brown, How everything seemed to be brown.  How everybody's hair was brown, how practically everyhthing to the dirt, to the trunks of trees, to his room's ceiling was brown. Andreu just hated it. But then... there was Atsuko Kagari. Her hair and eyes were brown but ... it was different. He realized there were other things about the dullest color that could not be replaced. No matter how that color was everywhere; each shade was different. Akko's eyes had a tinge of red, and her hair was a dark brown like no other. With Akko, even the most basic color came bursting with life and dreams.

           It was.... bewitching.

       He let go of that hatred that used to be and replaced it with... what's the word? ah.. nevermind.

         Adrew stretched and got out of bed. He made it nicely as thow it had never even bin slept in. Putting on his uniform, he looked out the window and sighed: Frank was late.

           He walked to school alone. It was quiet and he didn't like it. so he walked faster. His footsteps became louder and he broke into a run. He felt a little bit freeer than before.

           "Thank you..," he muttered. Was this feeling like he was flying all thanks to hurr?

            In a shorte time he maid it ti school.

            "Anderu!!!" Franku cried "I so sorry!!!" 

            "What for?" 

            "Ah," Frank paused, "nothing,"

            Anderu made a sarcastic smile.

            They both sat down fer thare classes. When the bell rangg Anderu took out his motes but Frank didn't. He just stared at Andrew. Creepy!!!!

         Then Franku gasped, "Somethings so differnet about you Andrew! Its almost liek you've accepted it,"'

           "When you use a pronoun, i have no idea wut you are talking about," 

             "AH!" Frank sighed, "for a second their I thought you wernt Anderu,"

          "Why wouldn't I be?"

             "I dont know... maybe you were possessed by Kagari~san with sum sorta magics...," Franku looked up in thot. 

            "I dont think theres magic like that...,"

            "How would you know?"

             "Even if there was," Andrew smirked, " Kagari~san probably wouldn't be able to use it,"

            " Dont letter hear you sayin that..," Frank frowned.

           "ah..," Andrew stopped paying attention to Frank and listened to the lecture. He scribbled something down when necessary.

          When the lecture ended he took his bag and left the room. Frank shortly followed behind him. 

           "So, are are going to lunch?" Andrew asked.

           "Seriously?!" Frank exlclaimed.

           "seriously," Andrew sed.


             Waith a bit of bounce in his step- (Just a bit.. I mean if Andrew was skipping it would look pretty wierd. I just didnt know how to phrase that anyother way.) Andrew walked to a very specific place: The Magic Item Cafe. Frank followed grinning with glee.

            When he saw it he began to walk a bit faster with exitement. but-



             She wasn't there....


            "You know Andrew....," Frank sighed, "You cant allways rely on fate to see her. You see, in my world you have to ask a gir'l out to see her,"

            Anderu grunted.

            "You really are seriously in luv with Kagari~san! This is so great!"  Frank wrapped his arm around  Andrew's neck, "Com'on lets go talk about it over tea! Like men!"

           Frank had to practically drag Anderu into the cafe. Andrew had lawst the exitement he had before and now dredded going into that cafe with frank. 

            The two yung men ordered tee. Well, Frank ordered for both of them.

            Anderu sipped his tee quietly, not saying an thing. Franku pulled up something on his phone. shoing it two anderu he grinned.

            "No...," Anderu face palmeded

             "well...... dont you want to find out if you luv hurr?" Frank inquired.

             "not...," Andrew paused, "... necessarily,"

            "hmmmm... well, I do!" Frank gave andrew a hard thump on the back, "Okay.... this is kinda serious... lets not use the 'Do you luv hurr' site."

           Anderu sighed with relief. 

           But after that the cafe just becames silent. Frank didnt know what to say nor did Anderu. Andrew found himself thinking of Akko agains. If she were here there'd never be a dull moment. If she walked in she'd say something stupid to brake the silence, something about her idol, Shiny Chariot, perhaps.  

               And then the silence broke, "Yer thinkin about Kagari~san , arent'chya?" 

frank sed.

              Andrew sipped his tea and then glanced at Frank with an annoyed look.

               "You know," Frank continueed, "That whenever yer thinking about her you seem to get less tense and you start to smile..,"

                "I do... do I?" Andrew kept trying to drink more tea... but there was none left.

                "stop denying it," Frank pouted, "By the way you've been acting today you already know and you've accepted it,"

               Andrew sighed, "perhaps I have,"

                Frank gasped for an awfully long time, "y-you.... And-deru... you .. ya acctually admitted to it?"

