Cursed with Wings (Thranduil...

By spypuppy

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[Book 1] Belle is a cursed She Elf. Betrayed by her own family, Belle runs for the hills, forced to accep... More

Chapter One: The Curse.
Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.
Chapter Three: The Change.
Chapter Four: Meeting An Elf.
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes.
Chapter Six: The Prince.
Chapter Seven: The Disappointed King.
Chapter Eight: The Arrow Of Hunger.
Chapter Nine Part 1: An Unsuspected Guest.
Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.
Chapter Ten: Raina Meets Belle.
Chapter Eleven: The Queen.
Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.
Chapter Thirteen: Grandma
Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Pain In The Arse.
Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.
Chapter Seventeen: The Tortured Seamstress.
Chapter Eighteen: The Ball.
Chapter Nineteen: The Willow.
Chapter Twenty: Questions.
Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.
Chapter Twenty Two: The Unconscious Angel.
Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.
Chapter Twenty Four: The Damsel In The Queen's Garden.
Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.
Chapter Twenty Six: The Loss Of A Great.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.
Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Newcomers.
Chapter Thirty: The Elixir.
Chapter Thirty One: The Battle & The Cure.
Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 1: The Announcement.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 2: Miserably In Love.
Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.
Chapter Thirty Five: Be Still...
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death Bed.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 2: The Demon.
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Aftermath.
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Truth.
Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.
Chapter Forty One: Memories.
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle.

Chapter Fourteen: Ollie.

12.2K 468 40
By spypuppy

Belle's P.O.V

Thranduil looked a little tensed. Has something happened to him? His eyes were scanning the room, until they were target locked on me. He seemed to relax a bit, his eyes soften and a little smile appeared on his face. Raina seemed to notice like always and giggled, snapping me out of the staring contest.

"Sit yourself down mister and I'll make you some breakfast," She ordered, pushing the Prince into the seat next to me. Great. He kept staring at me, which seemed to creep me out so I screeched out.

This caught Raina attention than the eggs in the pan, and looked at me. Using my wing I pointed to the creep while pretending to clean myself. She seemed to get the memo and broke the awkward silence.

"So Thranduil."

Ah so that's his name. "What happened this time?" Raina said, giving the 'we both know what I am talking about' look which I didn't know.

Thranduil sighed, resting his elbows against the table, "We got into another fight...He thinks that I need to get married and arranged with King Firestone's daughter. Remember Neawilth."

I froze. Neawilth was the most spoilt, bratty and slutty princess and also my sister's best friend.

"Oh you mean that Bi**h that came into the healing room demanding immediate attention for a little cut the size of ladybug while I had a dying patient on my hands?" Raina asked, her hand clutched into fits. "I'll be dead before I see that monster, Queen," she proclaimed. Thranduil nodded, agreeing with her.

"At least I have a new pet to ward off unwanted visitors," Raina said with a smirk, winking at me. I got the message and happy to oblige.

"She will be coming in a week" Princey grumbled, tracing the cravings on the wooden table. It was silent for a while until.

"How's Huntress?" Thranduil said, trying to change the subject. Raina smiled and patted my wings and said "She will be good as new by tomorrow," handing a piece of bacon, which I gladly took.

I heard Thranduil mumble a "good" followed by a small smile, which made my insides melt. He's a lot more cheerful than the other time I listened to him in the woods. "Raina have you ever seen an owl awake in the daytime, I thought they were night hunters?"

I heard Raina chuckle. "Yes I see what you mean, this bird is very strange indeed," she said before going back to washing the pan, a little smile on her face,

Then Thranduil grumbled. "Back to Neawilth, apparently she's is bringing a friend by the name of Erica Ercassë." I nearly choked on my bacon. If I heard correctly, this means my sister, who is an exact replica of Neawilth is coming here! Well nice knowing ya! I thought sarcastically.

If you are wondering why Erica and I have different surnames it's because at the age of 10 years we are able to choose what family we would represent, so if my father dies, Erica would get everything of his. So I chose Azalea instead of Ercassë (thorn bush) because I wanted to be nothing that would involve my father in anyway. I am proud to be an Azalea.

When those Bit**es come, they will have the worst time of their lives, I thought. I will be angry if I see them fake smiling at Raina. I feel sorry for Thranduil, he seems like a nice guy and to have to put up with Neawilth would be torture!

"Well I best be off. Goodbye Raina and thank you for taking care of Huntress".

He came up to where I perched and stroked my feathers saying, "Goodbye huntress, I hope you'll get well," he whispered making me shiver. Jessh what's wrong with me!

He waved one more time at the door then he was gone. Raina slumped into a chair.

"I dear say Belle, Thranduil will be here more often if she stays," she said putting her feet up on the other chair under the table.

She was thinking something, chuckling until meeting my eyes. "I think that boy has a crush on you, even if you are in bird form," she said giggling a bit more.

It was silent for a while until Raina said "Go Belle, explore the village for a little bit, I have to work at the healers for a little bit. Make sure you come before sunset, I'll leave your bedroom window open," she said, gesturing me to go.

I flew out of the kitchen and into the living room when I heard, "Belle, do be careful! I don't want to have to stitch you up again," she ordered. I smiled.

I glided out the opened front door and out into the forest air. I decided to go to the main square which was busy.

I saw elves doing their daily jobs, some dancing with the music that was played, others shopping for items. Some elflings were playing with a ball, kicking it around to one another, giggling.

I decided to explore the forest a bit more, going higher into the air, where I could see the tops of the trees.


