Descendants: Return of Wicked...

By ICrzy01

56.5K 980 211

When Prince Ben declares that he wishes to bring over some of the villain children to Auradon, this allows no... More

Character Bio
The Announcement
The Arrival
The Break In
Dog And Hair Problems
The Love Spell
Did I Mention
Families Can Be A Pain
Blow This Popsicle Stand
Coronation Day
Set It Off
Squeal? Um Yes!
Two Other Spin Offs

First Day

3.6K 69 13
By ICrzy01

Ellie left her room, she glanced to the left and right to see if anyone was coming. Sighing with relief, she began to walk away.

She was wearing a black tank top, her short black leather jacket which on the back had a witch's hat in green on it, black skinny jeans, and black boots with a hint of green.

She slugged her bag over her shoulder and reached the stairs. As Ellie reached the top of the stairs a dog came running over. Ellie tensed up. A black Cairn Terrier came running over near her, the little dog barked at Ellie.

"Wh- What are you?" She asks.

Then running over was a guy with Dorian. The guy with Dorian had long brown hair pulled out in a ponytail, it was long like Jay's but not nearly as long. He also had brown eyes. He was wearing green and black plaid, blue jeans, and black shoes.

Dorian was wearing a white button up but open to reveal a light blue shirt, blue jeans, and ruby red shoes.

"You okay," The guy asks.

Dorian just glares at her, "Oh forget her, Riker." He said.

Ellie looks at Riker, "Riker?" She asks.

The guy named Riker smiles, "Riker Hood, I'm the son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian." He offers a hand for her to shake.

Ellie looks at him a bit unsure, "Uh huh."

Dorian placed a hand on Riker's shoulder, "Dude, she isn't someone you want to be friends with." He said.

Riker looks at Ellie confused as he asked his friend, "Why?"

Ellie turns around and points to the hat painted on her jacket, "Because I'm the daughter of the Wicked Witch. Hi, I'm Ellie." She said.

With that Ellie pushed pass the guys, Dorian picked up his dog as Ellie walked by. She began to walk down the stairs but Riker was not done with her. He slid down the stair railing. Once Ellie reached the bottom she was greeted with Riker.

"Allow me to walk you to class," He grins.

Ellie rolls her eyes, "Back off or I'll turn you into a frog." She said and walked past him.

Riker felt her shoulder shove him as she passed him. Riker turned around and grins, Dorian walked downstairs and looked at his friend.

"Dude," Dorian said, "She's a villain."

Riker turns to Dorian, "Look you need to lighten up. Ben knows what he's doing." He said.

Dorian rolls his eyes, "Whatever. I just don't trust them."


Ellie arrived in her class a few minutes late. When she did everyone looked at her, Fairy Godmother stopped her lesson to look at the late girl. Mal turned around giving Ellie a small smirk, Evie seemed to be too busy messing with her makeup, and the boys glanced for a second but then didn't care.

Ellie shrugs, "Sorry the place is kind of huge." She said.

Fairy Godmother nods, "Today I'll excuse it," Then she adds, "Just be on time next time. Take any seat."

Ellie takes a seat in front of Mal and Evie. She takes out her notebook, she wasn't planning on taking notes, but instead to doddle and ignore Fairy Godmother.

Now Fairy Godmother returned to the board and went back to the lesson, she gave a small repeat to Ellie since she missed a good amount since she was late.

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A, curse it? B, lock it in a tower? C, give it a bottle? Or D, carve out it's heart?" Fairy Godmother asks.

Ellie glanced up, she knew the answer it was the lame on. She returned her head to her notebook and doddle dumb things. However, Evie rose her hand thinking she knew the answer.

"Evie," Fairy Godmother spoke.

Evie pauses as she lowers her hand, "What was the second one?" She repeated.

A smirk left Ellie's face.

Fairy Godmother noticed this, "Eleanor, do you know the answer?"

