Living a little

By PersonDa

108 1 2

Rio, a smart and uptight girl who believes that she's always surrounded by idiots, has never able to show any... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

13 0 0
By PersonDa

"Won't you come with us to check the mid-term results?"as the petite girl slowly rose from her seat next to me.

"No I already know the results." I replied.

"Leave her, Kiyoko" said the girl with all the colors on her hair that an artist could come up."She doesn't need to worry about her results unlike us."

I actually came early today to check my results just to make sure, I didn't want to go through the crowd to check the results posted on the board. There's too much touching and grinding.

"She will come the top of our year, like she always does every other year." said the girl with colorful hair as she walked across my seat. " I, on the otherhand will be killed by my parents if I don't pass my maths."

"You would have been more prepared if you studied during the exams, Nana." said Kiyoko.

"I couldn't help it. I really REALLY needed to win the band competition." said Nana. "We would've won the first prize if Sequish didn't had diahrrea that day."

"And if Tom didn't had his drum set missing." listed Kiyoko.

"And if Reila didn't got stuck in an elevator." I sighed as I recalled listening to Nana complaining on what happend during the competition. She sits right in front of me unfortunately and so, I had to listen to her complaining all day.

 "Yeah well those too." said Nana "It's just so fustrating that Xylon won."

"The band that won the previous two competitions." said Kiyoko.

"Yes, that shitty band. That smug faces they 've shown when they won, I can't wait to wipe it off their in the next competition" as Nana crumpled her paper."We'll see who'll have the last laugh then."

Nana's band considers Xylon as a rival band, even though I don't think Xylon does, as they apparently won every competitions that Nana's band entered and have a fanbase. Well, a small one. Apparently Nana has something against the vocalist of Xylon, Tak.

"It seems like Crumbled Blue Cheese receives bad luck in every competition." said Kiyoko.

Yes, you have heard or read it correctly. Crumbled Blue Cheese is their band's name. How did they come up with it goes beyond me.

"Even good luck charms wouldn't work" sighed Nana. "I guess we have too much bad luck."

"I'm sure you'll win next time, Nana. Your band's music is really good."said Kiyoko with a twinle in her eyes.

"Thanks Kiyoko. But I guess sometimes you need luck to win, huh?"

I've honestly never heard Crumbled Blue Cheese's music, I've never bothered to go any of Nana's performance. Too loud , too noisy and it will be filled with people.

"You should really listen to her band's music, Rio. It's really awesome."Then suddenly, she clapped her hands. "I know! Why don't we go to her concert next week?"

"Uh, no thank you."I said as I stood up from my desk. "I'm busy." as I frisk away from my table.

"You're always busy." I heard Nana said."Stay longer with your books and soon enough your lenses would go thicker and you'll soon look like an oba -chan."

*(oba chan, a term refer to an old lady)

I moved away from the classroom and moved along the hallway of the school. Maybe some coffee will help me to stay awake. Baldie sensei gave us too much homework yesterday, guess he was in a bad mood that day. Perhaps he had discovered mirrors in his house and accidentally looked at his reflection, and was upset at the fact that he couldn't grew hair on his shiny egghead.

As soon as I go up to the vending machine, I hear whispers everywhere around me. As I walk through the crowd, people around me parted like how Moses parted the Red sea. They usually ignore me but during the examination period these idiots will start to notice me like I'm the ghost of their Christmas past.

"Have you heard she's in top again."

"They say if you stare at her more than one second, she can freeze your heart."

"I heard she's a half cyborg and she uses coffee as her fuel."

"I heard she only changes her expression when she consumes a poor student's soul."

"Ryo-kun said she's a government experiment, that explains her high IQ and her pokerface. "

I'm quite popular well, only during exam seasons.

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