The Phantom

By OneAnxiousWreck

66.1K 1.7K 409

[DISCLAIMER: i do NOT own KnB or any photos used in this book] Kuroko is a very special boy, hes a legend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 14

2.4K 69 19
By OneAnxiousWreck

I stay there Looking at the floor, breathing heavily. Realisation and fear fills me, The only thing I'm scared of is coming back to haunt me. 

"Kuroko you okay?" Kagami asks, I nod.

"Just tired" I say back. My brother walks in and talks to the teacher. Wonder what he's saying. 

'T? What's wrong' Mirai asks

'I'll tell you later' I say back, Even though he's been with me my whole life, the incident happened when we were at odds so he was ignoring and blocking me out as he tried to take my body over and gain control. I was so lost in thought I hadn't realised I was shaking. 

"You're clearly not okay" Kagami says with a sigh. 

"No I'm fine Kagami" I say. He sighs in response. I stay quiet and stare at the floor, Images flash in my mind as i close my eyes tight, No I don't want to remember that day, I don't want to re-live it.

"Tetsuya" A voice calls, I look up to see Akashi

"Don't call me that" I say raising my voice, a lot more anger behind it. He needs to leave before I snap. 

"Why?" He asks bending down Kneeling in front of me, I feel more confident as I know there isn't a wall behind me this time, "There's gotta be more to it than you don't like it" He smiles. I hate how right he is. Screaming fills my head as I recall what happened years ago. I scowl and push him away from me with enough force to make him stumble a bit. 

"I don't like it, and I don't like you" I say, I stand up, as does he. Everyone crowds round 

"Kids" The teacher says, My brother stands by my side.

"Whats going on" He asks. 

"Tetsuya is being awkward" Akashi says, I clench my fists.

"What's going on" He asks me then whispers "You're shaking"

"I'll tell you later" I say "With mom and dad"

"Then this is bad?" He says, I nod slightly. 

"Kids calm down and get along" the teacher says

"I'll get along with him, when he starts listening to my orders" Akashi says. I roll my eyes

"Whatever" I say

"What happened in your past?" He asks, I freeze. He steps forward "I know you won't tell me, So I'll take your advice. I'll beat it out of you" He stares, I'm unable to move, Trapped under his powerful gaze. My brother steps in front of me, 

"Now now, Let's all calm down, We've had enough fighting for today" He says, I'm still frozen. Akashi keeps walking, The teacher steps in,

"Enough!" He yells making everyone stop and me snap out of my trance, I breath heavily. "Class is over, great work everyone, Kuroko, Akashi stay behind" He says, I groan as he looks at me. Akashi smiles. "I'll be waiting outside" Sumairu whispers to me and walks out with the rest of the class. The room shifts back and I sit on a chair, as does Akashi, he's opposite me. 

"Why is there world war 3 in my classroom?" The teacher asks, Akashi smiles

"I don't know what you're talking about" He says, the teacher sighs. 

"Kuroko, are you okay. You looked distressed during the fight" I freeze again and I nod, 

"Yep" I say.

"You two need to figure out your differences, In order to do this I have decided" He pauses and stands. "You two will work together during the next activity, This will be a two week long thing" My stomach drops, 

"I need to work with HIM?" I ask, The teacher nods. I sigh, 

"I'll give you more information tomorrow" The teacher says "And I want you both to get along, I'm sick off this fighting, I overlooked it last time but I will not stand for any more of this meaningless nonsense" Akashi nods and I nod too, To be honest I even want this to stop, I want to live a somewhat normal life, Or the life I was living before I came here. The teacher dismisses us and I leave the room, Quickly. I see my brother and Kagami and the rest of the generation outside. My brother smiles when he sees me, Akashi walks out after me

"I look forward to working with you" He says with a smug smile, he then adds "Tetsuya" I clench my fists, 

"What?" Everyone asks confused, We tell them what happened and they all looked shocked, I sigh and look down. 

"I called dad, We can talk when we get home" My brother says and walks away. I walk away with Kagami, Akashi shouts after me

"See you around, Tetsuya" He started saying my name slowly and drags it out, I clench my fists and turn around, If he wants to play? We can play 

"I told you, Don't call me that FUCKING name" I say back raising my voice, That name haunts me for many reasons, He would never understand, Sharing my past is a sign of weakness, and I refuse to show that. I walk off, The day needs to hurry up.

~Time skip~

After the last class, Me and Kagami are walking out of the school. My brother walks over

"Yo, Lets go" He says smiling, I nod. I say bye to Kagami, and start walking home. We get home and I sigh sitting on my seat. My dad and mom walks in. "We heard what happened" She says, I sigh 

"Yeah, Worried me a little" I say.

"A little?" My dad asks 

"I couldn't freak out right there could I?" I say

"You could have, You just didn't want to" He says sighing

"Yes, of course I didn't. What so people can see a weakness so they can View me like that? Hell no" I snap back. I catch myself "Sorry" I sigh and close my eyes.

"It's okay now right" My brother asks. I shake my head. My body shaking, "What? Why? Tetsu you're-" I cut him off by gasping and leaning forward, Coughing. Images fill my mind, Screaming fills my ears, The rooms silent. It's not my screaming, or my mom's, or my dad's, Or my brothers. 

"Oh my god" My parents scream running to my side. 

