At First Sight 'Prequel Of Ep...

By ElleMiglioranza

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This is a Presequel Epic Love book.... Life before Siena Russo met Damon Salvatore.... When Siena Russo world... More

The Art Of Letting Go.....
Drunken Love.....
Entering The War Zone.....
It's All About The Girl.......
Betrayal Of The Worst Kind.....
What Beneath The Surface.....
A Warning That Comes With Caution......
Once Upon A Dream

The Harsh Truth.....

899 86 15
By ElleMiglioranza

Siena P.O.V

I walked the street of New York not knowing where I’m going. It kept repeating in my mind that Thea was dead that she was gone. Our argument kept running through my mind how I was cruel to her the things that I told her. That I thought she was jealous of me? How could I say something like that? What kind of person had I turned into to say that to their friend of 11years was jealous of them? I just can’t believe that she gone. That I will never see her again. That I won’t hear her voice again. She just gone! I don’t know what I’m going to deal with all this I don’t know much about anything right now because as much of a bitch that I am I feel lost.

My cell kept on ringing constantly I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. I felt like a bad person that it should be me laying on that mortuary slab not Thea. I stopped walking and cried I couldn’t take any of this anymore more, how could of she got such a blow to head. Who would wanna hurt Thea like that? I know her and I were at the point where we would have got psychical. Right now I don’t know what the hell I’m doing walking the street of New York City not helping me right now. I got my phone out of my clutch and I saw 3 missed calls from Blair 5 from my mom and 2 from Nic. As much as I wanted to talk to all of them I couldn’t not right now.

I began to make my way back toward my apartment I didn’t care that I was in some fancy gown and it was cold I needed this time to think. After nearly two hours I finally reach my apartment building I felt that my skin was cold but I felt numb not because of that but I felt like a part of me died along with Thea. As I walked through the lobby I had looks from the staff of sorrow it appeared that they had heard about Thea passing. I didn’t acknowledge them I walked into the elevator and pressed my floor number, I felt like a robot like I wasn’t acknowledging my surrounding. I came out of the elevator and walked up to my front door I let myself in. I saw my parents from the living room looking at me with sorrow. I couldn’t deal with talking to either of them so I rushed to my room and slammed the door shut.

I sat of my bed and began to reflect on the whole night it was like a movie reel that always ended with that last image engraved in my mind of Thea on the ground unconscious with blood pouring from her head. I heard a light knock on my door I knew it was either my mom or dad but I didn’t want to see either of them. The door opened and I looked and it was my mom she stood there with her face filled with so many emotions. I couldn’t help it I just busted into tears in seeing her.

“Sweetheart” my mom rushed over to me and embraced me tightly “Baby I’m so sorry” I let my mom hold me. I just couldn't believe that Thea was dead and I would never get the chance to make things right with her. I was choking on my sobs and I couldn't speak. But my mom just held me and rubbed my back, a comforting tactic that had always calmed me when I was younger. But it was not working this time.

“It’s all my fault!” I sobbed “I killed her! I killed my best friend!” I cried. It was my fault why Thea was upset. Why she was in that garden at that time. I’m the reason why she died and no one can tell me any different.

“Sweetie how could you of killed her. I saw you talking to that young man most of the night” My mom continued to sooth my back to calm me down “You need to calm down sweetie. You’re in shock right now” I wasn’t in shock I was telling the truth my mom was trying to be nice to me because I’m her daughter and I shouldn’t harbour that guilt.

“No, mom! It’s the truth ok? I killed Thea!” i cried “If I never said that she was jealous of me or overweight or even worse cursed her; she would be alive, Mom!” I raised my voice and I couldn’t control my tears anymore. My pulled away and looked at me for a long moment I didn’t know what she was thinking at that moment and I didn’t want to imagine it either.

“You need to listen to me young lady. You weren't the one who cause the trauma to her head. Yes i heard about you display and you did say a few things that i never thought I would hear my daughter say” I turned away from her as I was a shamed of what I did, she gently turned my face to her “But you didn't kill her baby. We don't know what happen and whoever is responsible will be caught. I'm sorry that you and Thea were on bad terms. But you can't keep beating yourself up baby” she spoke with concern. My lips trembled and my eyes filled with tears again.

“Mom I miss her. I miss her so much” I sobbed as I meant every word I did miss her knowing that I would never see her again killed me “I want my best friend back” It was the last thing that my mom understood as I was crying too hard to be understood. She hugged me tightly I think right now my mom didn’t know what to do with me, I didn’t even know what to do with myself either I just felt so lost.

