Right to the Night

By Snakehipping-Tom

203K 5.9K 3.2K

After the events of the Dark World, Loki has ascended the throne claiming that Thor has abandoned his people... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Thirty-Eight

2.1K 80 31
By Snakehipping-Tom

As the weeks went by, Loki did his best to contain the rumors, but once people had a reason to stop supporting him, there was no use. His councillors were not even of any help to him and he knew things were going to start to go downhill fast. He was enraged to know that the Warrior's Three had fled the palace, which made his image look even worse. Once he learned of that, he found out the next day from one his army men that they were going around trying to solicit men from the villages to fight with them against his own army to try and take him down. Now, he had to have his army training every day and getting ready for any attack or ambush that might come his way. Each night, he could not sleep in fear that Thor would return. He had to be on high alert for him because he was going to be his undoing.

Elisabete always waited patiently for news of her family from Loki or Iona to know if they were okay. It pained her that she couldn't see them but she knew it was for the best. Some days, Loki would have Ugo visit her to keep her up with her lessons knowing he was a friend to her.

"Ugo, what do you think will happen to us?" Elisabete asked.

"I don't know. But this is serious now, you know that. Men are coming together to get Loki off the throne. They want him dead because they believe he's lied to them." Ugo explained.

"But he hasn't! Why can't they see that?" Elisabete exclaimed, her voice breaking.

"You weren't here when his reputation was ruined. He lied his way through everything. He lost the people's trust and once you lose trust in someone, it is difficult to get it back. Everyone here can act like they like him, but they all hate him and would give anything to see him get what they think he deserves. And now that that moment has come, they are seizing their opportunity." Ugo told her.

"That's ridiculous. He's a good man and I don't get why people can't see him the way I do." Elisabete scoffed.

"Because he doesn't allow people to see that side of him. Yes, he has to be vulnerable but he has to be strong for his people to show that he is capable of ruling. He can be compassionate in his rulings and decisions, but he cannot reveal his true self to them because they minute they see him crack, they will get to him." Ugo explained.

"I'm scared about this. I don't want them to hurt Adelina, my family, or Loki. I love being the queen and I don't want them to take that away from me. I don't want to go back to the lifestyle back in the village. I had no prospects and I had no future. But here...I have one. I can be the best queen Asgard's had. I want Adelina to have a better life than I ever could if I were still in the village. I like it here. I have everything I could have ever wanted." Elisabete explained to him.

"Is that all you care about? Luxury?" Ugo scoffed.

Elisabete was taken back by his tone of voice and furrowed her brow as she thought about his question.

"I thought you were better than that." Ugo stated.

"That's not all I care about. I care about my family and my daughter...and especially Loki. I care more for him more than anything or anyone. Yes, I do like the luxuries that come with being queen but it's not all I care about." Elisabete told him.

"I shall see then if that's true." Ugo spoke as he stood from the table.

Elisabete furrowed her brow as she watched him leave the room as she processed what he had said. I shall see then if that's true. She had no idea what he could mean by that. Nonetheless, she pushed it to the back of her mind since she had other things to worry about but still went to go after him to question him further. Yet when she stood from the table, a wave of nausea fell over her and she collapsed onto the ground. As Ugo walked down the hallway, he soon heard the distressed cries of Adelina. When they didn't stop and they just got louder and pierced through his ears, he knew something was wrong. He rushed back into the room and his eyes widened as he saw Elisabete flat on the floor, not moving. He quickly examined her and when he saw that she was still breathing, rushed out and called for the healers.

In his meeting, Loki was shocked to see that there were only four men there instead of his usual twelve.

"Where is everyone?" Loki asked.

"They are protesting you, my king." One replied.

"Why?" Loki glared at them.

"They will not serve until the rightful king, in their eyes, is on the throne." A second man told him.

"By rightful king they mean Thor don't they?" Loki seethed.

"Yes." A third said softly.

"Very well then. Tell me, what is the news?" Loki sighed.

Before anyone could say anything, Iona rushed in and whispered in Loki's ear about Elisabete. He told the advisors the meeting was postponed and he rushed towards his chambers.

Eir got Elisabete comfortable on the bed after she examined her.

