Just A Fool || JUNGKOOK

By ImYourSunShineHobi

1.3K 511 89

"You don't know what feelings are?" "No. Can you teach me?" "Teach you feelings?" "Yes! It'll be fun right?!"... More

One ~ The new arrival
Two ~ New Aquaintances
Three ~ Moving eyes
Four ~ The ward
Five ~ Gestures
Six ~ Degrade
Seven ~ Dont Fade
Eight ~ Regain
Nine ~ Refrain
Ten ~ Ominious
Eleven ~ Calamity
Twelve ~ Blight
Thirteen ~ Elegant
Fifteen ~ The final solution

Fourteen ~ Fear

56 23 1
By ImYourSunShineHobi

March 22nd ~ Taehyung is up to something even more disturbing than I thought...

Uen Kyung P.O.V

As jungkook says those words, my whole body feels another rush of adrenaline.

He really feels once again, his whole emotions are coming back together, he really loves me.

I gaze into his eyes once more and kiss his nose softly, his soft giggle gives me butterflies and I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into a soft warm hug.

His hands softly touch my hair comfortingly, which he has never done before.

His memory is developing once again.

His warm smile makes me so happy, makes me feel safe.

To know that he's really getting better and that he cares about me.

"We should probably go now, it's super late, we should be back in our cells" Jungkook whispers, still stroking my hair, gazing into my eyes.

"I know. But I don't want to... I want to stay here with you..." I whisper back, still wrapped around him, resting my head on his chest.

I could feel his heart beating at a soft pace, his eyes fluttering softly as we both look at each other.

"Wow you guys look happy!"

A unfamiliar voice is heard from the other side of the toilets, I felt Jungkooks heart beat faster, he jolts up and moves me out of the way.

As I avert my eyes towards the end of the room, a guy, tallish dark black hair and a sinister smirk was staring straight at us with something in his hand, I couldn't make out what it was until he started to run towards us, a knife popping out of his pocket.

"My name is Hwan!" He shouts as he tries to slash Jungkook who already grabbed "Hwans" arm, dragging him to the floor.

"Get off of me you stupid man! I'm here to kill you!" He shrieks, flailing everywhere as jungkook effortlessly holds him on the floor.

"Why?" I ask grabbing the switchblade from his pale hands, watching his face turn red in anger.

"Give that back! I have to use that to slash your throat!" Hwan still shrieks and flails all over the floor, trying to hurt both of us.

"It's Taehyung isn't it? He wants us dead." I say smirking at him.

"Yeah! He wants me to kill you so he can take Jungkook and kill him too! LET ME GO YOU PROFLIGATE!"

"Profligate? Thats a strong word" I say jokingly, throwing his small switchblade into the toilet and flushed it down.

"Taehyung! He will ruin your existence! RUIN IT!" He screams once more, his face still red as he tries to use his hands to strangle Jungkook who was still holding him on the floor.

"Why is he so weak?" Jungkook asks looking back up at me smiling as Hwan starts to stop flailing and eventually gives up.

"Stop laughing you stupid man! I'll gut you!"

Jungkook keeps laughing at Hwan as he gets angrier and angrier by the second.

"Taehyung will know what you did! He will kill you himself!" Hwan says, pushing Jungkook back into the toilet stall, running off out into the hall.

"We need to get back to our cells, were safe in there" I say, grabbing jungkooks arm, opening the door, sprinting with him towards our cell.

As I open my cell door, I feel a sudden presence behind me, as quick as I could I slam the door and to my demise, Taehyung is staring back at me through the door, his face harrowing.

"Well done. Next time I'll try and kill you myself. Hwan isn't worthy enough to work for me anymore, he deserves to die." Taehyung says, grabbing his own switchblade, the blade gleaming.

He had Hwan by the hair, dragging the switchblade across his neck slowly, blood pouring out of his neck, his eyes rolling back.

"Bye bye. Hope you sleep well" Taehyung says, smiling evilly as he drops Hwans body to the floor, his lifeless body twitching slightly as Taehyung walks away, not looking back.

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