               "sure," Anderu glared at his friend, "Weren't you just telling me not to deny it?"

               "Well yeah, but- Thats like totally out of character!" Franku freaked out, "If this was a fanfiction the people who reed it would stop and be all liek, 'oh! this is too fast of a development! oh!'"

               "And why wood they do that?" Anderu looked at his frend with concern.

               "Cuz thats what I would do!" Frank pouted!

               "ah," Andeu snikered abit,

                "Hey... Are you guys gonna buy anything other that just the tea?" The Shop-Keeper complained.

             "Right, We were just going to leave, sir," Andrew got out of the chair, fixed his tie and started for the door.

             "Eh! Andrew, wait a minute! Lemme at least finish my tea!" Frank pleaded.

              "Fine finish your tea, " Andrew paused, "If you're looking to be late to youre next class,"

             "eh?! yer just avoiding this conversation!" Frank shouted! " our classes dont start untill leik  30 minutes frum noe!"

              "Perhaps I want to get there early to study,"

             "WEll.....," It took a while for frank to come up with a come-back, "Well if Kagari~san was here you wuldnt be so keen on leaving!"

            "Perhaps I wouldnt," he replied

             Coming to the door he placed his hand on the handle. Anderu stoppped pushing open the door when he realized someone was  pushing on the other side.

           He saw the individual on the other side of of the door had a witch hat. the hat had a red band... His heart lept and he hezitated to open the dore.

          he slowly opened it expecting the girl he loved to be on the other side.

         suddenly the door rapidly opened as if the person on the other side was annoyed with all the hesitation. The witch stared at anderu who had frozen in the doorway. She slinked around him not saying a wurd.

           "Oh," Frank sed recongnizing the gurl, "It's sucy one uh Akko's friends

             Anderu watched as The store Keeper brought a brown paper bag to the counter. Taking the bag, Sucy forked over some cash. She slinked back over to the exit without a wurd

           "oi Sucy," Franku sed breaking the silence, "Watchya got there?"

            She paused and then sed in hurr crackly voyce, "Mushrooms,"

           "Ah, " Frank sed...., "I see, what are they for?"

            "I wanted to have a mushroom booth at the festival we're having .. .... but Akko sed that wont attract customers... I dont see why not...,"

           "Akko Sed...," Anderu muttered under his breath

           "Festibal?" Frank questioned.., "What do ya mean?"

           "Akko somehow convinced the Headmistress to hold a new festival at Luna Nova.," 

           "Really now," Anderw joined the conversation; he was intrigued.

           "Really," Sucy sed as she left the cafe clutching her bag of mushrooms.

          "ah," Frank sighed, "That girl creeps me out, what's your opinion of her?"

          "she's akko's friend... right," Andrew asked


          "Whereever she's going.... would Akko most likely be there?"

           "Anderu..." Frank looked a bit worried, "ARe you thinking what i think ur thinking?"


         "AH!" Frank clapped his hands together, "That sounds like a good idea.. what ever ur thimking, lets go!

         Frank and Andrew followed the pink haired Luna Nova student. It was quite difficult for the way she slinked around it difficult to hear he footsteps and follow hurr.

       "Okay hears the plan," Anderu sed,"If we see akko, we'll find an inconspicuous way to show up and it was all a coincidene, okay?


          They followed Sucy into a darke alleyway. A figure came out of the shadows and approached her.

       "is that Akko?" Frank wispered 


The figure began to speak, "Do you have the stuff?"

      Sucy handed over the brown paper bag, "here are the mushrooms,"

   When the figure began to walk away Sushi asked, "What about my end of the deal?"

   "ah" the shady figure threw sucy a mushroom that gave off an odor that even Frank and Anderu could smeel from there hiding spot

          "AH.... this is really shady .. Anderu com'on lets go!!!"

           "Wait.. watta bout akko?"

            "ehhhh?! I know you love her an all but we gotta run! Let it go rn man!"

         And then they ran of into the sunset


Authors note... 

         Shucks, this got really bad really fast. I'm bad at writing if you cant tell. If you cant tell, Sucy was dealing "mushrooms" don't worry that has nothing to do with the story line. I just kinda thought it would be funny..  Sigh.. This took way to long to write and it isn't even good... It was the only idea I could think of to finish off this fan-fiction.

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