I'll Stand By You (Captain Am...

By kytren

6.8K 177 28

Bailey and Steve are married, their starting their lives together. It all seems so perfect, but maybe too per... More

Chapter 1: "It's happening! I am not prepared!"
Chapter 2: Falling apart.
Chapter 3: "Let's go kick butt."
Chapter 5: "Sweet, I'm part bionic guys."
Chapter 6: "And there he goes, we're screwed."
Chapter 7: "Everyone's got a gimmick."
Chapter 8: "Tony, your on the wrong side."
Chapter 9: "Полет, езда на велосипеде, тоже самое."
Chapter 10: "He's right. I trained them.."

Chapter 4: "An eye for an eye leaves the world blind, so does a bio weapon."

649 16 0
By kytren

          The time came for us to stop Rumlow. We knew he was here with his goons, we got word that they were looking for a nuclear bio weapon in a Wakanda.

I sat with Natasha at a little cafe as we kept our eyes peeled for anything that stood out to us. 

        Wanda was sitting at a table a little farther from ours, she wore her regular attire and had on a black cap while she drank her tea. Sam was on a roof top near us, he had on his wing suit and was our look out. Steve was in the hotel located by the cafe. 

You ready to get back out there?  I asked Steve through a mind link.

Only if you are. Bella okay?

Yes. I'm a decent mother thank you.

I could sense him smiling.

Natasha gave me an look. "We're here to look for Rumlow, stop making goo goo eyes at Steve." 

I shooed away her comment. 

"So what exactly are ve looking for?" Wanda spoke coolly. Her accent traveling through her ear piece.

"Something." I responded as I drank my coffee. 

"Thanks for ze advice. But there is nothing out of ordinary." She seemed to complain.

"Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature." I responded calmly.

"Sam, see that dump truck blocking the road?" Steve said into all of our ear pieces.

I turned my head toward the street we were near. There was this big garbage truck with a driver that clearly didn't know how to drive in Wakandan traffic. 

"Where's he going?" Wanda muttered with confusion. 

I looked to where the truck was headed. Up at the end of the road was a gate that was heavily guarded.

"Oh my gosh." I turned to the window Steve was looking out of. We locked eyes. Him getting my message. 

"There gonna use it as a batting ram." As Steve finished his sentence the driver jumped out of the truck and it went hurtling and tore the gate down.There was a giant ball of smoke and fire that went off. The gate fell like a tooth pick loosing it's balance.

Natasha and I shot up and toward the explosion along with Wanda running close behind.

People got up and scattered. I almost got knocked over a couple times but I stood my ground. Steve ran up behind me. 

Wanda seemed a bit shaken by the explosion. "Wanda, help get people off the street. Lead them away from the building. We'll re-group after they're all safe." Steve spoke in his authoritative voice.

She nodded, then Steve turned to Natasha. "You and Sam fend off the other opposing enemies."

Before he was done explaining he got attacked. I jump kicked the guy and sent him flying against one of there heavily armed trucks.

Steve looked at me, maybe a bit startled but he masked it. He grabbed my hand and we both ran. 

I looked around and there wasn't a clear way in. We knew we had little time before Rumlow got his hands on the weapon. 

"Throw me." Steve demanded.

I knew I shouldn't have laughed but I thought he was joking. "Your serious?"

I regretted asking as soon as I said it. His expression was serious. "I mean like we practiced." He said calmly.

My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. "Oh, right." 

He put his shield in front of him and nodded. I raised both my hands and used my telekinesis to throw him as gently as I could threw a window.

I jumped and used my strength to propel myself through the same window. I was instantly greeted by one of Rumlow's goons.  He ran up and tried to punch me, I quickly grabbed his fist and twisted it. Then while he was distracted I kicked him out of the way. 

I attacked several other men. Steve ran up beside me with a mask and put it on my face. 

"What about you?" I gasped as Oxygen began to fill my lungs once more.

"Super serum, I'll be fine. Come on, we have to find Rumlow." We ran down one of the hallways.

Steve's POV:

Bailey and me crouched behind a counter in the lab we found Rumlow in. It was him and three other men. All mean and willing to do whatever order Rumlow barked at them.

