You're My Protector (Zarry St...

By IvylinMalik

54.6K 2.1K 339

Zayn was Harry's, Harry was Zayn's Zayn loves Harry, Harry loves Zayn Normal isn't it? But what if one of... More

You're My Protector
•Naughty Nine•
•Twenty One•
•Twenty Two•
•Twenty Three•
*Not an Update*


1K 52 5
By IvylinMalik

(A/N: Sorry for the VERY long wait.. School -.- ... Well I'm back now! :D Go on and read what you've been waiting for! ^.^)

Kaylor's eyes opened as the sun slightly shined on her face. She practically jumped out of bed as she skipped to her wall looking at the calendar. She smiled being filled with so much joy as she saw that today was Christmas Day. She sprinted out of her room going to her brother's room, she started jumping up and down on his bed.

"Harry! Harry! Wake up sleepy head! It's Christmas!" She excitedly shouted. Harry smiled before scooping his sister up and dropping her onto the bed decorating her face with small kisses.

"Eek! Stop it." Kaylor giggled trying to dodge her brother's lips.

“Not until you tell me what you got me.” Harry teased placing wet sloppy kisses all over her face.

“No! You’re just going to have to wait and see.” She giggled rolling from his grip.

“Go wake up mom and I’ll start with breakfast.” Harry told her kissing his forehead.

"Okay!!" Kaylor excited shouted jumping up heading to her mom's room. Harry smiled before heading to the bathroom doing his morning routine.

"Merry Christmas baby." He heard a deep voice whisper making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He smirked turning around looking at Zayn.

"Merry Christmas the love of my life who is also incredibly sexy." Zayn kissed Harry's nose with a little laugh in between.

"I got you a little something." Zayn whispered holding his hands behind his back.

"What is it?" Harry asked trying to be sly and look behind Zayn. He smiled at the curly boys antics before telling him to close his eyes.

"Open them." Harry looked down to see a white box with a red bow on top. Zayn put it gently in his hands and Harry then knew it was something delicate. He didn't want to shake it, it felt heavy. He unwrapped it, taking off the lid to see a orange tabby cat with a blue bow along with a note.

'Just something that will always make you smile. :) -Zayn'

Harry took the cat into his hands. She was small compared to his palms, she let out a small meow as she looked up at Harry. Her blue eyes made Harry find her irresistible.

"I think I'll name her Boo." Harry smiled before kissing the kitten's head. Zayn smiled standing beside him now.

"Beautiful, no? Especially her eyes." Harry nodded in agreement before attacking Zayn's face with kisses.

"Harreh, you have to go make your family breakfast. Save our love for later." Harry smiled one more of his famous Harry grins before giving him a long passionate kiss on the lips.

"I love you." Harry whispered his forehead against Zayn's.

"I love you too." Zayn said. Harry handed Boo to Zayn before heading downstairs to start cooking.

(A/N: The christmas gifts are on the side if you want to see what they looked like. )

"Can we start now?!" Kaylor was bubbling with excitement. Anne took her cup of morning joe with her to the couch.

“Dear wait for Harry to finish.” She told her softly.

“Okay.” Harry walked into the living room eating a leftover breakfast sausage.

“You can start now.” Once Kaylor heard those words she dove under the christmas tree looking for gifts with her name on them. Harry and his mother laughed at her eagerness.

“Found one!” Kaylor set the box in front of her, she marveled the purple wrapping paper before tearing it open only to reveal another box with a note on top.

‘Hah, you thought your gift was inside? Nope. You want it you have to find it. Love Harry. xx’

“Really Harry. You’re playing me on Christmas.” Kaylor looked up at Harry. Harry smirked before letting a little chuckle erupt.

“Oh don’t be such a debbie downer at least I put instructions in the box this time.” Harry told her taking the box from her showing her the folded piece of paper.

“Okay.” Kaylor sighed before going back under the tree pulling out a present that had ‘mum’ written on it.

“Here mum! Me and Harry got it for you.” She passed it to her mother as she sat down in front of her waiting for reaction. Harry held Anne’s coffee mug as she opened the gift. Her eyes gleamed as she saw the diamond earrings, they glimmered under the light.

“They’re gorg-” Anne started before her daughter cut her off.