“I know baby. I know” I heard my mom coo into my ear as she rocked me back and forth to calm me down, nothing will change what happen nothing. 

“S-Siena...” I raised my head and stared at Blair who just emotional as I was. We didn't say a word because nothing needed to be said. Blair ran over to me and we hugged each other as we cried while my mom tried to comfort us. I had heard what my mom had told me that it weren't my fault. But I was convinced that she was just trying to be nice because I was her daughter because the truth was I was responsible for Thea's death and nothing that nobody said would ever get me to change my mind “I can't believe she gone” she pulled away and looked at me “S-Siena the cops want talk to you too. They want to question everyone who spoke to Thea at the party” Blair hesitated for a moment “Including Nic” I froze in Blair's arms. The cops wanted to talk to me? I knew that I couldn't speak to them because they would find out what I had done. And they would take me away. And I deserved to go to jail after what I had done. But I couldn't bear the thought of being taken away from my parents. Suddenly the thought of talking to the cops was too much for me and I had to get away because it felt like I was suffocating.

“I'm sorry but I can't speak to them. I have to go” I pulled away from Blair and ran out of the room and out of the apartment. I couldn’t be here right now I couldn’t be around my parents or Blair. The only person I want to see right now was Nic I knew just being in his arms I will feel just that little better.

Klaus P.O.V

The Charity event was soon put to a halt when one of the guest had been seriously hurt. Siena and I were shearing one of those moments where we were lost in each other, but with hearing this she wanted to see what had happen. We both made our way out to the garden and I watched as Siena weaved through the guest to get to the front to see what had happen. I still recall the screams from Siena friend Blair crying out Thea name. That’s when I knew it was her that had been hurt, I glance around to see if I could find any of the guilty suspects but everyone stood there in horror as they watched this poor young girl barely breathing and very unlikely going to survive. One face stood out the most was Lucas De Vere was it guilt? Or was he just as stunned as Siena and Blair? That part of couldn’t put my finger on.

I tried to comfort Siena to take her away from the dreadful scene but she refused to leave she stood there not uttering a word. I knew the girls had a spat so to say but I knew that Siena didn’t mean half of those things said, it was all based out of anger. Thea was being delusional before her untimely death with stating she had met me, maybe the girl was going through some kind of depression that she took her life. I watched as Siena and Blair stood there both sobbing as the paramedic tried to help their friend, but there wasn’t much they could do Thea heart was fading it was a matter of time before it gave up all together.

Told the girls I would take then to Lenox Hill so they could be with their friend. I knew in time I would receive a call from Siena telling me that her friend had died but I had to give both girls some form of encouragement. At their age they shouldn’t be experiencing a lot there lives had only just begun. So I put that side of me who would normally be heartless to one side. I showed the both of them compassion and courage that there friend may possibly make it. Siena would look at me tear eyed and it did not feel right lying to her but I could not tell her the truth. Before they went into the hospital I told Siena to call me if she needs me not matter the time, I assumed she appreciated that. I wanted to be there for her to hold her and tell her in time everything would be okay the wounds that cut so deep will heal.

So I decided not to go back home after the evening I had I needed something to drink something to quench this urge I was having. So I decided to go to my little establishment to see how everything was going. As soon as I walked in the room as filled with silence. It wasn’t that busy right now I didn’t care either. I sat by the bar and Jason brought over a bottle of the finest bourbon like clockwork, there was a reason why I hired him. I felt a presence behind me a very familiar one at that, someone I haven’t seen for a while.

“Tia Dalma how long has it been?” I drained my drink she took a seat beside me, I glanced at her while I poured myself another drink. Tia Dalma hadn’t changed much over the years she still looked the same “So what do I owe the pleasure” I asked her as I turned to her.

“Well the last time we saw each other I recall you were on your search for the doppelgänger and dimidium sanguinis” She spoke a little smugly. I grabbed a glass and poured her a drink “Thanks. So what the great Niklaus Mikaelson doing back in NYC” Tia Dalma was a special type of girl she was how shall I say a little unique. 


I had heard about Julian Grazie bloodline had not come to seize that it appeared that Anya had another child a daughter after we flee from our village. With that the Grazie bloodline continued throughout the centuries with all that power with it. Each time I was near to finding it one they would disappear I had a feeling that had a lot to do with Julian. The curse that had been put upon me by my own mother could only be broken by a very powerful line of witches the Grazie line. With all the power they held they could break it with the right ingredients of course.  

