The Hero's Return (A Percy Ja...

By kittyzareperfect

20.1K 423 119

On hiatus I guess ~*~ Pain Betrayal Hurt That was what he f... More

Chapter 1: Welcome To The Land Of Ice And Snow And Other Stuff
Chapter 2:Meeting The Enemy In White
Chapter 3:I May Have Just Signed My Death Warrant
Chapter 4:The Decision Of My Life
Chapter 5:The Oh So Great Escape
Chapter 6:The Dream
Chapter 8: The Nightmarish Memory, Part 1
Chapter 9:The Nightmarish Memory, Part 2
Chapter 10: I Have Really Great Friends (Note Sarcasm)
Chapter 11: We Get A Mission
Chapter 12:My Nightmare Comes To Life
Christmas Special: Thank Chaos For Mistletoe
Chapter 13:The Gods Are Missing, What Else Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Chapter 14:My Not-So-Friendly-Welcome-Back-Home Greeting
Chapter 15: Nightmares Suck, Like, A Lot
Chapter 16: I Think I Have Had Enough Of Prophecies
Chapter 17: Planning For The Future
Chapter 18: We Are Doomed
Extras: How Sam and Eriline Got Together
Chapter 19: We Accidentally Kill Someone

Chapter 7:An Angry Parent=My Death

991 23 12
By kittyzareperfect


Íroas's POV

My world started spinning for a few moments before stopping.

I got thrown out of the portal and landed on the pitch, black marble, face first.I groaned as a wave of nausea swept across me from the usage of the portal.

  While laying dazed, I proceeded to take in my new surroundings.

  The portal transported us to Chaos' castle, or more specifically, the throne room.It, also, had a huge chandelier, made of rare minerals, hanging from the ceiling.The walls was decorated with pictures of different galaxies.
Meteors and stars and planets of different shapes and sizes and color moved constantly, portraying the situation of the universe.

  It was also how we checked to see which planet required our help.

  I saw Victor, Luciel and Sam get carried off by the medical team  via stretcher out of the throne room, most likely to the infirmary.Kronos, Aideen and Xin Ru stood by the side, silently watching, not making a single sound.

What are they looking at?

Then, I turned my head to the direction they were staring at, the front of the throne room, where an occupied throne was located.


  I swallowed nervously and slowly stood up, using my hand to support me, my eyes never leaving the figure seated on the throne.

I walked up to the figure while thinking how horrible my death would be.

I am so dead.

When the figure saw me standing in front of him, he gestured the three soldiers at the side to leave the room.While Xin Ru and Aideen exited with a word, Kronos opened his mouth, most likely to defend me, but when he received a glare from The Creator, he shut his mouth and left the room, but not without casting me a worried look.

Now that there was no one else in the room, all of Chaos' attention was on me.I fiddled with my thumbs anxiously when Chaos looked at me with those old, wise eyes of his.

"Did you think what you did was right?"Chaos started.The question caught me off guard.I thought Chaos would've started torturing me, followed by killing me, then somehow reviving me and doing the entire process all over again, all the while ranting about how stupid I am.

  I finally found the right words.
Plucking up courage, I found myself saying,

  "Sam was in danger, and I wanted to save her from the hands of Order,"I reasoned,"I am sure that saving someone in need is the right thing to do."

  I was careful to not put any sass in that one sentence.Having an angry male Chaos was bad enough, but if I made him more pissed off?I think I'll be obliterated faster than you can say Quiznak!

  And I would love to continue living in one piece, thank you very much.

  "You could've gotten yourself killed, or even worse, captured by the enemy,"Chaos said angrily.

  Now I was angry.

  "My comrade was captured by the enemy and you were worried of my safety?What about Sam?"I growled,"What about the fact that you didn't tell us that your sibling was still alive and kicking?"

  My eyes held disbelief.

  How could Chaos only care about me when others are in need of help?

  Now Chaos was full on mad mode.But, I still continued.

  "Did you think that we could not bare the news?"I asked.But Chaos was silent, just observing my shaking form.

"Answer me!"

Chaos suddenly stood up and I mentally and physically prepared myself for what was coming.

But it never came.

  "Go to your room,"Chaos ordered, he was barely containing his anger.

  But I wasn't going to give up.

  I opened my mouth to go on to another rant, but I was cut off by a loud shout.

  "Go to your room, now.That's an order,"Chaos shouted angrily.

  I closed my mouth, knowing that it wasn't my place now to speak now.I bowed to The Creator then stiffly walked out of the throne room.The large silver doors closed with a loud bang!

  I noticed that Kronos, Xin Ru and Aideen weren't behind the doors eavesdropping.

  They must've gone back to their rooms to rest.

  And I started my way towards my room.While walking, I only thought of one thing,

  Chaos just grounded me.


719 Words
Next Chapter:1/11/17
What Do You Think?

Íroas's POV

I stormed through the hallways, heading towards my room.When other soldiers saw me coming, they immediately moved to the sides of the hallway, as if they knew what I was feeling.

Till Then, Have Fun Waiting.

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