Gilmore girls : Beyond the Ye...


19.6K 615 139

After those final four words of AYITL, what are Rory's next steps? What will Lorelai do after finding out tha... Еще

Those Final Four Words
Bad... Onions?
The Greenies
Reflecting Light
Tater Tots and Unexpected Bedfellows
Location Services
Mona Lisa
Mirrors & Nutella
Nuggets and Waffle Fries
Booty Buddies
House Tours, Antique Desks, and Post-Its
Doctor's Appointments and Milkshakes
AUTHOR NOTE 12.21.17
5-Star Review
Duplicates and Inspections
Phone Call

Dirty Cups

617 28 14

"Can you believe how much furniture there actually was in that storage unit? I can't even begin to comprehend how much it is all worth. We could probably send chicken nugget to college, a masters program, AND a PhD program when it's all sold. And I'm not talking about some podunk-nothing school. Nugget could be a Bulldog. Or if nugget wants to be decked out in crimson, they could go to Harvard. Or embrace green at Dartmouth. Or all of the above!" Rory rushed.

Jess chuckled as he balled up a taco wrapper - they had stopped at a Taco Bell drive thru; Rory had insisted on Crunchwrap Supremes and tacos. "Nugget can have whatever nugget wants. And, I really can't believe that storage unit. Most of them are rickety old buildings in a sketchy part of town. That had security cameras and guards. I guess that is what it takes when you have hundreds of thousands or, heck, even millions of dollars in furniture and other stuff under one roof. Rich people are something else."

"That they are. And that jewelry... I can't believe that there is a Gilmore family tiara. It is insane. I think it was my grandmother's grandmother's so it has to be .... well, at least 150 years old? 200? I don't even know what to do with everything in that box. I feel like we need to put it in a bank. Or a safe? Should I get a safe? Where does one even get a safe? Are there safe buying stores? If I am going to have this much money under my name, I feel like this is something I should know. Right?" Rory rambled.

"Relax, Gilmore. Your mom will know what to do. Emily will even help, I'm sure. For now, let's just go inside and watch some TV. We'll relax. Maybe go to sleep early. And then we'll go show your grandmother the house tomorrow. She may be more relaxed than she used to be... but she is still intense," Jess said, putting the car in park before opening his door to go help Rory out of her side.

"Thanks. Yeah, she's definitely better than she used to be. She's happier in some weird way. She loved my grandpa... but she is really loving this living on the island and being her own woman thing," Rory explained as they headed towards the Gilmore house.

"So, I vote we order something - maybe from Al's or some pizza, and we hunker down for the night. Godfather marathon?" Jess asked, opening the front door.

"Chinese. Godfather's 1 and 2. Maybe the 3rd, just nothing of Sophia dying. Because Lorelai will never forgive us," Rory said, heading for the kitchen to find the hidden stash of food menus.

Jess chuckled, "but Sophia dying is the only good part about the 3rd," he reasoned.

"Okay, okay. We just can't tell Lorelai, she'll never let us live it down."

(Thursday morning - NH)

"I can't believe it's already time to go home. Can you believe it, oh husband of mine?" Lorelai crooned across the cab of Luke's old truck.

Luke smiled and reached for her hand, "nah. I wish we could've spent more time alone. I know we waited for a while ... and that was the right thing for us. But... it feels so... right to be married. Don't you think?"

"It feels perfect. Like everything is falling into place," Lorelai replied, smiling back. "I'm excited to go home and see Rory. And I'm sure Paul Anka will be glad to get home, won't you boy?"

Luke chuckled and rolled his eyes at the dog sitting upright in the cab between them. "I'm sure he'll be happy to get home to your shoe collection," he added.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, did I tell you that Rory put in an offer in that house behind ours - the one that belonged to that guy, Dwight?" Lorelai asked.

"What! No. That is great. It'll need a lot of work, though. I went in there a year or so ago... I think the island was shaped like a boat of some sort," Luke replied.

"Stop it. It is really shaped like the Minnow?" Lorelai questioned, gasping.

Luke shook his head, "no, not a fish. A boat. You know, the thing that you use to get to the fish. I know that you're not entirely familiar with them."

Lorelai chuckled, "no, no. The SS Minnow is the boat from Gilligan's Island. All the years that you dated me, you would think that my vast pop-culture knowledge would've transferred over to you via some sort of osmosis."

"Oh, well, that is even more strange than an island shaped like a fish. A fish, maybe, I could understand. A boat from a TV show... people are just strange," Luke said, shaking his head still.