"That was a nasty fall you had. Luckily, you don't have a concussion and you aren't badly injured. Just a few bruises on your arms and side." Eir told her.

"Good." Elisabete sighed happily.

"There is something else." Eir spoke up.

"Well what is it?" Elisabete asked with a smile on her face.

"You're with child." Eir replied.

Elisabete stared at her with no expression. She could not believe what Eir was telling her.

"I'd estimate you're a few weeks in, maybe even a month." Eir told her.

Elisabete shook her head and felt tears come to her eyes. She knew she should be happy to be pregnant but there was something inside of her that told her she shouldn't be. With all this tension going on, a baby could not be any of her concern, or Loki's.

"Are you not pleased with this news?" Eir inquired.

"No, I am. It's just not the right time." She replied.

"Well, I am sure Loki is on his way here now. Do you want me to tell him the news or will you?" Eir asked.

"I will tell him and no one else must know of this." She told her.

"Of course. I suggest you stay in bed and rest for the remainder of the day." Eir instructed.

As she was leaving, Loki rushed in and Elisabete smiled weakly. She wanted to tell him about the baby so much, but she didn't want him to worry over her more than the state of the realm. He already stated to her several times that he did not think she was ready for another child and that he himself wanted to wait. In her mind, Loki did not want another child.

He seated himself on the edge of the bed and took her hands in his, kissing them several times.

"My love, what happened?" Loki inquired.

"It was nothing, just a fall." Elisabete shrugged it off.

"But you fell for a reason. What's wrong?" He asked again.

"It's..." Elisabete trailed off.

"Yes?" He sighed.

She hated seeing the worry on his face. She hated seeing him so stressed out and worried about every little thing that she didn't want to make his life worse by adding on more things to his plate. In her eyes, him not knowing about the pregnancy was better for him, but it was his child and he did have a right to know.

"I just had a fall. I wasn't hydrated enough and I was so worried about what's happening here that it just got to me." Elisabete lied.

"Oh my darling, you have nothing to worry about while I'm here to protect you. You know, you gave me quite the scare right now." Loki chuckled.

"I'm sorry." Elisabete sighed.

"Don't be. Now that I know you're fine, it's alright." Loki smiled.

He kissed her sweetly and laid his hand on her thigh.

"Do you want me to stay here for the rest of the day with you and Adelina?" Loki asked.

"No, you have better things to worry about. We'll be alright here." She replied.

Loki kissed her cheek and left the room. Once he was gone and he closed the doors, Elisabete exhaled sharply, unsure of what to do with herself. As she slept with Loki by her side, the two awoke to a loud commotion happening outside. She watched as Loki rushed out onto the balcony and looked over the city. He came back inside and she furrowed her brow as he began putting on his armor.

"Loki, what's happening?" She asked.

"There's a fight beginning to break out. Some of our men are out there and I don't know who they're fighting against but I assume it's protesters. I'm going to go out and try to resolve the issue. You stay here." Loki told her.

"Protesters?" Elisabete inquired in her groggy state.

"They don't look harmful. I'll be alright and I'll return to you as soon as possible." Loki replied.

He kissed her cheek and quickly left the chambers, locking the doors with his magic. Elisabete could not fall back asleep and sat against the headboard with her hands on her belly. She looked down at it and chuckled softly, shaking her head.

"Now, you better be safe in there. I want you to grow big and strong and survive. Your father will know you exist when the time is right. But for now you just focus on staying healthy." Elisabete whispered.

She giggled softly as she poked at her belly.

"I love you little one. I cannot wait to meet you." Elisabete beamed.

However, as the days went by, more protests broke out. Loki could sense the tension in the palace as he passed by the court members. No one would speak to him except the advisors and councilors that remained loyal to him, which weren't many. He hated that he was losing the trust of his people that he tried so hard to regain. He knew he had lied his way to the throne but he was not a bad person. He wanted to right all his wrongs and he thought he was so close to being looked up to as the prince he once was. Now, everyone was turning on him and he felt even more alone than before, even having Elisabete and his daughter at his side. The army was doing the best they could to keep the protesters out of the palace so they did not form a riot. Walking through the palace, he could hear them all shouting about him and he hated it. Beforehand, he knew everyone whispered about him behind his back and closed doors where he did not have to suffer through it but now it was different. He had to hear everyone call him horrible names that he once called himself. They even protested about having a Jotun on the throne. Loki did his best to stay strong during these times but he didn't know how much longer he could take. To try and make the situation better, Loki stepped onto the balcony of the front of the palace to make an announcement to his people.

