Escape // Harry Styles

By eggplantstyles4321

1.4K 334 58

Prologue: I wanted to say that my life was different, that I wasn't going to be the same hopeless girl again... More



62 15 1
By eggplantstyles4321

                                                                        Aella's POV 

Seeing Harry wasn't a surprise, what was, was the fact that he has now dragged Aubrey into this. He grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me further into the park.

"Harry you're fucking hurting me let go." he shot me daggers and squeezed my arm tighter. We finally came to a stop behind some trees out of everyone's sight. Harry pushed me against a tree and trapped me in.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The branch of the tree was digging into my back.

"Sweet sweet girl. The things I could do to you." Harry whispered in my ear.

"What the hell is going on Harry? Let me fucking go!"

Harry pushed me farther into the tree and grabbed my throat, the branch digging deeper into my back.

"Don't fucking raise your voice at me and listen. I know exactly who you are, what you do, what your family does and what they are capable of doing, but let me tell you something, we are no different."

"I don't know what you are talking about, you are probably confusing me for someone else Harry." He grabbed my neck and slammed my head on the tree. He yelled in my face,

"Are you calling me stupid or a liar?" he then started to whisper in my ear

"Don't play games sweetheart, I don't like that."

"Harry let me go!" He finally let me go but pushed me to the ground and let me tell you, grass is not as soft as people say it is. He walked in circles around me and finally stopped right in front of me and crouched down to be at eye level.

"So tell me Aella, did you really think you could move away and escape your life?" he grabbed my chin.

"Did you really think it would be that easy kitten? Did you really think you could just turn the corner and your past would disappear. That people would stop going after you? After all the shit you caused? Really?"

"What do you want from me Harry?"

"You know exactly what that is Aella. Don't play stupid with me right now." he got up and walked to the tree,

" I'm only here to take what should have been mine in the first place. After your family declined, I decided to take matters into my own hands" I was panicking and there was no escaping this one. I started to look around and found a rock next to me so I did the only thing I knew how to do, fight. I stood up and started walking towards Harry.

"Harry I can leave town tonight and you can have whatever you want but don't involve aubrey in this. She doesn't know anything."

"I'm afraid it's a little too late kitten, seeing as Niall might have an interest."

"I'm not going anywhere with you Harry and i'm not getting Aubrey involved in this not before and certainly not now. I'd have to be dead first."

"Now don't get me wrong, I like a good chase but this is getting frustrating real quick and we can arrange that if that's what it takes."

"Fight fire with fire right Harry.." I took the rock and I swung it at his head.

"You bitch." He touched the spot where I struck him and blood covered his hand, but he didn't fall right away, he started to sway but he managed to get a hold of me and get blood on my jacket, I tried pushing him until he finally hit the ground. Adrenaline was rushing through my body and i've never felt this good since I left san francisco but I fucking knocked him out.. What the fuck was wrong with me.. I promised myself i wouldn't be this person again, but the way the blood stained my jacket and my hands made me feel so good. The smell of blood transported me to the small black room that once made me feel so good..

"Fuck I need to get out of here." I started to run towards the coffee shop Aubrey was at. I had texted her I was on my way. As I started to reach the coffee shop, I slowed down and fixed myself before people started to get suspicious, I tried to hide the blood stains and shoved my hands in my pocket.. I finally went inside the shop and made my way to the table,

"Hey Niall, Harry is waiting for you at the park"

Niall looked me up and down and he knew something was up. I'm pretty sure he saw the blood stain because his eyes widen and he rushed out of the shop. Fuck, now how do I explain this to Aubrey. 


The streets were pretty busy and I couldn't really see who was who, as we reached the studio, I pushed Aubrey inside the building.

"Give me your keys."

"Aella what the fuck is going on?"

I pushed the door open and dragged Aubrey inside,

"Don't fucking ask me questions right now, go into your room and grab a small suitcase, pack the necessities. Grab your passport, licence, ID, Birth certificate, anything with your name on it grab it." I started rushing around and grabbing my unpacked suitcase. It had been around five minutes since I sent aubrey to pack.

"Aubrey hurry the fuck up! We don't have much time!"

"What am I supposed to pack? I already have the papers!" Fucking piece of shit, now is not the time aubrey.

"I don't care Aubrey, a fucking pair of jeans some shirts and shoes. Nothing extravagant!"

"Ok. ok. Ok." Aubrey was panicking I could sense it in her voice.

Aubrey finally came back into the living room with a backpack and a duffel bag.

"Aubrey what did you pack?"

