The Exorcist | Yoongi [COMPLE...

By myshbecca

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❝I'm sorry to inform you this but you've got only thirteen days to live starting from today. Don't worry, I'l... More

Chapter 1 : Lee JinSoul
Chapter 2: Min Yoongi
Chapter 3 : Lee JinSoul
Chapter 4: Min Yoongi
Chapter 5 : Lee JinSoul
Chapter 6: Min Yoongi
Chapter 7: Lee JinSoul
Chapter 8: Lee Jinsoul
Chapter 9: Min Yoongi
Chapter 10: Lee JinSoul
Chapter 11: Min Yoongi
Chapter 12: Lee JinSoul
Chapter 13: Min Yoongi
Chapter 14: Lee JinSoul
Chaper 15: Min Yoongi
Chapter 16: Lee JinSoul
Chapter 17: Min Yoongi
Chapter 18: Lee JinSoul
Chapter 19: Min Yoongi
Authors Note

Chapter 20: Lee JinSoul

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By myshbecca

Slowly I went towards the door; what was I doing again? I couldn't recall anything.

I talked to Yoongi, he was trying to figure things out and I wanted to help him. But I didn't know how to myself so I suggested him to think about it all again. I just wanted to assure him that I was alright, though he looked frustrated. Then I went to sleep.

Oh, today's my last day. Last day to live, how many hours do I have left?

I turned the nob of the front door, why was it so dark here?

Don't open it Jinsoul.  

Suddenly I heard a voice from distance. I looked around, no one was there. It was too dark to see and somehow I felt funny, it felt like my mind was floating around the clouds.

Don't open it.

Again. But I didn't care, somehow I couldn't. I opened the door and pitch black darkness grasped me in, it felt like I was being pulled in a blackhole.

With that I became fully conscious of what was happening here. This time I turned my head around, my heart in my hand, the anxiety and a terrified feeling was starting to kick in. 

Everything was pitch black. It made me wonder if my eyes were even open since the place was as dark as it could get. I was absolutely terrified now, was I having those realistic nightmares again?

"Yoongi!" I cried, panic rising in my tone. My hands and legs trembling in fear, for some reasons I was getting a feeling that someone was watching me from up close in the dark.

Not someone, a lot of people, dozens of eyes were watching me.


"I hoped that you wouldn't open the door."

A deep voice greeted me in the dark, next second I instinctively had to close my eyes shut for the strong light coming from a flashlight.

"Are you alright?"

I put a hand over my eyes and opened them slowly. Yoongi was standing right in front of me holding a flashlight in his hand. The place could be a little visible now. And it was no other place but the staircase in front of my apartment.

Still, the place felt very unfamiliar.

"What happened? Why is it so dark here?" I asked in a shaky voice, grabbing on Yoongi's other arm with both my hands. I was still trembling being scared.

"I am not sure yet, but I hope it isn't ..." Yoongi trailed off. "I came to my senses just now anyway. Glad that I had this little flashlight in my pocket."

"Was it you who told me not to open the door? I..."

"I was telling it to myself, didn't think you'd be able to hear it." Yoongi let out a small sigh then pulled his arm away from my grip gently, then he locked his hand with mine. "Lets go ahead and see if we can get out."

We started walking in the dark side by side with Yoongi showing the way with his flashlight. Everything was getting visible slowly, it was the same place where I lived but there was this bad aura emitting. I could feel only us there, the only living souls in the entire building.

We came before the entrance gate and only darkness could be seen outside, darker than the inside of the building.

"Let's step outside together. One, two and, three."

I stepped my foot outside with Yoongi as soon as his countdown ended.

We were inside the building again with our backs turned to the entrance gate. I couldnt help but let out a loud gasp being surprised. We immediately turned around and tried going outside again, but ended up in the same place like before.

"W-what's happening?" I asked, almost crying. Yoongi's hold in my hand got tighter. It felt like he was saying that it will be okay.

"I don't think we will need the flashlight anymore." He said and I realized that the darkness didn't felt as black as before. When he turned the flashlight off there was a slight glint of blue light roaming around like we see in the dawn. Yoongi felt calm but I was too afraid; where were we?
"Jinsoul, do you remember what I told you about the demon's world?"

I couldn't see Yoongi's face clearly but I could hear his calm voice. A low sound of sob left my mouth as I hummed in reply.