I had found one in 1490 along with the doppelgänger and werewolf and vampire but that didn’t go down too well as Katerina Petrova found out her fate and flee. Along with the Grazie witch who disappeared that night too. So for last 500 years I had been tracking down Katherine Pierce as she known now along with another Gracie witch.

The year was 1982 and I stumbled upon some information that there was a witch from the Grazie line residing in New York City a student at NYU. Her name was Tia Dalma she was a very young and beautiful but unfortunately she hadn’t been told what she was. She thought of herself the same as other human, but that was far from the truth his one girl possessed great power that was unknown to her.

I had been watching her for a while now. See from a far what this young girl Tia Dalma was about. What I knew she was like any other freshman she liked to party and have fun. When she wasn’t doing that she worked at a bar which I frequented. I watched as she walked home from her shift I kept my distance, I felt that tonight was the night I would introduce myself. I watched as she walked across the campus I was about to approach her when she attacked. I needed a way to get her onside so I had hired a vampire to attack Tia Dalma. I watched from a distance and waited in patience for the right moment. He saw as the vampire was about to bite into her throat and I used my super speed and ripped out this heart. The vampire body fell on the young girl, I moved the desiccated corpse off the Tia Dalma who looked at me in horror.

“It’s okay love” I spoke to her calmly as I helped her up to her feet, she shivered at my touch which knew meant she sense what I was.

“You saved my life” she gasped “How can I ever repay you?” Well I knew just the way for her to repay me and I’m sure after saving her life she will not object. 

“Well I’m in need of a witch of your talent to help me with a slight problem I’m having” she gasped of course she was unaware of what she truly was.

“A witch? I'm sorry sir. I don't know what you're talking about” she tried to leave only to stopped by myself Tia Dalma appeared to be confused and a little frightened “What are you? Because you're not human” she demanded well I think I should let her know what she truly is.

“Sweetheart if i was to say that you from a descendant of a line of very powerful witches” Tia Dalma looked at me with even more confusion “Do you ever wonder how certain thing happen around you, like a candle suddenly lights. When you touch” I touched her hand “You get a sense of death” Tia moved her hand quickly “You were deprived from your true nature from your parents Tia Dalma” I looked down at the dead corps “That is the first of many coming your way” I warned her. I needed for her to be a little frighten to the fact that other would come for her, and they will in time when the sense who she is.

“Ok so what does all of this have to do with me? I don't understand what you are on about” she stated I think I need to elaborate on what I’m here for.

“Let say I’m here to help. I expected for you to have sort form of acknowledgment of you heritage. But i came prepared” I handed Tia Dalma my mother’s Grimoire “This was my mother’s she was a witch like yourself” Tia Dalma looked at me stunned “I wish to help you bring your powers alive as they should of been. With this book you will know of spells that some witches dream of having” Some of the spells in my mother grimoire witches have given up their lives to try and steal from me. With Tia Dalma there was something about her that I knew that she would be loyal.

“And what do I have to do for you?” She knew that with my help was not going to come without a price but I didn’t wish to harm her I just needed her at the right time.

“Well that will come later” I began to smirk at her “For now sweetheart i think we need to get you up to speed”


“Well I’m here for pleasure rather than business” A smile appeared upon Tia Dalma face she touched my hand and her expression changed slightly I knew she was reading something from me “What is it Tia Dalma?” Her face was filled with mixture of emotions then my cell began to ring and I looked at the screen and it was Siena.

“She needs you right now. Come to see me at my shop and we talk” Tia got up from her sit and walked away before I couldn’t even reply. I answered my cell.

“Siena sweetheart is everything okay” I could hear her sobbing down the phone and I knew the reason behind that.

“N-N-Nic” she could hardly speak and I had no idea where she was.

“Sweet heart where are you?” I hope that she tell me she sounded in a states “Sweetheart calm down and tell me where you are so I can come and get you” I spoke to calmly as I walked out of the club and opened my car door.

“I-I-I’m o-on cor-corner of Columbus Ave W-w-west hun-hundred st-st-street” Siena couldn’t hardly talk.

