Shattered Stars - Endless Shi...

By elystato

423 31 808

Shattered Stars One Shots! what happens when you don't want to stop writing a book? YOU MAKE ONE SHOTS FOR IT... More

1 | Feel Better
2 | a path of petals
3 | kowareyasuki
4 | to be or not to be
5 | hanging by a thread
7 | The Pocky Game
8 | The Yasaki Curse
9 | Ryusei Tsushima: Origins
10 | Joshua Ayaki: Origins
11 | The Worst Kinds of Goodbyes
12 | Cuddling Time!
13 | Paperwork and Reports
14 | Mr. Protective
15 | Knockout Gas
16 | Dorks
17 | Paralyzed
18 | Road to Recovery
19 | We'll Never Be Apart
20 | What We Once Were

6 | Trick or Treat?

20 2 67
By elystato

Six | Trick or Treat?

Characters: Joshua Ayaki, Chelsea Fibel, Mimmy Sakurada, Erissa Toudou, Ryusei Tsushima, Sin Tae-Wong, Satori Yasaki, Blythe Yuuki, Guren Yuuki

Ships: SatoRissa, BlyShua, RyuSin (NonPlatonic)

Summary: A mysterious witch appears on the Yuuki's doorstep on a dark, grim, Halloween Night. She decides to destroy their nice Halloween chat by casting a spell on the boys! How will the girls react to this surprisingly cute spell?

i m very sorry for my inability to finish sentences i sUck at life :,))
this is just a jumbled mess but whatever
i tried ok i tried my bEst

A surprisingly loud knock could be heard as Guren and Blythe were getting ready for a Halloween party they were about to have.

Yes - the guests were there - but, Guren decided to slack off. Blythe decided to procrastinate. That resulted in this very weird and awkward situation that required the two siblings to prepare for the party while the guests were there.

"Oi, Sakurada, could you get the door? Chocolate is on the table next to the door," Guren asked Mimmy as he entered the living room.

Mimmy nodded and stood up from the couch. "Leave it to me, Guren-kyun!" She exclaimed as she headed to the door.

Mimmy slowly opened the door, expecting little kids. But, that isn't exactly what showed up.

Mimmy could hear footsteps behind her, probably from one of the boys. Or, all the boys.

"H-Hello. May I help you?~" Mimmy asked, trying to sound like her normal self. Yes, she was aware that she was failing at that.

The person at the doorstep looked exactly like a witch. It was Halloween, it wasn't like anyone could tell if that person was real or not.

Satori and Joshua appeared next to Mimmy, slightly giving her a hand motion to move away from the door. Mimmy was confused, but moved away from the door anyway.

Ryusei also showed up, dragging Guren behind him. Mimmy was beyond confused, but shrugged and went to where Blythe was to help her.

"I'm sorry, but may we help you?" Satori repeated Sakurada's question, looking awkwardly at the person and the bowl of chocolates next to him.

"Help? Oh, I would like to give you this."

The woman handed Satori a small plastic bag that had nothing inside of it.

The person had sounded familiar to Satori, but he shrugged it off.

Before Satori could ask what it was, the woman was gone.

Satori looked at Joshua, who was right next to him. Joshua shot Satori a "I have no idea why you're looking at me but I'll pretend to understand" look.

Satori sighed and looked over at Ryusei. "Tsushima, do you think you could find out what's in this bag?"

"Yasaki, there is nothing in that bag," Ryusei replied, clearly confused onto why Satori would ask something like that.

Guren stood up from the ground after being dragged by Ryusei once more. "No, Satou is right. There is something in the bag."

Ryusei shot a glare at Guren and looked back at the bag. "Gimme."

Satori handed Ryusei the bag. Ryusei tugged at the small ribbon around it and pulled it out.

What happened next was truly unexpected.


"Blycchi, why are you taking forever to make the pie?" Mimmy asked, watching Blythe make a pie from the countertops.

"Has it ever occurred to you that it takes time to make a pie?" Blythe rolled her eyes. Mimmy laughed nervously, scratching her head.

"No it hasn't. Though, I do know it takes time to make a cake. And a friend. Preferably a boyfriend."

Blythe sighed at Mimmy's response, receiving a frown from Chelsea, who sat a few seats away from Mimmy.