“Wait there’s more.” She stopped her then ushered her to keep digging. Anne found a little locket at the bottom of the box. It was so detailed, the outside was carved so delicately, she opened it in her hands seeing a picture of Harry and Kaylor holding a sign that said; ‘We love you so much’. Anne teared at the sight.

“Mum? Are you okay?” Harry asked putting his free arm around her while Kaylor hugged her mom’s knees.

“Yes. It’s just. It’s so perfect.” She sniffed before drying her eyes with a nearby tissue.

“I love you guys so much.” She cried pulling them into a hug.

“We love you too.” They said in union hugging their mother.

“Okay, Harry’s turn.” Kaylor said giving Harry two presents at a time. He shook them next to his ear listening to the item move around in the extra space. He unwrapped the first one pulling out a journal, he looked on the inside.

‘Just so you’ll never feel alone.
Love Mum :*’

“Thank you.” He hugged her softly and kissed the top of her head. He unwrapped the second one seeing a new phone case with a cat silhouette on it, ‘Meow do you do?’. He smiled at his sister knowing she was the one who picked it out. "Thanks." Harry went down onto the floor and looked under the tree he found what he was looking for and came back out hitting a few ornaments on the way up.

“Here.” He handed Kaylor a large box and her eyes widened.

“Woah, this is all mine?” Harry nodded smiling at her. She opened it very excited. The first thing she saw was the box that had ‘From Louis and Liam’ on it, that box was opened as she pulled out a bright yellow ‘Happy’ sweatshirt. Next was a converse box which had no name on it, she opened it seeing white and purple space converse, on the bottom of the shoe was a sticky note that said ‘Zayn :)’. She mentally made note to herself to thank him later. The last gift was an envelope, she flipped it in her hands then opened it pulling out two concert tickets to go see Little Mix Live. She squealed holding them.

“Oh my twinkies!” She went berserk jumping around being a happy little bundle of joy. Once she calmed down she read the note;

‘Just because a little birdie (Harry) told me you always wanted to see them.
I hope you enjoy it. I’ll see you there Kay.

P.S. There are vip passes as well :)’

Kaylor could not take the huge smile off of her face.

“I can’t believe I’m going to a Little Mix concert!” She ambushed Harry with a bear hug, squeezing the life out of him while telling him a hundred thank you’s.

“Don’t thank me for the tickets, thank Zayn.” He whispered in her ear and she nodded.

“Two more gifts left you guys.” Anne said grabbing, she read the names noticing one was hers and the other was Harry’s. They both opened it at the same time. Harry had gotten a gray Ramones t-shirt and Anne had gotten slippers.

“Who bought me these?” Anne asked with a smile. Kaylor and Harry looked at each other then back at their mum.

“It wasn’t us.”

“Oh?” She looked for the tag only seeing the words ‘From Santa’.

“Well then to which ever one of you is ‘Santa’; thank you.” Anne smiled trying them on.

"You are very welcome.” Zayn whispered as he sat on the steps watching their happiness. Kaylor glanced over at the steps seeing Zayn smiling which made her smile.

“Why don’t you go find your gift from me, eh?” Harry smirked nudging Kaylor’s side. She grabbed the box pulling out the hints.

I’m in a box

You walk on me

It’s dark in here.

"Jee thanks Harry." Harry chuckled.

"Go figured it out, if ya can." Kaylor grabbed her box of presents then ran up the stairs passing by the loose step going to her room.

"Hey flower." Zayn cooed standing in her room.

"Z!" She hugged him tight.

"Thank you."

"No problem, y'know I live to make people smile. Well... I'm dead now so I can't exactly say that anymore." Zayn went off mumbling to himself. Kaylor got an idea about Harry's hidden present.

"You know where he hid my present?" Zayn nodded.

" 'course."

"Show me! Pleeease! Harry always does this to me and I just want to beat him at his own game, just once." Kaylor begged.

"Oh alright." 

“3 down.” He whispered before heading downstairs to find Harry.

“3 down?” She repeated to herself.

“Oh! Stairs. I walk on them, it’s dark under there and my gift is in a box.” She mentally face palmed herself as she walked down the stairs counting.

“1..2..3. The loose step.” She lifted it up reaching in, pulling out a box; am iPhone 5 box to be exact.

“You got me an iPhone?!” She screamed.

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