"Good citizens of Asgard! I am aware of the rumors that are spreading rapidly through this realm about my honesty towards you in the past four years that I have been your king. I must admit that it is true that my brother, Thor, has returned but his reasons are false. He has declared to me that he has come back to try and take the throne from under me when he knows very well that he gave up his right when he abandoned you for the lowly world of Midgard. He cares more for mortals than his own people. I must also admit that the old king is dead. I watched him die in his bed from his last Odinsleep and we had him buried in a private ceremony. I can assure you that you all can trust me and that I am a changed man. I only wish to make Asgard better than it has ever been in centuries. I care for my people and my home as if they were my own child. You can trust me for I want nothing but the best for my people. Thor has betrayed you by revealing where his true loyalties are. I am loyal to Asgard and, more importantly, to all of you."

As he started to speak, Elisabete heard him from the balcony of their chambers and could faintly make him out from across the courtyard. She smiled brightly and laid her hands on her belly as she listened to him speak. She could hear the desperation in his voice as he pleaded with the people to put their trust in him. Just as she was about to clap, she heard a few people begin to exclaim their hatred towards him and soon began to rally the people in the large crowd to yell at him and shout. As soon as they began to throw items up at him, but miss, he took his leave and made his way back to his chambers. Elisabete walked back inside and locked the balcony doors behind her as she then seated herself at the writing desk. Several minutes later, Loki entered the room and seated himself next to Elisabete.

"I heard your speech." Elisabete stated.

"And?" Loki scoffed.

"You sounded like a great king out there." She replied.

"Well that doesn't matter to them now, does it? No matter what I try to do to make things better, they just spit at my feet and continue to hate me. My advisors have told me that an uprising could happen any day now. They have word that several of the villages are coming together to rebel against me." Loki explained to her.

"What will happen if they do?" Elisabete asked.

"Our army will have to defend us as best they can. Fortunately, that won't be a problem unless my men fight on their side." Loki scoffed.

"That won't happen." Elisabete chuckled lightly.

"Of course it will. Why fight for a man that everyone despises. Those men have fought under Odin for a long time. They know who I am and what I've done to Asgard. They were just waiting for the right moment to leave me." He told her.

"And if they leave you?" Elisabete inquired.

"There will be no one here to defend us but me. If it comes down to it, we'll all have to pack our belongings and I'll teleport us to another realm where we can start our lives over. We'll have to assume new identities." He spoke softly, shaking his head as he looked down at his lap.

Elisabete furrowed her brow and smiled weakly as she laid her hand on his shoulder.

"I've failed them." Loki gasped, trying to hold back his tears.

"Loki, no you haven't, you-"

"Yes, I have!" Loki exclaimed, glaring up at Elisabete.

"Not to me." She grinned.

"Your trust does not matter to me at this moment. One person trusting me over thousands of people does not matter at all. What am I supposed to do with that? My people are supposed to trust me and follow my rule but all because Thor thinks he can...he can..." Loki trailed off.

At this point, he had stood up from his chair and was pacing around the room as Elisabete watched him carefully.

"He can what?" She inquired.

Loki gripped at his hair and groaned with frustration as he shook his head.

"All because Thor thinks he can slander my good name to try and get what he wants! He always gets everything he wants because he's seen as the good prince. Well, he abandoned us and left me here to try and salvage what he ruined here on Asgard. I'm sick and tired of him always getting his way. I just want some recognition and appreciation from my people and right when it's within my grasp, he has to come and crush it all and take it away from me. All because he's returned, those who have always supported him over me can now speak up and destroy my reputation." Loki explained to her.

She walked over to him and took his face in her hands as she tried her best to calm him down.

"It's alright, Loki. You just need some sleep." SHe whispered.

"I can't sleep. I have to stay alert for any potential attack that can happen. I can't let them hurt you or Adelina. I can't-"

"Shhh. It's going to be okay. Just lie down and fall asleep. I will be here with you the whole time. When you wake, you will see my face and know that everything is alright. Please, do this for me. You're making me worry too much over you." Elisabete interjected.

