Kia Story

By Queen_Kalia

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Kia is a 17 year old Senior in high School living with her mother, stepdad and 6 year old sister. Her life wa... More

Part 1 Normal
Part 2 Meeting James
Part 3 Sex
Part 5 Hidding The Belly
Part 6 Telling Mom Im pregnant
Part 7 Finding James
Part 8 Having my baby
Part 9 Home with KaLoni
Part 10 Little Sister Birthday
Part 11 Living with James

Part 4 Pregnant

16 0 0
By Queen_Kalia

                       It was 12:20am Friday morning when I found out I was pregnant by James. It was the

 most scariest thing for me because I'm only 17 and never been pregnant before. I was asleep 

and jumped up out my bed to run into the bathroom and throw up inside the toilet. That was the

 moment I start feeling funny all day. After I throw up , I went back to sleep like nothing never 

happened. When the sun came up, I got into the shower like any other normals day of my going 

to school. I knew something was changing about my body, I just couldn't find out. James called 

me but I didn't answer because I wasn't feeling good and needed to use the bathroom. He 

texted me , babe call me, I want to take you to this new movie then later have some fun.   I knew

 he was talking about fucking after the movie, when he said ''fun''. I wasn't in the mood for sex. 

   At that moment I didn't know what to reply because I don't know if I feel good enough to seat 

in a movie for 2 hours. I put the phone on the charger ignoring his text and got back to getting 

ready for school. My best friend knocked on my door and my mom let her in, she came upstairs 

and I told her how my I wasn't feeling good. She looked at me and stood back giving me a "you

 better not be pregnant look" shit I didn't need her to look at me like that because I know i'm not

 pregnant. We walk to school everyday by ourself, so my mom didn't say anything. My mom was 

leaving out the door taking my little sister to school, my step dad was already on his way to work

 and my best friend and I start walking to school. 

Me: "this shit is hurting"

Bestfriend: "before we go into school, left stop by the store"

Me: "for what?"

Bestfriend: "so you can get a club soda, that always help me and my mom when our stomach 


That wasn't the type of pain I was feeling but I kept quiet because I wasn't sure , so I thought 

that might work. 

Me: " sure, let's go now!" 

Bestfriend: "alright" 

We start working toward the store and my stomach start getting more and more tight. I told her 

we need to speed walk so I can get it in time before I throw back up.  I didn't know what the fuck

 was going on with my stomach but the shit was wrong 

When I finally got the club soda , I drank the whole thing and nothing change, I just had to fart a 

lot. I lied to my bestfriend by telling her the club soda work but I was still feeling weak. When we 

go to school we hugged as usual and went to our different classes. I couldn't hold it back 

anymore, I ran out the class and went into the bathroom so I can throw up. This was the 2nd 

time I did it today , once at 12am and now in first period. Something wasn't right and my body 

was telling me whatever it was I couldn't throw it up. I ask to go home and my mom said yes it 

was okay. I didn't tell my best friend I went home early until lunch when she called me

Best friend: " so , why people had to tell me my best friend left me at school?"

Me: "sorry, I know, I just wasn't feeling good enough to do the whole day, but after school come 

to my house!"

Best friend:" yea , okay , I'll see you later , it's almost last period anyway" 

Me: "okay I love you"

Best friend: "no you don't , else you would have texted me and we would have left together "

Me:" please don't do this! " 

Best friend: "love you too Kia , bye"

I knew my best friend and she wasn't feeling being at school alone because kids talk about her

 when she alone. I called James because I need to see what's wrong.

Me: "James ? I don't know if I can go to the movies because I haven't been feeling well, I throw 

up two times today!

James: "WHAT? did you eat something bad "

Me: "No, can you take me to the doctor?"

James: "yea baby meet me in our spot!"

I was happy James agreed to taking me to the hospital. At this age I can go alone without a 

parent with me, so that was good. The whole time I was in the car I kept my head down and 

thinking very hard.  All i kept thinking was, I better not be pregnant

Me: "I hope I'm not pregnant" 

James: "don't talk like that"

Me: " and if I am"

 the way this asshole said that it made me think that he didn't want my baby 

James: "you know what we have to do" 

I just looked at him in a weird way because the James I knew , went out the window and some

 other guy showed up. He wasn't caring and loving like he always be toward me. He seem angry 

a little at the thought me might being pregnant with his baby. He didn't say nothing the whole 

ride to the hospital but I can feel the anger in the air. We finally pulled up to the hospital and I 

couldn't believe the words that came out James mouth.

James: "Now Kia, listen baby, im not ready to be another father"


I start getting very mad and start yelling at him because he never told me or I never seen 

anything about a baby.

James: "Calm down baby, the mother live out of state and she never let me see the kid , I only 

seen a picture ."

I couldn't believe the shit I heard, he kept this a secret as I kept him a secret from everyone. So I 

shut up and took it as we both doing the same thing. I got out the car and walk into the clinic 

side of the hospital. I waited for 20 mins and a lady called me to the back so I can do my 

pregnancy test. Once I did my test she told me she'll call me in 3 hours so I should go home and 

expect a call from her. I walked back to the car and James was outside the car talking to some 

guy. I didn't say anything to them, I just got in the car and was ready to go home and get a call. I 

was looking at the time the min I walked out the clinic area. He finally got in the car and drove 

off without saying a word.

James:" what happen? You pregnant?

Me: " she told me , she'll call me back in 3 hours for the results"

From the look in his face, that was something he didn't want to hear but that's the same way I 

felt. I needed to know right then and there. I looked at my phone and it was 2:58pm. My 

bestfriend was almost out of school and on he way to my house. Our school let out at 3;00pm, 

and I was still with James. He turned his music up and start raping alone to the

 song by Lud Foe- Recuperate. I didn't know the words so I just seat there thinking about being a 

parent. He dropped me off at our stop and I walked one block up to my house. When I got to my 

house my bestfriend was walking up the block also. I guess I got back just in time. We went into 

my house and got into our everyday routine. Playing music , eating and dancing , everything but 

doing homework. I got a call from the lady at the clinic while my bestfriend dance and sing 


to Ciara-Ride. I walked into the bathroom to answer the call.

Me: "hello"

Operator: "Hi is this Kia Jackson Shurillo?"

Me:" yes' 

Operator: "Hi this Morgan from the clinic and I was calling to tell you your pregnancy test results"

Me:" okay I'm listening" 

Operator:" congratulations Ms. Kia you are pregnant , and if you have any questions please feel 

free to come in or give us a call"

I stood there and shock, hard to believe what I heard. I dropped the phone and feel to my knees 

crying and screaming. My best friend ran into the bathroom rapping her arms around me and 

asking me what's wrong with me. I told her I was pregnant and she start getting excited and start

 crying tears of joy for me while I was crying in anger and confusion. She never once asked me

 who was the father , she just said she was going to be the untie of the baby. I called James fast 

and told him the news but he hung up on me and didn't want nothing to do with me, I start 

crying Because I was in love with him and now I'm having his baby and he didn't want anything 

to do with me. I couldn't believe how James was acting about this situation. He was acting 

mature when we was fucking but now reality kicked in and he don't want part of it. The hardest 

part of me having this baby is no one knows about it, not even my mom. My best friend was the 

only one who knew and she was excited to be a auntie. I love my best friend because she made 

me see this pregnancy as something different then I thought. She made me feel like being 

pregnant was a gift from god and that I should be happy he gave it to me because some women 

can't get pregnant. I just had to find a way to tell my mom. ☹️now this is where the hardest part 

of this all start.

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