Open Your Eyes \\ TeenWolf

Από wondersland

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❝Everyone's masks crumble around me, whether they let them consciously or not, they just always do.❞ \\extend... Περισσότερα

Open Your Eyes
How It Began
Bargain With A Beast
Just My Imagination
Awkward first meeting
Cupcakes And...Howls?
Not Tonight
The Blame Game
Unexpected Visit
Rain Check
Windows And Doors Are Not The Same Thing
Misunderstandings Of Demon Blood
Coffee Can Be A Real Pain Sometimes
Early Morning Pickup
Don't Fool Yourself
Doctors Visit
Sometimes The Truth is Uglier
A Visit and A Few Promises

Close Calls

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Από wondersland


"No Ana I don't." I pick at my food in hopes that she'll change the subject, but nope apparently that's to much to ask for.

"Oh come on, Claire. I'm pretty sure that if you somehow don't have a boyfriend you're probably digging some guy." I drop my fork and sigh. I haven't known Ana long enough to confine in her what happened to me almost three years ago, but I know she'd drop the subject if I told her.

I look up to protest but she beats me to it. "Don't try lying to me cause I have a sixth sense for these type of things." I know she's just joking around, but honestly with what's going on in this world I wouldn't doubt it if she actually does.

"The answer is still no." I reply in an almost monotone voice just as her pager goes off. Oh thank Destiel, I mentally sigh in relief.

"Don't think we're done here." She says picking up her stuff. I grin and wave as she looks at me irritated that she doesn't have anymore time to pepper me with questions.

She leaves and I quickly unlock my phone. I've been trying to drop hints here and there to tell the boys who the alpha is. And as long as Peter doesn't find out then I'm in the clear.

'Stiles are you tracing those messages.'

'I was thinking of doing that today'

Moments like these make me really appreciate Stiles brain...even if it's often filled with sarcastic remarks for every little thing someone says, or really plain out stupid ideas that somehow almost always end with either him or Scott in trouble---but ya besides that.

'sounds good'

'okay but you'd think that with your brains you'd have done it yourself '

' -_- just hurry and stop being a little pooper.'

' alright potty mouth I'll get to it afterschool.'  

I roll my eyes. I do say bad words, I mean, assbutt for example. Although that's the worst I have and will ever say.


I had just finished with a patient when my phone started to have a fit in my pocket. Wedging the phone in between my cheek and shoulder I continue writing.


'Hey, hi Claire we found out who sent the messages well rather where then who and your not going to believe it.'

'Well I already don't know how I believe a human being can talk that fast. So shoot.' I respond walking into an empty hall.

'It came from your mom's computer at the hospital.' I grip onto my clipboard tighter, unfortunately I can't tell him I already know who it is and right now I'm seriously regretting my decision.

'Claire? You still there?'

'Ya I'll meet you in the front.' I quickly glance around afraid that someone will hear my conversation.

'Okay I'm in the parking lot I'll wait out here.' He hangs up and I proceed to walking at a speed that won't make me look like an idiot but still shows that I'm in a hurry.

Stepping outside of the hospital I instantly wrap my work coat tighter around me. Why do I live in a place where the wind is so freezing it hurts my face?

Glancing around the parking lot I finally catch sight of the blue jeep and a hand frantically waving me over. Muttering a couple of choice words under my breath I walk over to the driver's window.

"Hey how's it going Sterek." I greet, once the window is rolled all the way down.

They both look at each other confused before looking back at me. "Claire who the hell are you talking to?" Derek questions, making me bite down on my tongue to hold back my laughter.

"Stiles and Derek equals Sterek." I inform them, like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I swear these two need to get up to speed with how things work on Tumblr nowadays.

They both give me a look that's somewhere between a cross of questioning my age and questioning my sanity. "Just go in there with Stiles and go check on my uncle." Derek instructs, in his usual trying to act like he doesn't feel any emotions tone.

"He's in the intensive care section right." I rub my hands together to keep them warm. He nods while looking forward in his seat. "I checked on him that one time remember? I haven't been going around snooping on you or your family." I reassure him, noticing how tense he is.

"Thanks." He mumbles so quietly that I almost don't hear it. I give him a small smile even though I know he won't return it.

Stiles starts to point between Derek and I. "Are you guys...?"

"Friends. Ya why?" I ask confused at what the big deal is. Wait, it must have to do with the fact that they don't trust him all that much.

He closes his mouth before grinning at me like hes just discovered the secret to the fountain of youth. "I know something you don't." Stiles sing-songs in the most contempt voice I've ever heard someone use. I give him a nice big eye roll.

"And what would that be? Wait let me guess does it have anything to do with being of the male gender." I retort, rubbing my arms to keep myself from freezing. Geez I could use the sun in L.A right about now.

"Do either one of you plan on leaving anytime today?" Derek cuts in irritated. I step back as Stiles opens the door and gets out. We both turn and walk towards the front entrance.

"Well someone's back to their usual happy mood." Stiles says sarcastically, while shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Stiles you do know that he can probably hear you right?" He stiffens in place before speed walking the rest of the way inside leaving me to question why the heck I'm helping.

He's like family that's why I'm helping, he's like family that's why I'm helping. I mentally chant to myself before entering the hospital.

Stiles and I hurriedly make our way over to the intensive care section as he pulls out his phone. I can't help but freak out the whole way knowing what we're walking into.