Loki let out a sigh and nodded his head. She helped lead him to the bed and chuckled as he plopped himself down onto the mattress. She then tucked him under the covers and ran her fingers through his hair as she hummed a sweet melody. Every so often, she laid a kiss to his head, temple, and cheeks as she made sure he was fast asleep. When he was asleep, Elisabete remained seated on the bed, watching him as he slept. She knew he needed her the most at this moment and she didn't want to leave him in such a state. Several hours went by and Loki awoke slowly. When he opened his eyes, he blinked a few times to get adjusted to his surroundings and smiled seeing Elisabete still sitting next to him.

"How are you feeling?" Elisabete asked.

"A little better." Loki replied, clearing his throat.

"That's good. Even if it's a little bit, that's really good." She chuckled.

"What time is it?" He sighed as he sat up against the headboard.

"Just about dinner time. I had asked one of the guards outside to fetch Iona to get us dinner." She told him.

"How is Adelina?" He asked.

"She's fine. Just woke from her nap and is hungry too." Elisabete chuckled.

Loki looked over at the crib and smiled seeing her bouncing as she gripped the crib. Elisabete walked over to her and took her into her arms before sitting back down on the bed. Adelina fisted her hands several times as she reached towards Loki and he smiled brightly taking her in his arms. She rested her head against his chest and he kissed the top of her head as he rubbed her back. He loved that his daughter loved him so much, without even knowing his wrong doings, which made him feel even worse. He couldn't understand why he was lying to the two people he loved most at this point. His plan to keep them with him seemed unclear in his mind. He knew that if they truly loved him, they would never leave him. Elisabete loved him for who he was inside and out and she deserved nothing but the truth from him.

As he looked at Adelina, he sensed that something terrible was going to happen in the days to come. He knew an attack was imminent and there was nothing he could do.

"What do you want to do?" Elisabete asked.

"If I'm to be honest, I have to admit I'm defeated. There's nothing else I can do to make this better. All there is left to do is wait for an attack so we can go and live our lives happily." Loki told her.

"Are you sure?" She inquired.

"I'm sorry but there's nothing else I can do. This is out of my power. They don't care what I say or what I do. All they care about is him. That's how it's always been." Loki explained.

"Why don't we leave now? Pack everything and just go?" Elisabete asked.

"Because maybe I can try and earn the trust. I know there are people that still support me in the villages and city. As long as Thor doesn't come back, I might still have a chance." Loki told her.

"If that is what you wish, then I shall stand by you with whatever else you decide to do. I trust you." Elisabete said softly.

"You really are too good for me. And don't try to argue with me on it because you are. You honestly don't deserve someone like me. I love you for staying with me and treating me so kindly but you can do a lot better than me. I am nothing in their eyes." Loki explained.

"But you're everything in mine," Elisabete told him. "I could care less what they think about you. I do deserve you because I love you and I've never loved anyone else but you. You make me happy and you make me smile and laugh. You've given me a better life and I am so thankful for that. I know who you really are. No matter what happens in these coming days or weeks...I will never leave your side. I will stand by you through it all because I trust you. I believe what you tell me because I know you could never lie. You're a changed man and you're different than the boy you once were. I will stand by you until the day we die and then I will continue to do so when we are in Valhalla."

Loki just held Adelina closer to him as she cooed. He looked down at her and smiled weakly as his eyes brimmed with tears seeing that she was looking up at him. She smiled brightly, showing him the very few teeth she had growing and reached up to grab at his hair. She cooed softly and Loki hated knowing he was lying to someone as innocent as her. This girl was pure. She hadn't asked to be born and the more he thought about it, the more he realized she was just like Faust. He would go to the ends of the world to keep her safe from any harm, but he didn't know how to keep her protected from the harm he was doing to himself, his family, and the people of Asgard. He kissed her head and pulled back as he brushed back her hair.

"When she grows up, she's going to love you so much. And the other children we may have will also love you more than I can tell you." Elisabete spoke.

Loki grinned as he caressed Adelina's cheek.

"Isn't that right, love? You love da-da?" Elisabete giggled.