"You remember that I said demon's world and ours are similar?" He started walking again with me by his side, this time inside the building. "That their world is almost like ours, like a mirror world. They live next to us but there's this thin line that separates them from us."

I couldn't reply anything. I felt like there was something stuck inside my throat, I could grasp where this was going, what he was trying to say.

"When I encountered.., someone today. I felt like there was a portal being opened. A portal that could be an entrance to the demon world. What I'm saying is it's highly possible that we're inside a demons world now."

"W-what happens when you-"

"I don't know, I've never been through a portal before. I don't think anyone has lived to tell the tale if they'd been pulled through to the demons world." He said in a very calm manner and stopped walking. I discovered that we were in front of Hoseok's apartment on the third floor.

"Hoseok shared his place with Jimin last night, right? Let's see if they are here. Though I don't think they are." He tried to knock on the door but as soon as he touched it the door flung open.

Again darkness greeted us from the inside, there was no one there. One didn't even have to go inside to realize that.

"They are safe right?" I asked in a breathy voice and Yoongi nodded in response. "Then I'm glad that they are safe." I murmured, inside I felt like crying because Yoongi was stuck here with me. Now I wished he hadn't gotten involved.

We started climbing down the stairs to the floor I lived in. I was sobbing quietly so he wouldn't hear but I couldn't fully suppress it. The way I was shaking would easily give away that I was crying.

"Dying is not that bad Jinsoul. Everyone has to die someday" Yoongi suddenly said startling me a little.

"And if you're worrying about me then don't, I was never that afraid of death. I'm just glad that you aren't experiencing this alone, I'm glad that I could be there for you."

My heart fell at the bottom of my stomach, so he was sure that we were dying. I lightly touched my cheeks and wiped those tears away. I wanted to say that I was glad he was here but it would be better if he lived. In the end I didn't say anything and kept quiet.

"Who's the person you said you encountered today?" I asked as I remembered what he was saying before. I was a little calmer now.

"It was Jungkook." Yoongi stayed silent for a second. "He was the demon."

"What?" I shouted being surprised. "But wait, it couldn't be Jimin or Hoseok now that we've seen Hoseok's apartment empty. Namjoon, he isn't in Seoul. But Jungkook, he was always there. From the start he..." I was mumbling to myself trying to match the pieces of this puzzle.

"You're smart." Yoongi said in a lighter tone then let out a sigh. "But I have a mixed feeling about this. About him being the demon."

"But if it isn't him, who could it be? There are only a few people that have been involved in this for the past thirteen days."

"What doesn't match is, he'd always hated my existence. It could be because he was a demon and I was meddling with his business here, but judging by the power of this demon it's only better if more people gets involved. More strength for him to feed in. Like he involved that guy Taehyung, and Jimin and Hoseok, Namjoon, and me." Yoongi was whispering, his voice getting lower with each word.

"Strong demons like this loves playing games, this makes them feel that they are almost like the creator. It showed me a dream which was connected with my past. The day you first came to me I got a paper where you wrote your address, but the letters changed to 'help me'. That was the moment I knew it was the work of a demon, it wanted me to go there and help you. And then end up here.

But Jungkook, the very first day he saw me he told you to be aware of me and to stay away from me. He kept on saying that."

"Yeah. H-he did. Then what are you trying to say here?" I asked after he had been silent for a while just thinking to himself.

He moved his head closer to my ear carefully, letting out a low whisper. "They can hear every word we say here."

He moved away, grabbing my hand again. Then he started walking towards Jungkook's apartment and before I could say anything he opened the door and went inside.

A cold shivering wind went through our bodies though it was a closed space. There was something so terrifying here, I couldn't see it but I could feel it. My every body cell was telling me to run, telling me that this place was dangerous. But I tightly held Yoongi's hand and stayed still.

"Jungkook, I know it's not you. You're not the demon!" He screamed in the air.

"I know you're just being possessed! There's still something inside you, your human side is still alive!" He yelled and I was surprised. But I stood quiet just watching him.

"It's not like Taehyung I know, you've been devoured by the devil but I know somewhere you're there. Your true self is still there! That's why you cared for Jinsoul, at least you wanted to save me so Jinsoul would make me leave."

Just silence, absolute silence surrounding us. Even Yoongi seemed tired a little. "Please, Jungkook, talk to us. We know you are alive there!" I screamed all of a sudden, gathering all my strength.

The ground started shaking a little. My stomach turned, I felt like throwing up. There was this really bad stench coming from somewhere.