"Don't sigh too much, Bly. Did you know that every time you sigh, you lose a little bit of happiness?" Chelsea questioned as Blythe finished the pumpkin pie she was making with Erissa.

"Isn't that just to keep people from sighing too much?" Erissa asked back, putting the pie in front of Mimmy. Mimmy smiled brightly at the pie, like it was the best thing she's ever seen in her whole entire life as a Sakurada.

"You're staring at the pie like you want to make out with it," Erissa glanced.

"Well, it's only true," Mimmy continued to stare.

"Guys," Blythe glared.

"I see. Turns out you're only sexually attracted to food."

"Ah, true."



A huge puff of smoke came out of the bag, which was very very unexpected.

"Where did all this smoke come from?" Satori asked. He felt much smaller than usual.

"I swear, that was a real witch." Guren crossed his arms and looked up at the bowl of chocolates. Did he just.. shrink?

"Wait, did we just shrink?" Ryusei questioned as he saw how small Guren was. He received only a shrug from Guren, who looked at Joshua.

"Okay, but Joshua is hella cute."

"Guren, what the fuck."

Satori face palmed as Guren came closer to him. "Step away, I don't want idiots near me."

Guren rolled his eyes. "Apparently, as a child, you are more insulting, Sa-to-ri~" Guren smirked.

"And you, Yuuki, are more flirtatious," Satori pushed Guren's head away as he attempted to kiss him.

"Do you have a problems with that?" Guren questioned, moving closer to Satori.

A small hand pushed him away. Guren glanced at who it was, and apparently, it was Joshua.

"We should find a way to fix this mess and turn back into adults," Joshua glanced at Satori. "And teenagers."

"I agree with Joshua, we can't stay like this for a while. The girls will freak out," Ryusei sighed.

"Also, this is getting very uncomfortable. We are still in our Halloween costumes that are meant for adults, and here we are, as kids," Satori commented, receiving a slight smirk from Guren.

"Oh? But I do think you're rather cute."

"Shut your mouth, Flirtatious Freak. You're supposed to be a necromancer, not an idiot," Satori rolled his eyes.

"Yuuki-kun is unbelievably flirtatious today," Joshua raised an eyebrow.

"Guys," Ryusei tried to get the attention of the other boys.

"This is what happens when you turn me into a kid again, Ayaki. I can't help but be like this around really cute children, you see," Guren flipped his hair.

"Ah. Makes sense."

"G U Y S."


Erissa and Blythe finished making their third and last pie and set it on the counter.

"Where are the boys?" Blythe asked, trying not to let Mimmy eat all of the pies after one second of not looking.

"Partying in the restroom," Erissa replied, pushing the pies closer to Mimmy.

"I really would like to have a slice right now, or maybe the whole pie."

"Does that count as you making out with it?" Erissa asked, curious of what Mimmy thought of the pie.

"Ah, yes!~ I'm eating the pie's priv—"

"Let's check on the boys."

Erissa chuckled as Blythe glared at Mimmy like she was literally going to shoot her in the head,

Chelsea just stared off into space in fear of what was about to happen.

They all started walking to the front door, wondering what took the boys so long. Except, they didn't exactly see boys.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH THAT'S SO CUTE!" Mimmy screamed in the loudest voice ever.

"Well shit, they saw us," Ryusei cursed.

The girls stood in shock of what was in front of them. Erissa put her hand on Satori's head, ruffling his hair.

"Satou-kun, you're so cute!" Erissa exclaimed, ruffling his hair some more. Satori was mot amused, but secretly liked it.

"Actually, instead of being cute, why don't you explain why you guys are children?" Blythe asked her brother, who laughed nervously. Blythe glanced at Joshua, who was staring at her.

And for some reason, that was awfully cute.

Joshua as a child? Handsome as fuck? What the hell was this?

He was probably 10 years old, and he literally looks about the same age, but more hotter. Or, that's what Blythe thought.

"Joshua, you're literally making me die right now."

Joshua smirked, making Blythe blu— wait, what? Joshua, a child, making Blythe blush?

Everyone was completely confused, what the heck was happening?

"Oh, and Guren is being a complete jerk. Was your brother always flirtatious?" Satori asked, glaring at Guren.

Blythe nodded as Guren walked up to Erissa. "You look divine today, princess," Guren smiled warmly, slowly bowing.