I met Bailey's eyes and gestured for her to get closer. She nodded in response. She rolled head first over to another table. We both slowly advanced until we heard movement.

"Get it to the truck, we can't let these Avenger freaks ruin our plan." He growled.

"But sir," One of them spoke. He had darker skin and a scar down his face. "What about you?" 

Rumlow shrugged. "I got business to take care of."

"The hell you do." Bailey spat. She stood and got into a fighting stance.

Bailey this isn't the plan.  I chimed.

Don't stress, I'll improvise. She assured me.

"Speak of the devil." He turned to me. "Sorry, no brain washing machine for you...yet." He grinned coolly.

I crept behind another table and made my way around him and his soldiers. I stood up and swiped them both off their feet. Rumlow turned around, obviously not surprised.

"Should have known." He sighed, then he attacked me. 

He threw a left hook, I caught it quickly. I then threw a right hook as well.  Bailey came to my side. Rumlow went to grab her neck but she caught his hand and held it there. 

I would have laughed if we weren't saving thousands of lives. 

"I'm stronger this time. You won't hurt anyone. Ever again." She started to tighten her grip.

I stepped back, he looked panicked. I almost forgot her new ability. 

"How is it possible," he struggled. "that you can over power me?"

She grinned. She threw him into the wall like he was a rag doll. He looked up and tried to recover. Then he ran for the exit. 

I glanced at Bailey. Not wanting to leave her. "He has the bio weapon, I'll get people to safety."

"Bailey." I pleaded. "I won't lose you." Then I cupped her face in my hands. "Your coming back to me."

She grabbed my hand. "Always." Then she ran off down one of the halls.

I ran after Rumlow.

Bailey's POV:

I ran down the hall searching encase anyone was being held by Rumlow's dogs (My fancy way of calling them his goons. Because they do everything he says) 

My goal is to get people away from this area, no doubt in my mind he's planning something. But what's his play? Why would he use the bio weapon here? If your gonna do some damage then wouldn't you use something bigger...

Oh my gosh. I have to warn Steve.

Rumlow's gonna blow himself up sky high (and take the whole block with him). The building seemed clear as I ran down the hall shouting for anyone who had been hurt. It felt like forever but just when I thought the coast was clear I heard this explosion roaring near me.

I whipped my head around and get engulfed by smoke and parts of the building. My eyes burned from smoke and debris. Then without warning, pieces of the building start falling on top of me. I whacked them away with my super strength. Like swatting really big bees.

I decided to try and stand but I soon fell. A sharp pain was sent through my leg and I yelped. I looked down and saw that my leg was crushed under rubble. I yelled Steve's name to let him know where I was.

The pain was unbearable. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming. I stretched my hand and lifted the rubble carefully off my leg. I bit my tongue. Once I managed to get it off I scooted toward the needs window to see what had happened. Was Steve okay? What caused the explosion?

I saw Steve staring up at the building, his eyes frantic.  I did my best to ignore the pain in my now very broken leg and sent him a brain message.


He soon responded. Bailey! Where are you? All the exits are blocked by rubble.

I'm still in the building, my leg... I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Steve? Steve please...

"Darnit. Can't think." I cursed. My vision was a little hazy.

Then I heard foot steps, my vision was swaying back and forth. The steps got closer and closer.

Someone's calling my name...I know it. But who...?

"Bailey? Bailey!" I heard Steve gasp.

"Steve..." I whimpered. "It hurts, like the devil." I became frustrated.

He stood crouched in front of me. His normally peaceful blue eyes now tired and a stormy blue, like a storms. His blond hair all ruffled as he pulled of his mask.

"Okay, I'm gonna get you out of here. It's gonna hurt but we need to get you out of here." He put his arm under my legs and grabbed my shoulder. "Ready?" He said quitely.

I nodded. He slowly picked me up and layed my against his chest. I yelled.

"It's okay Bailey, the hard parts over." He kissed my forehead and continued to reassure me.

"I thought you said, there was no entrance." I asked.

"I made one." His expression stiff.

A/N: No what happened???? How does it end??? So many questions!!!! Welp sorry but your gonna have to wait till the next chapter. See? Told you I'm still alive! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter (I had fun writing it.) I will see you lovelies in the next one!! By bye!

-Lailah H 😘

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