"People have strange affinities for TV shows that they love. It makes them do strange things. Tom still has his contracting business though, right?" Lorelai asked.

"I think his sons run it mostly, now. I think Tom just oversees projects. Why, do you want to do something else to the house?" Luke responded.

"No, for Rory. I guess the fund that was left to her by my dad is enough to renovate the entire house. I'm pretty sure that Rory will not want to have a themed house," Lorelai said.

"I don't really know who would. But, I guess you're right. People do strange things for TV shows," Luke replied.

"Hey, how long until we are home? I want to text Rory and give her a heads up," Lorelai said, pulling out her phone.

"Well, we just left Portsmouth... probably about two-and-a-half hours.... longer if we stop for food and to let Paul Anka out. It's 10 now - so maybe around 1 or 2?" Luke replied after glancing at his GPS.

"Good. That should be more than enough time for my mom to get in and out of the new house. Rory said Emily was going to go look at the house when I was texting her last night," Lorelai responded, just as her phone began to ring. "Ugh, it's like she has a sixth sense about when I am talking about her. Or even thinking about talking about her. Or thinking thoughts that could possibly lead down the path to thinking about her."

"Just answer it - get it over with," Luke said.

Lorelai accepted the call and held the phone to her ear, "hi, mother."

"Hello, Lorelai. How are you?" Emily asked.

Immediately Lorelai's Emily Spidey-Sense started tingling. "I'm fine mother... And how are you?"

"Just wonderful. Now I know you are probably on your way back from your little honeymoon, but, I wanted to let you know that I spoke with our lawyer, and there is no problem with you using the money that had been set aside for Luke's empire to buy your annex to your inn. Is it too late? I didn't want to bother you while you were gone, but I just needed to let you know" Emily rushed.

"Oh... mom! I ... I don't even know what to say. Thank you. Again. I am so grateful," Lorelai said, dropping her suspicions and choking back tears. It seemed like lately that was happening more and more.

"You're welcome, Lorelai. I also wanted you to know that there was a separate account set up for you, as well. It is also in your name, just like the one that had been set up for Rory... I assume you've spoken to her about that?" Emily asked, pausing for Lorelai to respond.

"Wha.... what? What. What???" Lorelai sputtered.

"The secret account that that idiot of an estate lawyer your father consulted with. The account that Rory is using to buy a house?" Emily prodded.

"Yes, mom. I know what you're referring to. I ... I... what? Why is there one for me?" Lorelai asked.

"Your father wanted you and Rory to be set up for whatever you needed in the future. It is slightly less than Rory's account... but it still has a bunch of zeros, to quote your daughter loosely. You can use it to add on to the new property. You can make it into suites... or a spa! I am sure you would love that," Emily replied.

"Mom... wow... I... I have no words. Thank you," Lorelai muttered.

"Your welcome, Lorelai. Your father was proud of you, you know. He wanted to be sure you were happy," Emily said.

"Thank you, mom. Thank you so much. I can't wait to tell Michel - that means he can stay! He wanted to run a spa." Lorelai responded, smiling over to Luke.

"You're welcome, Lorelai. I assume you'll be home around 2? I'll see you then," Emily replied before hanging up.

Sighing, Lorelai put her phone in her lap. "Well... I have Luke's empire money to use to buy that old nursing home. And my dad left me money to do with what I wanted... I am going to make it into a spa for the Dragonfly. Michel will be thrilled."

"I gathered that from your end of the conversation. You should text Kirk - I think he is managing that sale as well. Congrats, Lor." Luke said, smiling over Paul Anka to his new wife.

"Mr. Gleeson will be making a lot of money off we Gilmore's this week," Lorelai said, pulling up Kirk's contact in her phone and smiling to herself.

(2 PM - Stars Hollow)

"I just don't understand why someone would decorate their house that way. That is just ... awful. Almost as awful as when Penny Shumacher painted her house that God-awful yellow. I swear, it was from the glow-in-the-dark section of the paint swatches. The entire housing association got together and made her change it within a week," Emily said to Rory and Jess.

"I know. But we have the contractor that did work on the Inn for mom, and the house. So we will be able to change it all," Rory said, handing her grandmother a glass of tea. They had just gotten back from touring Dwight's house with Kirk.

"That is good. A good contractor is hard to come by. Especially a trustworthy one. Now, Jess, is it wrong for me to assume that you'll be moving back to Stars Hollow?" Emily asked, turning towards Jess.

Jess gulped and put down his glass of tea, "that is the plan - I am sick of living in Philly. It's just too loud. Besides, everything I want is right here." He smiled and blushed at Rory.