"In the back pack are all the papers Aella and in the duffel bag is my clothes now please tell me whats going on. I can't just leave. What am I gonna tell my parents, the school, omg what am I going to do with the rent..."

"Aubrey shut the fuck up we will figure it out later, for now just stay behind me."

I opened the door to her studio and checked both ways before stepping outside. I stepped out and turned around to make sure Aubrey was following me. I headed straight towards the staircase because the elevator opens in the front of the lobby where everyone can see.

 As we were walking down the stairs, I thought back to when this was my life, back to when I had to run away to able to go to college. Regardless of my pitiful life, I had to snap out of it in order to get Aubrey out alive.

 As we reached the bottom of the stairs, I grabbed Aubrey's duffel bag from her just incase we needed to run. We opened the door and made sure there was noone in sight but as soon as I did, there they were. Liam and Harry were at the front desk, Niall was next to the elevator and louis was on the other door of the staircase. Aubrey for some fucking reason decided hey let me fucking open my mouth, Aubrey gasped and Liam turned his head so quick that I was barely able to shut the door, but the second I did I grabbed Aubrey and we ran towards the second floor. We reached the top and pushed through the doors.

"Aubrey quick, where is the nearest fire escape?"

"At the end of the hall." Aubrey started to run towards the fire escape. I knew they couldn't be far, after all, they did find me in the first place. Once at the fire escape, I realized the ladder was not sturdy enough to support two people. I can't let Aubrey fend for herself.

"Aubrey you gotta go first, ill watch your back, as soon as you hit the floor, go down the street and try to get a taxi."

Aubrey didn't even think twice before she was already climbing down the stairs. She was halfway there when the staircase door slammed open and there he was, Harry.

"You better not even think about it Aella!" Harry was furious, I was really pushing his buttons. He started to sprint down the hallway.

"Aubrey hurry the fuck up he's here." Aubrey jumped off the remaining ladders and sprinted down the street.

"Liam get the fuck outside Aella's leaving. Niall chase the other one, she left!" Harry was barking orders left and right. 

I hurriedly skipped over the steps until I was able to jump off without breaking anything, as soon as I did, I ran in the direction of Aubrey. I looked back and noticed Liam and Niall coming after us. As I rounded the corner, I noticed Aubrey waving me down, at least she did something right and got a taxi. I threw the duffel bags in the car and got in.

"JFK airport and fast!" as soon as I said those words, I looked over and Liam was about to open the door when the driver took off. Now to think, where the fuck are we going.

"Fuck I haven't ran like that since highschool, and you don't look in the best shape so i'm guessing you're out of breath too?" I tried to break the silence and worry her less.

"Fuck you Aella! What the fuck is going on? When I asked you to come over I didn't mean for you to bring all your baggage with you as well. This is exactly why we weren't friends in high school. What fucking shit are you into now!" Aubrey was pissed, and I couldn't blame her. I understand where she's coming from.

"Don't worry Aubrey, as soon as we land from the airport, i'll send you out and clear your name and you won't see me again." just a hint of sarcasm.

"A, I didn't mean it like that.."

"No it's fine Aubrey, I understand. I shouldn't have dragged you into this shit. I kept it away from you in highschool and I'm sorry it got to you now."

We finally made it to the airport. Aubrey got out and I grabbed the bags and threw the driver some money. We walked inside the airport and started to look at the times of any flight that was departing soon. To my surprise Greece was just about to take off in 20 mins. The other option was Italy in 30 mins but no way was I going back there. I walked up to the front desk to get some tickets.

"Two tickets for the next flight to Greece."

I grabbed the tickets and headed straight to security check.

"Hurry up Aubrey, we have to get through security check and get through the gate before they get here and see us, i'm pretty sure they're not stupid and know exactly we came to the airport."

Aubrey just followed me with her head down. As soon as we made it through security check, I rushed into the gate and ran towards the boarding area. We stood in line in order for us to board. I turned around and explained the plan to aubrey.

"This is the plan we land in greece, you go home with me and from there i'll make some calls and then the next day i'll fly you back to new york and you won't have to ever see them or me again. Alright? Don't worry Aubrey, i'll make sure they leave you alone."

"That's fine Aella." Fuck I felt terrible I didn't mean for any of this shit to happen. All I know is I need to make some calls and see who the fuck Harry is and what the fuck he wants.

We were finally able to get on the airplane and thankfully our seats were together. We put our bags on the top compartment and sat down. I heard Aubrey let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Don't worry Aub, it'll all be over soon."

"Aella i'm scared.. I've never experienced anything like this."as soon as Aubrey said that, my eyes were met with ones I thought I wouldn't see in a while.


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