"Da-da." Adelina cooed.

Loki and Elisabete looked up at one another and then back at Adelina with wide eyes. Loki laughed softly as he nodded his head.

"That's right. Da-da." He spoke through his tears.

"Da-da!" She exclaimed.

The two laughed together and shortly after Iona came in with their dinner. She set it on the writing desk and Elisabete walked over to her as Loki played with Adelina in his lap.

"Is there anything else you need, Elisabete?" She inquired.

"Prepare for the worst to come. I want you to pack your things and go back to your village." Elisabete replied softly.

"What?" Iona scoffed.

"Do as I say. Pack your belongings from here in the maid's quarters and go home. But I do ask that if it comes down to it, you will accept me, my family, and Loki into your home if we have to escape from here. Will you do that for me?" She told her.

"Of course. I'll do anything you require of me." Iona nodded her head.

"Go now. Be with your family and stay safe." Elisabete smiled.

SHe kissed her cheek and Iona kept eye contact with her over her shoulder as she exited the room. As Loki and Elisabete went to bed, neither could fall asleep. They both knew something terrible was going to happen soon but neither was going to tell the other. Loki turned to face her and chuckled lightly as he moved closer to her.

"I've never known you to not be able to sleep." Loki commented.

"I'm just worried." Elisabete admitted.

"Don't be. I'm the one that does the worrying for us." Loki grinned.

"I can't help it." She sighed.

Loki wrapped his arms around her and kissed her sweetly.

"Nothing is going to happen to us. Thor will not find Odin since he is dead. I watched him die from his Odinsleep. This will all wash over us." Loki whispered in her ear.

"Are you certain?" She asked.

"No, but you can trust me to protect you." Loki replied.

Elisabete chuckled and shook her head as she laid her head against his chest. He cradled her head to him and ran his fingers through her hair while his free hand rubbed up and down her back to try and soothe her to sleep. The next morning, the two were having their breakfast with Adelina in Loki's lap. It wasn't until the two heard the Bifrost going off that they knew something terrible was going to happen. In the distance, they could hear cheers and exclamations and Loki knew why.

"What do we do?" Elisabete asked.

"We stay here and we keep eating." Loki replied nonchalantly.

"Why? That's clearly Thor out there." She scoffed.

"If he has come back to fight with me and argue, he can come find me. I'm not backing down from him. I'm not a coward. Besides, he has nothing to prove to us. He will come here empty handed and I will prevail." Loki explained.

"Alright." Elisabete said softly.

She watched as he continued to eat his meal with no worries, even feeding Adelina from his plate every so often. She picked at the remainder of her food and as every minute passed them by, she knew Thor was getting closer to them and he would soon be bursting through the door demanding Loki's head. She could hear the people shouting with joy and as soon as they died down, she knew he was in the palace. In the distant, she could make out heavy footsteps and she braced herself for what was about to happen. As soon as their chambers doors opened, she jumped and let out a little gasp from the fright. She kept her head down, not even wanting to look at him in the doorway. Loki, however, put on a smile as he turned to look at Thor. he saw Sif by his side but his smile quickly vanished when he saw not only Heimdall at his side, but Odin.

"Loki, you better start telling me the truth right this second." Thor stated.

Elisabete finally willed herself to look up at the doorway and furrowed her brow seeing Odin standing before them. She looked at Loki and when he turned back to face her, she could see the tears and regret in his eyes as he shook his head.

"You said he was dead. You told us he was. You said you watched him die." Elisabete spoke softly.

"I'm afraid Loki hasn't been completely honest with you." Thor told her.

"What? Loki, what's he talking about? How is Odin still alive?" Elisabete inquired.

"Go on, Loki. Tell her. Tell her everything that you've done." Thor seethed.

The four of them entered the room and Loki had the demeanor of a scolded child.

"Elisabete, please understand that I only did what I thought was right." Loki began.

"Loki, you would never lie to me. You said you wouldn't. How is he alive?" Elisabete asked.

"He had me banished, girl. The minute he returned from Svartalfheim, he banished me to Midgard." Odin replied.

She furrowed her brow and shook her head, chuckling softly.

"You must be mistaken but we all watched you get sent off down the river. Your body was in that boat." Elisabete stated.