"Philly is a dreadful city. No offense, of course. Yes, it has the history. It is just loud. I prefer Boston if I need to go into a big city," Emily replied.

"It served it's purpose. There was an artsy group there - it worked out well with the printing company," Jess responded.

"What do you think you'll do for work in Stars Hollow?" Emily asked.

"Grandma!" Rory began.

"No, it's okay. I was thinking of expanding the press out this way, actually. A lot can be done over computers these days, and I could travel there every couple of months if need be. There is a bunch of space available near the Stars Hollow Gazette, actually. It would be perfect." Jess responded without hesitation.

"Good for you. Oh, look! They're back," Emily said, glacing out the window at Luke's truck that had just pulled in.

Rory rose from the couch and trotted to the front door. After throwing it open, and nearly be bowled over by Paul Anka, she was pulled into a hug by her mother, "oh, daughter of mine! I have missed thee!"

"Missed you too, mom. How was Portsmouth?" Rory asked, hugging her mother back.

Lorelai chuckled and released her, "porty. But not mouthy enough for me."

"Is anything ever? Hello, Lorelai. Hi, Luke," Emily said from her perch on the couch.

"Hi, mom. Been here long?" Lorelai asked.

"Long enough to go see the new house. That Kirk... he is a bizarre one, isn't he? He actually appeared to like the strange decor," Emily said, shuddering.

"He is an island... no pun intended," Lorelai replied. "Hi Jess. How's the Hollow treating you?"

"Good. It's nice to be back, actually," Jess replied. "

"I hear you want to move back?" Luke questioned from his hovering spot in the front entrance.

"You hear correctly," Jess replied, smiling at Rory.

"Is there something I am missing here?" Luke asked, moving further into the living room.

Rory sighed, "Luke. Come sit down - there is something that I need to talk to you about. Now is probably as good a time as any."

"Is everything OK? Are you OK? What is going on? Why are you all smiling?" Luke rambled.

"Please, sit," Rory said, waiting for him to sit before continuing. "Everything is fine. There's just some things that are going to change around here. Did mom tell you that I am buying Dwight's house?"

"Yes, she told me. And there was something about a Minnow," Luke said.

"Yes. The SS, but that is beside the point. The point is... I am moving home... and I am pregnant," Rory said, smiling meekly.

"Pregnant! Wow! That is... wow! Who is the father? That .... Chuck? Steve? Pat?" Luke asked,

"No. Not Paul. It's actually Logan's baby. We're not together, though." Rory explained.

Luke shot up from the chair, "not together?! He knocks you up and then he leaves you? I will show him... just direct me to him and I will show him."

"Luke! Luke. Please, take a breath, and sit back down. She's not done," Lorelai said.

"You knew about this?" Luke asked, plopping himself back in his chair and glaring at Lorelai.

"Don't be mad at her. I asked her not to tell you... I wanted to tell you myself. We all know that you've been more of a father to me than my own dad. I only wanted you to hear it from me. But, no, I am not with him. It is my choice. I am not in love .... not with him anyways," Rory explained.

"You're not in love with .... him. Does that mean... wait... you two?!" Luke said, looking between Rory and Jess.

"Yes. It was bound to happen at some point. Your wedding just made it happen more rapidly," Jess explained.

"And you're both happy?" Luke asked.

"Very," Rory and Jess replied at the same time.

"Well... that is all I need to know. I am happy for you both. You'll be good for each other and great parents," Luke said, tearing up and reaching to hug Rory.

"Thanks, Luke," Rory said, tearing up as well.

"Well, now that everyone knows... that is why I am here!" Emily said, reaching for her oversized handbag to pull out another bottle of Dom and, this time, a bottle of sparkling cider. "I figured you would tell Luke right away. And I wanted to be here to celebrate - we are all family now, after all."

"I'll get the cups!" Lorelai said, wiping her own tears and bounding up from her perch on the couch and towards the kitchen.

"Just make sure they're clean!" Emily yelled, not able to help herself.

Lorelai, without missing a beat yelled back, "we only have dirty ones here, mom!" Yet, there seemed to be no underlying malice in either of their tones anymore.

"I'm just going to run to the bathroom - one second. No toasting without me!" Rory said, heading towards the bathroom. When she finally got there, she pulled out her phone.

Rory sent the text and quickly slipped her phone back into her pocket without waiting for a response. She washed her hands and headed back out to the living room. Her grandma was right - they were all family now. And she couldn't wait for the rest of their lives to begin. Her mother was also right - everything was coming full. Friggen. Circle.

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