Satori decided not to scream at Guren, and instead, slowly kill him when he was an adult again. Guren knew what Satori was thinking and made himself a mental note to be careful around Satori.

Erissa, not knowing how to respond to Guren, only smiled back. Satori tried to contain his anger.

Well, that was much harder than he expected.

"Your smile could light up the whole world pri—"

Guren fell to the ground as Satori threw a few chocolates to his head. He looked at Erissa, who laughed at what just happened.

"This is really embarrassing, you know," Satori blushed, remembering he was a child. Erissa smiled at her smaller boyfriend.

"Embarrassing or not, you're my cute Satou-kun," Erissa said, ruffling Satori's hair while ignoring Guren on the floor.

Chelsea glanced over at Ryusei, who was at a computer. And as a child, Ryusei looked like he was some prodigy, a normal child couldn't do what he was doing.

And by that, Chelsea meant research. She had guessed Ryusei was finding a way to fix the way they are now and turn them back to normal.

Though that wasn't an easy task, Chelsea shrugged. A magic technician should be able to do challenging tasks.

Sin appeared out of nowhere, causing Chelsea to question where he came from.

Ryusei looked up from his computer and saw that Sin was in front of him and Chelsea. And that he was smirking in a very evil way.

"Wondering where I came from, Ryu-kun?" Sin asked before Ryusei could explain anything.

Ryusei nodded, looking back at the computer. When Sin didn't respond back, Ryusei looked up, only to find Sin a few centimeters from his face.

"You know, I wouldn't mind kissing you like this," Sin smirked. A few chocolates hit his head as Blythe began throwing them rapidly.

"You pedophile!" Mimmy, Blythe, and Erissa screamed.

"I could say the same to you three," Sin rolled his eyes. He put his attention onto Ryusei, who was still really close to him.

Sin held Ryusei's chin up with two fingers. "S-Sin I swear to—"

Sin used his other hand to silent Ryusei. Chelsea covered her eyes because - no this wasn't normal.

Erissa and Blythe watched in silence as the other, smaller boys were freaking out over the current situation.

"Can-Can we just.. just figure out a way to-to go back to normal?" Ryusei mentally face palmed himself at his lack of concentration towards Sin.

Ryusei knew that Sin was flirty to both genders, but he did not expect this to happen, oh no.

Plus, it wasn't like Sin actually liked him- he was just playing with Ryusei's feelings. Or, so he thought.

The two were best friends, and Ryusei did not want to ruin that relationship between them.

Joshua knew this too, and Ryusei had been suspecting him for keeping secrets that Sin told him.

Sin smirked and nodded. "Though, right after you figure out a way to turn back to normal, you have to give me a kiss."

Ryusei, being the person he was, looked back at his computer and started typing furiously. He seriously did not want to deal with Sin at this time, he knew he wouldn't win in an argument against him.

"Wait, how did you guys turn into children?" Chelsea asked.

"They answered the door and got some kind of bag! I saw only that part, though, I don't know what happened after," Mimmy answered, plucking Guren's hair.

Guren glared at Mimmy. "Smoke came out of the bag and there we were, as kids."

"Maybe you guys should stay like this," Blythe smirked, glancing at Joshua to see a reaction.

"There's no way I'm staying like this, Lythe. You'll be dating a grown man that looks like a fucking gremlin," Joshua sighed.

Blythe shook her head. "But you don't look like a gremlin. You look very cute. Also, you have very good character traits."

"Oh? Like what?"

"You're smart, kind, and daddy—"

Joshua coughed.

"And you're very handsome."

"Are you going to mention my d—"


"- dreamy personality?"

Guren bopped Joshua on the head. "I'm very disappointed in you, Ayaki."

"I am too," Satori sighed, also bopping Joshua on the head.

"I wouldn't mind the boys staying like this either," Erissa smiled, directing it to Satori.

"I would mind. I'm sorry, but I will not allow anyone to have sex with a kid," Guren announced.

"Yo, its not like anyone will have sex with a kid," Sin rolled his eyes.

"Tell that to rapists."

"You shut your mouth tiny Yuuki."

Chelsea and Mimmy sighed.

This Halloween has been very confusing.


"I found a way to get us back to normal!" Ryusei suddenly exclaimed.

"It's about time!" The boys screamed in unison.