Carlos and Jay started laughing, "Eleanor!" "Ha!"

Ellie turned around and threw a paper ball at each of them, "Shut it!" She yells.

Fairy Godmother then slams her ruler down, "Ah, ah! Now Eleanor, is there a preferred nickname for me to call you?"

"Ellie," She said and crossed her arms on her chest as if she was pouting.

Fairy Godmother smiled, "Very well, Ellie, do you know the answer?"

"I don't know," Ellie snapped with annoyance.

Fairy Godmother decided to drop it with that, so she turned her attention to the other girl who was looking as if she wasn't paying attention.

"Mal?" Fairy Godmother.

Mal looks up, "C, give it a bottle."

Fairy Godmother smiles, "Correct, again."

Ellie turns again, "Again?"

"You're on fire, girl." Carlos.

Mal doesn't seemed impressed, "Just pick the one that doesn't sound like fun." She said.

"Oh," Carlos said.

Evie nods, "That makes so much sense." She said.

Mal glanced and saw someone walk by.

"Oh?" Mal spoke.

Ellie hears foot steps, as she glanced up she sees a nervous Jane walk by. She squeaks as she passed Mal and Carlos. Ellie eyes the girl as she approached Fairy Godmother.

"Hello dear one," Fairy Godmother said.

Jane looks down, "Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." Jane said.

Fairy Godmother smiles, "Everyone here remembers my daughter, Jane?"

Jane stood frozen in fear.

"Mom!" Jane said.

Fairy Godmother smiles still, "It's okay Jane. This is everyone." She said.

Jane nods, "Hi. That's okay, don't mind me." Jane said.

Jane began to walk by them again, she was so scared. Mal watched her, Ellie turns in her seat and made eye contact with Mal. The two smirk.

"As you were." Jane said and then was gone.

Fairy Godmother went back to the lesson, "Ahem, let's continue. You find a vial of poison. Do you, A, put it in the king's wine? B, paint it on an apple? Or C, turn it over to the proper authorities?"

Mal didn't care. Ellie didn't care. Evie was thinking about it. However, Jay and Carlos raced to answer it, Carlos had his arm up but Jay pull his arm down.

"Jay," Fairy Godmother said.

Jay smirks, "C," He turns to the others, "You turn it over to the proper authorities."

"I was going to say that!" Carlos yells.

"But I said it first! Come here!" Jay yells and puts Carlos in a choke hold.

"Boys!" Fairy Godmother yells getting their attention, "I am going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field." She said.

Carlos and Jay who were once in a wrestling mode shut off and Carlos had returned to his seat as well as Jay.

"Oh, no. That's okay. Whatever that is, we'll- we'll pass." Carlos said.

With that class ended. The VKs gathered their things and headed out of the classroom. Mal and Evie Rikered Ellie as they were walking out.

"Where were you?" Evie asks.

Ellie groans, "I slept pass my alarm."

Mal rolls her eyes, "You always say that." She said.

Ellie turns to Mal, "And this time it was true. I mean after last night, I slept like I was in a sleeping curse."

Mal smirks at the comment.

"Then I ran into Dorian Gale and some friend of his." She said.

Mal turns and raises an eyebrow, "Anyone of importance?"

As they all each out of the classroom, Ellie sees Riker Hood waiting for her. Ellie groans and the girls look to see him.

"Riker Hood," Riker said to Mal and Evie.

Mal doesn't say anything and walked off. Evie smiles and winks at him as she follows Mal. Carlos and Jay just eyed him as they walked pass.

"What do you want?" Ellie asks Riker.

Riker rubed a hand against his neck, "Just wanted to see if you weren't upset by the behavior of my roommate."

Ellie's eyes widen, "You're roommates with Kansas?"

Riker seemed confused, "Dorian Gale yeah, Kansas no."

Ellie shakes her head, "Uh- never mind." She begins to walk pass him.

Riker then stops in front of her, "Wait-,"

Ellie groans, "I have class," She said.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Riker asks.

