Living among the Dead

By DemonicPiano

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Chapter 1: Party Time!
Chapter 2: Where's Diane?
Chapter 4: There she goes...
Chapter 5: My friend is a zombie!
Chapter 6: Testing...
Chapter 7: Strange Girls
Chapter 8: More tests to Run...
Chapter 9: Meaghan
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: Clash
Chapter 12: Surprise!
Chapter 13: Our Unfortunate Fate
Chapter 14: Voyage
Chapter 15: All Aboard the ladder of Surprise!
Chapter 16: Newcomers
Chapter 17: Greed
Chapter 18: Traitor
Chapter 19: Questionable Plans
Chapter 20: An Interuptted Journey

Chapter 3: The Beginning

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By DemonicPiano

I awoke to something gooey dripping onto my forehead. Ugh! They must be smearing that food mix onto my face! That had horseradish, dog food, and mayo in it! Yuck! Agitated, I wiped some off onto my right hand, and stretched to turn on the large lamp on the end table next to me.

Turns out, it wasn't that food mix, but good god, whatever it is, it smells awful!

"PU!" I flinched.

"Shhh!" someone hissed.

"Sorry!" my stomach gurgled. Or was that my stomach? A low hiss drifted into the air, as more of that mystery gunk dripped onto my blanket and lap. I slowly craned my head up.

"Gah! Diane!" I jumped.

"Shush!" Kate pounded the arm of the loveseat at me.

Dianna's head tilted sideways, and she drew in closer to me. Her skin, it was vainy, black cracks ran across her body, and I stared into her bloodshot eyes, staring back into mine. Worse of all, that ooze that is still pouring on me, is actually a waterfall of blood spewing out of her mouth.

It was impossible to control screeching and darting off the couch, jolting Meaghan awake in the process. Diane sprung into the place I was in a few seconds ago, and started shredding it!

Along with everybody else now, I immediately ran to the basement with Meg and Trinity.

Victoria, Kate and Sabrina sprinted to the bathroom and Dianna's bedroom.

I slammed and locked the basement shut, and slid down the door. I couldn't even make sense of what happened. As they collected themselves, Trinity and Meg started chatting about it.

"Jennifer! What happened?" Trin eyed me up.

"All I heard was screaming and I looked over to see Diane go nuts! Almost ripped my feet off!" Meaghan sniffed.

"Come on, Jenny," Trinity helped me up, and unlocked the door. She swung it open, and the two doors that had our friends in it creaked open.

We climbed the stairs and turned right towards the big table to see Kate.

"Okay, Dianna. Some joke. Let's go to bed now," she slid off her glasses and placed them on the nearest end table.

"ARG!" Diane darted to the cautioning girl. I thought she was going to pin her down, but she's going to wake her parents!

A yell flew out from Kate as a fountain of blood poured out from her neck, with Diane's head next to it, quivering. She lept off of her friend, and turned to Trinity and I. Meaghan was peeking around the corner, still on the stairs, watching the whole thing unfold. Kate's hand cupped around her neck, her knees buckling, and down she went.

Another door opened, and I heard Sue's groggy voice, "What in the world is going on in here? We are trying to sleep!" and her breath drew in sharply as she stumbled over Kate.

Dianna spun around and disappeared into the hallway, where Sabrina and Victoria slammed a door. A cry of tremendous terror rung out, and gurgling followed. I couldn't even flinch when splatters of blood and gore flew out from the darkness.

"Let's go!" Trin and Meg had to tow me downstairs where I snapped out of my trance.

"O.K.!" Meaghan paced around, "So Diane is pulling a prank and it working. I'm totally freaked out!" she did jazz hands.

"Or, she is a cannibal and never told us!" Trinity raised a finger suspiciously.

"That was cow liver you saw in the fridge," I shook my head, as I sat down, propped against the door, and put my hands on my knees. "That squirrel had a disease that is only transmittable through scratches or saliva."

My two friends just stared at me, dumbfounded.

I said ever so dully, "Diane's a zombie."

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