“Okay stay where you are I’m on my way” I turned the engine of my car and began to drive to the destination Siena told me where she was. I was torn between two as I knew that Tia Dalma had something vital to tell me. But Siena needed me more than ever right now and I needed to be that supportive boyfriend that she needed. When I arrived I saw Siena on the side walk barely holding it together, I got out of the car and approached her “Siena” she looked up to me and she looked like a broken girl I wanted to do anything in my power to help her and take the pain away. “Come with me sweetheart” I embraced her and brought her to the car and helped her in the car. Siena was a mess and this was something I did not like to see. So I vow to find out who did this to her friend and I will make them pay in worst possible way. 

Author P.O.V

The day had come around the day of Thea Underwood funeral. The scene outside St Paul chapel was filled with sorrow. As each high profile member of the community of the Upper East Side arrived. The first were the De Vere family Antonio De Vere along with this wife and son Lucas. Shortly after by the Richey family with their daughter Blair. Mrs Richey held her daughter hand tightly as was controllably crying. The next limo to arrive was the Russo, Tony and Chrizina both stepped out of the car with their daughter Siena. She appeared to be trying to hold it together her face with seriousness as her and her parents stood by the other families.

Finally the hearse arrived with the casket of Thea Underwood followed by a black limo that had the mother and father of the late Thea. Everyone stood in silence as Olivia and Archibald as they stood by the entrance of the church, Olivia was crying uncontrollably like she had be seen her daughter passing. Archibald was remaining as strong as physically could be. The ball bearers slowly began to take out Thea casket from the hearse, they gently place the casket on their shoulders then began to walk at slow pace towards the church. In that moment that when it hit everyone that the body that laid in the casket was of a young girl who barely lived her life, a girl who was taken far too soon.   

Olivia broke down as the casket of her daughter went by her, Archibald held he wife tightly as he walked behind. Everyone who was waiting outside began to follow in slowly. Siena didn’t move a part of her was frighten to say goodbye to her friend. Her mother looked at her indicating for her to come in and Siena shook her head.    

Klaus had arrived at St Paul chapel he has witness the casket of Thea being taken into the church and the crowed following behind. Klaus was here for one reason only to support Siena. He had been a tower of strength for her over the last few days, if it wasn’t for him Siena would of surly broke down. Klaus had been doing his own investigation on the death of Thea Underwood. With the gift of compulsion he had found out that on that night in the garden Lucas De Vere and Damon Salvatore were having some kind of disagreement. Klaus had put two and two together and figured out they were the cause of the death of Thea Underwood, of course Klaus instinct was right. Klaus attention went to Siena as he saw her standing with emotionless he saw an older lady who he knew was her mother trying to encourage her to come into the church. “Mrs Russo I’ll take care of her” Klaus spoke calmly.

Chrizina knew how broken her daughter was and she was beside herself he daughter was hardly coming home at nights. At first she thought she was staying at Blair home but found out that wasn’t the case. She assumed that she had turned to Lucas for comfort. Well that soon changed as she saw a gentleman that she had seen Siena talking to at the charity event comfort her “O-oh okay” she responded to him as he told her he would take care of her daughter. “Sweetie you going to be okay?” Chrizina wanted to hear from her daughter that she wanted to be left with this handsome stranger, she notice her daughter smile as she looked at him and that when Chrizina knew there was some kind of romantic endeavour.

Siena was fright to walk into that church to say her goodbye to Thea. She and Blair had agreed to do a reading for their late friend but Siena couldn’t do it. She felt her stomach turn as she saw Thea casket she knew she wouldn’t be able to give her friend the reading she deserved. After how things were left between the two of them. Siena froze on the spot unable to move with her mom convincing her to go into the church but she wasn’t ready for that. Siena heart fluttered when she heard the voice of her boyfriend assuring her mom that he would take care of her. Her mom walked away and Siena turned to her boyfriend “Y-you came” she hugged him tightly she thought he wasn’t going to come after the conversation they had she thought Nic wouldn’t come as he said that he hardly knew Thea.

Klaus embraced Siena “Well I thought you might need some support” Siena looked at him and gave him a small smile “You can do this sweetheart” he placed his arm around her “You need to say your final goodbye” he kissed the top of her head and ushered her towards the door.