"No," She walks pass him.

"Just one?" Riker asks as he follows her.

Ellie stops and then says, "Impress me and maybe." She then walked pass him to find her next class.


In the hallway, Mal was by her locker with Evie and Ellie. Walking out to the hallway was Chad Charming, Audrey, Ben, and Dorian.

"Those kids are trouble," Chad said.

Ben turns to them.

"I have to agree with Charming." Dorian said.

Ellie and Evie tell Mal goodbye and head off to their class. Leaving Mal at her locker alone, to listen to the preps talk trash about them.

"Come on, guys. Give them a chance." Ben said.

"Oh. No offense, Bennybear, but you're just too trusting. Look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That girl's mother." Audrey said.

"The same for Ellie," Dorian said, "My mother was being attacked and threatened by her mother. Her mother tried to harm her and her friends, make people's lives crap in Emerald City. Believe me, they are their parents."

Ben shakes his head, "I think you're wrong about them. I'll see you later."

With that said, Ben watched his friends and girlfriend walk off. Mal was shutting her locker when she saw the prince walk over to her locker.

"Hey!" He greeted.

Mal smiles, "Hey."

"How was your first day?" Ben asks and now noticed she had spray painted her locker.

Mal pretends to be thrilled, "Super."

"You should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. I could- uh sign you up. What do you think?" He asks."Way to take all the fun out of it." Mal said.

"Huh?" Ben asks.

Mal watched in the corner of her eyes that Jane walked into the bathroom. Then Mal excused herself from Ben and walked into the same bathroom.


Jane was by the mirror fixing her hair and then tensed up when in the reflection she saw Mal.

Mal walks over, "Hi! It's Jane, right?" Mal tried to sound fake which was for her, "Ah, always loved that name. Jane."

Jane looked nervous, "That's cool."

Mal got upset, "Don't go!" Then calmed down, "I guess I was just kind of hoping to make a friend. You probably have all the friends you need though, huh?"

Jane frowns, "Hardly."

Mal pretended to be shocked, "Really? I mean, with your mom being Fairy Godmother and headmistress? I mean, not to mention you own- uh- um- personality."

"I'd rather be pretty," Jane said honestly, "You've got great hair."

Mal smiles, "You know what? I have just the thing for that." She looked through her spell book, "Ah, here. Beware, forswear, replace the old with brand new hair."

Mal read the spell and moved her finger from side to side and then up and down. Jane moves her head back and forth and then down, before looking up to see her short cut was replaced by longer hair and more beautiful hair.

"Wow! You almost don't notice your- other features anymore." Mal said.

"Do my nose!" Jane yells.

"Oh, I can't. I've been practicing, but you know, I can't do really big magic. Not like your mom with her wand. I mean, one swoosh from that thing and you could probably have whatever features you want." Mal said.

"She doesn't use the wand anymore. She believes the real magic is in the books. And not in the spell books, regular books with history and stuff." Jane said.

"What a rip," Mal said.

Jane frowns, "Yeah."

Mal then thought of something, "You know, she used magic on Cinderella, who wasn't even her real daughter. Doesn't she love you?" Mal asks.

"Well, of course she does. It's- It's just, you know, tough love. Work on the inside, not the outside. You know, that sort of thing." Jane said.

"That's the face! Yeah, and then just look as if your- you heart is about to break. Oh mother, I just don't understand why you can't make me beautiful, too." Mal said.

"Think it would work?" Jane asks.

"Yeah. I mean, that's what old Cindy did, right? And your mother Bibbidi-bobbidi-booed the living daylights out of her. And, hey, if your mom does decide to, you know, break out the old wand, invite me." Mal said.

"If I can convince mom, you're so there." Jane said smiling with glee.

"Yay!: Mal faked sounded thrilled.

"Bye," Jane says leaving.

"Bye," Mal said and then smirked at the reflection of herself.

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