"I did a great job in acting."

A voice spoke in the dark, making a cold sweat run down my neck. A sudden shiver running through my spine. It was Jungkook's voice, but something was very wrong with it, it felt so inhuman, unlike anything I've ever heard before.

"You're a bunch of fools!" He started laughing. The sound was very dead and raspy but my whole body shivered in fear.

"Jungkook!" Yoongi shouted in a scolding tone. "You're a human! A human is far better than a lowlife creature, why are you giving yourself to it! Wake up!"

"Argh." The voice groaned annoyed, the whole place shook with it. I could tell that it was angry and this wouldn't end up good. "Can you shut up?"

"Don't give yourself to that lowlife! Fight back Jungkook!" Yoongi shouted and right the second after there was a loud screeching sound, Yoongi fell on the floor holding his ears.

"I told you to shut up!"

"No! Jungkook, please! Please don't do this to us, we know you are not like this!'' I cried and sat on the ground touching Yoongi to see if he was alright.

His ears were bleeding.

"I don't even know you!" A trembling voice said from the dark, it was unlike from what we were hearing before. Both Yoongi and I looked up.

"Please..., save me." That voice cried in a whispery tone.


The dark voice was back and the ground shook again. "Yoongi are you alright?" I asked Yoongi as water was pouring down my cheeks.

"Yeah." He sat up. "I think we might have a chance. I'm going to recite the ritual I know to save people from being possessed." He said in an exhausted tone, there was still blood coming out of his ears.

"Whatever you do, don't feel afraid." He said and I held his hand with both of mine, shutting my eyes close.

He started saying things, something in a different language. I've never heard of it before. But he couldn't say it for long as it felt like someone just pulled our bodies up, next second I saw us being thrown to the other side of the room.

Both of us hit a wall with great impact. It happened in seconds, I couldn't see anything at first but then I opened my eyes. This was going to hurt like hell.

But it wasn't, it didn't hurt at all.

I was surprised but the second my eyes landed on Yoongi who was lying like a dead doll a few feet away from me, I crawled my way to him hurriedly. "Yoongi!" I cried shaking his body then touching his face.

He was alive, but there was blood splattered everywhere. Even though it was dark I could feel my hands being filled with this thick liquid coming out of the lower side of his ribcage. It was his blood.

Still he was whispering, whispering the ritual.

"Y-yoongi!" I cried again then looked ahead. "Jungkook! Please stop this, I beg of you. Please let him live! Let him go, please!" Tears were falling down my cheeks uncontrollably.

"JinSoul..we can both leave this place." Yoongi breathed in, wincing in pain as his body laid in my arms. "Listen closely."

There was this sound of sobs and whimpering coming from up close, someone was crying. "J-jungkook?" I asked but no one answered.

Slowly light was filling in the place. White light, making the dark go away. The whole place became visible.

I was inside a room, with Yoongi in my arms. He was almost unrecognizable with all this blood, my arms were covered in red. His face looked like he was in great pain, he was gritting his teeth looking up. I held the back of his head, blood was there too.

He looked to the side and I did the same, still crying loudly and breaking down in tears. There was a guy on the floor a few feet away from us. He was as pale as a piece of paper and looked defeated, but still I could recognize that it was Jungkook.

Yoongi then looked at me and the color of his face changed. He just stared at me breathing hard. "J-JinSoul."

"Don't talk!" I begged seeing how much it was hurting him to talk.

"Why.. aren't you hurt?" He managed to say and I looked at myself.

True, when I was thrown off I thought I would die. There would've been at least some injuries but looking at myself I was completely fine.

"Yoongi, i-" I murmured not knowing what to say, I just kept on looking at myself then back to his surprised eyes.

"Am I.." I couldn't finish my sentence, before that I saw my arm on Yoongi's chest slowly fading away.

"JinSoul!" Yoongi screamed but before he could say anything further my mind went in a black ocean of nothingness. There wasn't anything anymore.

So, this was the end?

I'm glad that I could spend my last days with my old and new friends, and Yoongi.

Thinking that, I closed my eyes.

A/n: hola! This is Mysha or oppa, whatever you'd like to call me.

This was the final chapter if you didn't know, epilogue will be out after this. Thank you so much for being patient with all the updates! I hope you're still enjoying this book.

Love you all so much, and of course neko. Our ship isn't just sailing, our ship is flying across the moon! XD

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