Erissa was ruffling Satori's hair while eating pie. Blythe was playing with Joshua's bangs, while Guren was walking around the room screaming nonsense.

Chelsea and Mimmy were watching Ryusei while Sin was chasing Guren around.

Honestly, it was an eventful Halloween. People came by for candy, but Satori and Joshua, being the youngest and the oldest children, had to pass it out to them.

"What do we have to do?" Guren asked, trying to push Sin away from him.

"Well, it says to wait until the spell runs out, but since we don't know when it will run out, we have to do another thing."

"Which is?"

"Which is having the girls cast a spell on us."

"I can't use magic, though," Blythe informed.

"It isn't a normal spell. You girls will have to do.. something else."

"Something else?" Chelsea asked.

"Something else."


The girls came into the living room a few minutes later, dressed in the boys' outfits.

Erissa was wearing Satori's jacket, Blythe was wearing Joshua's shirt, Chelsea was wearing Guren's bathrobe (Blythe thought it was funny, since Guren did not want anyone touching that somewhat precious bathrobe), and Sin was wearing Ryusei's sweater.

"Sin, what the fuck? Why are you wearing my sweater?" Ryusei asked, clearly mad about Sin doing that.

"Mad? Well, your sweater looked very warm and I did not want to wear your shirt, people would think we were dating," Sin smirked.

Ryusei rolled his eyes at Sin's response. Whatever.

"Blythe, did you seriously give Chelsea my bathrobe?" Guren questioned.

Blythe whistled and shrugged.

Satori just blushed at his girlfriend wearing his jacket because damn - that was hot.

Joshua did the same thing, he did not expect Blythe to wear his shirt. 

"So, what do we have to do?" Blythe asked, scratching her head.

"Nothing. I just want to do that for fun."

Let's just say Ryusei received no food that night.


"Ryu-kun, you're back to normal."

Ryusei jolted awake. He looked at Sin, who was right next to him.

"S-Seriously?" Ryusei asked, yawning soon after.

Sin nodded. "The rest are back to normal as well."

Ryusei looked around the room and saw that everyone was normal sized.

Except, Guren and Satori weren't in the room.

"Where is Yuuki-kun and Yasaki?" Ryusei asked.

"They said they would make breakfast. Apparently, Guren also ravished Satori," Sin responded.

"So, he carried Yasaki outside like a princess?"

"No, like an idiot."



Everyone looked at Satori, who stuffed a pancake in his mouth.

"That witch was my fucking mother."

"Seriously?" Guren screamed.

"Yes, seriously. Now that I remember, my mother has magic exactly like this," Satori sighed.

"What a terrifying mother," Joshua glanced at Satori, patting his back.

"Ayaki, please, don't say it like you don't have a terrifying mother."

"I don't have a terrifying mother but I do have a terrifying girlfriend."

"What did you say?"

Joshua shuddered at the dark aura rushing to him from Blythe.

"I have a terrifying life."

"I would hate to have your life," Ryusei stuffed a pancake up Sin's mouth.

"Ryu-kun, why did you do that?"

Another pancake.

"To make you shut up. If you talk, it'll probably be about something stupid."

"Like how I almost kiss—"

Another pancake.

"By the way, didn't Sin say he'd kiss Tsushima when he found a way to get us back to normal?" Satori asked.

Another pancake.

"Don't remember."

Another pancake.

"So it never happened."

Another pancake.

After a few minutes, Sin stood up from the table and faced Ryusei.

"Are you trying to choke me, Ryu-kun?" Sin yelled.

"No, I'm trying to kill you."

"Maybe we shouldn't have this conversation in the morning," Mimmy laughed.

"Agreed," Erissa said as Satori put a small piece of pancake in her mouth.

"Let's change the subject. Did you know that Joshua has hot ass abs?"

Joshua stood up at the table and looked at Blythe.

"H-How.. w-wha.."

"Seriously? Ryu-kun has abs too!" Sin smirked.

"W-Wait, when-when did you?"

"Ah. I have abs as well."

"Guren, please," Satori sighed.

"Satou-kun has abs!" Erissa joined in.

Satori crumbled down to the floor.

Well, I guess you could say that's how their Halloween ended.

With a conversation about abs.

6 | Trick or Treat?

i have no idea what the fuck this is but im laughing bc of what i just wrote

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