
By love5sosforever11111

165K 4.3K 207

Malia parks is a werewolf who lives in secret since she lost her parents when she was 10 ever since then she'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 30

1.8K 56 0
By love5sosforever11111

Malia's pov

I walked down to the cafeteria and went to the head chef.

"Sorry Pat I've been backed up with papers but I'm back on track I have a shipment coming in with everything you ordered should be In by tomorrow" I said and she nodded I walked out and saw Sams dad

"Mr Montgomery" I said and smiled

"Please call me Stan" he said and smiled

"Alright well Stan I have the new gear coming in sorry it took a while but it should be here before next week" I said and smiled

"Well you tell mason I've been waiting for a year for those" he said and smiled

"Huh?" I said

"Mason hasn't talked to me in a few days I guess he has been doing paper work?" He said

"No um would you excuse me" I said and he nodded

I got back to my cabin and saw everyone and I crossed my arms.

"The pack doesn't know mason is dead" I said

"No" Eve's mom said

"Why not they have a right to know" I said

"I am the luna as of right now and you shouldn't speak to me that way" she growled

"I finished everything in his office all the paper work it's done I got every single order in and even got people back to their families I ordered all the supplies we need to make the new cabins oh and by the way your not the luna I am so until I step down from that position then you shouldn't speak to me that way" I said

"Your probably not even his mate your probably just doing it for the spot as Luna your not even sad he is gone" she said and got up

"Mom!" Eve said

I growled and tackled her to the ground. She looked into my eyes and I showed her everything I've been through. Every single thing. When I was done I got up.

"Masons coming back and even before I knew that I held myself together for this pack because that is what a Luna does" I said and I looked at everyone

"Jeremy i need you to make sure no one even knows about this break down every rumor Sam go with your dad help him patrol around the area Mr woods all due respect I need you to do something with me" I said and he nodded and me and him went to the cells.

"What do you need me for" he said

"Mason told me about how your best friend died." I said and he sighed

"In order to bring mason back we need a willing rogue to lay down their life to bring him back and she is the only one who will rogues are near extinct she's the only one we have in the cells who wants to die." I said and he looked at me.

"We were there the moment she broke. She was his sister. My best friend was my beta so she was strong she killed him and felt no remorse. Her mate was killed in a rogue attack pretty crazy how she did it. She killed four people. Him her parents and a warrior. Malia I put her there 238 years ago. I think she got her punishment. If you thought I was going to argue I won't. She deserves to die and pass on to walk to the moon with her mate." He said and I smiled

"Especially if it will bring my son back" he said and we walked down to the cells and went to her cell.

"Marge it's time" he said

"Your letting me die" she said and smiled

"One condition" I said

"The way your dying your bringing someone back you don't need to do anything but willingly go" I said

"I'll do it" she said and I nodded

"Allison I got the rogue" I linked her

"I have masons body I have Damien we are ready I'll come get you" she linked back.

"We are in the cells" I linked

"Got it" she linked I got Marge and we walked out of the cells to see Allison.

"When we come back we will come back with mason" I said and smiled and she nodded

"Let's do this" Allison said and she grabbed us and we zipped away. Within seconds we were at a clearing.

"Okay let's get started" Damien said and we nodded.

He layed her down and Allison got in front of me.

"He needs some of your blood" she said and I nodded she sliced my palm and poured my blood into a bowl. Then she gave it to Damien.

"Alright" Damien said

"Na férei píso tous nekoúrs kai na tous kánei na zoun kai páli qiatí écho ti thysía sas" he said

"Greek" I said and she nodded

"Its a spell only he has mastered he's the only person on this earth that can do the spell" she said and I nodded

A few moments later after he did what he did the floor started to shake. So did the coffin mason was in.

When the shaking stopped it was quiet.

"How long does it take?" I said

"He should be awake by now" Allison said

I walked to his coffin and opened it and listened for a heart beat but there was nothing.

"This shouldn't be happening" Damien said

"It didn't work" I said and cried.

Don't forget!! Some stuff in the other story "my mate" isn't in this book! If you want to know Allison's pov then go check out the book!


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