The Last Wish

By Grlgonegrey

3.3K 770 2.1K

Book One of the Seasonal Love Quadrilogy ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Isabelle 'Belle' Martin knew no... More

Author's Note
|P1|Fine Strangers
01. The Midnight Guest
02. Uninvited Folks
03. Strangers?
04. Through Thick and Thin
05. Saying Badbye
06. Say 'Bye LA'
07. Caught red-handed
08. Kill two dogs in one day
09. The daily grind of an introvert
10.Stay Expiration: Confirmed
11. The Tale of Two Girls' Shattered Dreams
12. Step ONE: Borderline Success
14. Descent to Death
15. Bargain of the V-card
16. The Mere Satisfaction of Payback
17. Styling with Stitches
18. Mayhem in Mind
19. We go in Circles
20. You are not leaving me
|P2|New Acquaintance
21. Underdog and the Goner
22. Cockroaches? Cockroaches.
23. Imagination over boundary
24. Together
25. The Hoard of Cadaver
26. Don't ever cook

13. Troubled souls

71 22 28
By Grlgonegrey

"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity"



Jamie stared at the three numbers etched in black over the silver slate, hanging innocently on the oak door.

She gritted her teeth in anger and frustration. Her balled fists concealed beneath the material of her coat, she took out her apprehension onto the fur of her coat.

She moistened her dry lips for the hundredth time, a habit she had gotten accustomed to when she felt at conflict.

Now her conflict came in the form of an arrogant boy, behind these closed door. She was stuck between her decision of either overcoming her unease and open the door to come face-to-face with him or give into her fear and turn around and leave.

She was definitely not scared of him, she could twist his ear without a second thought of the consequences that'd follow. But her apprehension was of his grave situation and most importantly, his behaviour towards her.

She had initially thought of knocking the door, as per the etiquettes Miss Nancy, her discipline coordinator had thought her. Knowing his 24/7 moody attitude, she very well knew he wouldn't care to say 'come in'.

Taking a deep breath, she twisted the handle and opened the door.

She was welcomed with a gush of extremely cold air scented with a strange blend of mint and lavender.

She entered the room with measured steady steps and stopped in the centre. Despite the cold, sufficient enough to freeze her veins, sweat beads got formed on her forehead and she hastily wiped it off from her tissue.

She spotted him, his body limp on the hospital bed. She walked to him, with the sound of a butterfly flutter.

His eye lids were closed and his lips set in a permanent line, which occasionally would turn into a frown or scowl, nothing more. His hands rested on either sides of him, his body showing a slight rise and fall with every breath taken.

She gazed at him fondly, uninterrupted and with peace. This time, she needn't worry about him catching her staring at him or wouldn't question her rather subtly.

Tanned skin, not from sunbaths or any sort of tanning but from the grave work he indulges in, high cheekbones, a slightly bent nose, presumably from all the trillion fights he had since petty childhood ones to current day, death fights. His dark eyelashes touched his under eye bags with a feather touch.

She frowned upon seeing the slight pink skin around his eyes, which was definition the aftermath of an angry red bruise from a hard punch.

She touched it lightly, but withdrew her hand with lightning speed when he stirred.

Knowing he wouldn't wake up soon, she decided to wait. She opened the mini refrigerator in the right corner of the room for something to drink. She had difficulty finding something 'drinkable' from all the bottles of beer that replaced juices, soda cans and bottles of water, which was proper hospital drinks.

"What a teetotaller," sarcasm well intended.

She found small cartons of apple and orange juices pushed behind the beer bottles, thankfully though. She had been starving and the apple juice should probably soothe the tornado in her stomach, till she reached home for a super late supper.

Grabbing one of the chilled cartons, she closed the mini fridge slowly, making sure to not make any sort of sound.

Shivering, she sat herself on the plush sofa opposite to his bed, one of the many perks of a deluxe suite definitely. She'd transferred him from the emergency ward to the deluxe suite, immediately after his treatment had completed. Now all he needed was rest.

She turned off the air conditioner, wondering how the sleeping boy could have endured such coldness. Being in a plain tee and pants, he still remained still and calm while she, despite being covered with a fur coat, was literally freezing to death.

Indulging in deep thought, she sipped from the carton slowly. Waiting for him to wake up seemed to be taking longer than the ending of the World War II.

An hour later, her butt was still glued to the sofa, her butt sinking into the plushiness.

Balling the empty carton of apple juice, she threw it into the bin lazily, to say nothing of it already being filled with another dozen carton.

Knowing he wasn't going to wake up for another year, presumably, she decided to get some fresh air. Making much noise, which was intended to not wake the boy, she opened the sliding door and stepped outside.