"Loki, Heimdall has told me everything you have done so there is no point in lying anymore." Thor told him.

"Loki?" Elisabete asked.

He looked down at his plate and Elisabete gritted her teeth together as she clenched her jaw.

"Look at me." She demanded.

He slowly picked his head and looked at her with wide eyes. She willed herself not to cry but could not help her eyes from tearing up.

"Have you been lying to me?" She asked him quietly.

"Tell her what you did to make it seem like Odin was dead." Sif spoke up.

"Loki, please tell me the truth." Elisabete begged.

"If I do, you'll leave me and I'll be all alone." Loki whispered, his voice breaking as he choked back his tears.

"I won't. I will never leave you and you know this." She told him.

She reached her hand out towards him and Thor scoffed, causing her to look up at him.

"If you stay with him, you'll be making a terrible choice." Thor told her.

"Why?" She huffed, glaring up at him.

"Listen, I am not the one you should be angry with." He chuckled.

"You abandoned your people. You left us when we needed our prince the most and Loki had to fix it all-"

"He fixed nothing!" Thor exclaimed.

Elisabete sat back in her seat and Loki hushed Adelina as she began to fuss.

"I had a conversation with who I thought was Odin. I told my father that I did not want to be king. I felt that ruling was not meant for me after all and I asked if I could go to Midgard. He agreed and I took my leave willingly. I never once abandoned Asgard. I would never do that because I am loyal. He has fed you nothing but lies this whole time and you have bought into them that you cannot see the truth." Thor explained to her.

"He's right." Loki stated.

With his confession, everyone in the room was shocked as they turned their attention towards him. Elisabete furrowed her brow and bit her lip, shaking her head.

"What?" She asked.

"I have lied to you countless times and I have lied to everyone in Asgard," Loki began to explain. "When I returned from Svartalfheim, I shapeshifted into a guard to tell Odin that I had died. Odin saw through my magic and was about to call for the guards until I knocked him unconscious. I quickly had him sent through to Midgard, which wasn't easy because I had to distract Heimdall by getting him out of the Bifrost. Once Odin was gone, I returned to the palace and killed the first guard I saw. I then used my magic to make him look like Odin. He was the man everyone saw in the boat."

Elisabete gasped softly and shook her head as she felt her tears roll down her cheeks.

"Why? Why lie?" She inquired.

"If I told them the truth, they would just see me as the bastard son and try to let someone else at court rule. I did what had to be done." Loki told her.

"You didn't have to kill and lie your way to the throne." She scoffed.

Although she felt hurt that Loki had lied to her about how he assumed the throne, she still knew she would stay by his side.

"That is not all he has lied about." Heimdall stated.

"I think you should know about what really happened to your ex-husband." Sif said.

Elisabete looked back at Loki and cocked her head to the side, waiting for him to speak.

"You know he was a bad man and he hurt you. He was horrible to you and I did not stand for it." Loki argued.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"My queen, he went against your wishes of leaving him alone and had the guards take him to the palace. They tied him to a chair in his observatory. Loki went to argue with him and it escalated to the point that Loki beat him almost to death before plunging his dagger into his heart." Heimdall explained.

Her jaw dropped as she stared at Loki with wide eyes.

"This is why you forbade me from sending his mother letters? Because you were afraid people would find out you killed him?" Elisabete gasped.

"And that is not the only person he has killed." Sif brought up.

"Yes, it is not. Do indulge us on the whereabouts of my son." Thor stated.

"Your bastard is in the city with a lovely family." Loki told him.

"Loki, I suggest you tell us the truth because I will not hesitate to kill you right now for what you have done to my boy." Thor hissed.

Elisabete furrowed her brow and snapped her head to look at Loki. In that moment, Loki's blood boiled as his heart raced in his chest. He couldn't tell them what he did and especially not in front of Elisabete. He knew that he was at the end of his rope and there was nothing else he could do. As he glanced at Elisabete, he could see in her eyes and by her body language that he was losing her trust and he burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, Thor! I'm sorry for what I did to him. I regret it. I do! This is not fake for what I did was horrible and I truly hate myself over it. And what hurts even more is that Heimdall had to show me his dead body in the ocean! I'm sorry!" Loki wailed.