Damon had been riddle with guilt he felt the only way of redeeming himself was to try and approach Siena Russo to make some form of amends. Well that did not plan out well as when Damon did get close she would disappear. Damon didn’t mean to hurt the girl who now he knew her name was Thea Underwood. He had heard the funeral was at St Paul chapel. Damon was not one to hold guilt he had murdered people countless he couldn’t understand why this girl was different. He approached St Paul church and saw Siena and the original vampire outside. He stopped as he didn’t want to be seen by either of them. All Damon wanted to do was pay his respects and leave all this behind him.

The church began to fill with people coming to pay the last respect to the Underwood’s daughter. The service began with the priest talking about how life was precious that we as human take it all for granted. That Thea Penelope Underwood life was taken sudden, but now she is resting in peace with the lord our father. Throughout the room you could hear sobs from the congregation. “Now two of Thea friends would like to say a few word” he looked over at Blair and Siena who both got up.

Blair got up from her seat and Kia gave her reassuring look she nodded and made her way to the podium, she walked pass Thea casket and a lump began to form in her throat. She kept taking in deep breath as she want to make her friend proud as this would be her final words. Blair looked out to the church full of people and cleared her throat as she unfolded the piece of paper “I sit around and wonder, and watch the days go by. I look at all the pictures, and ask, why did you have to die?” Blair took in a deep breath as she knew she had to remain strong “You've always been there for me, because you were my best friend, and I was always there for you until the very end” Blair voice began to shake and tears slowly rolled down her cheek “But now it's time to let you go, your spirit now is free” Blair voice trembled as she looked over at Thea casket as reality hit her that Thea was laying in there “Even though you won't really be gone, because you'll live inside of me. So when we have to leave you at your resting place, I will always remember your smiling, beautiful face” Blair emotion became the best of her as she began to cry uncontrollably. Kai went to the podium and try to usher her off “No. I can do this” Blair insisted she wiped away her tears “Th-This is hardly a goodbye, so I won't weep anymore, because now you're in better place then you ever were before Even though that I will miss you, and I'll think about you every day you'll always be my best friend, and that's all I have to say” Blair turned to Kai who looked at her with sorrow, her bottom lip began to tremble as she walked towards him and cried into his chest. That moment there Blair had said goodbye to Thea and it was something that she thought she would never have to do.

Siena approached the podium, she unfolded the piece of paper and cleared her throat “Every day I wake up realizing that you are gone” Siena adverted to Thea casket she looked at it with sorrow in her eyes for long moment then turned back to her piece of paper “Reality keeps forcing me to accept that you are done. Finished with all the chaos, this earthly world can bring. Through with all the pain and problems and all those simple things” She looked out to the church full of people and saw the face of Blair who was sobbing on Kia shoulder “Am I so selfish to wish that you were here alive on earth? Am I wrong to wish you back just so I won't hurt? All the things I never said. Strong feelings I never shared” Siena looked at her boyfriend who gave her encouraging nod which gave her the will to continue “I took your love for granted and put you off because I just knew you would always be there. I pushed you away because I needed space I was gonna get back right with you I swear. But now you'll never know. You left behind family and friends” Siena cleared her throat as it was getting harder for her to read she didn’t want to cry she want to say her piece her apology to her late friend Thea “But now you're gone your life taken I'm sure for no worthy cause. Am I wrong for hoping they can't sleep at night for motivating this unjust loss?” Siena wanted revenge on the person that took her friend life that was her motivation right now “But it is me who lies awake at night thinking about you what ifs and why not’s run through my mind. No matter how hard I cry or pray I know you're not coming back to me. I can only wait until the day that we'll meet again I know that you will still be you Funny, crazy, and friend. You were never perfect you weren't an angel by far but damn girl you were you. And even before you died I knew I would never be able to replace you. Your smile, your eyes your laughter, your words Are embedded in my mind. And forever you'll live in my heart and dreams until the end of my life” Siena walked down from the podium and kissed her hand then touch Thea casket before sitting next to Nic who placed his arm around her.

The service continued with prays then the choir sung as the ball bearers closed the casket and they began to take Thea casket out of the church. Followed by the Underwood family behind with each pew following behind. Klaus looked around the church and saw Damon Salvatore, he wanted to go and have strong words with him but before could get to him he was gone.

Siena glance around the church and saw the same man that she had been seeing for the last week with the dark raven hair the light complexion, with leather jacket. She didn’t know who he was and she kept avoiding him or lose him at what chance she could. What was he doing here? Ran through Siena mind. She had told Nic about see this random guy following her “Nic t-that’s….” before she could finish sentence. She shook her head and held his hand “It doesn’t matter”

Everyone made their way to the resting place of Thea. One person who stood amongst the family and friend with a face filled with guilt was Lucas De Vere. He stood in the back as he knew that all of this was his fault that if he didn’t lose his temper with Damon and pushed him that none of this would happen.  He couldn’t watch no longer and left the cemetery without looking back.

