The Elite (Where the King is...

By kimpa11173789

224K 3.5K 1.1K

This book is a sequel to my other book, The Selection (Where the King is Nice) Please read that book before y... More

The Elite (Where the King is Nice)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Quick Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Important Question!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 17

6.5K 123 19
By kimpa11173789

(America's POV)
I hear a voice trying to wake me up.
"America.. America." I ignore it and keep my eyes closed. Dreamland was a nice place. The 2nd dream was, anyway. Not the 1st.
"America?" The voice doesn't sound familiar so I don't open my eyes. Wait, where am I? What happened? I'm too tired to process anything and my brain hurts from everything. Not that I remember anything that happened, but you know.
"America!" A voice whispers desperately. The stubborn part of me wants to keep my eyes closed and to get more rest. Not that I'm going to fall asleep with this person bothering me, anyway. The other part of me whispers, open your eyes. Whatever. I have nothing else to do.
"America!!" The doctor(?) says excitedly.
"You're awake!" I squint and try to remember the face. She has red hair like me and green eyes, too.
"Wait.. MOM?!" I scream and she hugs me tightly.
"Wait. MOM? Why am I here? Where am I? Was I sent home?" I ask frantically. Didn't Maxon say he loved me? Didn't I confess my love back to him?
"You're in a hospital," a new voice says. I look over.
"DAD!" I squeal and he hugs me tighter than mom did.
"Kitten," he says softly to me.
"W-What happened?" I ask him.
"Bombs hit the palace, sweetheart." I wrack my brain for that info but draw a blank.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"Bombs," my mom says slowly. I scoff. Yes, I heard the first time.
"No, really. I heard you the first time. What really happened?" I ask. This isn't the time to be fooling around.
"America, it's the truth," my father says softly.
"Then why don't I remember it?!" I snap back. Instantly, I regret it because worry clouds my father's eyes.
"Call the nurse," he says to my mom and she scurries off.
"America. I think you got brain damaged," he says quietly.
"Please understand." I nod and sit back in the hospital bed.
"So if the palace was bombed, where are we?" I ask uncertainly.
"Another smaller palace across the country." Just then, my mom bursts in the door with a doctor trailing behind her.
"I have to take a few tests, so I'll have to ask you to leave," the doctor says to my parents.
"No! Let them stay!" I beg her. She just shakes her head sadly so my parents leave.
"Alright, Lady America, I'm going to ask you questions and I want you to answer them to the best of your ability." She asks me questions like what's your full name, your birth place, where you live, the names of your family members, etc.
"Well that was easy," I comment.
"I'm going to ask you harder questions now," she responds. I suppress a groan. Of course this happens.
"What has happened in the past week?" I think for a minute. I don't actually remember much about it.
"Um well, I had a date with Maxon?" I say and the end of my sentence sounds like a question.
"Anything else you remember?" I shake my head. Is that a bad thing?
The doctor does some other tests and then looks up at me.
"Would you like to know what the results are?" She asks.
"Well, you re-broke your arm and your ankle is sprained. You have a few minor cuts and bruises on your face but that can be easily treated. I think, but I'll need to do more tests to confirm this, but I think you have kidney damage. And short term memory loss," she says while writing some things down on her paper.
"Is it true that a bomb fell on the palace?" I ask worriedly. The doctor sighs.
"Unfortunately, yes. You are lucky to be alive. The captain of the guards saved your life. A bomb fell in the room you were in. Luckily the guard captain was able to keep a straight head and had you get into a safe position." No. This can't be true. Did I really survive a bomb? No. Way. It's not possible.
"Will I ever get the memories I lost back?" Hopefully I will. It seems like I missed a lot. The doctor shrugged.
"We don't know that. We'll just have to wait and see." I nod.
"What about my kidney though? I-" But the door bursts open revealing a very stressed out Maxon.
"AMERICA!!" He shrieks,
"YOU'RE ALIVE!!! OH MY GOD!!!" He runs over and hugs me tightly. I wince ever so slightly because I feel a faint pain in my abdomen.
"Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!" He says and is about to kiss me. Until he realizes the doctor is standing right there.
"Sir, be careful, please. She's very fragile right now." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I'm not glass, ya know. When the doctor leaves, Maxon presses his lips firmly against mine. He kisses me hard, and I kiss him back.
"America.." He mumbles softly but then kisses me again desperately, as if he is afraid he'd lose me. My arms find themselves around his neck and I pull him closer. I kiss him harder and stronger. I missed him and the sensational I get while I'm around him.
All in all, I'm basically saying that I missed the love of my life.
"I thought I lost you," Maxon mumbles into my shoulder.
"I thought you were gone. Don't ever do that to me again!" He whispers louder this time. He pulls away and tears are falling down his face. I look to the side and see that my gown has tear stains on my shoulder. I reach up and wipe away his tears.
"I'm here now, Maxon. You don't have to worry about me," I murmur to him. He looks at me with sad eyes.
"I do have to worry about you, America. I'm afraid I'm going to lose you and you're the only one I've ever dreamed of having a future with." Now tears fill my eyes. Happy tears.
"I love you," he says to me. I smile back at him.
"I love you, too."

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