Adelina began to cry as Elisabete's eyes widened. She stood from the table and backed away from him as she covered her mouth. Sif walked over to her and tried to calm her down. She gripped Elisabete's arms and quietly told her to breathe. Her chest heaved with every breath she took and her mind was racing as she felt the bile in her throat begin to come up. She forced it back down and sobbed as she stared at Loki.

"What have you done?" She whispered.

Loki looked up at her with his tear stained cheeks and did his best to get his words out.

"I did what I thought was right, Elisabete. Please understand that." He cried.

"Heimdall, please tell her for I cannot speak about the ungodly crime he has committed to my son." Thor said, his voice breaking.

"My queen...he may have told you that he was sending the boy off to a family in the city, but he lied to you. He ordered two guards to take the boy to the rainbow bridge where they shackled his hands and ankles together before putting a bag over his head and pushing him into the ocean where he drowned in a matter of minutes. The whole time he had been crying for his mother." Heimdall explained to her.

He put his head down and Thor's fists were clenched at his sides as the tears rolled down his face.

"He killed my son. He killed him without a moment's hesitation. I deserved to see my son. He was my child and now you sit here flaunting yourself with your own child in your lap." Thor spat at him.

"I am sorry, Thor. I regretted it the moment it had been done. I was thinking straight. I was just so angry with Sanit for having slept with you. Please, try to understand that it was a mistake." Loki pleaded with Thor.

"A mistake? This was no mistake, Loki, you wanted my son dead! I should have your daughter killed when I take back the throne so you will know what it is like." Thor told him.

Loki sobbed as he shook his head, gripping Adelina to his chest. The room grew quiet as Elisabete stared at Loki and Adelina. They all turned to face her as they waited for her reaction.

"Elisabete?" Loki asked.

She stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say. She cried silently and she had no idea what to say. However, she felt completely betrayed by him. She could have dealt with him lying about Odin's death and the whereabouts of Edric, but to lie about an innocent child and having him sentenced to death was the last straw for Elisabete. As she thought about it, she realized that everything Loki has most likely said to her has been a lie. Her entire relationship with Loki was based on his lies and there was nothing concrete. She fully gave herself to a liar, scoundrel, and murderer without even really thinking about it. Her love for him had blinded her from seeing the real him. In her eyes, the great man she thought him to be was replaced by this horrid, disgusting, creature of a man. She gave him everything and she gave up everything to be with him. She brought her family here because she trusted him to give them a better life. Her family swore their loyalty to him and followed him because they believed in him. She felt her body go numb as she looked at him. As she looked over his face, she saw the tears and the regret he had for what he did, but she could not see the Loki she fell in love with. She hated this new Loki and she wanted nothing to do with him. She could not stand by this Loki...she could not stand by a murderer. She then looked down and saw Adelina in his arms and her maternal instincts kicked in.

"Loki..." She trailed off.

"Elisabete, I killed him for you." Loki stated.

"What?" She gasped.

"He was Thor's heir. I knew if the people ever rebelled, they would make Faust the heir and our children would never rule." Loki explained.

"And you thought killing an innocent child was the answer to that problem?" Elisabete asked him calmly.

"I wasn't thinking straight but know this. Everything I did was for you. I did what I had to do to ensure no one harmed us. I did this all for you. You have made me a better man and I am changed. I regret everything I have done but it was all for you." Loki replied, choking back his sobs.

She slowly stepped towards him and kept her eyes on Adelina the whole time.

"Elisabete? Please, say something. Anything. Let me know you're still on my side. You're still on my side, no? You said you wouldn't leave me." Loki chuckled lightly.

"Loki, please give me Adelina." She spoke.

"You said you wouldn't leave me." He whispered.

"I said give her to me." Elisabete glared at him.

"Don't take her from me." Loki shook his head.

Elisabete was at Loki's side and wrapped her arms around Adelina. He held onto her tightly and Elisabete sobbed as she tried to take her from his grasp.

"Hand her over to me, Loki." She cried.

"You two are all I have left. Don't take her from me. Please." Loki gasped.

The girl began to wail as the two got into a tug-of-war with her.

"She's upset you're trying to take her from me. Please, don't take her from me, Elisabete! I love her!" Loki sobbed.

