The logo family

By Broken_fangirl_2002

978 38 18

well I think the first part explains everything pretty well More

Meet the logo family
Chapter one~be careful around the female green one
chapter two~ don't disappoint the little one
Chapter three~ different types of love
chapter four ~ What will they think
chapter five~ what will they think pt 2
chapter six~ Friday afternoon
chapter seven~ a splash of milk
chapter 8 ~ facing the dorks
Not quite an update
chapter nine ~ what it's just midnight
Chapter ten ~ talk with Tim in the front hall
Chapter eleven ~ texts from across the world
chapter twelve ~ being with you again
chapter fourteen ~ being at home
Chapter fifteen - its only a call way
chapter sixteen ~ having dinner with his family pt 1
chapter seventeen ~ having dinner with the family pt. 2
Im sorry

chapter thirteen~ the pretty night sky

22 0 0
By Broken_fangirl_2002

Xander shook Sam awake from where she lay. Sam sturred from her deep sleep opening her eyes to see Xander standing above her.

"Good morning." Sam's voice was groggy in the morning and she sounded quiet and soft. Sam rubbed her eyes and sat up

"You're finally awake." Xander laughed at the girl her green hair had fallen out of the braided that she had tied it into the night before and was slightly curling around her face.

"Sorry, I'm a bit of a heavy sleeper," Sam shrugged and pushed her self up from Xanders bed "What time is it?" Sam looked around for the phone she left on the ground

"Don't worry it's only 10:30" Xander answered before she could find her phone.

"Oh good, so it's early," Sam rolled her eyes at Xander's words.

"Get dressed where going out. Don't wear fancy shit" Xander told Sam then left the bedroom he was already dressed in black cargo shorts and a graphic tee shirt with a bad Mario pun on it.

Sam looked through her suitcase and finally found something to wear which was jean shorts that ended high thigh with the pockets showing out of the bottom a blue crop top that she tied up in the middle then pulled on Tims leather jacket. It was Sam now but it still smelt like him and was kind of big for her.

After looking in the mirror she grabs her makeup bag and hairbrush choosing to pull her hair into a high ponytail, not her bangs though. Then lightly applied a light brown eyeshadow to the lids of her eyes than black eyeliner with a small wing. Sam grabbed her dark blue lipstick applying it before putting in in her small green and blue backpack she had to pull out from her suitcase, then put her phone wallet and her just in case pad in the bag before looking at her self one last time.

"Good enough," Sam said to no one really. Before heading downstairs to wear Xasnder stood with his friends as Sam hopped down the stairs all the guy's jaws dropped.

"Um wow Sam you look nice," Max studdered over his words before Xasnder shot him a glare

"Thanks, Max this is just something I threw together" Sam shrugged, "I think this is the first time I got to leave the house without objections to what I'm wearing but getting compliments" Sam laughed

"Why?" Justin asked

"oh my boys are loyal to my father and he thinks of me as his little girl still," Sam smiled

"wow, so your boys are the guys you live with?" Jaxs asked

"yeah they have known me since I was a wee gal and I wanted to go to a better school so they moved in with me so I could go to the school of my choice and build connections to people in the states" Sam smiled then walked dot the door

they day was filled with seeing different things going shopping and things like that a sunset the group spit up with sam and xasnder going down the central park the sun shone against the water

"it beautiful down here" Sam grinned looking at the suns reflection

"it is I sometimes come her when things get stressful when the world changes on a dime"

"I love a bit of mystery to my world change but in my world, everything changes it so fast pace" Sam explained she reached to touch the water creating ripples in the water.

"but when change comes for me its something like my dad is leaving again or my sisters sick i want things to stay good" Xander spoke when things changed in his life he lost people or watched them suffer

"I know it's scary I watched Tim's brother go threw medical treat met for six years and he's still not back to the way he once was, but I learned you take the good with the bad you hope for a happy ending because if you don't believe everything will turn out alright then it won't," Sam pulled Xanders head onto her shoulder and they sat on the park bench until the sun was gone from the sky leaving behind the moon and stars

"I like to believe the sun is like my dad you didn't know what he brought to the day until it was gone but after awhile you learn the night is just as beautiful as those days used to be" Xander broke the silence

"its beautiful out tonight" sam remarked at the moon and shineing stars the ones so powerful they passed the gas around the city.

"Sam would you be my girlfriend" Xander asked holding her hand in his looking at her face to see what she was going to say

"yes Alexander I will be your girlfriend" Sam grinned then kissed him softly for the first time their lips connected and sparks flew sam reacher her hands into Xander's soft brown hair and tangled her fingers in the locks xasnder pulled Sam closer to him and wrapped his arms around her waist. the time melted away before Sam pulled away from there kiss and looked into Xander's eyes

"we should get back to your place it getting dark out and I dont want to be mugged." sam smiled and stood up reaching her hand back to help him up

"of coures come the night is beatful in new york" Tim grab her hand and they walked down all the crowded streets and realised they had found the answer to the questions they were looking for

'can you love someone enough to lose your self in them?'


heyyyyyy I hope you guys are liking my story and aren't super annoyed with my grammar if you want to help me check it over and make my story even better and more enjoyable message me


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