The balcony of the deluxe suite was definitely something that she hadn't looked forward to. Instead of blaring street lights, honking vehicles and partially lit skyscrapers, she was met with green everywhere. Groomed green trees bloomed everywhere. It was so beautiful it had Jamie in a trance for a complete minute.

The deluxe suite at Middleton was in the 35th floor, which made it even surreal to look down at Earth in its naive state. No sophistications from modern culture nor artificial or fake brighness, just the moon was sufficient enough to give life to the darkness over the forest reserve.

She was hit with an unexpected breeze, bringing her out of her trance. Sadly, it dragged her to the cruel reality. The reality that came in the form of a boy, sleeping away his troubles behind the door, while she was worrying her life for him.

Suddenly, a feeling of nausea hit her like a crow against a speeding plane. It wasn't to be blamed on her menstrual cramps but the damn tramp sleeping on the bed.

The once glowing moon didn't seem shiny anymore, as though it had lost its lust within the second and the luscious green surroundings reminded her of vomit. Clutching her stomach, she went back inside.

Looking at the boy, she got the sudden urge to cry. Over everything that happened, happening and will happen to her. No, she isn't clairvoyant but she knew what was coming from the boy. Definitely a disaster.

She walked over to him, he looked so peaceful and still and beautiful, like a lion in deep slumber.

Strands of midnight black hair had fallen onto his forehead. She stroked his hair gently, pulling the strands back to its original place. His hair was softer than the fur of her persian cat, Moon.

Ironically though, the boy hated the cat.

She placed a soft kiss on his cold forehead. "Get well soon, Matt."

She left the room with a sticky note saying '' pasted on the mini refrigerator. She knew he would surely see it, knowing the first thing he'd do after waking up would be having a beer.

Pulling her coat roughly against her shivering body, she headed to the elevator. Her heels clinking against the marble floor was the only sound reverberating along the empty hallway.

Unlike the other wards, the deluxe suite was exclusive for VIPs. Meeting the standards of a VIP suite in a hospital didn't seem to be a problem at Middleton.

The broad hallway was scented and had endless rows of plush seats. Ornated vases and beautiful frames of modern art hanged on the walls. Each corrider had a water dispenser in the end.

"Lift's under construction Ma'am. No entry," a burly man with a round belly obstructed Jamie's way.

"Oh," she stopped abruptly, careful to not bump into his 'bump'. The elevator seemed normal to her, besides no work was happening either. "Why isn't anyone working then?" she enquired, more curious than concerned.

"Some sorta connection problem, no electricity supply I guess," he said shrugging.

"Why isn't there a 'No Entry' board?"

"Under construction," he replied grimly. He appeared to have a serious case of diarrhea, Jamie was sure about that upon looking at his scowl.

"Board's under construction, seriously?"

The man shrugged and resumed his work. Which apparently was hibernating with a box of doughnuts and milkshake alongside. He didn't appear to be a worker, more like a vain human in charge of obstructing people's path to the glorious lift and shrug.

Rolling her eyes irately, she used the lift on the other side of the building.

The doctor's quarters was quiet, with less doctors. Grabbing her stuff hurriedly, she set out to the door.

"Doctor!" A female voice shouted from behind. Confused, Jamie turned around to be met with an oddly alarmed Drisilla running towards her.

"What is it?"

Out of breath, Drisilla stopped right infront of Jamie. She motioned with her finger to give her a minute. Her round body was bent with her hands resting on her knees, it was such a sight to see the once nonchalant head nurse panicking and panting.

Jamie's smile over Drisilla's posture vanished as soon as it had come, looking at the dread in Drisilla's face as she looked at her.

"What is it?" Jamie urged. The same dread reflecting on her face.

Jamie was hundred and one percent sure it was Belle, only a fidgety creature as her could topple an earthquake as Drisilla.

"It's the girl. I fear she has run away. With your coat"

Jamie sighed, having know the answer already.

"Inform it to the public, someone would notice her"

"But how will they know it's her, doctor?"

Jamie looked at the panicked Drisilla for a long minute before saying, "She has green eyes and a 5 feet height."

A/N: Hi lovelies! Just wanted you guys to know that I'd be on semi hiatus till November.

*Hands over the phone* "Dear sister(apparently my caretaker), this is my phone. Take care of her until I come back" *sobs* so this is what i am going to do. Do u think it's the right thing?

Term exams and stuff, so yeah☺ I won't be publishing till then.

And an advance thankyou for helping me reach 1K reads😗

Peace out,
Tripe G👩

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