Antonio De Vere stood next to his wife and watched as they buried the young Thea Underwood. Antonio couldn’t help but think that it could have been his son right there, that his son could be taken from him just as quick. He told his wife that he couldn’t watch this. With that Antonio walked away from the crowed, he saw his son walking away and knew that this was all difficult for him. Antonio wanted to make sure that he was okay but chose to let Lucas calm down because of his tamper.

Klaus saw that Antonio walked away he saw that Siena was with Blair and her mother as they were descending the casket into the ground. He backed away and walked over to Antonio “Such a travesty don’t you think” Antonio glared at him. Klaus smiled “Well that poor girl didn’t have a chance with a vampire and werewolf” Klaus watched as Antonio looked at him with confusion and surprised “maybe I should elaborate” Klaus spoke smugly “Your hired help and your son have Tea blood on their hands” With that Klaus walked away. Leaving Antonio with the thought of his son being the reason why Thea Underwood was dead.

Damon P.O.V

I had to leave after seeing that girl on the floor with her head cracked open. I lost my temper and it was all that Lucas De Vere fault because he wanted to be the big man and step up to me. One wrong move and I took a life and I felt guilty. Why did I feel guilty? I’ve killed hundreds no thousands of innocent people before what made this girl any different from them? Deep down I knew the reason for that and that was the look upon Siena Russo face when she saw her friend. Yes that was all the reason for the guilt for hatting myself and I couldn’t understand why I felt like this. I didn’t know the girl to feel any emotional attachment to her, I’ve never spoken to her. It was like I felt her pain and grieve in that one moment and it consumed me.

For days I tried to get back to myself. I tried everything to stop feeling this way I didn’t want to resort to turning off my humanity as I has only turned it back on a few years back. So I tried everything possible which mainly included me and my new friend bourbon. The guilt the pain faded away but once the morning came and I opened my eye it was there once again. So I thought to maybe confront this Siena girl maybe in some way I could redeem myself from the pain I cause her, but every time I got near to her she suddenly disappear.

I even attended the funeral at St Paul Chapel and that didn’t help either. As I witness all the people here for this one girl, I thought being there might shred some of this guilt off me but it didn’t. When I watched some blonde break down while reading then to see the face that is haunting me in my sleep stand up there and reading the words “Am I wrong for hoping they can't sleep at night for motivating this unjust loss?”. That when I had to leave I couldn’t stand there and listen to any of that anymore, it was like she could read me she could sense the guilt I was carrying.

So went to Billy bar to drown my sorrow because with all this annoying human emotion this was the only way I could dial it down. So I was on my second bourbon and it’s wasn’t shifting this feeling.

“Well, well, well it isn't it the vampire who can't control his temper” I glance and saw the original take a sit next to me “The funeral was lovely by the way, You would of know as you were lurking in the back” I took a swig of the bourbon I weren’t in the mood to listen to him right now.

“I am not in the mood” I snarled at him. He grabs the bottle from me and a glass.

“Yes of course. I mean what you did to that poor girl was just awful” how did he know? He turns to me “Thea how so much ahead of her but” snaps his fingers “just gone in one moment of madness” I felt guilty about Thea's death because I didn't mean to kill her and the girl had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. I glared at him and downs my drink in hopes he will walk away.

“It was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt her” I stated my pled as I downed another drink, this guilt wasn’t leaving me it was eating me up like nothing I experience before. 

“Mmmmmm” I sense some kind of sarcasm behind that drains his drink “So that's reason for the visit at the church today?” he spoke smugly god now I knew why this dick get under Lucas skin so much his a complete douche.

“What do you want? I'm busy right now so come back later or I'd rather that you didn't come back at all” I growled as he had been here under a minute and he was on my last nerve.

“I do not like your tone Damon” He spoke through his teeth with that I knew he was pissed “Your riddle with guilt maybe i could help with that problem” he looked at me with an evil glint how the hell was he going to help me with this guilt? I poured myself another drink and drains it. I didn’t want to feel guilty. But I also knew that if it was not for me and Lucas; Thea would still be alive as guilty was an uncomfortable and unfamiliar feeling to me. I just wished that it would go away. “Well I bet your wondering the visit. I do not appreciate your attempts to stalk Siena” how the hell? I looked at him and he had a hideous smirks “as you can see she is taken” I needed to cover this up as I didn’t know that she had seen me.