"YoU cAn'T eSCaPE mE" A voice booms In my head. I clutch it. My mother claps and sends a light green light around the room. I gasp for air. 

"Tetsu?" My dad asks.

"H-he's back" I say "I-I don't know how, Or why but T-that dream" I cough as my brother hands me some water, I drink it "It wasn't a dream" I place the glass down "Thank you" I say to my brother. He wraps his arms around me and I couldn't help but fall asleep. For some reason I was exhausted. 

Images flash before me. Death and suffering. Screams fill my ears. 

"HELP ME" The voice screams, I start running through the darkness, Following the voice, I get to a space and light fills the room, There in the centre of the room, Is a bloodied and dying form of, Him. He reaches out "H-help me" He says weakly, I try to move, But I'm frozen, Like back then. Panic fills me as I'm forced to watch Him wither away. I scream out. 

I bolt up screaming. My brother holds me. My mother kneels down and starts stroking my hair, Humming the same tune my brother did. My dad walks out and brings back a bowl of water. I realise I'm on the floor. 

"Lean back Kiddo" He says. I lean my head on the chair He places a cold towel on my head. 

'T?' Mirai says

'You know? Oh yeah you can get into my memories' I say back In my head like normal

'I-i'm so sorry, If only I had done SOMETHING'

'It's not your fault' I say back. I start coughing. My dad walks back in with another towel. 

"Shirt" He says, I look back at him confused but take my shirt off anyway, I look down to see Blood going down my chest, I look at it as my father wipes it away with a cold wet towel. 

"What the?" I say, He wipes the wound, The scar just above my heart had opened, "H-how?" I ask

"Not even I know" My dad says "Sumairu" He says nodding his head, My brother Places his hand over the now opened scar and heals it. 

'I can heal you' Mirai says, I can almost hear a pout, 

'yes you can, But I think they need this' I say to him. 

'Yeah' He says back, After my brothers done, I put my shirt on and stand. 

"I'll go make dinner" My mother says shaking. 

"Why?" I ask "You don't have to, I can make it or we could order something" She looks at me 

"Because" She starts, I cut her off

"I don't think any of us have the energy" I step forward "And you're clearly not okay, Just relax tonight" I smile, she smiles back, I hug her "I'm okay, I'll be okay. Promise" I say. I pull away and she smiles. 

"I remember when I was comforting YOU" She says placing a hand on my cheek I smile.

"Burgers?" My dad asks, We all nod. We all eat and I go back upstairs to shower. I come out of the shower and get dressed. My brother walks in. 

"We might as well get another bed in here" I joke, He smiles

"Not a bad idea" He says and lies down. 

. I lay in my own bed and go to sleep.


I walk into the the first class, Yawning as I didn't get much sleep. As I walk in the teacher smiles "Kuroko" He says, 

"Yeah?" I ask

"Sit next to Akashi" He says, My breath catches and people gasp,

"What?" I ask

"Just for now" He says and pushes me towards the empty seat next to Akashi, I groan and sit down.

"Fucks sake" I whisper, He kicks me from under the table. I glare at him and he smirks.

"Now class" The teacher starts. "You will be working in pairs, as a team building exercise or whatever.  We'll be going away for 2 weeks and I'll tell you what You'll be doing when we get there. I have already decided your pairs. Akashi and Kuroko are at the top of the list" I groan. He then proceeds to tell the others. I let the words register then, It hits me. I look back at the door as I hear someone walk in, It's my brother. "He will be accompanying us" The teacher says. I'm guessing my eyes say it all as he nods in understanding.

"Room arrangements?" He asks

"In the pairs" The teacher responds, My stomach drops, "That is all, Here's a list of what you need and a consent form." He adds "Now, Go train, we leave tomorrow" He says and the room shifts, I walk over to my brother

"This is bad" I say

"It'll be fine, I'm working on something" He says, I nod and get on with the lesson.

"Kuroko" Riko yells, I turn around 

"Yeah?" I ask, She smiles and lifts up a sword. "Come train with Koganei" I tilt my head. "Think of me as a coach, I'll help you get better. You're good but need improvement" I groan.

"Okay COACH lead the way" I say, She smiles. I focus on training, though I don't need it but I do it anyway. Am I really going to share a room with Akashi? What if I have more Nightmares. No, that's not a What IF question. What about WHEN I have a nightmare? I sigh after we did some more practice. I will survive this, I won't show weakness. 

~Time skip~

At the end of the day me and my brother walk home. Getting inside I say, well, more like yell 

"What the actual fuck" My brother smiles, 

"I'm working on something"  he replies with confidence

"what?" I say raising my voice in panic, My parents come out. We explain.

"If I don't go people will assume stuff" I say, My parents nod. They sign the forms and My mother comes up to help me pack.

"I honestly don't need help" I say smiling

"Be a child for 5 minutes please" She says, I sigh 

"Yes Mom" She smiles and helps. My brother walks in with a bottle and passes it to me. "whats this?" 

"Something to help you sleep peacefully" He says

"It work?" I ask

"We can try it tonight. Just take like a cap full" He smiles. I smile back. 

"Thanks" I say 

"We can't use it as a permanent fix as we don't know the effects It will have, Don't get too confident with it, This is just to stop you panicking, you know they get worse when they do" I smile and nod, and we continue with our night. He really does surprise me.


I feel like this story is getting worse as I write more of it, I don't know, what do you guys think?

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