Lucky Petals (RWBY Qrow Dad T...


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( There aren't a lot of these made on here, so I made one myself.) His semblance is misfortune. He's never ex... More

Red Like Roses
Fills My Dreams
And Brings Me
To the Place You Rest
This Life Is Mine
Armed and Ready
Like Morning Follows Night
From Shadows
I Burn
When it Falls
Time to Say Goodbye
This Will Be the Day
Let's Just Live
Lusus Naturae
Gold *Lemons Are in Season*
It's My Turn

All Our Days

894 11 16

Ruby stood dazed. Her face painted bright pink. Her hands entwined with another's hands.

Jaune Arc.

She stood facing him her voice dry and unable to sound the words. He laughed and hugged her.

"What's so funny?" She said without reason.

"It's cute when you're flustered."

Ruby shot back with, "Well who says I'm flustered? I'm just confused."

"And I like that about you."

Ruby lost the ability to speak as he kissed her again.

"Are you okay?" He asked her once more.

Ruby nodded.

"I can just end it here and take you home if you'd like."

"Does this mean you'll stop? I can wait longer," Ruby said flustered and blushing.

He looked at her and laughed. He was too happy for words. He held her by her waist and hoisted her up, spinning her in circles and laughing.

And through night's silence, there was joyful laughter to brighten the mood.

Ruby walked back in a daze. Jaune held her hand and made her smile the whole time. 

"You keep blushing. Any reason?" he asked her directly.

Ruby grinned again and faced her boyfriend. Jaune smiled and held her hand as they walked. Then Ruby decided to face her fears.



"Why did you leave her behind for me?"

Jaune didn't even pause; as if he knew this question would pop up eventually.

"Ruby, I didn't leave her behind, but I didn't let her control my future either. Of course she'll always be in our thoughts and never forgotten, but I need to move on. So thank you for giving me the courage to do so. And I hope we all can take step forward now that it's over."

Ruby nodded before resting her chin on his shoulder. Jaune smirked at her and she averted her gaze over. "Stop thanking me. You dragged me out of the comfort of my home just to kiss me."

He raised an eyebrow. "That's not all I did. I opened your eyes."

"And made me buy you dust."

"I asked for your opinion first! And besides red dust is better than ordinary dust." he told her rolling his eyes.

Ruby giggled before he held her hand again. And when they got back, he walked her to the door.

"Bye," he told her.

"Bye Jaune," she replied in a happy daze. She did that girlish wave when her fingers bounce to show her affection. 

She smiled as she opened the door and stood facing the shelf. She unlocked and unlaced her boots and removed her cape taking it with her. She made it to her own room and placed the scythe in it's holder as well as untangling the belt off her waist. Once finished and brought back to step one, she sighed and approached her "sister's" bedroom door.

"Well well well," Yang said teasing her. "Looks like you're no longer single now does it?"

Her snide remarks earned a quiet giggle from Weiss and an eye roll from Blake. Ruby was embarrassed that she even brought up her personal business.

"It's hard to find true love Yang, so be happy for her." Weiss said to grab her attention.

Yang looked down ashamed and guilty as well as upset nobody enjoyed her joke now. "Like you and Neptune," she mumbled.

"What? Neptune and I aren't dating." she defended. "Not anymore," she mumbled to add on.

Yang smirked and her gaze became fixated on Blake. "I hear Neptune proposed didn't he?"

Weiss's face turned a deep shade of pink as she swallowed her pride; embarrassed and guilty of lying to her closest friends. 

"Where's the ring?" Yang asked excited like a kid on Christmas morning.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Give it up Weiss. I could call Sun and have him find out," Blake stated from the dark corner of the bottom bunk bed.

"So? When will you be Mrs. Sun Wukong? Huh Blake? Doesn't feel good does it?" Weiss fired.

Blake's pale face color changed from light peach to dark magenta. "No comment," she replied.

"So let Ruby be Ruby Rose Branwen Arc." Weiss said from behind the vanity mirror.

"Ruby has three last names now?" Blake asked.

"Well, Qrow's her dad so Branwen, and Summer was her mom, so Rose, and if she ever marries Jaune, Arc would become the name, UGH! THIS ALL HURTS MY HEAD!" Yang shouted at her friends.

Ruby yet again rolled her eyes. She ended up being included in their conversation, but still felt underage for this chat.

"What about their kids?" Yang asked. "Baby Arc and Baby Rose?"

Ruby became flustered again. "Y-Yang!"

Weiss started laughing immaturely, which was odd for a girl of her background and manner. Blake looked up once before smirking. Her ears twitched as they eavesdropped, but otherwise she wasn't interested. 

"Yang you are so dead!" Ruby said tossing a pillow at her.

Yang got up and accidentally missed Ruby's face and hit Weiss who was applying a white face mask. She turned around and Yang's face displayed a look of horror. "Did. You. Just. Touch. Me?"

"I'M SO SORRY," she pleaded. But Weiss didn't buy it.

She tossed the pillow back towards the girls, and thought she hit Blake, but was just an illusion. Then the real Blake decided to sneak up behind Weiss and catch her off guard, which worked. But Yang and Ruby made forts against each other. Whiterose VS. Bumblebee. Team Whiterose won.

After that, the girls fell asleep in their forts while an unsuspecting visitor turned the lights off.


"Thanks Tai."

Taiyang Xiao Long poured him a glass of Atlas Wine while the two spoke.

"Did she find out?"

"Yeah, she didn't seem disappointed nor excited. I felt like my heart was racing. And she dealt with it surprisingly well."

"Have you spied on her recently?"

His face turned red at the mention of his recent town activity. "I mean she was with that Jaune kid, and some things happened?"

Taiyang stared at him stone faced. "Like what exactly?"

A single tear filled his eye. "She's growing up. She had her first kiss already."

"With that Jaune kid?"

"Yep. She keeps growing. Making me feel older than I already feel."

"I can understand. Yang won't stop growing either. Already farther into being an adult. Hoping she'll do something productive, but we can only wait and hope."


"Alright Qrow. Sleep on the couch if you'd like. I'm hitting the hay. Got work tomorrow."

He nodded and finished his glass.

"Actually I'm going out for a bit. Back before Midnight."

Tai yawned and nodded. "Lock the door would you?"

"No problem."

Then without a trace he was even there, he whisked away into the night air and disappeared. Protecting the rose he grew with Summer and watching her blossom into the adult that attracted many and radiated beauty all over.

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