“Stalk her? Paranoid much? Why would I do that? Do you recall that I want to have nothing to do with women? Other than to receive pleasure from them” I smirked and drains his drink I just wanted him to leave me the hell alone.

“So the man that been following her who has identical description to yourself” he spoke darkly to me  “Are you Damon insinuating that she is lying” I knew that Siena was taken but I was unable to stay away from the brunette beauty as I never seen a girl with her beauty. She was mesmerizing and intoxicating and I was shocked to discover that I wanted to know her as I pursued her. I didn't suspect that she had seen me. I thought that I had kept to the shadows while I watched Siena. “Your silence is deafening” he get to his feet and grabs me by my jacket making me look at him “I think you and I need to take a walk” I did not want to listen to him, but I had to as I had no choice but to obey I didn’t understand why? We approached my car.

“The Whitmore you are after well you will find them in Athens Ohio. Now why don't you take a long drive? You’re going to get into that car keep driving forgetting your time in New York. You only stopped in New York for a bite to eat. Forgetting about the De Vere family and that brut Lucas. Forgetting the poor girl Thea that you killed. Forgetting ever laying eyes on Siena Russo. You will wait around for your dear sweet Katherine as you have been for the last 142 year. Waiting for the day to free her from then tomb under Fells Church” I got in the car and drove with murder on my mind. The only thing that I cared about is finding the Whitmores and waiting to free Katherine from the tomb under Fells Church and be together like I’ve dreamt for the last 142 years.

Lucas P.O.V

From the night it all happen I hadn’t be able to sleep. I know I wasn’t the one who hurt Thea…. No I mean killed her. But I was to blame too if I didn’t push Damon or I just waited until another time to confront him about him and that dick Nic. Thea would be alive she wouldn’t be in some casket. All to do with my temper that I couldn’t control, I hated it I hated myself for all of this. With all this guilt I had to hide it from my parents.

What made matters worse when I would see Blair and Siena in school. That hurt the most because I couldn’t look them in the eye. So I decided not to even go in anymore. So I spent my days getting drunk trying to forget about that horrible imagines from that night. But no amount of booze could take that away and it was turning me into a real mess. The nightmares wasn’t going away every morning I would wake up to the site of Thea face dead on the concert floor. I felt I was going out of my mind.  

The day of Thea funeral was even worse to stand there and watch everyone grieving I tried so hard to stick it out. When Blair and Siena spoke there reading I stopped myself getting up and walking out. With both of them being strong and speaking of their friend like that killed me, it hurt more when Siena spoke of the person who did this to Thea that she hoped they didn’t sleep at nights. That moment there I was riddle with guilt more than ever. When we went to put Thea to rest I couldn’t do it I couldn’t stand with all those people and be this “friend” who was hurt by her death I had to leave.

After leaving St Pauls I just kept walking the streets I stopped in a few bars but nothing was taking always this burned that I felt right now. My cell kept ringing and I was my mom I didn’t know what to say to her. Day turned into night and I knew I had to get back home. So I got a cab and made my way back and came onto the parlour poured myself another drink. I heard the door open and it was Aniello standing there with his serious face.

“Lucas your father wanted to speak to you” he spoke with seriousness “in the study” I nodded my head. I wondered what Dad wanted to talk to me about. Probably another lecture about how I needed to let Siena go and move on with my life. I weren't in the mood to hear that speech again. I poured myself a glass of scotch, drained it, and then made my way to the study.*

“Dad you wanted to see me?” I notice my dad pacing but stopped as soon as I spoke. He glared at me which gave me the impression that he pissed at me for some reason.

“Yes something was brought to my attention” my father voice was firm and serious which wasn’t a good sign “It appears you can't keep that mongrel temper of yours under control” he raised his voice. I stared at my dad. He was a very intimidating man when he was angry. Mongrel temper?  I wondered what he meant by that statement.

“I don't understand” I stated. And that was true because I didn't understand and the reason was because that vampire dick Klaus and his accomplice Damon, who I had never trusted from the start.