'No we haven't seen her.' We turn into a hallway before walking into Peter's room. Opening the door we're greeted by a whole lot of nothing. Oh great he's not even here.

'Ya well he's not here either.' Stiles pauses. 'He's not here. He's gone Derek.'

I rub my hand down my face. If he's already willing to be seen walking around then that can't be good. "Stiles we need to get out of here." I say urgently.

"What? Claire we still need to find Derek's uncle." He replies, confused at to why I want to leave.

I grab his arm and lead him to the door. "No you don't get it Stiles it's him. He's the alpha." Derek must have figured it out too because he's yelling at us to get out of the room over the phone.

We scramble out the door and out into the hallway, but hey wouldn't you know it Peter is already there blocking our path.

"You must be Stiles. And nice to see you again Claire." He grins but it comes out more as a grimace then anything friendly. Backing up we turn to head down the other end of the hall, but his nurse blocks that way too.

"What are you doing here?" She questions.

"Jennifer move out of the way." I instruct, tired with having have helped them for this long.

"Claire you know better then anyone that visiting hours are over." She sneers, stepping closer. Stiles steps back but I grab him knowing that the option behind us isn't exactly any better.

"Always so observant aren't we." Peter says, taking a step forward. "But you more then anyone. Isn't that right Claire."

Stiles starts to look frantically between Peter and his nurse. "Oh my God we're dead."

Peter smiles before walking up in front of us. I shove Stiles behind me not liking the little distance we have between Peter. I may have been contemplating on whether or not helping him out earlier, but there's no way in hell I'm letting Peter hurt my family.

"Now, now, Claire I wouldn't go and waste such a gift." He informs me, caressing my cheek. It takes everything inside of my not to cower back, but I wont show him any fear, although he might be able to smell a hint of it off of me.

"Maybe I should give you the bite too." Peter contemplates, tracing his finger down my neck. I can't help but feel my eyes widen as my breath catches in my throat. He stops, noticing my expression and laughs, but it comes out more as a serial killer laugh. "But we wouldn't want to make Derek mad now would we?"

We all turn at the sound of something hitting the ground. Oh thank Hale, I think while backing up to a wall next to Stiles. I close my eyes still feeling the creepy bastard's fingers on my neck. That was incredibly way to of a close call for me.

"That's not nice she's my nurse." Peter says, but it's obvious to anyone with a functioning brain that he really could care less.

"She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people." Derek retorts. "Get out of the way." He instructs Stiles and I.

"Ah damn." Stiles mutters before pulling me to the floor. In what movie or tv show has a human in the middle of a werewolf fight ever come out fine. . .I'm freaking out I can't think of any!

"You think I wanted to kill her." Peter exclaims, making Derek's eyes flashes blue. Oh great he's suppose to be on our side and his eyes just flashed blue.

He lunges at Peter who easily sends him crashing into a nearby wall. Stiles and I scramble out of the way. He makes a face nearly having touched Jennifer's body before we both move out of the way again.

Peter grabs his nephew up by the neck and starts to drag him down the hall. He lets him drop before crouching down and grabbing Jennifer's key. That is so wrong on so many levels. They continue on with their werewolf fighting montage leaving us, the two humans, to try and avoid getting hit by one of them.

I've seen way too many movies that always have someone getting knocked out because somebody else was thrown on them, and Stiles and I aren't exactly heavy weight boxers. We back up again and Stiles nearly rams me into the wall.

I monition to him to stop almost ramming me into walls. Which is basically me throwing my hands around in a whole bunch of different directions. He starts throwing his arms around everywhere too, but then his eyes go wide.

I feel pressure around my neck and before I know it I'm standing in front of Derek--in Peter's grip. "You see the mutation in her eyes. They're gray but the violet is quite dominant around the pupil. Quite unique wouldn't you agree." He explains, as if he were a scientist observing a specimen.

"Okay I'm sure we're all very well aware of the fact that my eyes are different. So would you let me go." I struggle against his grip, but ya like that's going to do much against an alpha.

His claws start to softly brush my face, causing me to stop my struggling. "But as unique as she may seem she's just like everyone else. She has something to hide."

My body instantly stiffens and Derek gets up off the floor staring us both down. "Its a very interesting--"

The sound of metal hitting something hard fills the air right before I forcefully get shoved to the side. Instinct kicks in and my hands hit the floor first keeping my face, thankfully, from colliding with the tile. Okay I think I've had enough close calls for the rest of the week now.

"Both of you get out of here now!" I get up and see Derek trying to hold Peter down, key word trying. Not wasting any time Stiles and I run to a less werewolf populated section of the hospital. How the heck did no one honestly not hear any of what just happened!?

Slowing down near the front desk I turn to Stiles. "Never. And I repeat never let anyone say that your just a sidekick." He grins and we head out to the parking lot.

I put two and two together and saw that Stiles had hit Peter in the back with something metal giving Derek the chance to knock Peter down. In other words this kid saved my ass from what seemed like me potentially getting my neck sliced open.

"We need to get Scott." Stiles announces as as we approach his jeep.

"No you go. I need to go home first." I say looking around the parking lot. After a few seconds of hesitation he nods and we both go our separate ways.

I need to get home and hide something.



Alot of hoopla went down in this chapter. And yes I know, I took like a week putting this chapter up. But anyway here it is, excuse the mistakes which I'm sure there's alot, oh and thanks a ton for reading.

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