His chest heaved as his limbs grew numb, not being able to grip onto Adelina any longer. Once she was in Elisabete's arms, Elisabete rushed towards Sif away from Loki. He stood from the table and took a few steps towards her. His face was red and stained with his tears as he felt his body go numb as well. His heart was beating in his throat as he sobbed uncontrollably. Thor ordered Heimdall and Odin to leave the room to tell the realm the news. Thor walked over to Elisabete and smiled at her softly.

"I am sorry you had to fall for his tricks and believed his lies. He is a horrible man. Now, you see him for who he really is." Thor whispered.

Elisabete cradled Adelina's head to her chest and di her best to calm her down. Loki gripped onto the edge of the table as he reached out to the two of them. He looked directly into Elisabete's eyes, begging her to stay with him.

"You told me you wouldn't leave me. You told me you loved me, Elisabete. I still love you. I love you with all my heart. But it is true...this is who I really am. You always thought I was a good man but now who see me in my true form. I am a monster." Loki explained.

Elisabete remained silent as she looked into his eyes. Before, if she had looked into his eyes, she would have gotten lost in them but now, she saw nothing. In her eyes, Loki was as good as dead.

"Please, let me hold her. Let me tell her I love her. Let me do that." He whispered.

Loki fell to his knees and crawled towards Elisabete. He put his head down on the floor and gripped her ankles. She kept her head up, not once looking down at him.

"How can I trust you with our child when you would murder another like it was nothing?" Elisabete questioned him.

"It was a mistake." Loki sobbed.

"A mistake! Deciding to murder a child is no mistake. How can I trust you with our child? How can I trust you to care for the child in my belly now?" Elisabete exclaimed.

Her eyes widened as his did as well and his expression softened as he stared up at her.

"You're with child? And you didn't tell me?" Loki gasped.

"Why should you care if I told you or not when you could not even tell me about murdering a baby!" She shouted at him.

"I am begging you to stay with me. I need you more than anything right now. I will surely die without you by my side. You two are all I have left in this world. Show me some sympathy. Show me that you still love me. That's all I ask." Loki pleaded with her as he looked up at her.

She stood her ground and shook her head.

"You should have thought about that before you murdered an innocent child." She spoke loudly.

She kicked his hands off of her and he stared at the wall before him. She walked towards the doors and Loki stood from the floor, rushing towards her. Elisabete gasped as he gripped her arm and turned her around. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Elisabete groaned as she pushed him away from her. Loki stumbled back into Thor and before he could rush back towards Elisabete, Thor wrapped his arms around Loki's chest and held him there as he bucked and thrashed at him.

"Why would you ever lie to me? You told me you could never lie to me! I gave my entire self to you and this is how you repay me? You're sick! What make you think that lying to me was a good idea?" Elisabete yelled at him.

"I lied to you because I wanted to keep the truth of who I was from. I did it so you wouldn't see who I truly was." Loki cried.

"Did you ever love me?" Elisabete asked him, her voice breaking.

"Yes! I loved you from the beginning. I always have, Elisabete. That is the truth." Loki replied.

"I want to believe that's true, but I don't know what to believe anymore." Elisabete told him.

"I speak the truth when I say I love you! Please, believe me on that. This is who I truly am, but I still love you and I always have." Loki explained.

"I'm sorry, Loki." Elisabete whispered.

She turned around and left the room. Once she was gone, Loki's eyes widened as he realized the worst had just happened. All his lies had gotten back to him and she had left him to fend for himself. He knew that he would be executed once Thor got back on the throne and he didn't know how to handle it. When she left, Loki let out a gut-wrenching scream and Thor released him, letting him fall to the ground. Thor turned around to Sif and she nodded her head.

"Leave him here and let him drown in his own tears." Sif stated.

As the two exited the room, Sif spat at his body and slammed the doors shut. Loki sat up on the floor and stared at the empty crib near the bed and wailed. His fingertips and lips tingled as he let out all his emotions. He used his magic to lock the chamber doors and did not even bother trying to go after Elisabete. It was all over for them and he had to accept it. He had to accept that he was going to die. And worst of all, he had to accept that Elisabete did not love him anymore. 

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