“You don't understand? You telling me you don't understand” he shouted once again. I had no idea of what he was talking about “You and that bloodsucker are the reason why that poor girl Thea is dead” he roared at me “Your temper always gets the best of you Lucas. Right now I’m a shamed of you. Oscar now Thea!!! I can't protect you anymore. I won't do it. No!”  My strides over to pour himself a drink. What did he mean by that? I felt like my heart went into my throat.

“Dad what do you mean that you can't protect me anymore?” I demanded, my voice shaking “You're gonna turn me in to the f*cking cops?! You can't do that” My hands shook and I knew that I was going to lose my temper again. I didn't understand what was happening to me. Or why it was happening. But the thought of my own father turning against me terrified me and pissed me off.

“Turn you in” he scoffed “No that not my style” he walks slowly toward me “You need to leave town. You need to get the hell out of here before your mom come home” I knew that it was my fault that Thea was dead. But I didn't want to leave because Siena was still in danger and she was unaware that Nic was a vampire.

“Dad I can't leave. What about Siena? She is still- “ I stopped in mid-sentence when I saw my father's thunderous expression.

“You need to forget that girl” he yelled. My dad held on to his chest then he grabbed hold of his desk he was struggling to breath.

“Dad!” I ran over to him he continued to struggle to breath I didn’t know what to do right now.

“I'm fine” he struggled to say as he breathed slowly he finally got his breathing under control. My dad turned to his me “We need to talk Lucas. Sit down please” My dad sat down he still didn’t look right and I wanted to tell him we needed to get a doctor or something. But he looked at me with seriousness “I need to tell you something that i didn't think i needed to do for a while yet. But your behaviour getting out of control Lucas. You need to know why” I sat down on a chair and waited for him to speak. I felt guilty as I had just witnessed my dad having an attack of some kind. He was right. I did need to control my temper. It was bad enough that Thea was dead because of me and Damon; I didn't need to lose my dad too. And if Siena ever found out what I had done...I cut that thought off.

“What is it Dad? What do you need to tell me?” I asked him with a bit of fear of knowing.

“You recall when Oscar told you that you weren't even a De Vere and well.... well you know what you did” The memory of that day fill my mind with Oscar dead corps on the floor and the look on Siena face “Well there truth to that Lucas. Your mother and I adopted you. Well it wasn't your normal kind of adoption” I sat there as the word adopted was being processed in my brain. I was adopted? No it couldn't be true. But looking at my dad, I knew that he was telling the truth.

“I'm adopted?” I said slowly.

“Yes son” he cleared his throat “You were brought to me from a friend of mine in New Orleans. Marcel. He had found you and your twin sister abandon after your parents died in some kind of fire” he Pauses “You were the most beautiful baby i had ever seen. Your mother and i had been trying for years but with complication we were told we couldn't have children” I was stunned with what I was hearing right now I was trying to processes it all but it wasn’t “We took you in even though Marcel told us what you were. He wanted you to be safe and we wanted to keep you” my dad began to tear up and grabbed Kleenex “Sorry” he wiped away his tears.

“My parents are dead? I have a twin sister? What I am? What do you mean by that?” I didn’t know what else to say to him. These were all the questions that ran through my mind.

“This is going to be difficult for you to take in Lucas. But you were born with the name of Leon Labonair. You’re not human son. You’re from a long line of werewolves. That birthmark on your shoulder of the crest moon is a symbol to your pack. I’m sorry I told you like this. With your temper I don't know what to do with you anymore but just tell you the truth. Your sister Andrea Labonair was adopted to a family in Virginia we would of had the both of you but Marcel thought it would be safer to keep you both apart. I'm sorry” My head felt like it was going to explode. This was just too much for me. I was adopted and a werewolf. I had a twin sister who was named Andrea and a dick named Marcel thought that it would be better if we were separated. And my birth parents was killed in a fire. Well, that explained why I was always angry all of the time.

“And you decided that now was the right time to tell me all of this?”  I stated quietly why did he choose now to tell me all this? I felt lost and confused and alone knowing that everything I thought was true was a lie.

“You need to Leave Lucas. You need to get the hell out of town before the cops question you. Because you’re cracking son. You need to find out about your family” My dad get up and walks up the a painting and removes it from the wall reliving a safe, he opens it and takes some money “Take this” he gives me dozen wades of cash “I'll wire you money when you need it Lucas. I promise you regardless of all this Lucas you will always be my son” I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to leave. But I knew that I had to. I accepted the money from Antonio and walked out of the room without looking back.

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