After what seemed like a long time, I came across a waterfall, with its diamond like waves crashing into the lake below, where the water mixed with some oranges, reds and yellows leaves. The colours of autumn. This should be an ideal place to wash.

A rustle of brunches came from my right. There stood my friend, the stag. He spotted me and trotted over to me, I jumped from my branch and flew down and landed on his left antler. I smiled as I showed him memories from my past, happy ones.


As I watched the sunset with my friend, I decided to go home.

As I was flying back I saw a little boy alone, he had a confused look on his face. He is probably lost, poor boy! I decided to make a detour, flying down to the ground. Hidden from the boy by a big black berry bush and waited for the moon to raise.

I watched as the boy started to cry, which broke my heart. Hurry up moon! I thought, wanting to comfort the boy, when I saw a fox watching the boy with hungry eyes, licking its chops.

Oh no you don't! I flew over there as fast as I could and started to fight the fox. Scratching its body with my claws, hearing it whine in pain; running away, empty handed.

I looked over to the young elfling, he was staring at me with widened scared eyes, whimpering a bit. I felt the change come.

Going back to the bush just in time, as my wings started to form arms, my claws becoming feet. Once I was elf again, I came out of the bush and looked for the boy. He was looking around trying to find a way home. Once he saw me he squealed in surprised and took a few steps back.

"It's ok, I'm not here to harm you" I said in the kindest voice, showing my hands. He still wasn't convinced that I meant no harm. So I tucked my hair behind my ear and showed him my ears saying "I'm like you, dear. I mean no harm; I just want to help you return home safely." He stopped walking back and stood there, still not fully trusting me. Hmm I thought for a minute until an Idea came.

"Do you know Raina, the lady who owns the bakery?" I asked, he nodded. "Well I am her granddaughter, so if you come with me I'll make sure you are home and have a hot chocolate. Now how does that sound?" I said, he smiled and nodded. I walked over to him and reached out my hand to him, he slowly took it.

We started walking the way to bakery when I said, "my name is Belle, what is yours, my dear?" looking at his cute brown eyes and curly brown hair as he jumped over a small rock.

He looked up at me with smile and said "Oliver, but people call me Ollie."

After a while, I learnt a lot about Ollie. He had 2 older sisters, his mum's a seamstress and his father is a blacksmith. He likes anything to do with chocolate and likes drawing.

"Do you have any friends Ollie?" he looked down at his feet and shook his head and mumbled.

"People make fun of me because I like art," I stopped and crouched down to his level and lifted his chin so I met his brown eyes.

"You know what Ollie," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"You have the gift of creativity." His eyes looked into mine with so much curiosity

"I do?" I nodded.

"Yes, you can see life with so much beauty Ollie. So many are blind of what lies beyond, but you can capture it and record it."

He looked at me with his eyebrows scrunched and a confused look expressed upon his face. "I can?" I nodded and smiled.

"Ollie, you can discover so much you haven't even realised it yet. I'll let you in on a little secret. The more you discover, the more of a world there is! Never give up Ollie that would be such a waste."

He smiled with so much happiness and pulled me into a tight hug; whispered, "Thank you, Blue Belle."

I laughed and said, "Really, Blue Belle?" he nodded and giggled. "Oh alright I'll let you keep that one" I said, ruffling his hair.


As I opened the front door of my home I heard Raina say, "Belle your home. I was wondering where you were."

"Sorry Raina, I had to help Oliver here," I said hugging his shoulders.

Raina turned around with a soapy plate in her hands. "Oh hello there Ollie," she said with a smile, but then became serious and asked, "What happen this time Ollie?" raising an eyebrow.

Ollie replied, saying "I was looking for berries when I got lost. It got dark so I couldn't see that well. Then suddenly a white owl saved me from being eaten by a fox. A little later Belle found me and showed me the way back."

Raina looked at me with a proud smile and mouthed a 'thank you'. I replied with a nod. I turned to Ollie and said "I promised you a hot chocolate, didn't I?"

He gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen and said "Yes!" which made Raina laugh. She then told us to sit down while she makes us hot chocolate.


I walked with Ollie as he showed me the way to his home. "You know what Ollie?"


"You know that owl you saw tonight?"

He looked at me and said, "yeah?"

"Well her name is Huntress and if you need help or company, just call and she'll come. Same with me but only at night."

He gave me a confused and asked, "Why only at night?"

I smiled and said, "Now that's my secret," and tapped his nose.

We came across a two story cottage, a garden filled with sunflowers was in front. Ollie let go of my hand and raced me to the door, Ollie won.

I knocked on the door and within seconds a frantic looking  woman opened the door. She had a worried look displayed on her face, but when she saw Ollie, She gave him a tight hug and muttered, "Thank god." Ah she must be his mother.

Ollie pulled back from his mother's tight hug and said, "This is Belle. She's Raina's granddaughter. She found me lost in the woods and took me home," he said with a smile. His mother looked at me, she smiled as a tear fell from her eye and pulled me into a hug. "Thank you so much, thank you for helping my boy."


I fell like I won a marathon, This is the longest thing i have written!

What do you think of Oliver? Ollie's Pic on side -->

If you are confuse, comment and ill reply as fast as I can.

Again, I don't own any of the Pictures or videos. I am hopeless at art

Thank you for putting in the effort for even reading this,

Any suggestions on what could happen next?

Thank you again!

Spypuppy, Out! ;)

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